nrtlauò batrurr October 31, 2001 ®hc Curtiani» ©bacrucr Page B2 Religion o b itu a r ie s Tanzanian Pastors Join Catholic Community A dding to the rich m u lti­ c u ltu ra lism o f the n o rth east Portland area is T anzanian Fr. N icolaus M irandu o f Im m acu­ late H eart Parish. He is join ed in the A rchdiocese o f Portland by f e llo w T a n z a n ia n F r. N icholaus N ilem a o f O ur Lady of V ictory Parish in Seaside. These priests are a sm all part of a trend in the U nited States, o f bishops bringing foreign-bom priests to fill the gaps in the U.S. m inistry, w hich adds to the en ­ r ic h m e n t a n d d iv e r s ity o f the m u lti- c u ltu r a l C a th o lic com m unity. Both men are m em bers o f the A postolic Life com m unity o f priests, and cam e to the A rch­ diocese in July o f 1992. They w ere invited to com e to the Father Nicolaus Mirandu Father Nicholaus Nilema Archdiocese by the former A rch­ bishop W illiam Levada, now A rchbishop o f San Francisco. M em bers o f the Portland Black C a th o lic L ay C a u c u s, now officialy know n as the A frican A m erican Catholic Com m unity o f O regon, accom plished this action after several years o f urg­ ing and solicitation. Father Marandu was ordained in 1982 in Rauya-Moshi, Tanza­ nia, where the native language is Swahili. Upon his arrival in Port­ land, he was assigned to be Paro­ chial Vicar for Holy Redeemer, St. Andrew and Immaculate Heart of Mary parishes. Since 1994, he has served as pastor of Immacu­ late Heart, at 2926 N. Williams Ave. This church is one block e a st o f E m an u el H o sp ita l, where he also serves as Catholic chaplain. Father N ilem a was ordained by 1988, lik e M a ra n d u in Rauya-M oshi. W hen he arrived, he was assigned to St. Therese parish in northeast Portland as a Parochial V icar, and was in residence at the Im m aculate Heart Rectory with his friend Fr. M arandu. In 1997, he was appointed adm inistrator o f O ur Lady o f V ictory in Seaside, where he became pastor in 1998. Verneda Newborne A funeral was held Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2001, in Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes for Verneda Newborne, who died Oct. 17 at age 84. M rs. Newborne was bom Vemeda Carter on June 19,1917, in Wynne, Ark. She moved to Portland in the late ¡940s and was a cook for OHSU for more than 30 years until retiring. She married Ardyce Newborne; he died in the early 1990s. Survivors include her son, W illiam “Bill”; two grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Interment in Sunnyside Memorial Gardens. Willie B. Curtis March 3,1907 - October 23,2001 Willie B. Curtis was bom to Willie and Precella Garrett in Calvert, Texas on March 3,1907. In her teen years she attended Dallas High School in Dallas, Texas. She later mar­ ried Edward Blankenship and to this union they had two daughters Edna W illis and Lela Mae Thomas. She moved to Portland, Oregon in 1943 at that time she began working at the Shipyard. Later she worked at Multnomah County Hospital in the kitchen where she retired in 1970. In 1953 Willie accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and became a member of Emanuel Free Methodist Church, while a member of the church she served as the Church Secretary for 38 years. Willie loved attending church every Sunday and was always actively involved in her Church functions. Her late husband Charlie Curtis precedes her in death: he passed away on May 10,1958. 3 of her children Lela Mae Thomas, Willie Curtis, and James Curtis. Her mother and father also precede her in Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Launches “1000 Churches Connected” Project At New Y ork T heological Seminary, Thursday, October 25, 2001 .Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. and the Rainbow/PUSH Coa­ lition announced the launch of 1000 Churches Connected, a new initiative to work with Pastors to create or enhance economic lit­ eracy programs within their con­ gregations. The press conference, at the New York Theological Seminary located at 5 W. 29* Street in Manhattan, at 11 a.m. features clergy and corporate sup­ porters of the project. Reverend Jackson is joined in leading and announcing this ini­ tiative by Reverend Jam es T. Reverend Jesse L. Jackson Meeks, Pastor o f Salem Baptist Church of Chicago and Execu­ tive Vice President of Rainbow/ V ancouver A venue F irst B aptist C hurch H omecoming F ellowship CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! TO: Members and Former Members of Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church You are cordially invited to come celebrate and fellowship with us at a “Complimentary Home­ coming Dinner” on Saturday, November 3, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. at our church. We