October 24, 2001 Page A3 3T|e ÿ a rtla n ù (ßbserüer Health Officers Calm Fears Over Anthrax In the w ake o f recently reported anthrax cases, doctors have been deluged with requests for screen­ ing tests and preventive treatm ent, according to public health officials at the state D epartm ent o f H um an Services. These include requests for nasal sw abs, blood serum tests and antibiotics. Health officials recom m end that people w ho are concerned about respiratory o r skin problem s be evaluated by their health care pro ­ vider, as usual. But because there are no quick screening tests for anthrax disease and because anti­ biotics should not be used as a routine prevention step, they ca u ­ tion the public and physicians not to over-react. M any peo p le are req u estin g nasal sw abs and b lood serum tests, according to M el K ohn, M .D., state epidem iologist. “T hese tests will not tell you that you have been exposed to anthrax,” Kohn ca u ­ tions. “M eanw hile, running these tests will take up valuable labora­ tory capacity.” Even w ith the events o f the last few w eeks, anthrax disease is still extrem ely rare in the U nited States, Kohn says. “W e need to m ake ju d i­ cious use o f laboratory capacity to investigate any credible threats o f anthrax disease. T hat m eans m ak­ ing sure that labs are not o ver­ w helm ed w ith requests for tests that are extrem ely unlikely to be positive.” H ospitalized patients with sym p­ tom s consistent with anthrax should have an app ro p riate lab o rato ry evaluation and local health depart­ m ents notified im m ediately so that investigation and control efforts » Ethics in Medicine Discussed 1 can be undertaken prom ptly. K ohn further cautions against stockpiling antibiotics. “ W e need to m ake sure w e have adequate supplies o f antibiotics available. If a biological attack actually hap­ pened, w e w ould need to have those antibiotics in the hands of som eone w ho w as truly exposed rather than sitting in som eone’s m edicine cabinet,” he said. T he use o f antibiotics also car­ ries the risk o f the developm ent of resistant bacteria. Illness and even death from antibiotic resistance occur every day in O regon, accord­ ing to Kohn. “W e know that inap­ propriate antibiotic use is a m ajor contributor to this problem . We m ust use them prudently and only w hen the benefits outw eigh the risks,” he said. Flu Shot Clinics Set Fall Schedules Flu vaccines are starting to arrive at clinics and doctors o f­ fices in the Portland area for the w inter flu season. But officials are asking that only the elderly and others m ost at risk get their vaccinations now. T hey are asking the young and healthy to w ait until m ore o f the vaccine arrives. L egacy V isiting N urse A ssociation will provide Flu Prevention Clinics during No­ vem ber at Safew ay, Km art and com m unity sites in the Portland m etropolitan area. B ecause flu vaccine suppliers are predicting a second straight year o f delays in delivery o f full vaccine orders. L egacy w ill vacci­ nate only persons at high risk for influenza this m onth. N ational health officials said more than half o f the vaccine will be distributed nationw ide by Hallow - een, w ith the rest arriving in N o­ vem ber and D ecem ber. “W e need to target the influenza vaccine that is available now , in O ctober, to those at high risk of com plications,” N ancy Cox o f the C enters for D isease C ontrol and Prevention said. T hose w ho should receive their shots first, officials said, are people aged 65 and o lder and other at-risk groups, including: • R esidents o f nursing hom es and o th er facilities housing people w ith chronic illnesses. • C h ild re n a n d a d u lts w ith chronic heart or lung disorders, such as asthm a. • C hildren and adults w ho need regular m edical care because o f such chronic diseases as diabetes, kidney disease and im m une suppression. • People aged six m onths to 18 years w ho are receiving long­ term aspirin therapy. • Pregnant w om en w ho will be in the second or third trim ester o f pregnancy during flu season. • And health care w orkers. WSU Vancouver Enrollment Increases j j s f r , T f f . r . r . f J S J . f ’J ’. r - -'■ S S .''