ortlan b (0ba October 24, 2001 Ctífv IJortlanh © hsm ier Page B2 Religion ‘Soul Inspiration’ LeJuene Thompson has debuted her solo album "Soul Inspiration." Thompson is best known for her work with the Grammy- nominated, multi­ award winning ensemble Donald Lawrence & the Tri- City Singers. Her new 10-song project features o f mixture o f soul-infused Gospel and urban music. Harvest Party at Life Change A children’s ministry harvest party will be held Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Life Change Christian Center, 106 N. Beech. Kids from toddlers to Fifth grade are invited to enjoy free food, games and lots o f fun. OPEN HOUSE De La Salle N o rth Catholic High School The School th a t Hfonfcr Opportunity... ...Through Academics, Community, Service 7654 N Delaware Ave Portland, OR 97217 503-285-9385 Take 1-5 to Lombard St West (Exit 305B) Turn right at light on Delaware Avenue School is 2nd block on the right Community Observance Promotes Religious and Ethnic Diversity Com m unity members with varying religious and ethnic- backgrounds will join together for the third annual commemo­ ra tiv e o b se rv a n c e of Kristallnacht (“N ight of Broken Glass) on Saturday, Nov. 10, at 7 p.m. at Congregation Beth Israel. 1972 NW Flanders. The commemoration is an opportunity for people o f many different backgrounds to come to together to celebrate diver­ sity while saying, “'no more,” to intolerance and hatred. cre d re lig io u s tre a s u re s ,” Greenstein said. “ K ris ta lln a c h t,” says Greenstein, “ foreshadowed the far darker night that would soon overtake Europe's Jews.” This intolerance and hatred perpetrated by the Nazis later spread to other religious and eth­ nic groups, including Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Gyp­ sies. By the end o f Worid War II, Nazi Germany was responsible for the murder o f 11 million men, women and children. Homecoming Follows Pastor’s Exit A north and northeast Port­ land church has scheduled a homecoming celebration fol­ lowing the recent turmoil over whether it would retain the ser­ vices o f its pastor. Amzie Bailey recently left his p o sitio n as p a sto r o f th e Vancouver Avenue First Bap­ tist Church after members o f the congregation voted not to retain his services. The vote followed a one- year long inquiry by the O r­ egon A ttorney G en eral’s O f­ fice that focused on w hether general principals o f gover­ nance were being upheld at the church. C h u rch lead e rs L evan Johnson and Dorothy Jones are ch air and co-chairs for the homecoming celebration. T h ey ’re asking new and old acquaintances o f the church to celebrate a night o f fellow ­ ship during a com plim entary hom ecom ing d in n ero n S atur­ day, Nov. 3 at 5 p.m. at the church on N orth V ancouver Avenue. For more information, call 503-287-1514. Attacks Inspire Prayer V ancouver A venue F irst B aptist C hurch H omecoming F ellowship CELEBR. ME'. CELEBRATE! TO: Members and Former Members of Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church You are cordially invited to come celebrate and fellowship with us at a “Complimentary Home­ coming Dinner” on Saturday, November 3, 2001 at 5:00 P.M. at our church. grounds arc mvilcu. “Since the attacks, I’ve heard over and over again that people were feeling vulnerable and dam­ a g e d ,” say s F a th e r B ru ce Cwiekowski, program manager ofCatholic Charities AIDS Min­ istry. “What we are offering is a time to be still.” In the wake o f the terrorist attacks, many people have been drawn to prayer. Catholic Charities will offer an open hour for prayer and/or silence at All Saints Church, 3847 N.E. Glisan each Friday through Christmas. People o f all faiths and back­ Distress Counselors Needed We look forward to seeing you. Please come renew old acquaintances and have loads of fun. Remember, we are - “The Church With A Heart-Felt Welcome.“ OCTOBER 2 8 ,2 0 0 1 1-4 p m According to event organizer and Holocaust survivor, Miriam Greenstein, Kristallnacht was the culmination o f Germ any’s pre-war Anti-Semitism. “On the night o f November 9-10, 1938, Nazi storm troop­ ers and their followers sponta­ neously’ attacked Jewish shops and synagogues throughout Germany. During that terrible night, G erm any’s Jews w it­ nessed the destruction o f their shops and businesses, their synagogues and their most sa­ For more information call 503-287-1514. CONTACT: Levan Johnson, chair or Dorothy Jones, co-chair. C h u rch c o u n se lo rs have been on the scene in D.C. and New York since the time o f the tragic disasters on Sept. 11. Seminars are being held from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Church o f Scientology o f Portland, 2636N.E. Sandy Blvd. For more information, call Diane at 503- 963-8121. The Church o f Scientology is holding free training seminars in disaster counseling for all members o f the public. Individuals from all walks o f life throughout the world have been trained by the Church in methods to relieve stress and trauma as an integral part o f disaster relief efforts interna­ tionally for five decades. Whitaker Middle School May Close Permanently (E lie ^ o r t i a n i t ( © b a e r f r e r W A N T S YO U TO KN O W W H A T IS H A P P E N IN G IN Y O U R N E IG H B O R H O O D ... ...A n d around th e w o r ld ! * ’J*»* *A'- ♦ ’V? «*', ¡¡Musical Celebration Featuring j3The Sounds of Refreshing Workshop Mass ChoirjS Along with Special Guest Choir Emmanuel Temple Combined Choirs And Other Guest Choirs November 3rd 6:30 PM a 'k • t z ‘ At*" . , ’t • • ■W il l p o w e r . • I O n sale right now at S S tock W eight W atchers . up today and start losing . J oin n o w for only $ 3 2 ^ w e ig h tw a tch e rs.co m CONSULT WWW.WEIGHTWATCHERS.COM FOR TIMES. Northminster Press.Church Glisan St. Babtist Church 2823 N. Portland Blvd. 10401 N.E. Glisan Temple Baptist Church Timberline Dodge 1319 N.E. 7th 2510 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41 st Ave. För Concert and Workshop I W illie Dlftm 4 503 287-3816 Valid a pirtwipatn# locanoa for a limned tin t 0 20 01 Weiihi Welchen InlematKmil. Inc owner of the W FIG H I W M Ï HFRS hedemirh. ell nght, reserved I I I "I I J I I I I ■ I I I I I ■ I continued f rom Front “Because decisions about W hitaker students are im­ portant to the community, com m ents from parents, teachers and the community will be part o f assessing op­ tions,” he said. “We may be able to identify a solution that provides an even better learning environm ent for Whitaker students.” The W hitaker building, fo rm e rly A dam s H igh School, was originally built for 1,800 high school stu­ dents. Last year, 675 stu­ d e n ts w ere e n ro lle d at Whitaker. In order to be prepared for the 2002 school year, a deci­ sion will need to be made by early December. Seventh and 8th grade students currently attend W hitaker Lakeside while 6th grade students at­ tend Whitaker at Rice. A