Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 17, 2001, Image 7

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    Committed to Cultural Diversity
October 17, 2Ö01
“ffividginp ifa itd a n d ô (iam tnunitiei"
Devices Shave Minutes Off Bus Travel
Who’s the Weakest Link?
High tech holds a green light a bit longer for buses that are running behind schedule
The W eakest L ink gam e show is look­
ing for contestants from the Portland
area. They will be holding tryouts on
T hursday, O ct. 18 at 9 a m. at the V in­
tage H otel Plaza, located at 422 SW.
Broadw ay. If you are intelligent, en ­
thusiastic and articulate, h e re 's your
chance to play. Call 503-228-1212.
National College Fair
G et a head start on your col lege search
at the P ortland National C ollege Fair!
This free event w ill be held on Friday,
Oct. 26 and Saturday, Oct. 27, from 9
a.m. -1 p.m. at the Oregon Convention
C enter. M eet w ith college representa­
tives from over 250 colleges and uni­
v ersities natio n w id e. C all D onna
Rhinevault at 503-359-8137,ext. 236or
visit w w w .nacac.com .
Motivate Your Teen
Teens can learn powerful, self-helptools
to break through their emotional barri­
ers. Dr. John Oda, a psychologist and
certified N LP instructor will be holding
a 7-week workshop called “The Seven
Techniques o f Highly Motivated Teens”
which is guaranteed to bring immediate
results. The workshop will begin on
Saturday, Oct. 20at 2325 E. Burnside. To
register, call 503-963-9495.
Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale
The 57,h annual Catlin Gabel Rummage
Sale kicks o ff on T hursday, Nov. 1 at
the Portland Expo C enter. Shoppers
will find a vast selection o f high-qual­
ity goods. Proceeds from the R um ­
m age Sale go to C atlin G abel student
financial aid. The sale goes from Thurs­
day, N ov. 1 - Sunday, Nov. 4 at the
Portland E xpo C enter in H alls A & B.
Call 503-297-1894.
Riders on the No. 72 Killingsworth/82rd Avenue line will soon experience high tech features that keep traffic lights green for late running buses. The devices
have already been installed on the Tri-Met's No. 4 Fessenden route, serving north and northeast Portland.
photo by M ark W ashington JT he P ortland O bserver
Tri-M et is adding high-tech features
to several bus lines that will save tim e for
riders, im prove on-tim e perform ance and
low er operating costs for the agency.
T ransit Signal Priority holds a green
light a bit longer for buses that are ru n ­
ning behind schedule. T hose extra sec­
onds are often enough to get a bus through
an intersection and help it get back on
The first line to receive the added tech­
n o lo g y is th e N o. 4 D iv isio n and
Fessenden line, serving north, northeast,
and southeast Portland.
Riders have saved about five m inutes
each way since the technology was added
to 60 traffic signals. Tri M et officials said.
The No. 12-Barbur Boulevard line also
has 10 transit priority signals along its
T he No. 7 2 -K illin g sw o rth /8 2 nd A v ­
en u e line w ill get the sig n a ls o v er the
Smith Center Now Serves Children and Seniors
Silent Auction
The C ouncil for the H om eless will be
having an auction and dinner on Sat­
urday, Nov. 3 at the Pearson A ir M u­
seum , located at 1115 E. Fifth Ave. in
V ancouver. The M aster o f C erem o­
nies w ill be M ike D onahue o f KOIN -
T V . T he event starts at 5 p.m. For more
info, go online to w w w .icfth.com or
call Betty Johnson at 360-993-9571.
“Bridges 101” Tour
Portland Parks & O utdoor Rec ’ s bridge
walking season concludes with Sharon
W ood W ortm an's annual bridge VAN
teaching tour. T his one-a-year riding
and w alking look at Portland takes
people into the operator’s tow er and
dow n three stories into the pit o f the
M orrison Bridge, and to o therunusual
“bridge” destinations. The tour will be
on Saturday, Oct. 27, from 9 a.m. - 3:30
p.m. Call 503-823-5132 to register.
The Great Pumpkin Chase
The third annual Great Pumpkin Chase
offers adults and children a festive and
safe w ay tocelebrate Halloween while
contributing to a good cause. The
event will be held on Sunday, Oct. 28
and features several w alks and runs
for all ages. Pre-registration is encour­
aged. For more info., call 503-408-8303
St. Charles Spaghetti Dinner
The St. Charles Church, located at NE.
42"' and Emerson will be having their 51 *
Annual St. Charles Spaghetti and M eat­
ball Dinner on Sunday, Nov. 4, Noon -
6:30 p.m. Take-outs are available.
Friends of Trees "Bowl-a-Rama"
T eam s o f costum ed tree lovers will be
“bow ling for trees" as they raise money
to support Friends o f T rees’ com m u­
nity tree-planting projects. The event
will be held on Saturday. Oct. 27, from
9:30 a.m. - Noon at the A M F Pro 300
Lanes, located at 3031SE. Powell Blvd.
