■h «« Banners over Portsmouth Honor Diversity See story, Metro Section, inside. îïartlan h ©bsg Al Volume XXXI Number 41 "The City City Of Roses" www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 197(1 Wednesday October 10, 2001 Anti-Terror War Goes ‘Around the Clock’ REVIEW Palestinians Close Gaza Schools After Deadly Protests GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip— Palestinian leaders closed universities and schools in the Gaza Strip after two Palestinians were killed and more than 210 hurt in the deadliest internal fighting in years. The demonstrations were sparked by the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan. Hurricane Iris strikes Belize BELIZECITY, Belize— Hurricane Iris quickly lost strength after making land­ fall in Belize, with winds dropping from 140 mph to 80 mph. The compact storm weakened rapidly after striking land 80 miles south-southwest of Belize C ity. American, Two British Scientists W in Nobel Prizes STOCKHOLM, Sweden— An Ameri­ can and two British scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine for their dis­ coveries of key regulators of cell de­ velopment, which is helping cancer research. W inners include Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt and Paul M. Nurse. 114 Killed in Runway Crash MILAN. Italy — An SAS airliner swerved to avoid a small private plane on the runway at M ilan’s Linate air­ port, crashing into a building and kill­ ing at least 114 people in a fire, a fire department official said. Crew Successfully Raises Kursk MURMANSK, Russia— A daring ef­ fort to raise the Kursk nuclear subma­ rine from the Barents Sea floor suc­ ceeded when a Dutch consortium pulled it to a giant barge more than a year after it sank. The operation took 15 hours, and the submarine is being moved to a dry dock. Anthrax Found in Second Man BOCA RATON, Fla. — Anthrax has been detected in a co-worker of a man who died from the disease. Tests at the building where both worked have found evidence of the bacterium. Offi­ cials didn’t say if the cases were re­ lated to terrorism. No American had died from anthrax since 1976. Missile May Have Downed Jet WASHINGTON— A missile fired dur­ ing a military drill in the Ukraine may have b rought dow n the R ussian Tupolev 154 airliner that was flying from Tel Aviv to Siberia, a U.S. military official said. The jet carried 77 people. Pakistan: Enough Evidence to Indict bin Laden ISLAM ABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan believes there is sufficient evidence against O sam a bin Laden to indict him for Sept. 11 attacks on the USA. the foreign ministry spokesman said. It was the strongest statem ent from a M uslim country concerning bin Laden. (A P)— Tens of thousands of New Yorkers cheered an Oregon “Flight for Freedom” deleg ation M onday as it marched up 5th Avenue in the city's annual Columbus Day parade. Sporting “Oregon loves NY” T-shirts, about 400 O r­ e g o n ia n s m a rc h e d past T rum p T ow er, B erg d o rf Goodman and posh upper- East Side apartments along the 2.1-mile route. “I love you,” said Bobby Valentine, grand marshal of the parade and the manager of the New Y ork Mets. "That's exactly the spirit of America. There are some that talk about it, and some that demonstrate it. These guys are demon­ strating it.” “Hey Oregon, thanks for c o m in g !” y e lle d N ancy Mechaber from the crowd ot 150,000 to 200,000 parade watchers. The Oregon contingent of about 900 was led by Portland Mayor Vera Katz and included elected and business leaders from around the state. The project was organized to show support for New York City during the crisis. For the Oregonians who traveled toNew Yorkoverthe weekend on the “Flight for Freedom," the parade was the emotional highlight of the trip — and some, including former H erm iston M ayor Frank Harkenrider, said it was the highlight of their lives. Harkenrider, 74, marched with his wife, Bev, hugging New Yorkers left and right on this his first trip to the Big Apple. “I’m just a little kid from the sticks," Harkenrider said. “It’s the most unbeliev­ able thing.” It wasn’t just at the parade that Oregonians were wel­ comed. New York Gov. George Pataki showed up at a final reception in the Grand Ball­ room of the Waldorf-Astoria to thank the group for coming. Airport Boosts Security Portland International Air­ port has rolled out more secu­ rity measures to guard against possible retaliation following the U.S. bombing in Afghani- n. The airport will allow only » carry-on bag instead of 3 and one personal item, h as a purse or handbag, passenger. I s Port of Portlandofficials say urity agents will make spot cks at boarding gates. The o © tw ill hire additional offic- ' Æ £ 2 to guard the concourses £ u oi I runways. J •S ° »creeners at checkpoints □ y I now