.’ . ' G row th in enrollm ent and full or near full classes are the reality for W a s h in g to n S ta te U n iv e r s ity V ancouver this fall. N early 1,700 students are enrolled in junior-, senior- and graduate level classes and 44 percent o f all classes are at m axim um capacity. “It’s an exciting fall for W SU V ancouver,” said N ancy Y oulden, s' d irector o f student services. “W e are very pleased to exceed o u r en ­ rollm ent target and there seem s to be an increase in the num ber o f students enrolled full-tim e.” “It appears that m ore students are choosing the com m unity co l­ leges plus W SU V ancouver op­ tion. A nd for that reason, w e’re seeing an influx o f m ore tradition­ ally aged college students. I think this grow th also dem onstrates an increased aw areness o f our pro­ gram s and presence, as w ell as our com m itm ent to the com m unity.” W SU V ancouver, one o f four cam puses w ithin the W SU system , provides upper-division and gradu­ ate classes leading to 13 bach elo r’s and eight m aster’s degrees. The cam pus is located on 351 acres ju st north o f the Colum bia River. Joan Sage o f Northwest Kaiser Permanente, Bonnie Reagan o f Portland Adventist Medical Center and Dr. Susan Toile o f the Center for Ethics in Health Care at Oregon Health Sciences University talk about end-of-life issues at a recent seminar at OHSU. How the medical profession deals with death and dying patients is one o f the most serious subjects facing the health care profession. Health Center Moves to New Location T he M ultnom ah C ounty N orth P ortland H ealth C en ter at 8918 N. W oolsey has m oved to 9000 N. Lom bard. T he new location in the St. Johns neighborhood is designed to serve a larger n um ber o f p ri­ m ary health care clients at a m ore central and accessible location. T h e new facility is one o f six prim ary h ealth care centers o p ­ erated by the county. Services include O regon H ealth P lan eligibility screening, fam ily p lanning, pharm acy, im m u n iza­ tio n s, m en tal h ealth treatm en t, and new b o m /w ell-ch ild care. A n office fo r m edical w orkers w h o m ake hom e visits w ill also be located in the center. F u tu re p la n s f o r th e tw o - s to ry , 2 4 ,0 0 0 -s q u a re -f o o t b u ild in g in c lu d e g ro u n d le v el re ta il sp ace. County Expands Access to Family Planning M ultnom ah C ounty H ealth D ep a rtm en t and th e O reg o n Health Division recently initiated a process to expand access to family panning services to unin­ sured county residents. The project provides free birth control and low -cost reproduc­ tive health care to men and women w hose incom es are below 185 per­ ing services, patient education, and birth control m ethods. In the cent o f the federal poverty level. A ccording to O regon H ealth future, vasectom ies and fem ale D iv isio n e s tim a te s, m o re than sterilization may be included in 4 0.000 people in the m etro area are the project. For more information andeligibil- in need o f fam ily planning services. T he health departm ent and other ityrequiremerts,call 1-800-S AFENET qualified m edical providers offer o r visit the sta te’s w ebsite at m edical exam s, lab tests, counsel- www.ohd.hr.state.or.us/fp. BILLY REED'S RESTAURANT AND BAR Great Food, Great Friends, Great Times K OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK BREAKFAST SAT. & SUN. 8AM-4PM J | LIVE MUSIC Seven Days A Week and Twice on FRIDAYS and SUNDAYS B lles , Jzn, R e © ae , P wk , S oil , R&5, aijp O l 'S ciiool \ B IL L Y R EED 'S SPECIAL DINNER OCT. 25 "Full in Spain D inner” Five Courses $29.95 or $38 with Cham pagne or Select W ine— Taking Reservations Now! I 1 I t Every Sunday-Jazz Sunday w/the Albina Jazz Ensemble 1-4PM, No Compromise Featuring Louis Pain 7:30-11PM Every Thursday Night Ron Steen s Jazzberry Jam Session 7:30-11PM Every Saturday “Sw eet Baby Jam es” & the O riginal Cats 8:30PM-12:30 AM SPECIAL FRIDAY NIGHT EVENTS IN THE SIDE ROOM: Oct. 12 The Outrageous DJ Geo Spinnin9 the Funk $3 Oct. 19 Norman Sylvester & the Boogiecats (Blues/R&B) $5 Oct. 26 Recording Artist Shamir (Reggae/R&B/Hip-Hop)$5 IN T H E W U l O F k I k > I