M & City Champs Open Against Glencoe Franklin carries a league title victory over Lincoln into the state tournament See story in sports, Page B5 JJartlanh ©bse Al Volume XXXI Number 43 t v n f Of R n Roses' cpc" The P i City e "T h p Wednesday Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 wivw.portlandobserver.com November 07, 2001 50* Terrorism Watch Grows More Personal Reported threats to West Coast bridges adds police and military patrols; brings school evacuation plans Bush Addresses Ex-Soviet States W A S H IN G T O N — President B ush com pared A fgh an istan ’s terrorist-har­ boring regim e to the totalitarian leaders w h o en slaved Europe for m uch o f the last century. H e a lso said terrorists are seeking chem ical, biological and nuclear w eap on s, p o sin g a threat “to c iv iliz a ­ Portland's main post office is one o f 600 across the country to be tested for possible contamination o f anthrax. tion itse lf.” Post Office Awaits Anthrax Testing Results Patriotic Emmys Take 'Wing' T he E m m ys w rapped th em selv es in the flag in a third try at handing out awards for p rim etim e T V . M ost o f the attention w as focu sed on the aw ards, including S ex a n d th e C ity , nam ed best co m ed y series, and N B C ’s The W est W ing, named best drama for seco n d straight year. Anthrax Found in Pentagon W A S H IN G T O N — T w o postal b o x e s at a U .S . P ost O ffice in sid e the Pentagon have tested p o sitiv e for anthrax. The facility w as sch ed u led for testin g b e­ cau se it gets its m ail from a con tam i­ nated p ost o ffic e in the D istrict o f C o ­ lumbia. Traffic moves between Vancouver and Portland on the twin spans o f the Interstate Bridge in the wake o f a warning of possible terrorist attacks on West Coast bridges. photos by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Eight Western States on Alert L O S A N G E L E S — T he FBI has alerted eigh t w estern states that it has u n con ­ firm ed inform ation terrorists m ay be targeting su sp en sion bridges o n the W est C oast. H ow ev er, the FBI had not yet corroborated the inform ation but d ecid ed to issu e a w arning. U X Closes in On Russia Arms Pact D efen se Secretary D on ald R u m sfeld v isits M o sco w this w eek en d to try to c lo s e a d eal that w o u ld let President B ush press ahead w ith a national m is­ sile d efen se. T he n egotiation s w ill set the stage for P rcsid en tB u sh ’s N o v . 13- by M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver The threat of possible terrorist attacks has gotten more personal for Portland area residents. Local police have been seen keeping watch beneath city bridges as Coast Guard and sheriff's department boats cruise off the downtown waterfront, responding to reported terrorist threats against West Coast bridges. In addition, Portland schools within three-quarters o f a mile of any bridge have sent home evacuation plans in the unlikely event that an incident occurred. The schools involved are Lincoln High, Buckman Elementary. Metropolitan Learn­ ing Center, Boise Eliot, Tubman Middle, Benson High, CSC, Abernathy Elemen­ tary, Brooklyn Elementary, Sellwood, James John Elementary, Astor Elementary and Roosevelt High: Last week, the Justice Department warned that W est Cost bridges could be targeted by terrorists. And California Gov. Gray Davis announced that federal offi­ cials have “credible evidence” that terror­ ists may be targeting California bridges. Tuesday, the FBI concluded that the warn­ ing wasn’t credible, but still wants law enforcement to remain on high alert. Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber said there was no evidence of a direct threat against Oregon. But he ordered stepped-up police patrols of the state’s most heavily traveled bridges, mainly those in downtown Port­ land. The Coast Guard has been checking the undersides of Portland’s bridges since the Sept. 11 East Coast terror attacks, but has increased the number of patrols it sends out, and the length of time they stay on the water. A hazardous materials team will test for anthrax spores at Portland's main post office W ednesday as a precau­ tion, health officials said. The Portland facility is one of 200 post offices to be tested nationwide. It was selected because it is the major mail hub serving Oregon and Southwest Washington. Results could take up to 10 days. Postal officials stressed that they did not expect to find any anthrax in Portland. “We don’t suspect any contamina­ tion in the Portland facility,” Postal Service spokesman Peter Hass said Friday, adding that the facility will re­ main open during testing. The tests were ordered after anthrax- tainted letters surfaced on the East Coast and anthrax spores were found at postal centers in five states. Portland district manager Dallas has asked to have a mail-processing center near Portland International Airport also inspected as a precaution. That will be done later, he said. 15 with Russian President Vladimir Putin. 