November 07, 2001 Page B7 ®l|c |Jo rtlan ò ©beeruer i Classifieds/Bids advertise in ü lu ^Jnrtlanö (Ohserucr 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3 Supervising Nurse Clark County, Washing Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to be part of our dynamic public ' service organization. Washington County ACCOUNTANT I $2,964-$3,602/m onth Closes November 16, 2001 CUSTODY OFFICER $14.99 - $19.31 /hr. DOQ ENGINEER III Traffic Engineer Salary under Review GIS ANALYST $4,015 - $ 5 ,673 /m o . DOQ M ANA G ING ACCOUNTANT $3,918-$5,535/m o. DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits information are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St. Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Join a dynamic organization that is dedicated to public service! Clark County has a number of challenging positions available for qualified and talented indi­ viduals. We are looking for can­ didates to fill current and future open Positions in several areas such as: • Office Administration • Information Technology • Finance and Management • Law Enforcement & Public Safety • Environmental Services • Planning & Development • Road Operations and Main­ tenance • Civil Engineering Clark County provides a gener­ ous b e n e fits package w ith medical, dental, life insurance, paid holidays, vacation & sick leave. For more detailed infor­ mation about current job open­ in g s c h e c k o u t w e b s ite : or call our job hotline: 3 6 0 -3 9 7 -6 0 1 8 . Application m aterials for all open positions are available @ C lark C ounty H um an Re­ sources, PO Box 5000, 1013 Franklin St. Vancouver, WA 98666-5000, TDD 360-397- 6032. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER VolunteerCoordinator Growing Gardens is seeking half-time person for outreach, recruitm ent, developing and maintaining volunteer program materials, database manage­ ment and other administrative duties. Ideal candidate will have 2+years in community outreach and/or volunteer coordination, strong communication skills, & MS Office proficiency. Interest in community development and food security desired. Spanish, w eb e x p e rie n c e : a p lu s . $ ll.O O -$ 1 2 .5 O /h r+ B e n e fits. Resume and cover letter to: Volunteer Coordinator Search, Growing Gardens, 2 0 0 3 NE 4 2 nd Ave. # 3 , P ortland OR 9 7 2 1 3 . People of color and women encouraged to apply. Deadline: Wednesday, 1 1 /2 1 /0 1 . $1500 a month PT $4500-57200 FT Work In Home International company needs Supervisors and Assistants. Training. Free booklet. 1-888-707-9520 C O M M U N IT Y HEALTH NURSE II (Field Nurse Team) $3,475-$4,222/m onth (Full-time) $2O.O4-$24.35/hour (Job Share) Closes November 30, 2001 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE $3,986-$4,485/m onth Closes November 16, 2001 PARENT TRAINER $3,114-$3,785/m onth Closes November 16, 2001 C all (5 0 3 ) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /T T Y (503) 846-4898 for information or see our w e b s ite : County application and supple­ mental application form s re­ quired. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are en­ couraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Child Care Peninsula Children's Center, a non-profit child care center in North Portland, seeks an As­ sistant Teacher in the Infant program and Subs in in fa n t/ toddler, preschool, school age programs. Coursework in ECE or 1 year center based experi­ ence preferred. Com petitive wages & benefits. Call 280- 0534. 9 ' PARKING facility OPERATOR Immediate opening for full and p a rt-tim e a tte n d a n ts w ith Portland's leading parking com­ pany. We are seeking depend­ able individuals with a neat appearance and a Positive atti­ tude. $ 8 .0 0 + sta rtin g wage Huge overtim e potential. Ad­ vancement opportunities Medi­ cal, Dental, 4 0 1 K available. Applicants m ust submit to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person daily between 12-1, Monday - Friday. 130 SW STARK Portland, OR Job Developer Energetic registered Nurse with bachelor's degree and mini­ mum of three years related ex­ perience one of which should be a supervisory or managerial capacity, needed to supervise a small clinic within a residen­ tial youth vocational training setting. Must posses a current CPR and First Aid certification. Excellent benefits. Please sub­ mit resume and cover letter to: Hum an Resources 3 1 2 2 4 E. H istoric C olum bia River Hwy. T ro utdale, OR 9 7 0 6 0 RESPONSES M U S T BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, NOV. 1 2 , 2 0 0 1 As an affirm ative action em­ ployer, we are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will be considered. Custodian Seeking in-house janitorial & light maint. Custodian for Na­ tional College of Naturopathic Medicine for campus & clinic locations in SW & NW Portland close to downtown. Knowledge of institutional setting helpful. Req. 1 yr. Custodial exp. & HS diploma or equiv. 