October 24, 2001 Oregon Woman Accused of Anthrax Hoax (A P )-A n Oregon woman ' suspected of mailing a piece of paper with the misspelled words “ANTRAX VIRUS” and a white, powdery sub­ stance as a practical joke has been indicted by a federal grand jury. Patricia Jones, 51, of the mid-Willamette Valley town of Dallas, was charged last Wednesday with mailing a Passengers Stop Greyhound Hijacking (AP) - Passengers on a Grey­ hound bus that originated in Portland overpowered a hi­ jacker Thursday who grabbed the steering wheel and threat­ ened to flip the vehicle. Authorities in Utah say the man and a woman accomplice fled after the driver safely stopped the bus. The two people were later taken into custody. No one was injured. Troopers arrested 34-year- old Troy Matzek and 25-year- old B ecky H yde, both o f Wichita, Kansas. Police say the unarmed couple gave them­ selves up at a downtown Salt Lake City truck stop. Authorities say several pas­ sengers wrestled with the un­ ruly man as the driver was try­ ing to stop the bus. threatening communication and mailing a nonmailable sub­ stance, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Portland. Police have said the enve­ lope was sent to a Monmouth resident, whom police have declined to identify. A mail carrier reported see­ ing the powder falling out of the e n v e lo p e and the Monmouth post office was shut The regional 911 center for Clark County has been inundated with calls from concerned citizens ever since the nationwide anthrax scare began. The incidents have ranged from simple letters with handwritten addresses or no re­ turn address, to unidentified pow­ ders in various locations. To date, all such incidents within Clark County have not been related to terrorism and did not represent any threat to the community. Citizen concerns about terror­ ism are understandable, however, the vast majority of citizens are not at risk of receiving a danger­ ous letter or package, police said. In order to utilize emergency responders effectively, Clark Re­ g io n a l E m e rg e n c y S e rv ic e s Agency will assist public safety agencies in determining the de­ gree o f threat with a reported inci­ dent. All reports o f possible terror­ ism will be taken seriously. If a citizen reports a suspicious pack­ age or substance, the 9-1-1 dis­ patchers will ask additional ques­ tions. The added queries should relieve the anxiety o f the caller, as additional information may be obtained that sharply reduces the index o f suspicion that the occur­ rence is an act of terrorism. If, after extensive questioning, terrorism cannot be ruled out, public safety personnel will err on the side o f caution and respond appropriately. Additional or more specific questions related to public health should be directed to the South­ west W ashington Health District during normal business hours at 360-397-8215. O.J. Simpson Testifies in Miami Road Rage Trial (A P)— O.J. Simpson testified in his road rage trial Tuesday that the other driver lied about the confrontation, prompting the pros­ ecutor to ask the former football star whether he has ever lied or been aggressive. T he d e fe n se re ste d a fte r Simpson, the sole defense wit­ ness, ended about three hours of cross-examination over two days in his trial on auto burglary and battery charges. He could get up to 16 years in prison if convicted. The prosecution rested after calling a detective w ho took Simpson’s statement the night after the encounter, and the judge told jurors to return for closing arguments Wednesday. In response to prosecution questions about his believability, Simpson said he can be convinc­ ing but filled the courtroom with laughter when he said: “I don’t think I’ve ever been accused of being an actor.” Prosecutor Abbe Rifkin asked if Simpson ever called himself a liar or would lie “especially if your O.J. Simpson heads to trial in Miami to face a road rage charge. life depended on it.” Simpson, 54, responded: “I’ve never been put in that position to have to lie with my life on the line.” Rifkin also asked Simpson if he’s ever been aggressive, but Circuit Judge Dennis Murphy cut off questioning in an area that was getting close to Sim pson’s rela­ tionship with his ex-wife. Aside from being on the same street at the same time on Dec. 4 in their neighborhood in suburban Kendall, the drivers in the road- rage trial gave drastically differ­ ent accounts of their nighttime encounter. Simpson said the confrontation began after he rolled through a stop sign while the other driver, Jeffrey Pattinson, was approaching the , intersection from another direction. Pattinson said he had to brake hard twice to avoid hitting Simpson. ■» W ith both men out o f their SUVs, Simpson said Pattinson “just puffed up like a bullfrog, got anim ated and just w ent off.” Pattinson has testified that he stay ed in his vehicle, that Simpson stormed at him. shouting, and that he asked Simpson if he was “a madman or something.” Portlander Gets 20 years For Killing Girl in Forest Park A Portland man was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the shoot­ ing death of a girl in Forest Park on her 19th birthday in 1996. Adisa Johnson, 24, pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy to H « down while investigators searched the area. The postal worker who touched the pow der was taken by ambulance to Shlem Memorial Hospital, where she was treated and released. The powder was deter­ mined to be harmless. If convicted, Jones could face up to six years in prison and $350,000 in fines. Emergency Workers Offer Advice on Suspected Terrorism commit aggravated murder in the death of Maggie Overlund. “I’m sorry to the family for what has happened,” Johnson said, duping his recent sentencing. Another man, Rosney Devore Johnson, 24, faces a charge of aggravated murder in the death. Adisa Johnson told police that he was aware that Rosney Johnson was going to " 187” Overlund, re­ ferring to the California code for murder. He indicated that his co-defen­ dant was angry at Overlund be­ cause she threatened to snitch on him about drug dealing, court records said. Washington Mutual Li i Us M aw 1 a F an O hi < oi Y oh He told police that the two picked up Overlund in Portland and drove her to the large Port­ land park, saying that they were going to conduct a drug deal, but that Rosney Johnson shot her.