Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 17, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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    October 17, 2001
Page B6
Violencia provoca 39 muertos
Bogotá (AFP) - Por lo menos
39 p e rso n a s entre civiles y
militares murieron violentamente
en hechos ocurridos en diversos
lugares de Colombia, informaron
las autoridades.
S eg ú n ese re p o rte , una
ofensiva de presuntos grupos
paramilitares de extrema derecha
en el suroeste y el norte del país
dejó entre 27 y 40 muertos.
El primer caso se produjo en
una zona rural de la localidad de
Buga (400 km. al suroeste de
Bogotá, en el departamento de
V alle), donde un escuadrón que
d ijo
p e rte n e c e r
ultraderechistas Autodefensas
Unidas de Colom bia (AUC)
a se sin ó a en tre 17 y 30
El comandante de las Fuerzas
M ilitares, general Fernando
T a p ia s, d ijo q ue hasta el
momento está confirmada la
m u erte de 17 labriegos, pero
testigos del hecho aseguraron
que las v íctim as son unas
Un portavoz de la consejería
de paz de la gobernación del
departamento de Valie -en cuya
jurisdicción está Buga- dijo a la
prensa que se trató de una doble
matanza, en La Habana y Alaska.
dos caseríos contiguos de esa
Testigos del hecho narraron
a los p e rio d ista s que los
criminales sacaron a un número
indeterminado de campesinos de
sus fincas, mientras que a otros
los bajaron de un autobús que
transitaba por la zona, separando
luego a los hom bres de las
21 m uertos - 2 1 deaths
Belice-B elize
d a ñ o s -dam ages
declarad a zone de d esastre - declared a disaster zone
dirigirse - to go towards
dos caseríos - two country homes
escuadrón - squadron
fenóm eno n a tu ra l - natural phenomena
fincas - farms
h u ra c á n iris - hurricane Iris
la m uerte de 17 labriegos - the death o f 17 peasants
m atanza - slaughter, killing
m enos 39 personas - less than 39 persons
su r de M éxico - south of Mexico
testigos - witnesses
torm enta - turmoil
tre in ta - thirty
vista - sight
The Portland Observer's commitment tocultural diversity includes the
encouragement of a multi-lingual society. Readerscan leant Spanish on
this page by reading the words and phrases in bold print and gaining
^understanding of its meaning with this companion glossary.
Southern Border Scrutinized for Terrorism
(AP) - Mobsters, smugglers and
drug traffickers have long oper­
ated freely in the alleyways of this
gritty Paraguayan border town,
known as South A m erica's con­
traband capital.
But after the Sept. 11 terrorist
attacks, authorities are also scru­
tinizing this “Triple Border" re­
gion for ties to international ter­
rorism, focusing on its sizable
Muslim community.
In the land where Paraguay,
Argentina and Brazil converge,
authorities have erected highway
checkpoints, raided businesses
for alleged extremist ties and made
arrests — angering an Arab com­
munity whose traditions flow over
in mosques and bazaars.
A ttention on suspected te r­
rorist ties here began even b e­
fore last m onth's attacks on the
W orld T rade C enter and the
In April, the State Department
warned in its annual report on
global terrorism that the Triple
Border"remained a focal point for
Islam ic ex trem ism in L atin
America.“ The report said local
authorities, despite limited re­
sources, were seeking to curb
criminal activity of individuals
believed to be connected to Is­
lamic terrorist groups.
U.S. and South American law
enforcement authorities have long
warned that this region's porous
borders, its concentration o f
Arab-Muslim immigrants and the
laxity of police and passport con­
trols could make this an appealing
harbor for terrorists and their sym­
In the weeks following the U.S.
attacks, local authorities arrested
19 Lebanese, Jordanian, and Syr­
ian citizens for possessing phony
visas, raising concerns that Is­
lamic fundamentalists could be
buying false passports or finding
safe harbor here.
Seven of the men have since
been released, and the others re­
main in custody.
