Positivo de ántrax en sobre en las Bahamas N assau, Baham as (AP) - Un sobre que contenía un polvo blanco, que llegó a una oficina postal en N assau, dio positivo en la prueba de esporas de ántrax, en lo que sería el primer descubrim iento de la bacteria en el C a r ib e , d ije r o n las autoridades. El sobre tenía com o destino una dirección de las Bahamas y tenía una estam pilla local, dijo el dom ingo el com isionado de la año - year cartas contaminadas-contaminated mail cartas contaminadas con ántrax enviadas - contaminated letters with anthrax sent cese-dism issal comité - committee domingo-Sunday p i gobierno filipino y el grupo separatista - The Filipino government and the separatist group policía Paul Farquharson. La policía dijo que no divulgará la identidad del receptor, ni otros detalles respecto al sobre. Las pruebas de laboratorio realizadas en un hospital de Nassau indicaban la presencia de las e sp o ra s de á n tra x , d ijo Merceline Dahl-Regis, el princi­ pal funcionario sanitario en las Bahamas. Los funcionarios dijeron que esperaban la confirm ación de los C entros para el Control de E n fe rm e d a d e s e s ta d o u n ­ id e n s e , s o b re el h a lla z g o del mal. Ninguno de los 10 empleados de la oficina indicaba síntomas de ántrax y las muestras nasales dieron negativo. Todos tomaban antibióticos com o m edida de precaución, agregó. La carta fue hallada el martes, cuando un em pleado postal notó que un so b re vertía polvo blanco, dijo la policía. En Estados Unidos, nueve per­ sonas han sido diagnosticadas con ántrax, y uno de ellos ha m uerto. M uchos han estado vinculados a cartas contaminadas e n v ia d a s a m e d io s de comunicación y políticos. En Kenia y Argentina se han recibido cartas contaminadas con ántrax enviadas desde Estados Unidos. Estados Unidos - United States fin -e n d M ia m i la bacteria en el Caribe - the bacteria in the Caribbean MIAMI (AP) — The small home where Elian Gonzalez lived while at the center of an interna­ tional custody battle opened Sun­ day as a shrine to honor him. E lian's wooden swing set and a picture o f his mother, Elizabeth Brotons, who died while trying to bring him to the United States, greeted nearly 500 people who passed through the front door of Unidos en Casa Elian, or United in Elian House. Delfin Gonzalez, the boy’s great-uncle and the Little Havana hom e’s owner, said some people might not agree with opening the shrine shortly after last m onth’s terrorist attacks, or even having a site dedicated to the boy. But he said it filled a need in the commu­ nity. “For the people that don’t care, this might not be of any signifi­ cance,” said Gonzalez, 67. The home includes four bi­ cycles and the red, yellow and la minoría musulmana - the Muslim minority lucha - struggle m iras-sights movimiento guerrillero-guerilla movement polvo blanco - white powder síntomas de ántrax - anthrax spores tercera ronda de negociaciones en la capital de M alasia-third-party round of negotiations in the Malaysian capital una estampilla local - a local stamp / ‘ ‘ The Portland Observer’s commitment to cultural diversity includes the encouragement of a multi-lingual society. Readers can learn Spanish on this page by reading the words and phrases in bold print and gaining understanding of its meaning with this companion glossary. - J V- Get Connected!! MfifidATelephone at Home? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Otd Phone Number Back? Confused?Toomuch information? Can’t Wait 10 days? Nail & Foot Specialist I love to do feet! W.W.J.D. Free Cellular Phone, Free Long Distance, Free Anytime Minutes, No Roaming, You Can Keep Your Old Number Dayanira Solis and her daughter Christable Garcia visit Elian Gonzalez's room at the home of his Miami relatives. on April 22,2000, and Elian was eventually reunited with his Cu­ ban father. Two months later, they returned to Cuba. In Elian’s bedroom, Spiderman pajam as laid on his race-car shaped bed, topped by a black- and-white checkered comforter. The back room that authorities took Elian from included an Asso­ ciated Press photograph o f Elian and the fisherman who rescued him being confronted by an armed Ph (503) 288-1053 madamsalonfe yahoo.com M A D A M ’S OR The Fastest Service-3 to 5 days purple pedal car Elian rode around the front yard. His black and blue inline roller-skates, a purple stuffed Barney the Dinosaur and red and yellow plastic trucks and planes lined shelves in the living room. Providing a backdrop for the toys were hundreds o f photos, some o f the boy playing on his swing set, swimming in a wading pool and smiling from underneath a festive hat. One poster bore photos of a contemplative Elian and called him “The Miracle Child.” It read “A mischievous, charming soul that will never be just like any other boy.” For several months following Elian’s rescue two miles off Fort Lauderdale on Thanksgiving Day 1999, the home was the scene of protests against Cuba and in fa­ vor of keeping Elian in Miami. The home was raided by U.S. Border Patrol agents before dawn Madam Marion Pea Owner Why Choose?