Page B 3 Wlje ^ortlanb © tw ruer O c to b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 Sports/METKO SPORTS Blazers Slim Roster for Opening Day Cavagnoud Seriously Hurt INNSBRUCK, Austria - Super-G World Cup cham­ pion RegineCavagnoud was hospitalized in life-threat­ ening condition after collid­ ing with a German coach while training on a glacier. “The patient suffered seri­ ous head injuries, a serious injury of the brain and sev­ eral fractures in the face,” Dr. Michael Blauth, head of the accident surgery ward o f Innsbruck University Clinic, told the Austria Press Agency. Other injuries in­ cluded broken ribs and dam­ age to the liver. No More Unbeaten Teams In NFL ST. LOUIS - The Rams became the last NFL team to lose as Kurt W arner threw four interceptions and New Orleans recov­ ered from an 18-pointdefi- citfora34-31 victory. John Carney kicked a 27-yard field goal with one second left to also give W arner his first home loss as a starter after 16 victories. Venus to Miss Tour Championship M U N IC H , G erm any - T w o -tim e W im b led o n titlist Venus Williams with­ drew from the season-end­ ing championships because o f a wrist injury and could be penalized by the tour. Bart. McGuire, chief execu­ tive officer of the WTA Tour, said the injury will be investigated. He said W illiam s could lose as much as $ 140,000 in year- end bonus money if her injury was not legitimate. No Fed Cup Final for United States LONDON - The defend- in g -c h a m p io n U n ited States, a team that could have featured Venus and Serena Williams and Lind­ say Davenport, withdrew from next month’s Fed Cup finals in Madrid, citing se­ curity concerns in the wake of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. The U.S. Tennis Association said the cur­ rent situation made it inad­ visable for elite American athletes to compete abroad as a team representing the country. Indians Won't Bring Back Gonzalez C L E V E L A N D - Juan Gonzalez is now a free agent. The All-Star out­ fielder will not return to the Cleveland Indians next season because the team doesn’t want to pay him another $14 million. Last offseason, Gonzalez signed a one-year, $10 million contract with the $14 mil­ lion option for 2002. He now becomes a free agent. Drummond Faces Felony Marijuana Charge LOS A N G ELES - Jon Drummond, who last year ran on an Olympic relay team that sparked debate about athletes’ conduct, was released on bail after being arrested on suspicion of transporting marijuana. Drummond was cited for transporting a controlled su b stan ce, w hich is a felony, through Los Ange­ les International Airport. Diamondbacks Pitchers Shine in Opening Games Newcomer Zach Randolph, 6-foot-9 Forward from Michigan State played well in the summer league and is a hopeful for opening night against the “Shaque-attack." Los Angeles against the L.A. Lakers. T he B lazers also loaded up the in ju re d list w ith B onzi W ells and R uben P atterso n ; B oth w ill becom e e lig ib le to play on N ov. 8 a g ain st the L.A. C lippers. The Portland Trail Blazers waived forward Johnny Taylor and Center Priest Lauderdale, in addition to sending Cen­ ter Will Perdue to the Los Angeles Clip­ pers, to slim down to 15-players to get ready for Tuesday's opening night in Beavers Stop Cal... Increase Bowl Hopes Arizona's Randy Johnson served up his power pitches, striking out 11 Yankees during his three-hit shutout in Game 2 o f the World Series. PHOENIX (AP) - In a month rapidly making postseason legends of two Arizona pitchers, it was Randy Johson’s turn again. In the World Series game he has waited for all his life, he stood alone. Majestic, dominating and fierce, Johnson fashioned an October masterpiece, blowing away the New York Report: A’s to Give Giambi No-Trade Clause OSU All-American Ken Simington (#35) escapes the grasp of Cal-Bear pursuers Nnamdi Asomugha (#2) Safety and Nick Shaeffer (#76), OLB as the Beavers roll past Calif. 19-10 in Saturday's Pac-10 action. SAN FRANCISCO - Apparently, the Oakland Athletics are no longer opposed to giving All-Star first baseman Jason Giambi a no-trade clause. The Athletics offered Giambi, who is eligible to become a free agent in Nov., a six-year contract worth more than $90 million during the season, but were not willing to give him a no-trade clause and that caused negotiations to cease. However, Athletics general manager Billy Beane told the “San Francisco Chronicle” that the organization is now prepared to give Giambi a no-trade clause. O n sale right now at S tock W eight W atchers . up today and start losing . J oin now for only $32^ w e ig h tw a tch e m CONSULT WWW.WEIGHTWATCHERS.COM FOR TIMES. Northminster Press.Church 2823 N. Portland Blvd. Glisan St. Babtist Church 10401 N.E. Glisan Temple Baptist Church 1319 N.E. 7th Timberline Dodge 2510 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Tillamook Park Bldg. 2 1 0 8 N.E. 41 st Ave. Valid at participating locations for a limited time © 2 0 0 1 Weight W ucher. Intenattotul. Inc owner o f the W F IG H T WATCHE RS trjdemirk. ill tights reserved I I I I I 1 I J I I I I I I I I I ■ I I Heat Sign Rod Strickland MINNEAPOLIS - The Miami Heat have added point guard Rod Strickland to their thin backcourt. Strickland signed a one-year con­ tract worth $1 million, according to his agent. i (ENHEW SC H ooi D W il l p o w e r . Yankees 4-0 on three hits to give Arizona a 2- 0 lead in the World Series. Johnson, a 38-year- old future Hall of Famer with a career of renowned numbers, has never had a finer moment. He struck out 11 and allowed only one man past first base. The only three hits were singles. JVIcMenamins v halloween party Wednesday, October 31 4:30pm to 7pm All ages welcome for no cover charge PORTLAND MEADOWS October 27 - A p ril 28 P ost T imes : Friday • 7:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday • 1:00 p.m. (503) 285-9144 • 1001 N. Schmcer Rd. F rit j F ree P arking M ainline A dmission Trick-or-Treating Weiss & Patricia Haunted Halloween Magic Show 6pm in the Theater Kids under 12 must be accompanied by adult 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 249-3983 •