Call 503-282-8846. X I7.
next six m onths, w hile the No. 12 Sandy
B oulevard line w ill get dev ices w ithin a
The signal devices w ork through glo­
bal positioning technology. Buses are
equipped with transm itters that send sig­
nals to satellites and allow com puters to
com pare w here they are w ith w here they
are scheduled to be. O nly buses that are
behind schedule will trigger traffic lights
to stay green.
Community volunteer Kenneth Johnson opens the door for Lennis Grubles
as she leaves the Marie Smith Center, a north Portland facility serving both
children and seniors, photo bi M ark W ashington /T ih P ortland O bserver
A u n iq u e n eig h b o rh o o d ce n te r is now
serv in g the n eed s o f b o th ch ild ren and
sen io rs.
The M arie Smith Center, 4614 N. Albina,
co m b in es a V o lu n te er o f A m erica adult
day care p ro g ram fo r frail resid e n ts w ith
C om m on B ond, the n o n -p ro fit g ro u p 's
p ro g ram , p ro m o tin g h ealth y em o tio n al,
so cial, and co g n itiv e d ev e lo p m e n t for
ch ild ren from b irth to th e ag e o f five.
T he resu ltin g In terg en e ra tio n a l C e n te r
cre ate s an en v iro n m en t in w hich c h ild ren
and o ld e r adults can form relatio n sh ip s by
sh arin g and learn in g to g eth er.
T he goal is to e n h a n ce the liv es o f both
the ch ild ren and th e se n io rs by s tre n g th ­
ening the c o n n e ctio n s an d u n d erstan d
ing betw een the g en e ratio n s, m ax im izin g
the b en efits at b oth en d s o f th e sp ectru m .
“ W e know o f no o th e r p ro g ram in O r­
egon that o ffe rs su ch u n e q u a lle d b en e fits
o f in teractio n b etw een a d u lts and c h il­
d ren ." said K ay T o ran , V o lu n teers o f
A m erica O reg o n P re sid en t an d C E O .
“T he In terg en eratio n al C e n ter m odel is
a m u lticu ltu ra l ap p ro a ch to day care that
p ro v id es o p p o rtu n itie s fo r young c h il­
dren and se n io rs to in te ract on a daily
b asis,” T o ran said.
Bradbury Picks Up Smith Challenge for Senate
(A P) - Secretary o f State Bill Bradbury
says he will run for the U.S. Senate, challeng­
ing Republican incum bent G ordon Sm ith.
He says the fram ew ork o f his candidacy
will include “strengthening the econom y,
ensuring high quality public education and
striking a balance betw een protecting the
environment while maintaining jobs for w ork­
ing O regonians."
Bradbury. 52, w as encouraged to run by
Gov. John K itzhaber, w ho last m onth d e­
cided against challenging Sm ith despite
m onths o f w ooing by the D em ocratic Party.
The D em ocrats viewed K itzhaber as a
potent candidate against the freshm an sena­
tor. K itzhaber has said he turned dow n their
Former Gov. Barbara Roberts
lends her support to an
announcement by Democratic
Secretary of State Bill Bradbury
(left) that he will run for the U.S.
Senate. (AP Photo)
recruiting effort out o f consideration for his
U.S. Rep. Peter D eFazio has been toying
with the idea o f running against Smith. But
his staff last w eek said he has been busy
handling airline security issues follow ing
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and h asn 't had
the tim e to fully contem plate a bid.
Bradbury w as appointed secretary of
state in 1999 to fill a vacancy, and was
elected to a four-year term in 2(MM).
He had told K itzhaber he planned to
serve out his term after he was elected
secretary o f state, but the governor said
changed circum stances justify Bradbury
seeking the Senate post.
Signal priority for em ergency vehicles
will not be interfered.
T ri M et says the technology w ill not
change lights from red to green, and b e­
cause an extended green light returns to
norm al w ithin seconds, it's unlikely to be
noticed by other motorists.
"Signaling devices are another way
Tri-M et is using technology to m ake tran­
sit m ore convenient for its riders,” said
Fred H ansen, T ri-M et general manager.
School Advocate
to Address
Achievement Gap
Cory Booker
The m inority achievem ent gap in
Portland Public S chools persists d e­
spite concerted efforts to elim inate it.
T o ad d ress so lu tio n s. C asca d e
Policy Institute will host “Q uality edu­
cation for all." a free evening event on
Oct. 25 for parents, educators and in­
terested citizens.
T h e fe a tu re d sp e a k e r is C o ry
Booker, a board m em ber o f the Black
A lliance for Educational O ptions.
Booker is the elected representa­
tive o f one o f A m erica's poorest co m ­
m unities, N ew ark 's C entral W ard in
N ew Jersey. At age 29 he w as the
youngest person ever elected to serve
on the N ew ark City C ouncil. In ju st
three years this young D em ocrat has
earned a reputation as an ardent co m ­
m unity activist, innovative problem
solver, and passionate advocate for
social justice.
B ooker does not limit him self to
traditional approaches to im prove edu­
cation. He believes that fam ilies need
both public and private school o p ­
tions in order to secure a high quality
“ 1 d o n 't necessarily w ant to depend
on the governm ent to educate my ch il­
dren; they h av e n ', done a good jo b in
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