-Have it all Need Features? We Offer Affordable Packages Shrine Dedicated to Elian Gonzalez Opens Gobierno filipino acuerda cese el fuego con rebeldes separatistas SUBURBAN SALON 1631 NE Alberta P.O. Box 11962 Portland, OR 97211 No Activation Fees, No Credit Req'd. Get Free Call Waiting, 3-Way, Rates as Low as .05 Cents Per Minute •69 & More Order By Phone Call For Details Some Restrictions Apply ¡C O U P O N Available Only At: Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 100B Portland, OR 97213 503-280-8000 $» OFF j I A pedicure awaits you at Madam’s Suburban Salon I 1631 NE Alberta St. j please mention coupon when booking appointment I I K uala L um pur (A P) - El gobierno filipino y el grupo sep aratista F rente M oro de L ib eració n Islám ica (FM L I) acordaron hoy los instrum entos básicos para m onitorear el inicio del cese el fuego pactado este año. El “m anual” aceptado por la s p a r te s p r o p o r c io n a r á in s tr u c c io n e s p a ra el funcionam iento de un com ité c o n ju n to y d e e q u ip o s de m onitoreo, con m iras a poner J Expires 12/21/01 I •--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 MARY KAY- INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT CARPET CLEANING 2001 CARPET CLEANING MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET CLEANING Dining Chairs Ottoman 2 Area Minimum 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray • Stairs $1.50 each Sofa (under 6 ft.) Sofa (over 6 ft.) Sectional Loveseat Recliner • Auto*Boat*RV Cleaning • Deordorizing • Dirt Resistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal $69 $79 $79 $49 $39 I CARPET COUPON | t 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray Traffic Area Ç 3 5 NEW SERVICE • Leather Cleaning I I 2 Area Minimum I------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 503-993-9258 P ro fessio n a l S k in Care S ervices! 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Delfin Gonzalez bought the home November 2000 and con­ verted it into a shrine, free to the public. “I ’m very satisfied,” he said. “I’m happy to serve and that people can come and look and go through memories of when Elian was here.” Some visitors were moved to tears. ‘T o us, this day was almost equivalent to the Twin Towers day,” said Deyanira Solis, refer­ ring to the Sept. 11 terrorist at­ tacks. “My heart has been bleed­ ing ever since for that little boy.” 503-493-4040 Specials F i r s t tim e c u s to m e r s 20% o f f S e n io r C i t i z e n D is c o u n t Make an a p p o in tm e n t f o r a T u esd a y o r W ednesday 20% o f f c h e m ic a l s e r v i c e s fin a la s h o s tilid a d e s en M indanao, sur del país. El acuerdo fue alcan zad o lu e g o de q u e la s p a rte s re to m aran hoy una te r c e ra ronda de negociaciones en la capital de M alaisia. El FM LI es el mayor movimiento guerrillero que lucha por la im plantación de un Estado islám ico en la región de M indanao, donde se c o n c e n tr a la m in o r ía m usulm ana del país. Russia May Close Spy Base on Cuba HAVANA (A P)— The Cuban government said Russia had not asked for its permission to close down a spy base on the island and urged more talks with Moscow on the announced closure. The spy base on Cuba was built in 1964, shortly after the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. The closure o f the station, 13 miles south of the capital in Lourdes, will allow Russia to save at least $200 million a year in rent and an undisclosed amount in personnel salaries, ac­ cording to an announcement in Moscow. Cuba has received intelligence information from the base. It was unclear when the base would close or what would happen to the equipment. “We continue to have a huge appreciation and respect for Rus­ sia, and Cuba at this point will abstain from judgments and criti­ cism about this announcement,” the Cuban government said. Moscow said it would close the base in Cuba and a naval sup­ port base in Vietnam in an effort to raise more money for the military in Russia. Gen. Anatoly Kvashnin, chief o f the Russian armed forces’ Gen­ eral Staff, said by closing the bases. Russia can buy and launch 20com- munication, intelligence and infor­ mation satellites and purchase up to 100 sophisticated radars.