53ortlaith (©bseruer October 24, 2001 ortlanA Page B5 Focus Triple Maze of Horror Jubilee Tour with Jane’s Addiction Through Oct. 31 PG E Park is hosting a H aunted H ouse w ith a T riple M aze o f H orror and a D ungeon o f Doom. It w ill be open for kids o f all ages until W ednesday, Oct. 31 every evening at 7:30 p.m. T he park is located at 1844 SW . Morrison. CaU 503-553-5400. When Buildings Speak Wednesday, Oct. 24 A lice C otton, O regon architectural and house portrait artist/author, spent a year illustrating and researching a selection o f O reg o n ’s historical buildings, featured in her book, “W hen Buildings Speak.” U sing historical architecture as her focal point. C otton presents a unique m ultim edia event that prom ises to educate and inspire. She will be speaking at W allace Books, 7 2 4 1 SE. M ilw aukie on Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. CaU503-254-3173. Jazz Tribute to a Jazz Legend S L ID Dance Concert at Reed College Nov, 9,10 The Reed C ollege fall dance concert will take place on F riday and Saturday, Nov. 9 and 10, at 8 p.m. in Kaul A uditorium . T ickets w ill be available at the door. T here will be A frican dance and a collection o f other dances by Reed students. C all 503-777-7755. Thursday, Oct. 25 New American Girl Fashions S pend a m u sical ev e n in g at M cM en am in s K ennedy S ch o o l, lo cated at 5736 N .E . 33rd as m usician B ryan D ickerson and friends h o n o r ja zz leg en d C an n o n b all A d d erly w ith a sp e cia l trib u te a t 7 p.m . A d d erly is reg a rd e d as o n e o f th e m ost p assio n ate alto (an d la ter, so p ran o ) sa x o p h o n ists in ja z z h isto ry . C a ll 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -3 9 8 3 o r go o n lin e to w w w .k en n e d y sch o o l.c o m . Found/Shot/Squashed/Sorted/Down Saturday, Nov. 10 In a celebration o f the spirit o f A m erican girlhood, the A m erican G irl Fashion Show will feature a fresh, updated look show casing historical and contem porary A m erican G irl fashions on Nov. lO at 10a.m ., 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and Nov. 11 at 11 a.m ., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. at the M ultnom ah Athletic Club. C all 503-416-6327 or go online to w w w .orsym phony.org/ o sw a. Friday, Oct. 26 “Bully the Kid” Theatre P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e ’s N o rth v iew G allery is h o stin g the artw o rk o f M ary S tu p p -G ree r, v isu al a rts in stru c to r at the S y lv an ia C a m p u s. T h e ex h ib itio n , title d “ F o u n d /S h o t/S q u a sh e d /S o rte d / D o w n ,” is o n d isp lay M onday - F rid a y , fro m 8 a.m . - 4 p.m . u n til F rid a y , O ct. 26 at th e g allery , lo cated at 12000 SW 4 9 lh A ve. S tu p p - G re e r’s w o rk in c lu d es d raw in g s, m ix ed m edia co llag e s, p h o to ­ g rap h s and an in stallatio n . C all 5 0 3 -9 7 7 -8 0 1 7 . Northwest Women's Show Sunday, Nov. 4 The Jubilee T our featuring Ja n e’s A ddiction and Stereo M C ’s w ill celebrate freedom and youth culture. A portion o f the donation to the Jubilee Foundation will be allocated to the charities involved in the relief effort after recent terrorist attacks. T he tour will be at the T heatre o f the Clouds at the Rose G arden on Sunday, Nov. 4 at 8 p.m. Call Ticketm aster a t 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 o r g o o n lin e to w w w .ro s e q u a r te r.c o m o r Tuesday, Nov. 13 E n jo y a m u sical p rese n tatio n on “ B ully the K id ” ab o u t a k id itch in g to tak e o v er the to w n o f P in n acle M o untain. T h e play h eig h ten s aw