“ffiûdpitig, ÎJPaitEandô Cw nnuuiitiet” Z|T ü ntnt u n i t y \!> a k n ù a r Discussion on Homeschooling So yo u ’re thinking about home school­ ing? A panel o f hom e schooling fam i­ lies w ill discuss hom e-based educa­ tion and answ er questions from the audience at the R ockw ood L ibrary, lo c ate d at 17917 SE. Stark. C all 503-988-5396. National College Fair G et a head start on your college search at the Portland N ational C ollege Fair! T his free event w ill be held on Friday, O ct. 26 and S aturday, Oct. 27, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Oregon Convention C enter. M eet w ith college representa­ tives from over 250 colleges and uni­ v e rsitie s n atio n w id e. C all D onna Rhine vault at 503-359-8137, ext. 2 36or visit w w w .nacac.com . Terrorism and Civil Liberties L earn about “C ivil Liberties in a Tim e o f T errorism ” from form er congress- w om an Elizabeth Furse and her unique perspective o f having grow n up in South Africa. Participants w ill be able to discuss the im pact o f recent acts o f terrorism on som e o f ou r rights. The talk will be at Portland State Uni versity ’ s S m ith M em orial C enter on S aturday, N ov. 3, from 8:30 a.m .- 9 :2 0 a.m. C all 503-725-4949. Experience the Aloha Spirit T he Hawaii Visitors Convention Bu­ reau will be having their “Experience Aloha! H awaii On Tour” at Clackam as T ow n Center on Friday, Oct. 26. This three-day promotional road show is a multifaceted presentation o f Hawaii of­ fering a live Island-style entertainment, cultural dem onstrations and high-tech, high-touch interactive displays and activities. All activities are free. Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale Show to Highlight Dancers of African Rain Forest “T he People o f the Forest,” a landm ark collaboration betw een a nationally ac­ claim ed dance com pany and m usicians from the Central A frican Rain Forest, is com ing to Portland on W ednesday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the A rlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. T he perform ance jo in s A lonzo K in g ’s Lines Ballet of San Francisco with Nzambia Lela, a 16-m em ber ensem ble o f musicians and dancers o f the BaA ka clan from the L obaye Forest in the southw est portion o f the C entral A frican Republic. T he audience will have the rare op p o r­ tunity o f w itnessing a unique partnership betw een dancers trained in classical tech­ nique and A frican m usicians and dancers unaffected by outside influences. T he B aA ka date back 4,000 years, and are one o f the last rem aining hunter-gath­ erer societies. W hen King visited the BaA ka in their hom eland in N ovem ber 1999, he w as in ­ spired by m usic that captures the spirit and beauty o f their natural environm ent. T he B aA ka textures o f sound contain astonishing variety that is as m uch a part o f their lives as walking, eating and breath­ ing. A lonzo King is one o f the preem inent A m erican choreographs, and his co m ­ pany L ines Ballet is an organization o f extraordinary artists w ho believe in trans­ form ing the capacity o f art and its pow er to affect hum an lives. T ickets to “People o f the F orest" are priced at $15 to $39, w ith discounts for students, seniors and groups o f 8 or more, and are available at T icket Central in Pio­ n e e r C o u r th o u s e S q u a re a n d a ll Ticketm aster outlets at 503-224-4400. A special perform ance for students in Portland public schools will be held as part o f the visit orchestrated byW hite Bird P roductions o f Portland in con ju n c­ tion with the Alvin Alley A merican Dance Theatre. Xavier Ferla and Debra Rose express the fine art o f modern dance in an ancient culture in "The People of the Forest. " coming to Portland's Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. photo by M arty S ohl The 57,h annual Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale kicks o ff on T hursday, Nov. 1 at the Portland E xpo C enter. Shoppers w ill find a vast selection o f high-qual­ ity goods. Proceeds from the R um ­ m age Sale go to C atlin G abel student financial aid. The sale goes from T hurs­ day, N ov. 1 - Sunday, Nov. 4 at the P ortland Expo C enter in H alls