November 07, 2001 urtlanò (Elje J J o rtla iih © h se ru e r Sports/MF.TRO SP k> Page B5 Diamondbacks Vanquish Yankees r Records Fall at NYC Marathon N EW Y O R K - T esfaye Jifar w ont he N ew Y ork City M ara thon in record tim e, pulling aw ay from his lone challenger w ith three m iles left in a race dedicated to victim s o f Sept 11. Jifar ran the 26.2 m iles in 2 hours, 7 m inutes, 43 seconds to becom e the first Ethiopian to w in the race. He broke the 12-year-oldm arkof2:08:01 set by T anzania’s Jum a Ikangaa The w om en’s w inner also set a race record. M argaret O kayo o f K enya finished in 2:24:21, trim m ing 19 seconds o ff the m ark set by A ustralia’s L isa O ndiekiin 1992. Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig, center, ducks a high five between Series co-MVPs Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling. Weir Scores Playoff Victory in Tour Championship PH O EN IX - In the end, when one wrong move could win or lise a scintillating W orld Series, it was the New Yoik Yankees who blinked. A new age daw ned in baseball Sunday night with the drama o f a ninth-inning rally in G am e 7, the suddenness o f Luis G onzalez’s winning single into left field, and the shock o f a beaten M ariano Rivera, as the Arizona Diamond- backs stunned the Yankees 3-2 to take a rem arkable W orld Series. H O U ST O N - M ike W eir o f C anada w on the season-end­ ing g o lf T our C ham pionship, edging D avid Tom s, Sergio Garcia and Ernie Els with a birdie on the first hole o f a playoff. W eir’s victory w as his first o f the season and third o f his career. A ll four finished the final round tied at 14-under 270. G onzalez ’ s soft blooper o ver a draw n-in infield finished an in ­ credible tw o-m n rally in the ninth against a reliever thought in v u l­ nerable, and brought dow n a d y ­ nasty. R iv e ra h a d c o n v e r te d 23 straight postseason save chances. “A sto ry b o o k en ding fo r this team ,” G onzalez said, “from front to back.” In a battle that centered on Schilling against R oger C lem ens - a duel that lived up to every ounce o f prom ise - it w as left to the A rizona lin eu p 's last gasp against Rivera, w ho has closed out so m any Octobers. New York had taken a 2-1 lead in the eighth inning on Alfonso S oriano’s hom er into the left field stands against a tiring Schilling - the kind o f hit the Y ankees have com e up with for decades. But in the ninth, three outs from a 27lh title . N ew Y ork crum bled. And so d id Rivera, hwo had struck out the side in the eighth. The num bers o f som ething ex­ traordinary: T he Y ankees had been 10-0 in one-run World Series gam es going back to 1981. And they had not lost a Series game in w hich they led going into the ninth inning since 1947. Schilling and Randy Johnson w ere nam es C O -M V Ps Johnson, 24 hours rem oved from his Game 6 w ork, added in 1 1/3 innings o f hitless relief as a bridge to the rally and got the win. The D iam ondbacks crushed every ghost. The Yankees, unable to find their knack for survival, were fi­ nally sacked after four titles in five years, their future uncertain with the graying o f their horses. Franklin to Play Glencoe Friday Senior quarterback Legedu Naanee tries to keep control o f the offense during Friday's PIL championshipgame against Lincoln. The Franklin Quakers won the PIL title -th e ir first since 1996 by defeating the Lincoln C ardinals 56-27 last Friday at PGE Park. M idw ay through the third quarter, the Quakers put the game out o f reach by scoring three touchdowns in 2 :3 6 minutes. Se­ nior quarterback Legedu Naanee threw four touchdow n passes and ran for tw o others. This w as the second loss for Lincoln after losing to Franklin on Oct. 19. W ith a sco rin g a v e rag e o f 45 p o in ts, the Q u ak e rs h av e w on six straig h t g am es. T he Q u ak ers w ere ab le to secu re the P IL ’s top seed in th e C lass 4 A p la y o ffs, an d w ill p lay G len c o e, the M e tro L e a g