—a^cA2------------------------------------------ ®l|e 53ortlattò ODhserUer--------------------------------- November 07,2001 Reward Offered for Fugitive T he M ultnom ah County D is­ trict A tto rn ey ’s O ffice, in coop­ eration w ith C rim e S toppers, is asking for your help in identify­ ing and apprehending an indi­ vidual w anted for identity theft and possession o f a controlled substan ce. O n M arch 21, a P ort o f P ort­ land p o lic e o ffic er sto p p ed a ca r in w h ic h the su sp e ct w as a p assen g e r. T he in d iv id u a l ap ­ p eared to be u n d er the in flu ­ ence o f d ru g s, and th e o ffic er lo cated w h at w as b eliev e d to be co c ain e u n d er the seat. The su spect w as c ite d fo r p o sse s­ sion o f a c o n tro lle d su b stan ce and released. Police would like to hear from anyone who may know this m an's true identity. W hen asked his nam e, the sus­ pect gave the false last nam e of Seeley w ith the correct inform a­ tion o f a real individual by that name. T he real Mr. Seeley was later arrested, but then released w hen it w as determ ined that the suspect had apparently used the v ictim ’s identity. T he suspect is a w hite m ale, w hose first nam e m ay be Adam. Investigators w ould like to hear from anyone w ho m ay know his true identity and location. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, reported to Crim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an ar­ rest in this case, or any unsolved felony crim e, and you need not give your name. Call Crime §top- pers at 503-823-HELP. Police Solve Child Abandonment (A P ) - P olice have fo u n d the m o ther o f a 2 -y ear-o ld g irl w ho w as a b a n d o n e d a n d p a s s e d am ong ca reg iv e rs, but w o u ld not say w h ere she w as fo u n d or w hy she ab a n d o n ed her d au g h ter. L isa M arie K insey, 21, o f Las V egas ap p a ren tly is “try in g to get aw ay fro m a p e rso n she d o e sn ’t w an t an y th in g to do w ith” and is c h o o sin g not to have c o n ta c t w ith h e r fam ily , said Sgt. B rian Schm autz, a P o rt­ land p o lic e spo k esm an . K insey apparently left the girl, D ina Jad e R oy, w ith so m eo n e she barely knew in P ortland early 4 young girl remains in foster care after being abandoned by her mother. la st m onth. D ina w as initially handed from c a re g iv e r to c a re g iv e r b efo re Voice for Eco-Terrorists Ordered to Testify (A P )— Craig R osebraugh o f Portland, a form er spokesm an for a group o f m ilitant environ­ m entalists seen as terrorists by the FBI, says U.S. m arshals have served him a subpoena to testify before a congressional subcom ­ mittee. T he H ouse subcom m ittee on forests and forest health ordered him to appear on Feb. 12, said R osebraugh, w ho sent out new s releases and spoke out on be­ half o f the Earth Liberation Front. In a new s release faxed to the A ssociated Press on Thursday, he said “m ore actions, like those o f the ELF, are needed to stop th e d e s tr u c tio n c a u s e d b y g reedy, co rru p t co rp o ratio n s and politicians." He also com pared m em bers o f C ongress to terrorists. R osebraugh said agents have c o n d u c te d tw o raid s on his hom e. H e says he has received seven subpoenas to appear b e­ fore federal grand ju ries investi­ gating the E L F but has repeat­ edly refused to testify. so m eb o d y c a lle d the state D e ­ p artm en t o f H u m an S erv ice s on O ct. 17. D H S o b ta in e d te m p o ­ rary cu sto d y o f th e ch ild the next day, an d p o lice b eg an lo o k ­ ing fo r h er p aren ts. C a re g iv e rs p ro v id ed little in ­ fo rm a tio n to p o lice. N o o ne had rep o rted a m issin g c h ild that m a tc h e d D in a ’s d e s c rip tio n , m ak in g the in v e stig a tio n m ore d ifficu lt, S ch m au tz said. T h e M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty d is ­ tric t atto rn ey ’ s o ffice w ill d eter­ m ine w h eth er to p u rsu e crim inal ch arg es ag a in st the m o th er. T he to d d ler rem ain s at a fo ste r hom e an d in sta te cu sto d y . Former Vanport Priest Suit by A malie Y oung T he A ssociated P ress T w o w om en filed an $8.6 m il­ lion law suit against the A rchdio­ cese o f P o rtlan d on M onday, claim ing they w ere repeatedly abused by their priest and that a nun w itnessed the abuse but did nothing. The women, sisters who are now 60 and 61 and identified only as P.L. and R.E., alleged the abuse oc­ curred in 1948, when their family temporarily becam e homeless dur­ ing the devastating Vanport flood. Father C arl W achter often v is­ ited the sisters — then 7 and 8 — at the Christie School, a hom e for girls operated by the archdiocese, according to the lawsuit. D uring those visits, W achter repeatedly m olested the girls, ac­ cording to court docum ents. A nun w itnessed the abuse but continued to take the girls to see W achter, the suit alleges. “W e have kept this as a sham e­ ful and hum iliating secret for d e­ cades,” the sisters said in a state­ m ent released M onday. “W e wish we had the strength to do this m any years ago.” W ach terd ied in January 1992. He served as assistant pastor or pastorffom 1939to 1983 in several