Page B4 ___________ (£i, c Jîortlanb ©bseruer_____________________ October 17,2001 School Advocate to Address Achievement Gap cunt. p ro g ra m , and fo u n d e d th e Je w ish stu d e n t g ro u p . Y ale C hai S ociety, d espite b e in g a d e v o u t S o u th e rn Baptist. Booker will speak in Port­ land at S elf E nhancem ent, Inc., 3920 N. Kerby Ave., front 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 25. Reservations are required by O ctober 22. Call C ascade Policy Insti­ tute at (503) 242-0900 or visit h t t p : / / w w w . cascad ep o for m ore information. from Metro Front doing that. Only if we return pow er to the parents can we find a way to fix the system .” A R hodes Scholar, B ooker is a g raduate o f Stanford U ni­ versity and Y ale U niversity Law S chool. He has a lo n g ­ stan d in g com m itm ent to a c ­ tivism . W hile at Yale. Booker w orked as a legal a d v iso r for a low -in co m e ten an ts asso ­ c iatio n in N ew ark, ran a stu ­ dent legal clinic, volu n teered in a lo c a l b ig b r o th e r Get Connected!! Need a Telephone at Home? Time To Get a Cell Phone? Want Your Old Phone Number Back? Confused?Toomuch information? Can’t Wait 10 days7 Why Choose?-Have it all OR Need Features? Free Cellular Phone, Free Long We Otter Affordable Packages The Fastest Service-3 to 5 days Distance, You Can Keep Your Old Number Free Anytime Minutes, No Roaming, Get Free Call Waiting, 3-Way, Rates as Low as .05 Cents Per Minute No Activation Fees, No Credit Req’d. '69 & More Order By Phone Call For • Details Some Restrictions Apply Available Only At: Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., S uite 100B Portland, OR 97213 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 OPEN HOUSE De La Salle North Catholic High School The School that Works Opportunity... ...Through Academics, Community, Service 7654 N Delaware Ave Portland, OR 97217 503-285-9385 Performance to Inspire, Benefit Kids Gospel singer Candi Staton will be the main feature artist at this year’s Evening o f 88 Keys A w ards C erem ony, Saturday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Jefferson High School A uditorium . Staton has recorded 23 albums in her colorful career, com ing from a strong background of Gospel and secular music per­ formances. Other groups performing dur­ ing the special Eight-Eight Keys S ch olarship F o u n d atio n c e r­ emony will include Inspiration Sounds from Eugene: Metropoli­ tan Youth Choir’ Rap One Danc­ ers; Elbert Mondaine; the Martin Luther King Jr. Kings Kids; and the Children ’ s Chou- from the Port­ land Jewish Academy. Several aw ards will also be presented during the evening, in clu d in g the G lobe T ro tte r award for people who have been in the field of G ospel and sacred music; the Perseverance Award; the Education A w ard; and the Mattie Anne Callier Spears Spirit Award. A udience m em bers are e n ­ couraged to bring donations of used in stru m e n ts to b e n e fit needy and underprivileged ch il­ dren who want to learn to play an instrum ent. Tickets for this black tie affair are available at all Fastixx o u t­ lets, C hristian Supply stores and Fridays Espresso and Deli. The cost is $ 12.50 per person and all proceeds go to the 88 Keys Foun­ dation. Candi Staton will be the featured artist during an inspirational performance Saturday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. in the Jefferson High School Auditorium. New High School Awarded Meyer Memorial Grant Church Plans Halloween Alternative The Mallory Avenue Christian Church, in part­ nership with Neighborhood Church of God, is planning a positive alternative to Halloween for kids. Called “All Saints Night,” the special night of fun is scheduled Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the church located at 126 N.E. Alberta. Take 1-5 to Lombard St West (Exit 305B) Turn right at light on Delaware Avenue School is 2nd block on the right OCTOBER 18, x o o i 1-4 pm The agenda includes free chili dogs, nachos, bev­ erages, safe candy, music and games within a safe environment. For