Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2001, Page 14, Image 14

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    November 07, 2001
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Page B8
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advertise in
5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3
Port Of Kalama
Architectural & Engineering Services
Pursuant to RCW 39.80, the Portland of Kalama gives notice
of its projected requirements for the period January 1 through
December 31,2002 for the following categories and/or types
of professional services:
1. Civil/Structural/Mechanical/Electrical.
Design and construction supervision of new and rehabili­
tated buildings for industrial and/or commercial uses in­
cluding excavation and site preparation; sewage treatment
facilities; transportation facilities for ship, road, and rail­
road including intermodal connections; and warehouses.
2. Planning.
Preparation of plans and/or studies concerning the devel­
opment of marine export/import terminals, industrial
parks, bulk matenal and roro export/import facilities. This
includes consideration of various transportation modes
including deep water shipping.
3. Geotechnical.
Study and investigation of ground conditions at various
industrial sites to determine the desirability and accept­
ability for facility construction including ground water and
soil contamination issues.
4. SEPA/Permitting/Regulatory Compliance.
Compliance with SEPA, acquisition of permits in relation
to Port developments, and compliance with hazardous
rriaterials/waste and underground storage tank laws and
Investigation, design, and supervision of: expansion of
recreational vehicle park including aesthetics consider­
ation and RV utilities; pedestrian/bicycle pathways, inter­
pretive centers, and boardwalks; restaurants, and, con­
struction of additional facilities associated with a small
boat marina, including additional docking.
6. Hydraulic/Marine.
Hydraulic investigations of the Columbia River; study, in­
vestigation, and design of facilities related to river projects
including but not limited to riprap, construction of docks
and wharfs, pilings, ramps, and tie-up and anchorage
facilities; evaluation and development of long-term plans
for dredge disposal.
7. Environmental.
Environmental, design, preparation, and execution of stud­
ies and construction of projects relating to environmental
issues including sediment quality, water quality, wetlands,
wildlife habitat, and other issues affecting port develop­
8. Surveying/Civil.
Investigation and preparation of maps, aerial photographs,
plat plans, and other work to facilitate the orderly devel­
opment of the Port.
Economic and Marketing Consultant.
Perform market research as part of a port marketing plan.
Such research shall include economic analysis (business/
industry cycles and trends) and market analysis.
10. Many of the above mentioned categories/types overlap
within a particular project. The above descriptions are brief
and include unmentioned but necessary related aspects
of the individual projects.
All persons wishing to be considered to supply services dur­
ing the period from January 1 through December 31, 2002
must submit a statement of qualifications as well as a listing
of work performed in any of the above-referenced items to the
Port of Kalama on or before December 14, 2001. Statements
received from previous years will be discarded. All submis­
sions should be made to:
Port of Kalama
380 West Marine Drive
Kalama, WA 98625
(360) 673-2325
Inclusion in the Port file will in no way pre-qualify the individual
or firm for a specific assignment. The material will be used by
the Port as an information resource in its selection process.
There is no application. Please submit your statement of quali­
fications regarding the above-listed categories.
Announcement of Request
for Proposals (RFP)
Sub-Bids Requested
Oregon Convention Center Expansion
Bid Package: #6a-Street Illumination
Scaled proposals will be received at the Procurement Office,
Portland Community College, Room 1513, CAPITAL Center,
18624 N. W. Walker Road, Beaverton, Oregon 97006, until
2 :0 0 P.M. Pacific Time, November 2 7 , 2 0 0 1 , for Construc­
Pre-Bid M eeting & Site Visit: November 7, 2 0 0 1
a t 11:00 am
Bids Due: November 15, 2001
at 2:00pm
tion Manager/General Contractor (C M /G C ) Services for the
PCC CAPITAL Center Tenant Improvement project, all as de­
fined herein.
10% M/WBE and ESB Contracting Goal
Bid Documents-Willamette Print & Blueprint
This Request for Proposals (RFP) is the initial step toward the
selection of a CM/GC for all services associated with the
renovation of approximately 17,000 sq. ft. in the above named
building. The College intends to enter into a Contract with the
selected CM/GC that will include a Fee based on negotiated
construction management labor rates per hour for the activi­
ties up through submittal of a Guaranteed Maximum price
(GMP), and a Fixed Fee for all other work through construction
and completion of the project. Total direct construction esti­
mate for the project is approx. $1,100,000.00.
Telephone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205-0R
State of Oregon Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Con­
tracts in Oregon shall be utilized for all labor involved in this
Contract, including Wage Rates and Certification of payroll as
required by the Bureau of Labor & Industries (BOLI). A Perfor­
mance Bond equal to 100% of the estimated cost must be
provided to PCC to assure faithful execution of the Work.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women,
disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities-lnternet http://
In order to be considered for selection, ten (10) copies of your
proposal must arrive at the issuing office on or before due
time and date, with the original copy clearly marked “Original
Oregon University System
Request For Proposals (RFP)
Copy-CM/GC Services-CAPITAL Center Tenant Improvement
Project (RFP), and signed by a corporate officer authorized to
Responses Due 2:00 p.m. November 29, 2001
do so. PCC will require seven (7) calendar days from the due
date for review and evaluation of proposals. A decision as to
those firms selected for interview will be announced on De­
cember 7, 2001.
Qualified firms are asked to respond to a Request for Pro­
posal for professional consulting services in the areas of ar­
chitecture, landscape architecture, interior design, planning,
land use, surveying, appraising, environmental assessment,
construction management, and various engineering disciplines.
