Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 31, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    (>a*<A2____________________________ grije jo d ia n i» (S hseruer----------------------------------- g ^ r31’ 2001
W orker Charged With
Issuing Fake Licenses
A former Oregon Division of
Motor Vehicles employee has
been charged with 176 counts of
selling forged driver’s licenses.
Veronica Perez, 41, of Salem,
faces charges including bribe
taking, identity theft, forgery
and official misconduct.
Perez allegedly used her po­
sition at the DM V to issue regu­
lar dri ver's licenses, commercial
driver’s licenses and state ID
cards based on falsified or ficti­
tious information and altered test
She’s accused of accepting
bribes from people seeking to
hide criminal records, circum vent
license suspensions or revoca­
tions, gain underage access to
bars or overcome failing test
W illpower .
O n sale right n o w
W eight W atchers .
Funny th in g about w illp o w e r: you
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J o in
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Martin Trent
Deanna White
(AP) - Portland police have
made two more arrests in a large
case of identity theft.
The Portland Police Bureau’s
White Collar Crimes Unit arrested
36-year-old D eanm White and
charged her with more than 20
counts o f identity theft.
Late last week, police picked
up her boyfriend — 43-year-old
Martin Trent. He was booked on
13 counts of identity theft and
eleven counts o f forgery.
Investigators think the pair
assumed the identities o f some 20
people in six different states by
opening at least 64 bank accounts.
The cost to the victims is more
than $180,000.
In a connected case, police ar­
rested a 41-year-old woman —
Delphine G lass— in late Septem­
ber. She once worked for an insur­
ance company and is believed to
have given White and Trent infor­
mation on clients.
The Portland Police Bureau,
in cooperation with Crime Stop­
pers, is asking for your help iden­
tifying and apprehending the
driver o f a pick-up truck who
deliberately ran over a young
man and fled the scene.
On Saturday, June 30, at about
1 o ’clock in the morning, Port­
land Police officers responded
to a report o f a large fight in the
100 block of Northeast 100lh
Avenue. On arrival, officers
found an injured 17-year-old ly­
ing in the street. According to
witnesses, a fight broke out when
a group of unwanted individuals
attempted to crash a party at a
nearby location. Several people
from the fight got into a pickup
w e ig h tw a tc h e rs .c o m
Northminster Press. Church
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O.J. Simpson Acquitted
in Road Rage Case
MIAMI (A P)-O .J. Simpson
was acquitted last W ednes­
d a y o f g r a b b in g a n o th e r
d riv er’s glasses and scratch­
ing the m an’s face during a
bout of road rage after insist­
in g th a t th e o th e r m an
started it.
The 54-year-old Simpson
faced up to 16years in jail had
he been convicted of auto bur­
glary and b attery fo r last
year’s dispute with Jeffrey
Pattinson in their suburban
M iam i neighborhood. The
jury deliberated for about 90
The two men offered vastly
different accounts o f what
During closing argum ents,
prosecutor Abbe Rifkin did ev­
erything but call Sim pson a
liar, saying the actor cam e out
in him as he testified.
G a la n te r sa id P a ttin so n
chased dow n Sim pson to pro­
voke a c o n fro n ta tio n after
Simpson turned in front o f him
at a stop sign.
Sim pson w as cle a re d o f
crim inal charges in the 1994
slaying o f his ex-w ife N icole
Brown Simpson and her friend
Ronald G oldm an, but a civil
jury later ordered him to pay
$33.5 m illion for their deaths.
He m oved to Florida last year.
Valid at part trip*tir.< k a n in i» for a limited urne
200! Weitrtit Wal» hrm In U -r imtumal liu i-wiier of Uw WEIGHT WATI HERS tradwwarlt AH n<htn n n w v x i
truck parked across the street.
The victim was standing in the
street when the driver of the
truck intentionally ran over him
and left the scene.
The driver is described as a
white male 18to 22 yearsold,6’2”
tall, weighing 210 pounds. The
suspect vehicle is described as a
white, full size Ford pick-up truck.
