Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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    November 07, 2001
PageB2_________________________ {Eljr Jîartlanh ©bseruer
Gallery of Korean Calligraphy
Throughout Nov.
T he Interstate F irehouse C ultural C enter w ill be show ing recent paint­
ings o f O k Ji R adda and ''H an g u l'' (K orean w riting) calligraphy and late
1 9 “’ century K orean calligraphy tools and furnishings will be on display.
T he IFCC gallery is located at 5340 N. Interstate A ve. G allery hours are
Tuesday through Friday, from 11 a. m .- 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 12p.m.
C 1 A IN H E N I
- 4 p .m . Call 503-823-2072.
OMSIs Really Big Aim Festival
The “Instant Composers Pool”
Through Jan. 16
T he O regon M useum o f Science and Industry’s O M N IM A X Theatre
w ill be brining back six o f the m ost popular large screen film s during the
“A Really Really Big Film Festival, running through Jan. 16. The six films
include: “E verest,” “T he L iving Sea,” “A ntarctica,” “D olphins.” “M ys­
teries o f E gypt” and “ D estinies in S pace.” F or a schedule o f film s, go
online t o w w w .om si.edu.
The American Advertising Museum
Nov. 8 - Dec. 2
Dance Concert at Reed College
Nov. 9,10
T he Reed C ollege fall dance concert will take place on Friday and
Saturday, Nov. 9 and 10, at 8 p.m. in Kaul A uditorium . Tickets w ill be
available at the door. There w ill be A frican dance and a collection o f
other dances by Reed students. C all 503-777-7755.
The HalntNov. 9,10,16,17
For the first tim e, the N ew Y ork Art Directors Club is sending the winners
o f its prestigious annual international advertising and design com pe­
tition to Portland. T he best o f 133 entries w ill be on display at the
A m erican A dvertising M useum , located at 211 NW . 5"’ and D avis on
Nov. 8 - Dec. 2. T his year again, there is a Student Category in the annual
C oH o Productions, a new 90-seat theater in N orthw est Portland is
opening w ith “T he H aint,” a Southern G othic ghost story w ith 13
outlandish characters - and a cast o f one, T roy M ink. C oH o Theater,
located 2257 NW . Raleigh St., will present "The H aint” on Nov. 9-10 and
1 6 -1 7 ,10:30p.m. Call for reservations at 503-295-3565.
aw ards. For m ore info., go online to w w w .adm useum .org.
God's Favorite
Music In the Museum Series
Inspired by the book of Job in the Old Testament, Neil Simon’s play "God’s
Favorite” will be performed in the Very Little Theatre on the Warner Pacific
College campus, located at 2219 SE. 68% from Nov. 9-18. Matinees are at 3 p.m.
and evening performances begin at 7:30p.ip. Call503-517-1207.
Friday, Nov. 9
A ttend an innovative evening o f m usic and art w ith M usic in the
M useum at the Portland A rt M useum on Friday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m . in the
W hitsell A uditorium . 'Hie second concert in the series features the band
D urango Park. C om e see and hear w hat inspires m usicians from the
N orthw est in the M u se u m 's perm anent collection. For the M useum 's
p r o g ra m m in g ,
c a ll
50-3 -2 2 6 -2 8 1 1
o n lin e
w w w .portlandartm useum .org.
Don’t Drink the Water
Nov. 9,10,11
C entral Catholic High School D ram a D epartm ent presents “D on’t Drink
the W ater,” a W oody A llen com edy o f catastrophe, suspense and
rom ance set behind the early 1960s Iron Curtain. T his show is appropri­
ate for the entire fam ily and runs Nov. 9 and 10 at 7:30 p.m. and on N o v .
11 at 2 p.m. in Central C atholic’s Perform ing A rts Center. Call 503-235-
Nov. 9 -1 8
New American Girt Fashions
Saturday, Nov. 10
In a celebration o f the spirit o f A m erican girlhood, the A m erican Girl
Fashion Show w ill feature a fresh, updated look show casing historical
and contem porary A m erican Girl fashions Nov. lOat 10a.m ., 1 p.m. and
4 p.m. and Nov. 11 at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the M ultnom ah Athletic
Club. C all 503-416-6327 o r go online to w w w .orsym phonv.org/osw a .
