\v m w.portlandobserver.com ( O ni il i i 11 f il to C u ltiiru l Diversity November 07, 2001 Win' ^ o rtía n b (Observer SECTION “ffividc/itity tfa itd a n d ö (ia tn tn u n itie s” ont m n n itu *—I a I e n ö a r Ribs on the Platter; Grocery Opening Soon Mediation Month Gov. John K itzhaber has declared N ovem ber M ediation M onth. T he N eighborhood M ediation C enter cel­ ebrates m ediation every day o f the y ear, en c o u ra g in g p eo p le to talk th ro u g h th e ir d iffe re n c e s to w a rd peaceful solutions. For volunteer train­ ing opportunities, call the center at 503-823-3152. Alzheimer’s Disease Month Join the A lzheim er’s A ssociation for a very touching candlelight m em orial on the steps o f the O regon S tate C aapitol honoring those w ho suffer from A lzheim er’s D isease and their fam ilies. T he event will be held at the O regon State C apitol in Salem on W ednesday, N ov. 7, from 7-8 p.m. Weatherization Workshop The Com m unity Energy Project will be holding a free w orkshop on W eather­ ization at the Albina Youth Opportunity School, located at 3710 N. M ississippi St. on Thursday, Nov. 8, from 6-8 p.m. Call Stella Stadtherr at 503-284-4962. Final touches are being made to the New Seasons grocery store (above), just south of where an old grocery once stood. Nearby, Wayne Cannon of Rib Express (left) prepares some of Portland's best ribs and barbecue beef, pork and chicken for customers outside his new restaurant, one of a group of retail developments in this Concordia intersection at Northeast 33rd and Killingsworth. New Seasons is planning a Dec. 5 grand opening. Native American Heritage Month photos by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver The M ultnom ah County C om m ission­ ers M aria de Steffey and S erena C ruz will introduce a resolution that will proclaim N ovem ber as N ational N a­ tive A m erican H eritage M onth in M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty on T h u rsd ay , N ov.8at 11:30a.m., 501SE. Hawthorne. N ative drum m ing, dancing and a brief cerem ony will follow at 12:30 p.m. Feminist Terrorism Response R adical W om en hosts a round-table discussion encom passi ng m any o f the questions generated by the events o f Sept. 11 and the U .S. g overnm ent’s subsequent bom bing o f A fghanistan. T he event w ill be held on W ednesday, Nov. 1 4 ,7 p .m .,a tth e B rea d an d R o ses Center, located at 819 N. K illingsw orth in Portland. A buffet is included. Call 503-2404462. Group Joins Multi-Cultural Hall of Fame Airport Makes Plans for Holidays, Security Filipino Lantern Making Portland Parks and R ecreation’s Se­ nior Recreation program w ill be offer­ ing a class on F ilipino P aper Lantern M aking w ith F ernando D acdalan as the instructoron Friday, Nov. 16, from 10:30 a.m . - 1 2 :3 0 p.m . T raditionally m ade for the w inter holidays, the parol (paper la n tern ) is hung as a sym bol o f the seaso n 's light. T his is a free event. Early Christmas Shopping T he shops and restaurant at A lbertina Kerr, located at 424 NE. 22nd w ill be open for early C hristm as shopping on Saturday, Nov. 10. Shoppers m ay b e­ gin or conclude the “Saturday out” with lunch at A lbertina’s, where a three- course gourm et luncheon is offered at 11:30a.m . and 1:15 p.m. R eservations are essential and m ay be m ade by calling 503-231-0216. Ray Leary Emery Barnes HarryJerome by M ichael L eighton youth program serving north and north­ east Portland; boxing cham pion Thad Spencer; and the late Em ery Barnes and the late H arry Jerom e, form er U niversity o f O regon athletes. Spencer launched the Hall o f Fame last year. He is w orking on plans for a facility to house the hall in southeast Portland. Boxing great Ken N orton will m ake a guest appearence at Sunday's event. H opson and Leary led Jefferson High School to the state cham pionship in bas­ ketball in 1972. Barnes was a football great at O regon, w hile Jerom e achieved star status in track at O regon. O ther boxing legends Joe Frazer, G eorge Forem an, M ustafa M uham m ad and Ron L yle w ill receive recognition during S unday' s dinner as honorary’ 2001 H all o f Fam e inductees. T h e first a th le te s in d u c ted in to the p re stig io u s g ro u p w ere O reg o n sp o rts g rea ts M el R en fro , D enny M oyer. R ay L am p k in , Jim Ja rv is an d W o o d ro w G reen. S u n d ay ’s d inner w ill begin w ith a no host cocktail hour at 6 p.m. w ith the dinner and aw ards cerem ony at 7 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call T had Spencer at 503-221-0288. T he P ortland O bserver Som e o f the best athletes in O regon sports history w ill be honored Sunday, Nov. 11 w hen the M ulti-C ultural Sports Hall o f Fam e presents its 2nd Annual Sports o f Fam e D inner at the G overnor H otel in Portland. Terry Baker, a graduate o f Jefferson H igh School and the w inner o f the 1962 H eism an Trophy as a quarterback at O r­ egon State, is one o f six 2001 Hall o f Fame inductees. T he others are Tony H opson and Ray Leary, co-founders o f S elf-E n­ hancem ent, Inc., a nationally recognized Author Ernest Gaines to Speak at Lewis & Clark Thursday Ernest J. G aines, one o f the m ost popu­ lar and critically acclaim ed authors in America, will present the Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Society Distinguished Visiting Scholar Lecture, at 7:30 p.m .. T hursday, Nov. 8 in the A gnes Flanagan C hapel at L ew is & C lark College. The lecture is free and open to the public. “For alm ost four decades, the novels o f Ernest G aines have done for the people o f L ouisiana — black and w hite. C reole and m ulatto— what the fiction o f W illiam F aulkner did for M ississippi," says John F. C allahan, a professor o f hum anities at Lew is & Clark. “G aines is a w riter’s w riter by virtue o f his stunning fidelity to the speech and experiences o f the people. By virtue o f its authentic creation o f the past. G ain es’s w ork has helped shape a changing soci­ ety in L ouisiana and the entire A m erican South," C allahan said. G aines w as the fifth generation in his 5 Ernest J. Gains has helped shape a changing society in Louisiana and the entire American South. fam ily to be bom on the R iver Lake plan­ tation in Pointe C oupée Parish. La. His stories o f rural Louisiana have garnered glow ing review s for their sensi - * 'When I speak to black students about Hemingway, they often ask me what I expect them to learn from that white man. I tell them: all Hemingway wrote about was grace under pressure. And he was talking about you. Can you tell me a better example o f grace under pressure than our people fo r the past 300 years? Grace under pressure isn ’t just about bullfighters and men at war. It's about getting up every day to face a job or a white boss you don’t like but have to face to feed your children so they 'll grow up to a better generation.' - Ernest J. Gaines tive depictions o f blacks struggling for dignity in the face o f obstacles. At the age o f nine, he was picking cotton in the plantation fields. H e left the plantation w hen he w as 15 to jo in his parents, w ho had m oved to C alifornia during W orld W ar II. He attended San Francisco State University and later won a w riting fellow ­ ship to S tanford U niversity. H is novel. “A L esson Before D ying," w as nom inated for a Pulitzer Prize and garnered num erous honors, including the Best Fiction A w ard by the National Book Critics Circle. H is career spans m ore than 35 years, and his works include "Catherine Carm ier" (1964). “O f Love and D ust" (1967), "T he A utobiography o f M iss Jane Pittm an" (1971), “In My F ath e r's H ouse" (1978), “A G athering o f O ld M en” (1983) and “A Lesson Before D ying" (1993). He also authored “B loodline"! 1968), a collection o f short stories. In 1974. his n o v el, “T he A u to b io g ra­ phy o f M iss Jane P ittm an ." w as ad ap ted for te le v isio n and w on nine E m m y A w ards. (A P) - Portland International A irport may reopen 1,100choice parking spaces for the holiday season, but the m ove w ould require airport officials to search all vehicles that w ant to park in those spaces. A ftertheSept. 11 attacks, the Federal A viation A dm inistration declared the spaces off-lim its, saying a car bom b w ould devastate term inal areas. So far, the red-tagged areas have not been needed in the 3,300-slot garage. W ith the holiday season com ing, ho w ­ ever, PD X m ay reopen the spaces from T hanksgiving through February 2002. The Port o f Portland, which ow ns the garage, charged $3 an hour for the short­ term parking spaces. Sim ilar plans to reopen risky areas in exchange for ca r searches are being considered in N ew O rleans and H arris­ burg, Pa., officials said. For PDX, Thanksgiving will be a major test, as passenger num bers reach near normal with security still above normal. Airline officials have authorized more security em ployees in an effort to keep screening to about 15 m inutes, even on the airp o rt's busiest w eek o f the year. In P o rtlan d , ab o u t 100 security screeners have been hired and are b e­ ing trained. Som e o f the busiest co n ­ courses - such as those for D elta and United - will open three additional check­ point lanes during the holiday season As screeners arc trained, “they will be scheduled where they are most needed, like during the morning rush," said Steve Johnson, an airport spokesman. Passengers are also being told not to wrap Christm as gifts, said Lezli G oheen, area m arketing m anager for Southw est A irlines in Portland. "This year the gift w rap probably will prom pt the scanner crew to ask that the gift be opened for inspection," she said. O riginally, tw o Portland super-scan­ ning m achines w ere for suitcases going to U nited A ir L ines o r A laska/H orizon flights. But all airlines w ere supplying random ly chosen luggage last w eek. The choice o f bags to scan is controlled by com puter, not by ticket personnel. P o rtla n d 's S e p te m b e r p a sse n g e r count w as dow n 31 percent. F or N o ­ vem ber. the prediction is 85 percent o f norm al volume. « 1