look forward to seeing you. Please come renew old acquaintances and have loads of fun. PUSH. Partners and supporters include Sanford I. Weill, Chair­ man and CEO of Citicorp, Dwight P. Robinson, Senior Vice Presi­ dent, C orporate R elations o f F re d d ie M ac, D r. Ilean a Rodriguez-Garcia, Acting Presi­ dent o f the New York Theologi­ cal Seminary, and over a dozen other corporate representatives and clergy. The Financial M inis­ try curriculum of 1000 Churches Connected has already been suc­ cessfully piloted in churches in Atlanta, Kansas City, Newark, New York and Chicago. Accord­ ing to Reverend Meeks, “ 10,000 members at Salem Baptist Church are on the road to financial free­ dom by eliminating debt and par­ ticipating fully in the economic rejuvenation o f our community.” The 1000 C hu rch es C o n ­ nected program features a com ­ prehensive curriculum for all denom inations. It includes in­ structor training, com puter and Internet access and a series of training m odules em phasizing personal financial planning and m anagem ent, debt and c o n ­ sum er credit education, w ealth accumulation, home ow nership, investment, insurance education and utilization o f technology as a financial resource. death. Willie B. Curtis leaves to cherish her memory, 4 children: daugh­ ter Edna Willis of Dallas, Texas; Charlene Buckner of Portland, Oregon; Monzella Curtis of Oakland, California; and Janice Hudson of Portland, Oregon, and 1 son-in-law Leroy Hudson of Portland, Oregon. 24 Beloved Grandchildren, 63 Great-grandchildren, and a host o f cousins and friends. Interment will be at Willamette National Cemetery, 11800SEMount Scott Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97266. Esther Bessie Adams A funeral was held Tuesday, Oct. 30,2001, in Rose City Funeral Home for Esther Bessie Adams, who died Oct. 23 at age 84. Mrs. Adams was bom Esther Bessie Clark on Feb. 16, 1917, in Meridian, Miss., where she was raised. She earned a nursing degree in San Bernardino, Calif., and was a licensed practical nurse for the veterans hospital in Tacoma for 32 years until retiring. She moved to Vancouver, Wash, in 1995. She married Hilray Roach Sr.; they were divorced and he died. She married James Adams; he died in 1995. Survivors include her sons, Hilray Roach Jr. and Willie Roach, sisters, Pat Clark, Daisy Mae Dickson and Mary Ann Bolden; and Gospel Celebration and Food Drive To lift the spirits o f those who’ve been affected by the re­ cent terrorist attacks, a gospel celebration and food drive will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3 at the New Song Community Church, located at 2511 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. The theme for this event is called “Feeding the Soul, Promoting Health and Healing the Community.” Mr. Baruti L. Artharee, Chair, Urban League Board o f Directors will be giving the keynote ad­ dress. In addition, Robert L. Vieira, Ed.D, Vice Provost Of­ fice o f Academic Affairs, Oregon Health & Science University will be speaking about the University’s community outreach efforts. The G ospel C elebration will feature the OHSU C om m unity Gospel Choir, G enesis Com m u­ nity C hoir, True Vine M ission­ ary Baptist Church Choir, Grant/ Franklin G ospel C hoir, singers P a m e la A n d e rs o n , T o n y a Jam es, and a host o f other per­ form ers. For more information, call Ri­ chard Loudd, the Community Out­ reach Coordinator for OHSU/Ur- ban League o f Portland. Call 503- 494-0711 or 503- 280-2659. seven grandchildren. Interment in Rose City Cemetery. Danny M. Nichols A life c e le b ra tio n fo r Danny M. N ichols will be held Friday, Nov. 2 at First AM E Zion Church, 109 N. Skidmore at 11 a.m. For more inform ation, call 360-254- 4258 or 503-335-0771. Maranatha Church Remember, we are - “The Church With A Heart-Felt Welcome. ” H h J jl . M u ltic u ltu r a l JUST MEN IN RECOVERY A Time o f Refreshing! Proclaim G ^ - Present’s Wednesday “A * KIDS NIGHT OUT U n is e x H a ir A r t Bishop Timothy J. Clarke 5501 NE 30th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 Berean Fellowship of Churches First Church of God, Columbus Ohio 503-493-4040 Specials F i r s t tim e c u s to m e r s 20% o f f Dates and Times Sunday, November 11, 2001 10:30am and 6:00pm All services at: Games & Plenty of Fun Maranatha Church S e n io r C i t i z e n D is c o u n t Make a n a p p o in tm e n t f o r a T u e sd a y o r W ednesday 20% o f f c h e m ic a l s e r v i c e s October 31, 2001 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Music, Food, Bag of Candy, Monday, November 12 & Tuesday, November 13 at 7 pm 4 I 4222 NE 12th Avenue (12th SiSkidmore) 503-288-7241 MIRACLES CLUB 4069 NE MLK Dr. T. Allen Bethel, Senior Pastor Rev. Cynthia Brathwaite, Associate Pastor I