Ireland’s Mary Black In Concert
Tuesday, Nov. 13
Singer M ary B lack, a star in her native Ireland w ho is becom ing
renow ned internationally for her folk and contem porary interpretations,
will perform on T uesday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the A rlene Schnitzer
Concert H all in an added, non-orchestra O regon Sym phony Special
Events concert. For tickets, call 503-228-1353,790-ARTS or go online to
w w w .orsyrnphony.org.
“Bully the Kid” Theatre
M u ltic u ltu r a l
U n is e x H a ir A r t
Tuesday, Nov. 13
Enjoy a m usical presentation on “Bully the K id” about a kid itching to
take over the tow n o f Pinnacle M ountain. The play heightens aw areness
about bully/victim problem s, show s the distinction betw een tattling
and telling, and dram atizes w ays to deal with bully behavior. “ Bully the
K id” w ill be playing at the St. Johns Com m unity C enter, located at 8427
N. Central, from 3:3G p.m .-4 :1 5 p.m. Call 503-823-3192.
Boz Scaggs Returns
5 5 0 1 NE 3 0th A v en u e
P o r t l a n d , OR 9 7 2 11
Wednesday, Nov. 14
Boz Scaggs is back and on tour in support o f his latest V irgin release
First time customers 20% off
Senior Citizen Discount
Make an appointment for a
Tuesday or Wednesday
20% off chemical services
* M c M l N A M I N S
- j
Wed., Nov. 21
Nov. 22 - Jan. 1
A sensational display o f lights and anim ation w ill span the track at
Portland International R acew ay for w inter w onderland. Enjoy the larg­
est drive-through light show in the N orthw est right from the com fort o f
your ow n car. T raditional favorites include S an taju m p in g dow n an 84-
foot ski slope, reindeer flying o ver your car and the vivid color o f the
giant poinsettia arch. The show opens Nov. 22. Times are Sunday through
Thursday, from 5 p.m. - 1 0 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, from 5 p.m. -1 1 p.m.
America’s Largest Christmas Bazaar
November 23,25,30; December 2
T he unique shopping extravaganza called A m erica's Largest Christm as
B azaar w ill take place again this holiday season during the w eekends o f
Friday, Nov. 23 - Sunday, N ov. 25, and Friday, N ov. 30 - Sunday, Dec.
2 at the Portland Expo C enter. M ore than 1,000 booths filled w ith gifts
for people o f all ages w ill be featured. C all 503-224-5384.
O n sale r ig h t n o w
W eight W atchers .
Funny thing about willpower: you
have a lot more of it on a full stomach
than an empty one.That's why
Winning Points is so effective: you get
to eat the foods you like, so you
stay satisfied, stay w ith the
program , and lose. It's th a t
simple This special offer won’t
last, so join now! U1NNIN9 P oints
J o in n o w for only $32
Northminster Press. Church
2823 N. Portland Blvd.
Thursday, N ovem ber 22
1 pm to 7 pm
Join us fo r .1 d e lic io u s 1 h a n k s g is m g B u lle t served in
the w a rm c o m m u n ity s e ttin g of the h is to ric g y m n a s iu m .
Glisan St. Baptist Church
10401 N.E. Glisan
$ 9 9"» lo r c h ild re n 6 to I 2
Temple Baptist Church
1319 N.E. 7th
Free fo r those 3 .tod u n d e r
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Timberline Dodge
2510 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
Tillimook Park Bldg.
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3 ) i d • P o r tl a n d , ( b e g u n
( 3 0 3) 2 l9 .398.)
\ \ \ \ w .n u m e n u in m s < <>ni
Winter Wonderland
1.800.651.6000 w eightw atchers.com
3 ~ 36 M l
It's a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas
D esigned to delight the w hole fam ily, M annheim Steam rollerC hristm as
is a sound, light and video extravaganza, com bining the best o f high
technology with A m erica’s m ost cherished holiday traditions. T hey will
be giving a holiday concert on W ednesday, Nov. 21 at the Portland Rose
Garden. Call 503-224-4400.
W illpower .
