Page B5 O c to b e r 17, 2001 SPORTS Miami in Charge at Top of USA TODAY/ESPN Poll A RLIN G TO N , Va. - After No. 2 F lo rid a's last-second loss to A uburn, M iam i grabbed co n ­ trol o f the top ranking in the U SA T O D A Y /E S PN T op 25 C oach es’ Poll released. T he No. 1 H urricanes earned 48 o f 60 first-place votes and 1,449 points in the poll. T he G ators, w ho were ju st four points away from the top spot in last w eek’s rankings, fell to No. 7. O k la­ hom a, w ho dom inated K ansas 38-10, m oved up one spot to No. 2. R ounding out the top five are Nebraska, VirginiaTech and O regon. Capriati is New No. 1 , JenniferC apriati finally landed w here her talent could have taken her long ago - at No. 1. She begins her reign as the n ew to p -ra n k e d p la y e r in w om en’s tennis, com pleting a sp ectacu lar co m eb ack from personal problem s that put her career on hold in the 1990s. M artina H ingis lost the top spot w hen she tore a ligam ent in her right ankle and quit d u r­ ing a sem ifinal against Lindsay D a v e n p o rt at th e P o rsc h e G rand Prix in Filderstadt, G er- m any. H ingis needed to beat D avenport to stay at N o. 1, w hich the 20-year-old Sw iss player held for 209 w eeks, the last 73 in a row. Beavers Steam-Roll Arizona State Ducks on Roll With Three Straight Road Wins looking for victim no. 7 as they return to Autzen Stadium in Eu­ gene on Saturday, Oct. 20 to face Stanford. Improvement is the key, the theme, and what the Oregon coach Mike Bellotti and staff are demanding ev­ The University of Oregon Ducks football team has taken three straight road gam es to establish some realness about who they are as a national contender. They beat Utah by 17 points, Arizona by 35 and California by 41 and are now ery week. They drive the point home throughout the week, and lately it has been paying off on Saturdays. Oregon has scored 111 points in its last two gam es. Its defense has forced 10 turnovers in the same tim e span. Tyson TKOs Nielsen C O P E N H A G E N , D enm ark - M ike Tyson needed six rounds before stopping Brian N ielsen, the longest fight the form er h ea v y w eig h t ch am p io n has had since losing to E vander H olyfield five years ago. Tyson bloodied the D ane in the sec­ ond round and knocked him dow n in the third. But N ielsen fought gam ely until the referee finally ended the fight because o f his sw ollen left eye. Tyson im proved to 49-3 w ith tw o no . decisions and 43 KOs. N ielsen dropped to 62-2 w ith 43 KOs. Peninsula Little League Sets Agenda Peninsula Little League is seek­ ing parent and com m unity vol­ unteers to help w ith the 2002 Little L eague season. Board positions and team coaching positions are available. T hose interested are asked to subm it a statem ent o f interest, express­ ing yourqualifications. no later than Friday, Oct. 19 to P enin­ sula Little L eague, P.O . Box 11581; Portland. O R. 97211. A pplications are available at the PeninsulaC om m unity C en­ ter, 700 N. Portland BIvd. v f (HEDY SCH oqj h* James Newsome (right), Oregon State's star wide-reciever, surprises Arizona defender in the end zone as he catches a pass from OSU quarterback Jonathan Smith. S aturday, O regon Sate got their first w in since they beat N ew M exico State 27-22 on S ept. 8. T he victory snapped the B eavers’ (2- 3,1-2 Pacific-10Conference) tw o-gam e losing streak and all but ended the W ildcats' chances o f contending for a conference title. T he Beavers o f old m ust have pulled out their gam e notes and review ed w hat m ade them the Fiesta Bowl cham pions earlier this calendar year. T he team s defense w as crisp and hard hitting - forcing repeated turnovers, w hich the B eavers capitalized on for field position and eventually points. Ken Sim onton looked like the Ken Sim onton o f old. w ith over 100 yards rushing and a touch dow n that put him in the record books as the all-tim e P a c -10 leading scorer. Estes’ Closing 63 Secures Las Vegas Triumph LAS V EGAS - Bob Estes came from five shots off the lead with a final-round 9-under 63 to win the Invensys Classic. It w as the second win o f the year for Estes, who w atched T om Lehm an and Rory Sabbatini miss putts to tie on the final green. Lehm an and Sabbatini were a shot back at 29- under 330 total in the five-round event. D avis Love III closed w itha61 totake fourth place tied with Scott M cCarron at 332. Mef/Ienamins CANNONBALL ADDERLEY jazz with tribute iryan dickerson & friends thursday, October 25 7pm - no GflBk a» a9es Legal Sen ices Defensive Driving Violations Comprehensive Wills t Yearly Updates Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce And more $2 6.00 or less per month Famed Boxing Trainer Futch Dies LAS V EGAS - Eddie Futch, an am ateur sparring partner for Joe L ouis w ho w ent on to train 20 w orld cham pions as one o f b oxing’s greatest teachers, has died. He w as 90. Futch trained five heavyw eight cham pions - Larry H olm es, Joe Frazier. Riddick Bowe, M ichael Spinks and T revor Bcrbick. For more information c a ll Norman Ross at (503) 757-8409 » McMenamins Menamins Kennedy Kenneay School 5736 NE Nfc 33rd • Portland, O Oregon (503) 249-3983 • A r