From these proposals, a limited number of firms will be se­
lected to form a list from which the seven OUS universities
may select professional consultants.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all
proposals and to waive irregularities.
No proposor may withdraw his/her proposal after the hour
set for the opening thereof, and before the award of Contract,
unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60)
days from the proposal date or unless it is deemed in the
best interest of the College to allow such a withdrawal of the
For a copy of the RFP, fax a request to (541) 346-5757, or
call (541) 346-5735 and leave your name and address. RFP
packets may also be picked up in room 349, Susan Campbell
Hall, 1431 Johnson Lane, Eugene Oregon 97403, on the
University of Oregon campus. Responses received after 2 p.m.,
November 29, 2001 will not be considered. Any questions
regarding this RFP should be directed to Robert Simonton,
Director Capital Construction Budgeting and Planning, at (541)
Each proposal must contain a statement as to whether the
bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029.
Minority-owned, Women-owned, and Emerging Small Busi­
ness Enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit
their proposal in response to this solicitation and will not be
discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or na­
tional origin in consideration for an award of any contract
entered into pursuant to this advertisement.
OUS may reject any response not in compliance with all pre­
scribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may
cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses upon the
finding of OUS that it is in the public interest to do so. OUS is
an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of re­
sponses from women, minority-owned, and emerging small
business enterprises.
The College Board of Directors and its officer are committed
to encouraging that women and members of ethnic minority
groups are represented and employed in the College's public
works contracts.
The College may reject any proposal not in compliance with
the prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements,
and may reject for good cause any and all proposals upon
finding by the College that it is in the public interest to do so.
Copies of the RFP documents are available at the CAPITAL
Center office listed below.
Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Port­
land (HAP), 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon
97203, until 2 :0 0 p.m., Thursday, November 8 , 2 0 0 1 for
labor and materials to convert thirty studio apartment into
thirteen one bedroom and four two bedroom ADA accessible
apartment units. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and
publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour
set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the
bid opening.
JOB No. HWE 06-02-01
Proposals must be directed to the following office:
Hand Delivery:
Roger J. Cardinal, Manager,
Procurement & Risk Services
Portland Community College
Procurement & Risk Dept.
CAPITAL Center-WCWTC #1513
18624 NW Walker Road
Beaverton, OR 97006
Ph: (503) 533-2831
The basic work consists of carpentry work, gypsum board,
ceramic tile, kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, flooring, decora­
tive quartz epoxy flooring, painting, concrete saw cutting, as­
bestos abatement, plumbing, mechanical and electrical work.
Mail Delivery:
Roger J. Cardinal, Manager,
Procurement & Risk Services
Portland Community College
Procurement & Risk Dept.
P.0. Box 6119
Aloha, OR 97007-0119
Bid Documents are available at the HAP Office noted above.
A $50 (fifty) deposit for one set and $20 (twenty) for each
additional set is refundable when documents are returned within
10 days after bid opening.
Attendance for bidders is mandatory at a pre-bid tour of the
project commencing at Hollywood East, located a t 4 4 0 0 NE
Broadway Street. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 3 , at 1 0 :0 0 a.m ., Tues­
day, October 1 6 ,2 0 0 1 . Questions posed during the tour, not
A d m in is tra tiv e
The Port of Kalama is an equal opportunity employer.
W o rk w ith th e b est an d b rig h te s t m in d s in e d u c a tio n , an d m a k e a re a l
addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum.
d iffe r e n c e in e d u c a tio n as w e k n o w i t J o in us in th e fo llo w in g role:
If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Moore (360)
Technical Assistant I
The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in
compliance with the prescribed bidding procedures and re­
quirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all infor­
malities, if in the judgement of HAP, it is in the public interest
to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed
to H. David Waller at 735-4210.
<5 (2 openmgsf, Educehon. C areer and Communky Program. A nsw er
telephone and respond to mqumes in a professional manner. Coordinate meetings,
produce materials end products, m ake travel arrangem ents, and fac titn te logisbca for conferences
DATED this end day of November, 2001.
and workshops M ain tain d atabases using M S A ccess and assist w ith Internet research Use
softw are » p r e p a r e correspondence, mailings, and m eeting materials
im p r o v in g
Requires a High School diploma or eqmvalenr. tw o years' po p -seco n d ary
education, and four years' dem onstrated administrative assistant
exp eh en ce. Associate's d eg ree preferred Ability to use M S A ccess,
Excel. PowerPoint. W o rd , and the Internet, keyboard 80 wpm ; and e x c e le n t telephone customer
Worksystems inc. (WSI) is issuing an RFP for a design center
development plan in N/NE Portland.
relations and critical dunking skills are essential Starting salary $1 1 .74-J1344 per hour
<5 to
N W R fi Humor Resources Office: Hit SW Mein S n « Sort. SOU Portend Oft 9720k toe (SB)
Applications w A be accep ted until th e position is M e d Send resum e referring position
2 B 4 B R e-med personnekanwtef.otg Please submit resum e in text fo rm « within the body of
All funding opportunities are listed at www.worksystems.org.
under Contractor Information. If you wish to be notified about
fu tu re
fu n d in g
o p p o rtu n itie s ,
p le a s e
e m a il:
lilianmick@worksystems.org and ask to be added to the pro­
curement notification list. All notifications are done by email
only. If you have additional questions regarding procurement,
please call 503-241-4600.
th e e-m eil. NW R EL is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Come visit us on the web at
A d v e r tis e in
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