u e ’s No. 3 seed on Friday at Franklin H igh S ch o o l at 7 p .m .fo r the O S A A /U .S . B an k p lay o ffs. If the Q uakers w in, they will co m ­ p ete ag a in st th e w in n er o f the D avid D o u g las-M cK ay gam e in the seco n d round. Miami Retains Top Spot A R L IN G T O N , Va. - T he top five rem ains unchanged and M ichigan slipped to NO. 13 in the latest U SA TO D A Y /ESPN co ach es’ football poll relased. Top-ranked M iam i (7-0) rolled to a 38-0 rout o f T em ple, but lost five first-place votes. T he H urricanes, w ho are third in the Bowl Cham pionship Series poll, received 41 first-place votes and a total o f 1,479points. N ebraska, the No. 1 team in the BCS poll, pounded K ansas 51 - 7 and picked up four first-place votes, giving them 18 and 1,456 points in the U SA T O D A Y / ESPN poll. Oregon Hands Sunde vils Fourth Loss Joey H arrington threw for six touchdowns o f w hich four w ent to his favorite “go-to-guy” Keenan How ry, who set an Oregon and Autzen stadium single game record for touchdow n receptions, in a 42- 24 win over Arizona. Oregon was determined to make their ground gam e w ork despite the Sundevils gam e plan designed to shut dow n O regon’s running game and m ake H arrington air it out to win. Joey accepted the challenge and the Sundevils secondary was unable to contain the varied aerial attack. Joey was 19 o f 32 for 319 passing yards. For Oregon, it's on to UCLA where the Bruins will try to match the offense o f Oregon and put them­ selves back in the hunt fortop hon­ ors in the P ac-10 rankings. Tyson May Fight Mercer If form er heavyw eight cham p M ike T yson fights Jan. 19, the date being held for him by Showtime, it appears likely he’ll fig ht R ay M ercer. T y so n ’s m anager says the sides could close the deal soon. Wells Buoys Blazers to Victory Ski Champ Passes Away IN N U SBRU CK , A ustria - Su- per-G skiing cham pion Regine Cavagnoud died o f head inju­ ries sustained in a training-run collision with a G erm an ski coach. The French woman was h u rt. T h e c o a c h , M a rk u s A nw ander, has undergone spi­ nal surgery and is still at risk. Need a Telephone at Home? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Confused? Toomuch information? Can’t Wait 10 days? 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LO U IS - C ardinals m an­ ager T ony La Russa expects slugger M ark M cG w ire, who has yet to sign the tw o-year contract extension he agreed to last spring, to retire. “I d o n 't expect him back,” La R ussa told the “St. L ouis P ost-D is­ patch.” M cG w ire spent m uch o f the past season nursing a sore knee. á ( zP i r n s TO JAZZ. HIP-HOP No Activation Fees. No Credit Req'd. La Russa Believes McGwire Will Quit i photo by D avid G iezyng /T hf . P ortland O bserver The Fastest Service-3 to 5 days PO R T L A N D , Ore. - Bonzi W ells continued his im pres­ sive com eback from a serious knee injury, scoring a career- high 33 points to lead the P ort­ land T rail B lazers past the G olden S tate W arriors 92-87. Scottie Pippen scored 26 points and D am on Stoudam ire added 12 assists. A ntaw n Jam ison scored 23 to lead the W arriors. • á Tailback Onterrio Smith (left) “struts his stu ff" as he leads the ground attack that sent the Arizona Sundevils reeling on their heels and unprepared to defend the aerial or ground attack. Need Features? We Offer Affordable Packages Ruiz-Holyfield Resched­ uled for December c jr lo r ia CREAT FOR LISTENING • K IM S T E L L Y Assistant Manager (503) 282-3379 P ost T imes : Friday • 7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday • 1:00 p.m. (503) 285-9144 • 1001 N. Schmcer Rd. 213-215 N.E. Hancock Portland, Oregon 97212 F ree P arking F ree M ainline A dmission X I I or. Monarch ( <»gn.n • | or. Monarch Irwh Cream Whinki v I nz. Grand Monarch • 1/2 «z. Heavy ( Train • Shake and Strain The Cognac s from France The Attitude s Not. SAVE $3.00 A BOTTLE. SEE OUR IN STO R E REBATE OFFER FOR DETAILS.