a re n ess ab o u t b u lly /v ictim p ro b lem s, show s th e d istin c tio n b etw e en ta ttlin g and te llin g , and d ram a tiz es w ays to d eal w ith b u lly behavior. “B ully the K id” w ill be playing at the St. Johns C o m m u n ity C enter, located at 8427 N. C entral, from 3:30 p.m. - 4 :1 5 p.m. C all 503- 823-3192. Oct. 26,27 & 28 Boz Scaggs Returns Wednesday, Nov. 14 Join an event o f spirit and style w ith the N orthw est W o m en 's Show at the O regon C onvention C enter on O ct. 2 6 ,2 7 and 28. A ctress D iahann C arroll w ill be m aking a personal appearance to prom ote cholesterol m anagem ent on Friday, Oct. 26, from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. T here w ill be 3 00 e x h ib its and a d raw in g to w in tw o tic k ets an y w h ere S o u th w est A irlin e s flies. C all 8 6 6 -4 8 5 -2 9 8 0 o r go o n lin e to w w w .nw w om enshow .com . Boz Scaggs is back and on tour in support o f his latest V irgin release “D ig.” This is the artists’ first collection o f original material in over seven years and h e 's bringing this new, sophisticated groove to Portland. B est know n for his ‘70s hits, Scaggs w ill be at the Schnitzer H all on W ednes­ day, Nov. H a t 8 p.m. Call T icketm aster at 503-224-4400 or go online to w w w .ticketm aster.com o rw w w .hob.com . Howloween at the Zoo The Family Values Tour Oct. 27 - 28 G o trick-or-treating safely at the O regon Zoo. There will be an intriguing scavenger hunt for kids, w hich includes an activity station in order to collect candy and prizes. H ow low een at the Z oo w ill be held Saturday, Oct. 27 and Sunday, Oct. 28, from 11 a .m .-4 p .m . Call 503-226-1561 or check out their w ebsite at w w w .oregonzoo.org. Native American Art Studies Party on with Norman “The Boogie Cat” Sylvester and his band for Halloween. They will be having a dance party at the Medicine Hat Restaurant and Gallery, located at 1834 NE. Alberta on Wednesday, Oct. 31. The Portland A rt M useum is hosting the biennial conference o f the N ative A m erican A rt Studies A ssociation on Oct. 24 - 27. O ver 200 m useum curators, college and university professors, graduate stu­ dents, N ative artists, collectors and dealers from around the w orld will be in attendance. T he conference w ill begin w ith a tour o f the M useum at W arm Springs, w ith research presentation from O ct. 25-27. Call 503- 226-2811 o r go online t o w w w .portlandartm useum .org. Music from the Heart Baroque Vocal Music with Attitude The Birthday Party Thursday, Nov. 1 Listen to som e o f P o rtlan d 's finest m usicians play Blues, R& B and Jazz in a fundraiser called “M usic from the H eart” to benefit the A m erican Red C ross D isaster R elief Fund. T he N orm an S ylvester Band w ill host an open Jam Session at the C andlelight C afé on T hursday, Nov. 1, from 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. G u estartists include Jim M esi, R obbie Law s, W hyte, Mel Solom on and more. Call 503-222-3378. Thursday, Nov. 1 A cclaim ed for their superb m usicianship and refreshing, irreverent theatricality, B im betta creates vivid perform ances o f m usic from the early Baroque. B im betta will be at the Kaul A uditorium o f Reed C ollege on Sunday, O ct. 28 at 3 p.m . Call 503-725-3307. “The B irthday Party,” a play by Pinter about guilt and suspicion, opens T hursday, Nov. 1 and goes until Sunday, Nov. 18. Perform ances w ill be at the Jack Oakes Theater, located at 2820 NE. Sandy. Call 503-238-9692. Medicine Hat Halloween Peter M ax has painted for five U.S. Presidents. H is art has graced five Super Bowl, five Grammies, W orldC upU SA , the