ïfye IJartlanb (Observer Page B6 urtlnnò October 24, 2001 Focus (A b s rru rr Bettering the Lives of Rural Africans Colorful entertainment by African performers will be the highlight of a fund-raising event for needy rural Africans on Saturday, Oct. 2 7 at the Radisson Hotel. Oregon-IjS Outreach is spon­ soring their first fund-raising ban­ quet that would benefit rural Afri­ cans in need o f services for sur­ vival. The gala event, which in­ cludes good food and entertain­ ment, will be held at the Radisson Hotel, 1441 NE. 2nd Ave. on Satur­ day, O ct 27,from6:30p.m.-2a.m. Keynote speakers will be Oregon Senator Avel Gordley and Judge Andrew Okon from Nigeria. T his is an o p p o rtu n ity to share in the greater vision o f the organization to provide basic necessities for m any A fricans: health care clinics, access to w ater and scholarships for a better education. To purchase tickets, call Or- egon-US Outreach at 503-530- 8873 or Charles Archibong at 503- 259-9924. All ticket sales and do­ nations are tax deductible. U n d e r th e Brig Top a t S EI! Come dressed in your best costume to the Center for Self Enhancement, 3920 N. Kerby Ave. 3-Ring Circus Wednesday, October 31, Face Painting 5:00pm to 7:00 pm Lots of Candy All children through middle Haunted House school age are welcome! Games You must have a ticket to attend! Tickets are available at SEI October 22-26, 9am to 6 pm! A candy donation is asked of all attendees. And Much, Much More! A t th e M cvies Bones F o u r kids m ove in to a mysterious, de­ crepit building in a bad part of town to open a d a n c e clu b . Tw enty years ago, the house b e lo n g e d to Jimmy Bones, Snoop Dogg as Jimmy Bones and Pam a leg e n d a ry Grier as Pearl in “Bones. ' protector and patron of the neighborhood when it was a thriving community. As the kids experience a series of strange and unexplainably terrifying events, they uncover an awful truth - Bones was betrayed and murdered by those closest to him. Now his spirit will haunt them and hunt them down as he seeks retribution for his death. (Genre: supernatural, action, thriller; Rating: R; R unning time: 93 mins.) IYainine Day Everyday there is a war being waged on Am erica's inner city streets - a war between residents, drug dealers and the people sworn to protect one from the Brett Sorensen (left) is violently other. This war has its confronted by Denzel Washington in casualties, none greater “Training Day. ’ than L.A.P.D. Detective Sergeant Alonzo Harris, a 13-year veteran narcotics officer whose questionable methodology blurs the line between legality and corruption. This crime tale shadows Alonzo as he tests the resolve of wide-eyed, idealistic rookie Jake Hoyt, who has one day and one day only to prove himself to his fiercely charismatic superior. Over the next 24-hours, Jake will be pulled deeper and deeper into the ethical mire of A lonzo's logic as both men put their lives and career on the line to serve their conflicting notions of justice. (G enre: crime, police, drama, action; Rating: R; From Hell Running time: 120 mins.) Scotland Yard Inspec­ tor Frank Abberline's new assignment is to investi­ gate the brutal “Jack the Ripper” murders in the Whitechapel district of London. Virtually driven to madness during his hunt, he uncovers a con­ spiracy involving the government, a string of prostitutes and blackmail that could lead straight to the Royal Palace. (Genre: 13 Ghosts adaptation, historical, thriller; Rating: R; Running time: 84 mins.) Advertise with diversity in (Lite A family inherits a spectacular old house from an eccentric uncle. There's just one problem: the house seems to have a dangerous agenda all its own. Trapped in their new home by strangely shifting walls, the family encounters powerful and vengeful entities that threaten to annihilate anyone in their path. Soon the family is joined by an offbeat ghost hunter who is determined to free the spirits imprisoned in the house. Caught in a frantic race to save themselves before it is too late, the human inhabitants realize the house is a riddle which contains the key to their imminent salvation - or destruction. (Genre: supernatural, thriller, remake; Rating: PG -13) ((fHHEDY SCHO qi MelVIenamins v |J o rtIa n b (Observer call 503.288.0033 or email: ads@portlanclobservgr.cc)nT party Wednesday, October 31 1:30pm to 7pm M l ages welcome for no cover charge Trick-or-Treating Weiss & Patricia Haunted Halloween Magic Show 6pm in the Theater Kids under 12 must be accompanied by adult •Major Support for White Bird/Portlnbcf Pubi Schools O utreach Project provided by < pge / F O U N D A T IO N 4? 72 • / L . 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon (503) 249-3983 • www.incinenainins.com