Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 07, 2001, Page 10, Image 10

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November 07, 2001
Honoring Souls of the Dead
Children can learn ab o u t
traditional M exican practices
during Days o f th e D ead
through th e Miracle Theatre.
They will b e having a festival
to honor th e o c ca sio n until
Nov. 1 1 a t El Centro Milagro,
lo c a te d a t 5 2 5 SE. Stark.
100 años de existencia - 100 years
o f existence
asumir - assum e
M exico’s festival o f the Days
o f the D ead is an observance
w ith very ancient roots. For
pre-H ispanic cultures, life was
considered to be no more than a
passing m om ent, a dream from
w hich one w ould w ake up again
am ongst the dead. O n these
days, it is believed the dead
com e from beyond to visit with
the living. Special foods are pre­
pared, breads are baked, and
altars to the dead and cem eter­
ies are cleaned and decorated
w ith flowers. The souls o f the
dead are said to return from the
after-life to visit the living, where
they consum e the food and drink
left for them. The living receive
the dead w ith m errim ent and
m usic!
cierta - certain
colegas en el tribunal colleagues
in the court
el p residente del Senado -
the president o f the Senate
En una ceremonia histórica -
In a historic cerem ony
“inmensa satisfacción" - immense
juez - judge
méritos - m erits
“orgullo” - pride
otras autoridades de gobierno -
other governm ent authorities
santos evangélicos - evangelical
tribunal - court
vez - tim e
The Portland Observer’s com­
mitment to cultural diversity
includes the encouragement of
a multi-lingual society. Read­
ers can learn Spanish on this
page by reading the words
and phrases in bold print and
gaining understanding of its
meaning with this companion
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Histórico primer juramento de
mujeres en la Corte Suprema de Chile
SantiagodeChile(DPA)-En una ceremonia
histórica a la que asistió el presidente chileno
Ricardo Lagos, juraron hoy la primera jueza en
integrar la Corte Suprema de Chile, María
Antonia Morales, y la nueva fiscal del máximo
tribunal del país, M énica Maldonado.
Al acto dejuram ento realizado en el palacio
de los tribunales asistieron, además de Lagos,
todos los intregrantes de la Corte Suprema, el
presidente del Senado. Andrés Zaldivar, y el
ministro de Justicia, José Antonio Gómez, en­
tre otras autoridades de gobierno.
“¿Juráis por Dios nuestro señor y por estos
s a n to s e v a n g e lio s que g u a rd a ré is la
Constitución y las leyes de la República y que
desempeñaréis fielmente las funciones de
vuestro cargo?”, preguntó Alvarez a ambas,
antes de confirmar su incorporación a la Corte.
Tras la respuesta afirmativa, Morales y
Maldonado se convirtieron en las primeras
mujeres en integrarse al alto trib u n al en sus
más de 100 años de existencia
La magistrada Morales reemplazará al j uez
Osvaldo Faúndez, quien se jubiló tras cumplir
75 años, la edad máx ima para permanecer en el
Poder Judicial. Maldonado ocupará el cargo
que dejó Enrique Paillás.
Tras el juram ento la magistrada María
Antonia Morales se definió sólo como “un juez
más“, y recalcó que actuaría como cualquiera
de sus colegas en el trib u n al.
“ En esto de la justicia nosotras tenemos,
como mujeres, una cierta sensibilidad para
ciertos asuntos, pero no hay que olvidar que
soy un juez igual que los demás”, indicó.
Por su parte, el presidente Lagos manifestó
su “inmensa satisfacción” en haber asistido
a esta importante ceremonia y señaló que la
llegada de ambas al máximo tribunal es un
“ orgullo” para Chile.
El magistrado Alvarez calificó de "histórica”
la d e sig n ació n de am bas fu n c io n a ría s
judiciales. “ Es evidente que los méritos de
nuestros nuevos pares han sido debidamente
p o n d e ra d o s p a ra la c o rre sp o n d ie n te
proposición. Ellas exhiben una larga trayectoria
en la vida judicial del país”, dijo.
La presencia de Lagos en el acto fue en la
práctica un “acuerdo” entre la Presidencia de
la República y la Corte Suprema, que deseaban
darle relevancia al acontecimiento de que dos
mujeres por primera vez llegaran a asumir
como jueza del máximo tribunal y fiscal de la
Corte Suprema.
Hurricane Michelle Puts Bahamas on Alert
HAVANA (AP) — The outer edges o f
Hurricane Michelle blew rain across parts o f
South Florida on Monday as the storm headed
toward the Bahamas, sparing the state from the
havoc and destruction it produced in Cuba.
Beach erosion was still a concern, but resi­
dents and tourists who evacuated the 120-mile
Keys island chain were to be allowed back later
in the day.
Michelle produced wind gusts to 45 at
Marathon in the Keys, and to 48 mph at Miami
Beach. Key W est collected 2.4 inches o f rain
through Sunday.
“Florida is in great shape. Things are al­
ready pretty much back to normal," said Max
Mayfield, director o f the National Hurricane
Centerin Miami.
Key West M ayor Jimmy W eekley checked
for damage but didn't find much.
At 10a.m. ESTM onday, Michelle was cen­
tered about 20 miles southeast ofNassau in the
Bahamas, and was moving toward the north­
east at 18 mph. It had maximum wind blowing
a sustained 85 mph, but was expected to weaken
over the next 24 hours.
A tropical storm warning was lifted for the
middle and lower Keys and Dry Tortugas early
Monday, but remained in effect for the Atlan­
tic coast o f Florida from the upper Keys north
to Jupiter Inlet. A gale warning was posted
from Jupiter Inlet north to Cocoa Beach, just
south o f Cape Canaveral.
When Michelle hit Cuba, its sustained wind
was clocked at 135 mph. Authorities evacu­
ated 750,000 people as the storm knocked out
communications and electricity. There were
no immediate reports o f casualties.
The storm was blamed for 12 deaths last
week in Honduras, Nicaragua and Jamaica.
The Keys, made up o f som e40 islands, have
a little more than 80,000 permanent residents,
plus visitors. They are connected by highway
bridges, but only two spans connect the first
island. Key Largo, to the mainland.
Elsewhere, a new hurricane, Noel, formed
M onday far out to sea, the hurricane center
said. Noel was centered about 575 miles
south-southeast o f Cape Race, N ew found­
land, or m ore than 1,000 m iles east o f Bos­
ton. It was moving tow ard the north at about
12 mph, with m axim um sustained wind o f
only about 75 mph.