Last year, Paraguayan authori­
ties arrested a Lebanese business­
man suspected of financial ties to
the Iran-backed extremist group
Hezbollah, but he fled the country
before he could be prosecuted. In
November, police in Paraguay ar­
rested a Palestinian who allegedly
made bomb threats against the
U.S. and Israeli Embassies « in
For decades, Ciudad del Este
has been seen by intelligence
agencies as an enclave of lawless­
Founded in 1957, the city at­
tracted businessmen from all over
the world— particularly from Asia
and the Middle East — who were
drawn by the chance of engaging
in commerce largely free of gov­
ernment oversight.
Over the ensuing decades, an
illicit trade began to flourish in
pirated CDs, guns and stolen cars
as the city’s sidewalks filled up
with makeshift stalls peddling fake
Adidas sweat shirts and Rolex
watches and pirated software.
Many people can be seen trun­
dling boxes of contraband un­
checked across borders.
Suspicions that some members
of the Arab community here may
have extremist ties first arose in
tiie m id-1990s after the bombings
of the Israeli Embassy and a Jew­
ish cultural center in neighboring
Argentina, attacks that claimed
more than 100 lives.
Frank Cilluffo, a terrorism ex­
pert at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies in W ashing­
ton, said authorities have been on
the lookout for any money flow­
ing from the border area to Islamic
m ilitant groups like H am as,
Hezbollah and the Egyptian Is­
lamic Jihad — the latter said to
have links to the al-Qaida network
of Osama bin Laden.
This city o f 250,000 has a dis­
tinctly Middle Eastern flavor. Ara­
bic speakers fill the city’s two
mosques and alleys of the down­
town marketplace.
More than 10,000 foreigners
from Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan
make this region their home.
Hay 14 mil familias damnificadas por huracán en Centroamérica
Guatemala (EFE) - Al menos 21 m uertos y
más de 14.000 familias damnificadas en Belice
y Guatemala ha dejado el huracán Iris a su
paso por Centroamérica. En la vista se ve los
daños dejados por Iris en Placencia, Belice. El
director de la radio Estéreo Amor de Belice,
Marión Dubón, dijo que el primer ministro de
ese país, Said Musa, ha d eclarado zona de
desastre el sur de ese territorio, el más
afectado porel fenóm eno n atu ral.
Iris llegó a las costas sureñas de Belice
la noche del pasado lunes con una categoría
cuatroen la -escala Saffir-Simpson (de cinco
en total), pero tocó tierra y se convirtió en
una to rm e n ta tropical. Luego dejó el
territorio para dirigirse al su r de México.
remain from
the effects
o f Hurricane
309 N.E. Wygant St.
Portland, OR 97211
TEL. (503) 249-7329
Mon-Sat 9:00am-9:00pm
Sunday 10am-5pm
Notice To Contractors
purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per
sheet; specifications $0.25 per sheet.
Sealed bids for the construction of the Wastewater Collection
System, Phase IV for the City of Sisters; Oregon; Deschutes
County; will be received until the bid closing time of 11:00 A.M.
Pacific Time. Thursday November 1 5 ,2 0 0 1 . A four hour period
shall follow in which all bidders shall submit to the City of Sis­
ters a Subcontractor Disclosure Form, Identifying any first-tier
subcontractor that will be furnishing labor or material on the
Contract. Refer to disclosure Form and Instructions to Bidders
within the Contract Documents. The actual bid opening shall be
conducted in the City of Sisters Office. Sealed bids will be pub­
licly opened and read aloud by the City Council at 3:00 P.M.
Pacific Time, Thursday November 15, 2 0 0 1 Bids submitted
prior to opening are to be delivered to: City Administrator, City of
Sister, P.0. Box 39, 150 North Fir, Sisters, Oregon 97759.
Bidders must prequalify with Owner (under ORS 279.039), on
Standard Oregon Review Board prequalification forms, for the
class of work to be encountered in the project, at least ten (10)
days prior to bid opening. Prequalification forms may be obtained
from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner (City of
Sister) via the Engineer (HGE INC., Architects, Engineers, Sur­
veyors & Planners - Coos Bay). If a prequalification form is on
file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refilling is not
necessary unless there has been a substantial change in
Contractor's status.
