October 10, 2001 tKlje Jlcirtlanft (©bseruer Page B6 Fox Supports Fight Against Terror ©tati's Tartar & Staut? ántiop Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 213 N.E Hancock Portland. OR 9??11 282 2920 Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES <&■ HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLII ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 Ph (503) 288-1053 madamsalontevahoo.com Madam Marion Pea Owner SUBURBAN MADAM’S Nail & Foot Specialist I love to do feet! W.W.J.D. SALON 1631 NE Alberta P.O. Box 11962 Portland, OR 97211 $5 C » U P « N «FF A pedicure awaits you at Madam’s Suburban Salon 1631 NE Alberta St. please mention coupon when booking appointment Expires 12/21/01 _______ ___ M EXICO CITY (AP) - During a formal visit to W ash­ in g to n , D .C ., P re s id e n t V icente Fox met with Presi­ dent Bush to offer his nation's support for the U.S. war on terror. Congress approved F o x ’s one-day trip to W ashington as required by M exico’s con- ' stitution. Despite M exico’s political and economic ties with its northern neighbor, it has been one o f the m ost hesitant o f the U.S. allies to express full support for W ashington’s lat­ est fight — in part because o f a long-standing policy o f international nonintervention. Shortly afler the Sept. 11 attack s, Fox declared his “complete solidarity” with the United States. But since then, he and his advisers have sent m ixed m essages about how far their support will go. Interior Secretary Santiago C reel urged caution on Sept. 26, saying M exico should never subordinate its i inter­ ests to those o f the United States. An hour later. For­ e ig n S e c re ta ry J o rg e Castaneda called for coop­ eration, telling Congress that if Mexico is to be a key player on the world stage, it must make the U.S. battle against terrorists its own. Reno can be Sued Over Elian Gonzalez Raid MIAMI (AP) — Form er Attorney General Janet Reno can be sued by protesters and bystanders injured during the raid to seize Elian Gonzalez from his Miami relatives’ home, a federal judge has ruled. U .S. D istric t Judge K. M ichael M oore ruled that R eno's position, as attorney general did not give her immu­ nity from being sued for the raid, which she ordered. Fifty-two people sued Reno and two other officials for at least $ 100 million, claiming fed­ eral agents gassed, beat and threatened them during the raid on April 22,2000. Moore dismissed the suit against the other federal offi­ cials because they had not or­ dered the raid. He also ruled that five plaintiffs could not sue be­ cause they were not injured. The judge also dismissed al­ legations o f excessive force. He ruled the raid was “neither particularly violent, nor was the number o f law enforce­ ment officers disproportionate to the ... need to maintain or­ der.” Reno, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for governor in Florida, did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment. Justice Department attor­ neys who have been repre­ senting Reno in the suit will not .comment until they review the ruling, spokesm an Charles Miller said. No trial date has been set. Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group representing the plaintiffs, said Reno acted irre­ sponsibly in ordering the raid to return Elian, then 6, to his fa­ ther in Cuba. “ She knew (bystanders’) constitutional rights would be violated and she didn’t care,” Fitton said. Hispanic Teens Showcase Their Photos A youth photo exhibition that shows the diversity o f the northeast Cully St. neigh­ borhood through the eyes o f its Hispanic teens is on dis­ play at Portland Com m unity College's Portland M etropoli­ tan W orkforce Training C en­ ter, located at 5600 N .E. Killingsworth St. The exhibit is open through the fall term from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., M onday through Fri­ day, and 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Saturday. Also, the gallery is open until 8 p.m. on Tues­ days. The eight Hispanic teens developed the exhibit to build cultural awareness and docu­ m ent com m unity identity, culture and diversity from a youth perspective. Last sum ­ mer, professional photogra­ phers taught the youth on weekly visits to various sites in the area, including the art­ ists’ studio to make prints in the darkroom. The youth also kept a written journal o f their expectations to give su b ­ stance to the images. For more information, con­ tact Sandra Lefrancois, the 42nd Avenue Target Area co­ ordinator at 503-705-9069. Duran Involved in Serious Car Accident BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP)— Former boxing champion Roberto Duran was injured and underwent surgery after the car in which he was a passenger crashed on a Buenos Aires highway, a hospital spokesman said. Duran's injuries include a col­ lapsed lung and several broken ribs, the spokesman said. Duran was in stable condition after sur­ gery, although doctors said they would keep him under observa­ tion for48 hours. The 50-year-old Panamanian, who held four world MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Dining Chairs Ottoman 2 Area Minimum 1 Small Hall Free Pre-Spray • Stairs $1.50 each • • • • • 1 Sofa (under 6 ft.) Sofa (over 6 ft.) 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En Santiago, medios de com unicación local informaron que se refo rzó la dotación policial que resguarda la e m b a jad a de E stad o s l uidos y otras delegaciones diplom áticas, a d e m á s de ce n tro s com erciales neurálgicos de esta nación. 1 ' hechos - matters la embajada de Estados Unidos - the United States embassy país - country reforzó - strengthen reunido con la canciller - reunite with the chancellor según - according to través - across una cadena nacional - a national chain Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning * The Portland Observer’s commitment to cultural diversity includes the encourage­ ment of a multi-lingual society. Readers can learn Spanish on this page by reading the words and phrases in bold print and gaining understanding of its meaning with this companion glossary. Commercial and Residencial Services ( Al l I OR APPOINTMENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 1 leave boxing, a sport which he was dominant in the 1970s and 1980s. Three months ago, he lost to Hector Camacho. In 1972, Duran took Ken Buchanan’s WBA lightweight title. But Duran’s most famous vic­ tory was over Sugar Ray Leonard, in a welterweight fight in 1980. Later that year came his most fa­ mous defeat, when Duran said “No mas” and quit in the eighth round of the rematch. Duran later won two other titles. además - besides anticipo - advance ataque - attack breve mensaje - brief message centros comerciales - commercial centers conocer - to know dirigirse - to go towards El presidente de Chile, Ricardo Lagos - The Chilean president, Ricardo Lagos NEW SERVICE • Leather Cleaning CARPET COUPON | 1 1 Small Hall Free 1 Pre-Spray Traffic Area Santiago de Chile (DPA) - El presidente de Chile, R icardo Lagos, dará a conocer recién a las 21:00 local (01:00 GMT) la posición de su país respecto al ataque que inició hoy Estados Unidos a Afganistán, según señalaron fuentes del Ministerio del Exterior chileno. Lagos se encuentra reunido con la canciller S o led ad A lv ear y a d e m á s e stá recab an d o informaciones sobre los hechos, para posteriormente I ADDITIONAL SERVICES UPHOLSTERY CLEANING | which happened shortly aftermid- night. Preliminary reports said the car crashed into another before both vehicles hit a retaining wall. The driver of the second car had minor injuries, police said. Duran has been in Argentina to promote an album of Caribbean music. He had been expected to stay until Nov. 10 for Argentine soccer star Diego Maradona’s retirement match and the accom­ panying festivities. Duran has been reluctant to Presidente de Chile emitirá su parecer recién esta noche CARPET CLEANING 2001 CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLEANING | titles, was riding with two Argen­ tine reporters and his son Roberto, 27, who had minor injuries. The Argentines, Oscar Ruiz Dias and Luis Gimenez, were more seriously hurt, the spokes­ man said. Ruiz Diaz showed signs o f internal bleeding and was in a coma. Gimenez broke several ribs. Gimenez, who also is Duran’s representative in Argentina, was driving the car when it crashed. Authorities said alcohol might have been a factor in the crash, 4 i