more information or to volunteer, contact Richard at 503-288-5173 or 503-282-4477. W illpower . f l N S A lf BIGHT N O W AT W llO M T W AK.M FBS fu n n y th in g w Ip o w e r you have a lo t m o re o f it on a f u ” sto m a ch t h u r an 1‘ ip p t y o n < ? h a t s w h y W in n in g Points is so e ffe c tiv e you get to e a t th p fo o d s y o u lik e , so you s ta y s a t i s f r d . s ta y w i t h t h e p 'o g ’ jm a n d lo s e I t ’s t h a t i s im p le th is s|>«*i a l o ffe r w o n ’t last, so jo in n o w I GJlWNWJÇPOBJTB Glisan S t Baptist Church 10401 N.E.GIIsan 2108 N.E. 41« Ave Mon (enter parking lot side) 7:00 p m. MON 7:00pm Wed (enter parking lot side) 7:00 p.m. TUE 7:00pm WED Temple Baptist Church 1319N.E. 7*1 Tue Fireside Room 12:00 noon Timberllne Dodge 2510 N E. Sandy Blvd. Noon 9:30 THUR 9:30am FRI 9:30am SAT 9:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Thur Conf. Room 12:00 noon N O R TH PO RTLA ND Northmlneter Pree. Church 2823 N Portland Blvd Wed Downstairs 4 45 pm . Join any meetingl For more information Call weekdays 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (503)297-1021 (or toll free 1-877 297 1021) Call todav to receive S 10.00 o il your First R elaxer 5 0 3 -6 2 0 -5 1 3 6 Ph (503) 288-1053 madamsalonfq. MADAM’S Nail & Foot Specialist I love to do feet! W.W.J.D. SUBURBAN 1631 NE Alberta P.O.Box 11962 Portland, OR 97211 C 4 I A4V S A L L I1 N C O IJ 1» 0 N $5 OFF A pedicure awaits you at Madam’s Suburban Salon 1631 NE Alberta St. please mention coupon when booking appointment www weightwatcher». com M 'M ’ M IM I I stresses high expectations, small classes, moral development, tight discipline, personal attention and parental involvement. 71 percent of the financial means to achieve this academic excel­ lence is provided by the innova­ tive "Corporate Internship Pro­ gram." The program provides stu-' dents with life skills in real work job settings. Participating compa­ nies pay for the work performed, with salaries earned directly off­ setting educational costs. The Meyer Memorial Trust was established in 1982 through the will of Fred G. Meyer, founder of the stores that bear his name. Over $280 million has been contributed to community service organiza­ tions. For more information about De La Salle, call 503-285-9385. Speciali2ing in ‘E thnically “Dii/erse H a ir S lypes in the Southw est A rea Madam Marion Pea Owner Tillamook Park Bldg. The Meyer Memorial Trust has awarded De La Salle North Catho­ lic High School a grant of $400.000. De La Salle is a new college- preparatory school intended to meet the needs o f undeserved students. The grant will be used to refurbish De La S alle’s build­ ing. the form er Q ueen o f Peace Elem entary School, located in one o f P ortland’s most c u ltu r­ ally and econom ically diverse com m unities, and to provide equipm ent. The school opened in Septem­ ber with its first class of 75 fresh­ men and women. De La Salle, whose motto is "The School That W orks,” repli­ cates the highly successful Jesuit Cristo Rey High School work- study model in Chicago. According to Matthew Powell. De La Salle President, this model N o w 'At J C ‘P enney S tylin g Salon in the W ashington Square M a ll G72 N O R TH E A S T PO RTLAND De La Salle North will use money to refurbish building and buy equipment A OBITUARY----- Jefferson Graduate Dies of Stroke at 31 Darvel Ladonn Williams • A funeral was held Friday, Oct. 12,2001, in Highland United Church of Christ II in Portland for Darvel Ladonn W illiams, who died Oct. 4 of a stroke at age 31. Mr. Williams was bom Dec. 20,1969, in Portland, where he lived all his life. He graduated from Jefferson High School and was a cook for several restaurants. He was a member of the church. Survivors include his mother and stepfather, Martha Motley and Luke Motley; father, Lynn Ferrygood; sons, Dontrell and Darnell; sister. Shantcl Webb; brothers, Alvin McKnight and Calvin McKnight; and grandmother, Jessie Williams. Interment in Rose City Cemetery. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes. t