Page A6 _______________ (Elje |Jart lattò (Ohsertivr October 17, 2001 Local Doctors Brush Up on Anthrax to Meet Public Fears/Threats (A P) — Public health depart­ ments in Oregon have been han­ dling lots of calls front people who fear they have been exposed to anthrax. All tests have been negative and the state has not received any sp ecific bioterrorisnt threats, health officials said Monday. But. just in case, family and emergency doctors and nurses are brushing up on their knowl­ edge o f anthrax and other dis­ eases most likely to be used by bioterrorists. Though a successful attack in the region is very unlikely, doc­ tors say, they need to know how to diagnose and treat the disease. along with whom to contact if they discover a case of bioterror­ ism. “Two months ago, or two years ago, most people wouldn't even be thinking about this,” said Dr. Terry Olson, a primary care doctor with Providence Health System. "But now physicians will be extra careful.” Doctors said they're also be­ ing careful to reassure patients that the risk of an anthrax infec­ tion is small. Before the recent incidents in Florida and elsewhere, only 18 cases of inhaled anthrax had been diagnosed in humans in the past 75 years in the United States, said Dr. Gary Oxman, "A V E SS ? SAVE call the police and go see a doctor. Responding to bioterrorism re­ lies on doctors’ spotting attacks when patients show up. Across the Northwest, public and private doctors are taking steps to make sure that would happen — a task especially difficult for anthrax. Dr. Jon Jui, an Oregon Health & Science University emergency room physician and the medical director for Multnomah County Emergency Services, said diag­ nosing anthrax in the early stages would be tough because the symptoms mimic the flu. “This would be very difficult to see on the front lines,” Jui said. "What makes it worse is w e're V Two months ago, or two years ago, most people wouldn ’t even he thinking about this. But now physi­ cians will be extra carefull. — l)r. Terry Olson, Providence Health System V Multnomah County health officer. Given the rarity, health officials are cautioning people not to rush to their doctors at the first sign of flulike symptoms. If people have reason to mink they've been ex­ posed to bioterrorism, they should 513 just kicking off the flu season.” Last week. OHSU emergency ro o m p h y s ic ia n s m ade bioterrorism a topic for grand rounds, the regular lectures d e ­ livered by experts that are open to all doctors, interns and resi­ dents. The session was open to both OHSU staff and Portland V eterans A ffairs M edical C en­ ter staff. All 11,000 OHSU employees around the state this week will get information laying out the signs o f exposure to various biological agents, as w ell as emergency con­ tacts for questions. Other public and private health groups are taking similar steps. Halloween Carnival If s a carnival of Hallow­ een holiday fun - games, crafts, tattoos, and face painting! Admission is one can o f food per person for Sunshine Division. Forage 3 & up with adult. The carnival will be held at the Peninsula Park Com- munity Center, located at 700 N. Portland Blvd. For more info., call 503-823- 3620. TT1 SAVE SS mees but n e w s NOTHING BUT sweer deals for you 199/mo. 81 down 1 8 16 7 /mo. S1 down j 2 3 9 /mo. S1 dowmb ■ S F 99 DODGE CARAVAN 97 PONT. GRAND PR IX I Low m iles • be a movie I slar in this c a r1 S i dn 1 6 6 m os . 7.49% A PR I O AC # 89 08 A diam ond, m ust see1 fin ancing lo r everyone $1 dn. 60 mos.. 7.49% APR OAC. EZ Financing for s150/mo. S1 down s198/mo. S1 down! s227/mo. S1 down , I , 96 JEEP SPORT CHEROKEE 9 4 G R A N D C H E R O K E E | 9 6 FO R D B R O N C O X L f Loaded AT $1 down. 60 Fully loaded mos @ 7 49 • APR _ IH H OAC «PC 1005 $1 down. 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This is the SUVs to choose trom St one St down 66 mos @ down »238063 97 CH EV XTRA CAB 1500 PU For tun m the sun, try this one Custom running boards, thousands m extras Too low to a dve rtise ■ please call fo r d eta ils! 7 49% APR. OAC #00121 I AT AC AMFM cheap new I tun ca r1 S' dn. 66 mos. (S 1 7.49% APR OAC #8449 I Fully lo aded. AT. AC. low I miles. St dn. 66 mos., @ 7.49% APR O AC I #00142 »8'46 HjngaSaieon SUV SALE! 5-spd hardtop low miles looking I w . _ 0 0 P O N T IA C S U N F IR E 9 6 TO YO TA C A M R Y Low miles SI dn 66 mos 7 49% APR OAC EZ financing APR. OAC #00127 ‘ 165/mo, ‘98 HONDA ACCORD |0ntv31»act mues St On. 60 mos 5 -sp d AC. CO. loaded l*239/mo. *1 downlS199/mo. Mdown s146/mo. S1 down 96 NISSAN PATHFINDER 99 PONTIAC GR PRIX SE N ew bod y style, AT, AC, too many options to list. 7 ¿ n o / a d d rvAZ* at 7.49% APR. OAC. #00145 7.49% APR O A C . EZ ■ h HSS 9 5 D O D G E IN T R E P ID everyone, low paym en ts « 0 2 7 B 9 5 C H E V 1 5 0 0 TA H O E 4 W heel Drive AT, AC. leather, nice tru ck1 Like n ew $1 dn 6 6 m os. IM I A 'lX JB B I m m m h ih n »8868 60 m onths. 7.49% #8901 _ 6H ACTUAL UNITS MAY VARY FROM PICTURES |_ O O K 1 I LAST NAME r> r 'l I ■—I ■ t - ■—■— r IB M #00126 l*ownl ^ ® J / mo> *1down I f c t r -:, R a g # " 8? * * * * 93 FORD RANGER SupercaP. 4x4 fully loaded S t dn. 6 6 m os.. 7.49% APR 6b m os. 7.49% APR S t dwn, 66 mos, O AC . EZ F in a ncin g for O AC «007B 7.49% #8778 e veryon e »8751 O N APPROVED CREDIT. O N SELECT VEHICLES I T ’S F A S T - IT 'S E A S Y - A P P L Y N O W ! DATE OF BIRTH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HOW LONG PHONE# INCOME PER MONTH C A L L O R S E N D A P P L IC A T IO N N O W ! FA X • JEFF YOUNG MOTOR CO. 20 NE 82nd, Portland, OR 97220 I < ARM NO FURTHER, WE GUARANTEE APPROVAL* i STREET ADDRESS C A LL 95 FORD TAURUS C ute. S t dn. FIRST NAME EMPLOYER Si dn. 66 mos. @ 7.49% APR. 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