United Nations Summit and oth er places. Law rence G allery, located at 221 N.W . IO* A ve. will be featuring a num ber o f his art works from Nov. 1 - 4 . Call 503-843-3633. Wednesday, Oct. 31 Northwest Rhythm and Blues artist Norm an Sylvester and his band will host a wild night at the Medicine Hat Restaurant and Gallery, located at 1834 NE. Alberta S t The party begins 8 p.m. - 1 2 a.m. on Halloween night. Come in costum e for a chance at door prizes. C over charge at the door. Concert for Portland Firefighters Thursday, Nov. 1 A benefit concert for Portland F irefighters w ill be held at the Portland M emorial C oliseum onT hursday.N ov. 1 at7:30p.m . Juice Newton, Janie Frickie and Lacy J. Dalton will perform their retro-80s music. For tickets, call T icketm aster at 503-224-4400or go online to w w w .rosequarter.com o r w w w .ticketm aster.com . STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax:(503)286-1146 Pop to Patriotism Nov. 1 -4 The Guess Who Friday, Nov. 2 The new ly reunited “The G uess W ho” are heading to the Rose G arden on their N orth A m erican tour with Joe C ocker, sponsored by VH1 C lassic. Betw een the tw o groups, close to 70 different rock songs will be played. T hey will be at the Rose G arden on Friday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. Call T icketm aster at 503-224-4400or go online to w w w.rosequarter.com or w w w .ticketm aster.com . HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY! IN lU tA ttC I HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINQTON. ILLINOIS E R N E S T J. HILL, JR . with the Agent Suits • Shirts • Neckwear • Footwear • Accessories S tore H our M on - F ri 11 a - 7p Sat 1 la - 6p 10 % OfTTotal Purchase with this ad 7618 N. Interstate A venue O ne block north o f the L om bard Fred M eyer 503-285-9500 www.STEPPINGOl¡TMENSWEARxoin ,W, DEAN’S BEAUTY SALON & BARBER SHOP (503) 282-3379 213-215 N.E. Hancock Portland, Oregon 97212 Visitors to the Portland Art M useum , located this fall will com e face to face w ith m asterw orks by som e o f the w o rld 's greatest artists, including Rem brandt, El G reco M onet and Picasso, as the Portland A rt M useum presents “E uropean M asterpieces: Six C enturies o f Paintings from the N ational G allery o f V ictoria, A ustralia," on view through January 6 ,2 0 0 2 . T he w orks in the exhibition represent a selection o f the m ost significant O ld M aster and M odem E uropean paintings from the National G allery o f V ictoria, A ustralia, the oldest and grandest public art gallery in A ustralia. T his collection o f 88 paintings has never been seen outside o f A ustralia and includes m asterpieces by artists such as El G reco, G ainsborough, Rem brandt, Pissarro, M onet, Picasso and H ockney. T he Portland Art M useum is the only W est C oast venue for this im portant collection. T he exhibition is a w alk through the history o f E uropean art, spanning six centuries, from Paolo V en ezian o 's “T he C rucifixion" from circa 1 349to D avid H ockney’s “The Second M arriage,” 1963. Included are w orks by m ajor artists from the 14* to the 20* century, including T intoretto, C laude. Rem brandt, C analetto, B onnard, M agritte, Picasso, B althus and Bacon. , master sm isi Non) A t S C Penney Styling Salon in the Washington Square M all Specializing in Ethnically Eli/erse H air Cypes in the Southwest Area C all to d ay to re c e iv e $ 1 0 .0 0 o ff v o u r F irst R e lax er ■"".e X Medicine Hat Gallery cover charge at the dotte KIM STELLY Assistant Manager World’s Greatest Masterpieces at Portland Art Museum Lesa vfyyas f 1834 NE Alberta St. 5 0 3 -6 2 0 -5 1 3 6