. - •• • .t.i Ktaii'.uxLi.taH.U'ii
( ost is $ 1 8 .“ 5 p e r a d u lt
Saturday, Nov. 17
- «
History of African American Buildings
The third and final com m unity-organizing forum for the Bosco-M illigan
F o undation’s A frican A m erican buildings history docum entary-in­
progress is scheduled for Saturday, N ov. 17 at the V ancouver A venue
First Baptist C hurch, located at 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. The free
show ing o f the video docum entary focuses on A frican A m erican
cultural resources.
A gins
E ssays by J ulia C hance
P ocket B ooks ; 2001
Pulitzer Prize-w inning photog­
rapher M ichelle V. Agins and
w riter Julia C hance have paired
together to create “Sisterfirends:
Portraits o f Sisterly Love,” an
intim ate and engaging look into
the tim eless bonds o f sisterhood. W ritten in forty-nine essays,
illum inated by endearing photographs, “Sisterfriends” encom ­
passes the true spirit o f sisterly love in real life stories o f both
w ell-know n and unsung African- American w om en from a vast
collage o f social, geographical and econom ic backgrounds.
Friday, Nov. 16
T he Fam ily V alues T our com es to Portland featuring guest artists Stone
Tem ple Pilots, Staind, Linkin Park, Static X and D eadsy. T hey will all be
perform ing at the R ose G arden A rena on Friday, Nov. 16 at 9 a.m . Call
T icketm aster at 503-224-4400 or go online to w w w .roseouarter.com or
At th e Mcvies
The Family Values Tour
Portraits of
Sisterly Love
Thursday, Nov. 15
T he C reative M usic G uild is proud to present T he “ Instant C om posers
Pool” O rchestra, one o f E u ro p e’s m ost im portant im provising large
ensem bles, in a rare return engagem ent. T he orchestra features nine o f
H o llan d 's greatest im provising m usicians. T his collective is respon­
sible for som e o f the m ost im portant collaborations w ith great practitio­
ners o f im provisational jazz. T he IC P O rchestra will be in concert at the
O ld C hurch, located at 1422SW . 1P Ave. at 8 p.m. C all 503-772-0772.
In Print
“D ig.” This is the artists' first collection o f original material in over seven
years and h e 's bringing this new , sophisticated groove to Portland. Best
know n for his ‘70s hits, S caggs will be at the Schnitzer H all on W ednes­
day, Nov. J 4 at 8 p.m. Call T icketm aster at 503-224-4400 or go online to
w w w .ticketm aster.com or w w w .hob,coin-
Valid at part«
'tr w l.m l IlW UVI
k r a l s n i ftw « lim ited tin»»
Jet Li demonstrates his martial arts mastery
in “The One".
The One
Jet Li is Gabriel Yulaw, a police officer who comes
face to face with a villainous form o f him self escaped
from a parallel universe. Y ulaw tries to fight o ff his evil
version, but in so doing begins to realize his perception
of reality is changing. Yulaw must confront the evil
which already lies hidden in himself. (Genre: sci-fi,
action, comedy; Rating: PG-13)
Monsters Inc.
Monsters, Inc. is the largest scare factory in the
monster world, but scaring children isn’t as easy a job
as it seems: everyone knows children are toxic and
direct contact with them can be catastrophic! When
Boo, a child visitor from the human world, finds thé
Monster world, everything goes topsy turvy, and top
kid “Scarer” James P. Sullivan (a huge intimidating
monster with blue fur, large purple spots and horns,
who’s known as “Sulley”) and his Scare Assistant,
Mike Wazowski, (a lime green, opinionated, fiesty,
one-eyed monster) prove they may not be as tough as
they look. (Genre: animation, children’s comedy;
Rating: G; Running time: 92 mins.)
The life and times of a group of twentysomething
black gay men living in West Hollywood proves to be
intertwined and full of romance. The group is led by
Marcus, a successful photographer who doesn’t re­
ally date until drop-dead-gorgeous Darby moves in to
his new neighbor, he finds (much to his chagrin) that
Darby is straight. From there Marcus heads o ff to
drown his sorrow at Miss Smokies, a favorite gay bar.
There he catches up with Hill (who moves in with
Marcus after he catches his boyfriend cheating on
him), Dante (a young, hellbent pariter who leans
heavily on drugs and alcohol), and Chris (a fabulous
diva drag queen who adds just the right amount o f flair
into their already dramatic lives). (Genre: comedy,
romance, drama, music; Rating: MPAA; Running
time: 104 mins.)