'Dirty'Bombs Latest Fear T h e U .N .’s International A to m ic En­ i ergy A g en cy w arned that terrorists m ay steal radioactive materials to build “dirty b om b s” aim ed at public pla ces. S u ch a d ev ice co u ld k ill hundreds through ra­ diation p o iso n in g and co u ld con tam i­ Meeting Emergency Food Demands Volunteers from Tektronix work in teams at the Oregon Food Bank warehouse on North Williams to prepare boxes of emergency food for people in Oregon and Southwest Washington. More than 300 Tektronix employees volunteered last week as part o f a Food Bank “Helping Hands ’ program that focuses on getting people involved in their neighborhoods and community. nate large areas. House Passes Own Air Bill W A S H IN G T O N — T h e H ou se p assed its o w n version o f an aviation security plan, taking issu e w ith the Sen ate over w hether airport screeners should be federal em p loyees. Jobless Rate Jumps to 5.4% W A S H IN G T O N — T he nation’s unem ­ p loym en t rate soared to 5.4% in O cto ­ ber, the b ig g est on e-m on th ju m p in m ore than 21 years. M anufacturing, airlines, travel a g en cies, h o tels, and retailers w ere am ong those p ostin g big lo s se s. States Told to Make Megan's Laws TmiaiMr I WgpeWw C O L U M B U S, O h io— T he federal g o v ­ ernment has ordered O h io and 13 other states to m ake their M egan ’s law s stron- ger or risk losing m illions in grant m oney. States had until last m onth to change their la w s to require se x o ffen d ers to register w ith local authorities for life. photo by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver Widespread Job Losses Reported (AP) - The nation's unemploy­ ment rate soared to 5.4 percent in October, the biggest one-month jum p in more than 21 years, providing the most dramatic evidence yet that eco­ nomic fallout from the terror attacks probably pushed the country into recession. Over 400.000 jobs were eliminated during the month. “It’s not good news for America,” President Bush said Friday, urging the Senate to quickly pass an eco­ nomic revival package. After meet­ ing with economic advisers. Bush said the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had not only taken thousands of lives but had also “threatened the liveli­ hoods o f thousands o f American workers.” c o n tin u e d on p a g e A 3 Portland Area Residents to Consider W hitaker Plans District may keep kids at other schools, redevelop the northeast school Interim Superintendent Jim Scherzinger presented his recommendations for north­ east Portland’s W hitaker Middle School building and W hitaker students to the Portland Schoo, Board Monday night. The district will hold two community­ wide meetings in November to review the recommendations and the other options. The meetings will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 20 at Rigler Elementary School, and 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 28, at Vernon Elementary School. The W hitaker building is not in use and classes are being held at other locations A A this year. Mold was found in the old build­ ing over the summer and repairs could not be completed in time for the start of school. Two weeks ago the school board re­ ceived a report indicating it would cost at least $8.3 million to repair the Whitaker building, which originally housed John Adams High School. The report recommended the building not be repaired. It cited the cost, excess space in the district, and the fact that even if repaired the building still would not be well-suited to a middle school. Scherzinger's three-part recommenda­ tion would keep 7th and 8th graders to­ gether at the W hitaker Lakeside site on Columbia Boulevard where they currently attend classes. The 6th graders will stay at Rice unless enrollment exceeds capacity. But instead of scraping repairs and selling the John Adams site, the school chief recommends studying possible re­ development of the Adams High Schoo, site. One possible option could be a mixed- use development including a smaller school, should it be needed in the future. Scherzinger said W hitaker's current educational structure, with 7th and 8'h grad­ ers together at Lakeside and a separate 6th grade center at Rice, is working well. “I am pleased with the anecdotal evi­ dence of how well the students are doing in their new locations,” he said. He noted that moving students again would talr«» focus away from improving achievement. Scherzinger said he had been urged by principals to make a decision soon so students, teachers, staff and parents could focus on raising achievement and not continue to worry about where their school will be located next year. A