O reg o n parishes — including M ilw aukie, L ebanon, M onroe, C oos Bay and Portland. A rchdiocese o f Portland C han­ cellor M ary Jo Tully issued a state­ ment on M onday, saying the arch­ diocese "condem ns the abuse or intentional neglect o f children.” Still, the statem ent said, “D eal­ ing with a law suit involving things w hich allegedly happened more than 50 years a g o ... and w hen the priest w ho allegedly was involved is long since dead, presents great challenges to the legal system as w ell as to the archdiocese.” O regon law allow s victim s o f child abuse to file claim s even if alleged sexual abuse took place decades earlier. In 1999, the O regon Suprem e C ourt ruled that the archdiocese can be held liable as the em ployer o f an abusive priest. In their statem ent, the sisters said they decided to com e for­ w ard as an exam ple to oth er abuse victims. Evidence Gathered in Drowning Portland Police Bureau detectives are looking for any person w ho may have seen or talked with a w om an w ho drow ned in the area o f the Ross Island Bridge in the early m orning hours o f Sept. 29. Shannon B ren M ahaffy, 23, w as found in the W illam ette River. T he southeast Portland w om an w as last seen at approxim ately 12:30 a.m. near the intersection o f Pow ell B oulevard and Southeast 14lh A venue. She w as w earing a black t-shirt, black denim pants and black boots. M ahaffy w as d escribed as a w hite female, 5 foot, 8 inches tall and weighing 130 pounds, w ith dark black hair. A nyone w ith inform ation is asked to call D etec­ tive Sergeant C heryl K anzler at (503) 823-0865 or D etective Sergeant Paul W eatheroy at (503) 823- 0458. Shannon Mahaffy Mother to Stand Trial in Daughter’s Murder ( A P) - T ria l has b een set for A ug. 12 fo r a G re sh am w om an ch a rg ed w ith stra n g lin g h e r 20- m o n th -o ld d a u g h te r d u rin g a sta te -su p e rv ise d v isit at a park. S h a ro n Y. W e sto n , 33, is ch a rg ed w ith a g g ra v ate d m u r­ d er in th e d eath o f A lex is M. Lopez. A cco rd in g to testim o n y by G resham Police D etective Robert Galbreath, W eston told him shortly after the killing that she consid­ ered shooting A lexis but co u ld n ’t afford a gun. G albreath testified that W eston also considered drow ning the tod­ dler, but said she w as concerned that the pond at G resh am 's M ain Sharon Y. Weston- City Park was too “out in the open" and som eone could revive the child. Galbreath said W eston told him she got the idea to strangle A lexis from a television program and brought a cord from her jack et to the visit. T he State Office for Services to C hildren and Fam ilies took cus­ tody o f A lexis in O ctober 2000 after W eston threatened to kill h erself and the girl. In the past several years, W eston had lost custody o f tw o other children. O n July 11, W eston m et Dale A. K raft, an em ployee o f the state agency, and the trio drove to the park, police said. Not long after arriving, Kraft let W eston push her daughter around in a stroller and then lost sight o f them , G albreath said. E v e n tu a lly , W eston stran g led the girl w ith the c o rd ,” G a lb re a th said. W e sto n to ld p o lice sh e then p u sh e d th e ch ild in the stro lle r o u t o f th e w oods an d alo n g a path u n til she saw the n earb y G resh am F uneral C hapel, w hich sh e th o u g h t w a s a c h u r c h . W esto n a p p ro a ch ed m o u rn ers o u tsid e an d ask ed “if th e re w as anyone w h o co u ld pray fo r h e r,” G alb re ath said. O ne o f the m ourners asked her w hy, and W eston replied, “B e­ cause I really need praying for right now ,” G albreath said. W eston told detectives she had decided to kill her daughter after a court hearing a few days earlier that left h er certain that h er paren ­ tal rights would be terminated. EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE COLLEGE PREP WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 17, 2001 High school students and their parents are invited to attend this free informative workshop on get­ ting ready for college. Whether you are looking at eventually attending a community college, a state university, or a private college, this event will help bring your future into focus. You can attend ses­ sions on: • • • • • Looking For a Smart Move? At Calaroga Terrace our residents are treated like Royalty. Studio apartments start at just $950 a month with housekeeping, meals, cable and all utilities. Call Candy fo r a tour and lunch a t 503-234-8271 Calaroga Terrace 1400 N.E. Second Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232 Portland’s Premier Retirement Community I feaf Benefits of a College Education Developing the Vision Understanding the Admissions Process Unlocking the Mystery of Financial Aid What Should I Know Now to Plan for College? • Exploring the Options - Dispelling the Myths This is a great opportunity to get a jump-start on your future. There will be door prizes and snacks provided for the day. WHERE AND WHEN: Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Family Life Center 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., Portland, Oregon November 17, 9 a.m. to noon