pay more attention to oo 3 h bag. UJ f 8 5 2 Combat Against Terrorists, Supporters Could Continue Indefinitely New York Cheers Oregon Visitors An F-14 Tomcat is serviced by Navy personnel aboard the USS Enterprise in the northern Indian Ocean on Sunday, Oct. 7. (AP Photo) bv DAVID ESPO T he A ssociated P ress A m erican pilots bom bed targets in A fghanistan day and night Tuesday in w hat President Bush term ed an open- ended cam paign against terrorism . The U nited N ations listed four security guards as civilian casualties of the m ili­ tary bom bardm ent. "W ith the success o f previous raids, we believe we are now able to carry out strikes more or less around the clock as we w ish,” D efense Secretary D onald H. Rum sfeld said at the Pentagon. A dm inistration officials declined to specify the targets o f the renew ed a t­ tacks. But anti-aircraft fire could be heard in the Afghan capital. Kabul, and Taliban officials reported bom bs falling around their headquarters in K andahar and the northw estern city o f Herat. Four w eeks after the w orst terrorist attack on A m erican soil. Bush m oved quickly to beef up his new O ffice of Hom eland Security and was conferring w ith G erm an C h a n c e llo r G e rh a rd Schroeder, whose nation has offered to assist in m ilitary operations. Bush sent a form al notification to C ongress in a letter to the leaders o f the H ouse and Senate. He said com bat against al-Q aida terrorists and their Taliban supporters that began on S un­ day w ould continue indefinitely. “It is not possible to know at this time either the duration o f com bat opera­ tions or the scope and duration o f the deploym ent," he w rote. “It is likely that the A m erican cam paign against terror­ ism will be lengthy." In Florida, the FBI continued its in­ vestigation into the death of one man from anthrax, and the exposure of a co ­ w orker to the deadly disease. "It remains a situation of concern with Sen. Jack Reed. D-R.I., chairman of the the federal governm ent," said W hite Senate housing subcommittee, said the report House spokesman Ari Fleischer, as offi­ shows the shortcomings of federal policy - cials offered antibiotics as a precaution to including years o f declining federal funding hundreds who worked in the same build­ for affordable housing. ing as the two men. Fleischer added, how­ “It would seem self-evident that if one goes ever, that “it’s not unusual at times like this to work every day and collects a regular pay- for false alarms to go off. check, that should be enough to secure a At the Pentagon. Rumsfeld said the reasonable place to live and take care of one s United States had no independent verifi­ family "R eedsaid. cation of the reported deaths of the U.N. Workers in California and the mid-Atlantic workers, or whether they might have died region of the East Coast needed the most after being hit by anti-aircraft fire. income to afford a modest two-bedroom apart - “N evertheless we regret the loss of ment, while those in Puerto Rico and much ot life," he said. the deep South needed the least, the report "If there w ere an easy way to root showed. terrorist netw orks out o f countries that In a third of all jurisdictions, the housing harbor them , it w ould be a blessing, but wage is more than twice the area's minimum there is not," he added. wage - meaning a fami ly needs at least two full - The defense chief added that some time minimum wage earners to afford even ground forces “w ere targeted in the modest rental housing. Ten states, including north" of A fghanistan, where the forces Oregon and the District o f Columbia have set of the northern alliance are arrayed minimum wages above the federal figure. against them . Study Finds Housing Out of Reach Workers need nearly three times the minimum wage to pay rent on even a modest apartment (AP) - The average U.S. worker must earn at least $ 13.87 an hour - nearly three times the federal minimum wage - to pay the rent on even a modest two-bedroom apartment, ac­ cording to a private study released last week. As in the past, the annual “Out of Reach' report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition found there is no jurisdiction in the country where someone working full lime at the $5.15-an-hour federal minimum wage can afford an apartment. This year, the analysis concluded the gap between a minimum-wage salary and the cost of housing grew faster than before and widened virtually every­ where. The W ashington-based advocacy group favors increased federal spending on afford­ able housing and raising the minimum wage. “Housing is the beginning, the founda­ tion, the stability that people must have to go to work each day. send their children to school, arrange transportation and child care, and generally succeed in life,” the report said. I