Investigators believe the driver
may be from the Gresham area.
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward of up to $ 1,000 for
information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, which leads to an ar­
rest in this case, or any unsolved
felony crime, and you need not
give your name. Call Crime Stop­
pers at(5O3)823-HELP.
Man Wanted for
Multiple Crimes
Suspects Arrested Male Driver Wanted
for Hit and Run
for ID Theft
David Noel Weisen Jr.
The Portland Police Bureau, in
cooperation with Crime Stoppers,
is asking for your help in locating
and apprehending David Noel
Weisen Jr.
Felony arrest w arrants are on
file charging W eisen with Theft
in the First D egree, V iolation o f
Release Term s on a charge of
Theft in the First D egree, and
Failure tô A ppear on charges o f
T am pering with Drug Records,
U nauthorized Use o f a M otor
Vehicle, and Burglary in the First
D egree. W eisen is a carpenter
by trade, and did construction
work in Hawaii. Investigators
believe he may now be in the
Portland/V ancouver area.
David Noel Weisen Jr. is a 38-
year-old white male, with a date of
birth o f May 6, 1963. He is de­
scribed as 6’0” tall, weighing 200
pounds, with brown hair and blue
Crime Stoppers is offering a
cash reward of up to $1,000 for
information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, which leads to an arrest
in this case, or any unsolved
felony crime, and you need not
give your name. Call Crime Stop­
pers at (503) 823-HELP.
Assault Investigation
At about 10 a.m. on Oct. 17,
detectives from the Vancouver
Police Major Crime Team and
Portland's East Precinct served a
search warrant at 608 S.E. 121”
Ave. #158 pursuant to an on-go­
ing investigation of felony assault.
Items seized included a bath­
room d o o r w ith a lle g e d
bloodstains on it, a large wooden
dowel, an aerosol can with alleged
bloodstains on it, and numerous
other items.
A rrested was A nntionnette
Calais, 34, a resident of the apart­
ment. She was booked into the
Clark County Jail on one count of
Assault II. The investigation of
this case is continuing and further
charges may be submitted for re­
view by the C la rk C o u n ty
Prosecutor’s Office.
The initial investigation of this
case began Oct. 14, when a young
woman was brought into South­
west W ashington Medical Cen­
ter with numerous injuries. At­
tempts to determine her present
condition at Southwest W ashing­
ton Medical Center were unsuc­
cessful. The name of the victim
has been withheld at this time.
Chinese Businesswoman
Settles Strip-Search Case
A Chinese businessw om • an
who sued the federal government
and Portland immigration officers
for strip-searching and jailing her
has reached a $250,000 settlement.
Guo Liming, 37, came to the
United States with her business
partner when inspectors from the
U.S. Immigration and Naturaliza­
tion Service questioned her pass­
port at Portland International Air­
port. The passport appeared tat­
tered, and she was detained. After
the strip search, she was held at a
jail in The Dalles for two days,
without her lawyer knowing her
whereabouts. Her passport later
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was found to be legitimate.
The case only furthered the
Portland immigration service’s
reputation for treating foreign visi­
tors badly in a city that had al­
ready earned itself the nickname
“Deportland" among Asian trav­
After intense criticism from
business and political leaders,
Oregon INS director David Beebe
retired, and the new leadership
began making reforms.
G uo’s Portland lawyer, Tom
Steenson, said that his client was
pleased by the out-of-court settle­
ment, which was finalized Oct. 15.
Man Wanders From Care Home and Dies
A man reported missing from
an extended-care facility was
found dead Oct. 17.
Gregory Woods, 41, was re­
ported missing after he apparently
wandered away from the Rest Har­
bor Extended Care Facility in
Calaroga Terrace
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Gresham Police O fficer Grant
B . M cCormick says Woods, who
had mental health problems, died
o f exposure that m ight have
been complicated by a heart con­