32 hrs/week, salary range 7 .9 8 -9 .2 4 /h r. DOE + benefits. Send resume by 1 1 /2 /0 1 to: NCNM Human Resources/Custodian, 049 SW Porter, Ptld. 9 7 2 0 1 , or fax (503) 499-0026, by 5:00 pm. Equal Opportunity Employer. S alem A rea M ass Transit Dis­ tr ic t is now accepting applica­ tions for full-time Transit Opera­ to rs to operate passenger buses over prescribed routes in accordance with designated schedules. No previous bus driving experience required. We train. Starting wage $13.27 per hour. Come in or call 503- 5 8 8 -2 4 2 4 to obtain official application form and detailed recruitm ent announcem ent. V is it o u r w eb s ite at: Send com­ pleted application form to Sa­ lem Mass Transit District, Hu­ man Resources Division, 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Sa­ lem, OR 97301-3736. Official District application form must be completed and received at District by 4:30 p.m. Novem­ ber 3 0 ,2 0 0 1 . An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. Mental Health Specialist 2 Geriatrics $ 3 2 0 0 to $ 4 0 6 3 per m onth E xcellent Benefits Your geriatric experience is Team player needed to work needed for this Mental Health with young adults in a voca­ S p e c ia lis t 2 p o s itio n . tional training program. Re­ C lackam as County M ental quires job development and Health Division has an imme­ placement experience, great diate opening for an experi­ communication, m ultitasking enced clinician to provide in­ and follow up skills. Ability to take, assessment, and treat­ teach and mentor individuals a ment services to an older cli­ must. Must have a Bachelor’s entele with chronic or acute degree in business, sociology mental and emotional disorders or related field and 2+years and to.disabled adults under experience. Valid driver's li­ age 65. Experience working cense required. Excellent ben­ with this clientele in various efits. Please subm it resume settings including clinics, client and cover letter to: homes, and senior care facili­ ties are desirable. Licensed Hum an Resources Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) 3 1 2 2 4 E. H isto ric Colum bia or Licensed Psychologist re­ R iver Hwy. quired for this particular pro­ T ro utdale, OR 9 7 0 6 0 gram. RESPONSES M U S T BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, NOV. 1 6 , 2 0 0 1 County Em ploym ent A pplica­ tion Required. Application ma­ As an affirm ative action em­ terials available at Clackamas ployer, we are seeking qualified County Personnel, 9 00 Main minority, female, veteran and Street, Oregon City, OR 97045 disabled applicants; however, or call (503) 655-8459. Clos­ all qualified applicants will be ing date: Novem ber 1 6 , 2 0 0 1 . considered. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Empio /m ent Child Care Peninsula Children’s Center, a non-profit child care center in North Portland, seeks an As­ sistant Teacher in the Infant program and Subs in infant/ toddler, preschool, school age programs. Coursework in ECE or 1 year center based experi­ ence preferred. Competitive wages & benefits. Call 280- 0534. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Career Opportunities..Join Our Team! ODOT supports a vast range o f innovative transportation products and services, touching the life o f every Oregonian, every day. Explore out variety of rewarding occupations... FOR RENT Are you in need of quality low incom e housing? Let us at Albina CDC fill your need. We are accepting applications for 1 ,2 & 3 b e d ro o m s a p ts / houses. Income guidelines ap­ ply. Our office hours are M-F, 9- 5. 3987 N. M ississippi Ave. 503-335-0947 X312 applica­ tion hotline. Program Specialist for Continuing Education/ Graduate School of Education P rim a ry re s p o n s ib ilitie s : needs assessm ent: program development, delivery, market­ ing, and expansion of face-to- face and on-line professional development for human ser­ vice providers. The successful candidate will have: a master's degree; a d m in istra tive and marketing experience; experi­ ence in human services and/ or sta ff development; ability to conceptualize and develop cur­ ricula; strong communication skills and ability to work with diverse people; customer ser­ vice orientation; organizational skills; knowledge of academic procedures and experience in distance learning preferred. Twelve-month, fixed term, re­ newable, 1 .0 R E unranked academic position, review of applications will begin Novem­ ber 9, 2001, and continue un­ til the position is filled. For application information and jo b d e s c rip tio n , see / w w w .h rc .p d x .e d u / jobsavail.htm, or call 503-725- 8279. An E 0 /A A In s titu tio n . ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Environmental Project Manage- Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $51,684 Announcement #OCDT1412A, Salem • Permits Coordinator Negotiable Annual Salary Up to $51,684 Announcement #0CDT1563, Bend • Contract Administration Specialist Salary $2,4 72 - $3,545/m onth Announcement #0CDT16C3, Sphngfield FINANCE • Collection Unit Manager Salary $2,8 26 - $ 4,186/m ontn Announcement #OCOT1664, Salem INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Software Configuration Managen ent Librarian Salary $3.246 $ 4,476/m onth Announcement #0CDT1662, Salem NEGOTIATION/APPRAISAL/PIIOPERTY MGMT • Right of Way Agent Salary $2,8 59 - $ 4,102/m onth Announcement #0CDT1560, Salem Future vacancies in La Grande/Roset-urg TRADES • Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist Salary $ 2 ,0 1 3 - $2,7 84 /m o n th Announcement #0CDT1680, The Dalle-.; • Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist Salary $ 2.0 13 - $ 2.784/m onth Announcement #0CDT1661, Salem • Seasonal - Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist Salary $ 2 ,0 1 3 - $ 2,784/m onth Announcement #0CDT1660. Detroit To apply you must obtain a copy o f the approonate announcement number, which provides full details, qualifications/requirem ents, and how to apply instructions. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY (503) 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 for the hearing impaired), or visit As an AA/EEO employer, ODOT is committed to integrating the promotion and management of workforce diversity and affirm ative action into every facet of our business. W W W © e g o o b s PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's website at or by calling (503) 944- 7400 or by visiting the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Call For Bid M ultnomah County, Oregon Bid No: B02-6927 OPENING DATE: 11/22/01 BIDTITLE: Interior/Exterior Signage for East County'Building M ETRO People Places Open Spaces House M anager. Portland Cen­ ter for the Performing Arts. One part-time position, $16.48 - $21.03/hour, Deadline 1 1 /8 / 0 1 . Plans and coordinates events at the Performing Arts Center; serves as liaison to promoters, entertainers, the public, and facility personnel. Required application materials available at: Metro Human Re­ sources, 6 0 0 NE Grand Av­ enue, Portland, OR. Resumes are not accepted. Please call (503) 797-1570 if you would lik e a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls mailed to you. Web address: A A /E E O Employer Assistant Designer/ Layup Specialist Seeking an assistant designer to layup newspaper, create ads and render photos/artwork for print. Position requires a bach­ elors degree in graphic design or print and two years of work experience. Positive attitude and resourcefulness essential to meet the demands of a fast paced newspaper environment. Send Resume, salary range and co ve r le tte r to NO CALLS OR DROWNS PLEASE. The Facilities and P roperty M a n a g e m e n t S ectio n of th e De­ p a r tm e n t o f S u s t a in a b le C o m m u n ity D e v e lo p m e n t, M ultnom ah County is looking for a single C on tracto r to pro­ vide interior and exterio r signage for th e M ultnom ah County, E ast Building. This s tru c tu re houses o ffices for Disability, H ealth and Senior Services. Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 3:00 PM, by Multnomah County Central Procurement and Contract Admin­ istration (CPCA), 501 SE Hawthorne, 4th Floor, Portland, OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read at 3:15 PM the same day. Each bid must contain a statement whether bidder is a resi­ dent bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. Multnomah County may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids if Multnomah County finds it is in the public interest to do so. Specifications may be obtained at: Multnomah County CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne, 4 ,h Floor, Portland, OR 97214. Phone (503) 988-5111, Fax (503) 988-3252. Bid list and occasional bid/RFP downloads are available at web address: MULTNOMAH COUNTY CENTRAL PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Museum Place Pre-Bid Conference Howard S. Wright Construction Co. will be holding a M/W/ESB Pre-Bid Conference to review subcontract bid opportunities on the upcoming Museum Place South and YWCA Renovation Projects: Tuesday, N ovem ber 1 3 * , 2 0 0 1 -6 :0 0 to 7 :0 0 P M At the Northeast Police Precinct Conference Room 449 NE Emerson Portland, OR 97211 Howard S. Wright Construction Co. 425 NW 10w Avenue, Suite 200 Portland. OR 97209 Tel (503) 220-0895 FAX (503) 220-0892