The project may be generally described as follows:
Schedule “A” Gravity Lines
10” PVC Gravity Sewerline................................ 2,535 linear feet
8" PVC Gravity Sewerline...................................5,135 linear feet
4" Pressure Main................................................ 1,250 linear feet
6" PVC Service Lines.............................................650 linear feet
4 ” PVC Service Lines......................................... 1,475 linear feet
Miscellaneous appurtenances and restoration work.
Schedule “B" Private Service Laterals
Work included in this project is for public work subject to the
Davis-Bacon prevailing Wage Rate Laws (ORS 279.348 to
279.363). Bidders attention is directed to the requirements of
employment and minimum wage rates to be paid. No bid will be
considered or received by the City of Sisters unless the bid con­
tains a statement by the bidder as part of its bid that the provi­
sions required by ORS 279.350 are to be complied with. Re­
quirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are
detailed in the Contract Documents.
Successful Bidder must be registered with the Construction
Contractor's Board as required by ORS 671.530 if awarded a
contract. Bidder is not required to be licensed under ORS
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner
provided in the "Instructions to Bidders", upon the Bid Form
(Proposal) provided by the Engineer, and accompanied by a cer­
tified check or Bid Bond executed in favor of the City of Sisters
Schedule “C” Wastewater Pump Station..........................1 each
in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount
Drawings and specifications may be seen at the Office of HGE
of the bid. Bid Bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated
INC., Architects, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners; 375 Park
damage should the successful Bidder neglect or refuse to enter
Avenue; Coos Bay, Oregon 97420; and at the following loca­
into a contract and provide suitable bonds to ensure the faithful
performance and payment of the work (in the event the contract
City of Sisters...................................................................... Sisters, Oregon awarded such Bidder). Funds for the improvements are avail­
able, and monthly payments will be made by check.
HGE INC., 19 N.W. 5,n Avenu.............. ?...........Portland, Oregon
6" PVC Service Laterals.......................................................6 each
4 ” PVC Sewer Later............................................................ 31 each
Bean’s (Barter & (Beautp &hop
Horace Simpson
A. D. Williams
213 N E Hancock
Portland, OR 97211
fa rm
Off.: (503) 286-1103
Fax: (503) 286-1146
6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard
Suite A
Portland, OR 97217
Central Oregon Builders Exchange........................................ Bend, Oregon
Contracts awarded for this project will be financed with an award
F.W. Dodge/Construction Data........................................ Portland, Oregon
from the EDA, the Special Public Works Fund, funded by the
Construction Market Data.................................................Portland, Oregon
Oregon State Lottery, and administered by the State of Oregon
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center............Portland, Oregon
Economic Development Department, and by a Grant and Loan
Eugene Builders Exchange................................................. Eugene, Oregon
from the Rural Development Branch of the U.S. Department of
F.W. Dodge/Central Print.....................................................Eugene, Oregon
Grants Pass Builders Exchange.................Grants Pass, Oregon
The City of Sisters may reject any bid not in compliance with all
Medford Builders Exchange.............................................. Medford, Oregon
prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may
Oregon Contractors Plan Center..................................Clackamas, Oregon
reject for good cause any and all bids upon a finding of the City
Salem Contractors Exchange............................................. Salem, Oregon
of Sisters that it is in the public interest to do so.
Willamette Valley Bid Center.............................................. Tangent, Oregon
The Plan Center.Com..............................................................Canby, Oregon
No Bidder may withdraw or modify its bid after the hour set for
Impact Business Consultants.......................................... Portland, Oregon
the opening, and thereafter until the lapse of ninety (90) calen­
dar days from the bid opening date.
One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained from the
Office of HGE INC., Coos Bay, by prospective Bidders upon re­
By order of the City Council; City of Sisters; Deschutes County,
ceipt of cash or check in the amount of $125.00 made payable
to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procurement of drawings,
specifications, and forms of contract documents will be non-
Mayor Steve Wilson
refundable Individual sheets and specification pages may be