A & B. Call 503-297-1894. King Daughter Follows Her Father’s Path Rev. Bernice King to speak on social change at Lewis & Clark, just like her father did 40 years ago Montessori For Your Child A s part o f its Parent E ducation Series, Providence M ontessori School will offer a free lecture to anyone inter­ e s te d in le a rn in g m o re a b o u t a M ontessori education for their child. The lecture will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 30. from 7-8 p.m. at the Providence M ontessori School, located at 830 NE. 47'h Ave. in Enrichm ent Studio #2. Call 503-215-2409. The Rev. Bernice K ing, the youngest daughter o f the Rev. Dr. M artin L uther King Jr., will present the 2001 Chamberlin Lecture, “D isturbing the Com fortable: C reating So­ cial C hange T hat Lasts,” at 7:30 p .m .. Tues- day, Oct. 30, in A gnes Flanagan C hapel, Lew is & C lark College, 0615 S.W . Palatine Volunteers Needed C ares N orthw est is a m edical child abuse assessm ent center. T he pro­ gram sees over 1500children each year for concerns o f sexual abuse, physical abuse, em otional abuse, neglect and exposure to dom estic violence. The center is in need o f volunteers, p rim a­ rily from M onday through Friday. S p a n is h -s p e a k in g v o lu n te e rs are needed on T hursdays and Fridays. Call Debby K em enat503-331-2400for m ore information. Shortage of Health Professionals A pproxim ately 72 m illion A m ericans live in m etropolitan and rural locations that are designated health profession s h o rta g e a re a s, a c c o rd in g to the A gency for H ealth C are Policy and R esearch and the A sso c iatio n o f A m erican M edical Col leges. A talk on this subject will be given at the H is­ panic M etropolitan Cham ber luncheon on Oct. 30 at the Benson Hotel, start - ingat 11:30a.m. Call 503-226-2556. Proposed McDonald’s Stirs Debate A rally was held last week to show opposition to a proposed McDonald's on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, south of Fremont. The neighbors said they were concerned about traffic, trash and low wage jobs. Supporters of the plans say the restaurant will be an economic and wanted boost for the King corridor that would lead to other new ventures in northeast Portland. phot »» by 4 HUI Rd. K in g 's lecture celebrates her father’s visit to the college 40 years ago. On Nov. 8 ,1961, Dr. King spoke on “The Future o f Integration” at a Lew is & C lark convocation. His speech in the co lleg e 's gym nasium marked his first visit to Portland from his hom e in A tlanta, Ga. L ater that evening, he spoke in the Civic A uditorium on elim inating barriers to equal opportunity. Bernice King has an international reputa­ tion as a pow erful and m otivating orator. She began her speaking career at the age o f 17 with a speech to the U nited N ations G eneral A ssem bly and has developed a dynamic- oratorical style rem iniscent o f her father's. She narrated the “Lincoln Portrait" w ith an orchestra in Kiel, G erm any, and has spoken throughout the world. Ebony m agazine honored K in g 's leader­ ship in its “T en o f T om orrow ” list. She is the author o f "H ard Q uestions. H eart A nsw ers" and an ordained preacher and assistant to the pastor at the Love C enter at G reater Rising Star Baptist C hurch in Atlanta. A law yer and social activist. King served in the Fulton County Juvenile C ourt system under Judge G lenda Hatchett, mentored fifth- grade girls in an inner-city school, organized Like her father, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Bernice King has a reputation as a powerful and motivating orator. coalitions to close a pornography shop, helped build a hom e through H abitat for H um anity, coordinated nonviolent conflict resolution conferences and taught courses on race relations and on leadership dev elo p ­ ment. She earned a b ac h elo r's degree in p sy ­ chology from Spelman College and m aster of divinity andjuris doctor degrees from Emory U niversity. H er lecture a, L ew is & C lark will be free and open to the public, but tickets are re­ quired by calling 503-768-7085. T ickets are also available at the college bookstore or the chapel office M ark W ashington /T id P ortland O bserv er i *