Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 03, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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October 03, 2001
Page B3
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In Print
Angelique Kidjo
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Wednesday, Oct. 3
A fro-funk, reggae, sam ba, salsa, gospel, jazz, Zairean rumba, zoukand
m akossa are com bined through the m usic o f soulful. Benin-born and
P aris-based, vocalist, A ngelique Kidjo. K idjo has been em braced by
the international press - hailed for her “grow ls and sw oops that link
A frican tradition to A m erican soul m usic. A ngelique K idjo w ill be at
the Roseland T heatre on W ednesday, O ct. 3 at 8 p.m . Call the
Roseland Grill at 503-224-8499 or go online to w w w .fastixx.com .
Dangers of Wartime Hysteria
21st Cans Film Festival Oct. 4,11
M oviegoers w ho donate three cans o f food at any Regal C inem as in
the state on Thursday, O ct. 4 can see a m ovie for free and receive a
tree child-size popcorn. All show s except starred attractions are
eligible. And for m ore entertainm ent, H ollyw ood V ideo will offer
custom ers a second chance to give food and enjoy a free m ovie and
tree popcorn. G uests can bring three cans o f food and receive a free
video rental, including all new releases and D V D s, and a free bag o f
m icrow ave popcorn.
Dennis Quald and the Sharks Friday, Oct. 5
H ollyw ood actor D ennis Q uaid and his band the Sharks provides not
only a 100 percent A m erican rock and roll experience w ith Jerry Lee
L ew is-like guitar and vocals, but also a visual spectacle that leaves
the audience sm iling. T he band will be playing on Friday, Oct. 5, at 8
p.m. at the Roseland Theater. For tickets o r inform ation, call 503-221 -
0288 or go online to w w w .fastixx.com .
Chuck Berry at Chinook Winds Casino Oct. 5 & 6
D o n 't m iss the energy o f C huck Berry w hen he com es to C hinook
W inds C asino in Lincoln City on Oct. 5 & 6. Since 1955, C huck Berry
has been rocking audiences w ith his com bination o f rock and blues
m usic. D on’t m iss the legendary perform er. S how s start at 8 p.m. For
info, ortickets, call 1-888-M A IN -A CTor 1-800-992-TIXX.
The Suit is Back!
Saturday, Oct. 6
Renow ned fashion designer Bill B um s will be at N ordstrom to present
his Fall 2001 W om an's collection including Bill Bum s Signature and
Burns at N ordstrom . Since 1975, Bill B um s has shaped his designs
and m erchandising talents w ith several collections including C oun­
try Britches and C haps/R alph Lauren. He w ill be at N o rd stro m 's
W ashington Square on Oct. 6, from 11 a .m .- 2 p.m.; Informal modeling
is from 1 2 - 2 p.m.
Made for Kids Arts Carnival
fa it
How to Talk to Someone
When You're Mad, Hurt.
Scared, Frustrated.
Insulted. Betrayed
or Desperate
Oct. 4,7
In light o f the hate incidents against M uslim s and Arab Americans, the
O regonN ikkeiLegacyCenter.locatedat 117N W .2nd Ave. will be having
a photo exhibition entitled “Hidden Places, Silent Spaces: Japanese
A m erican and Japanese C anadian Concentration Cam ps.” Photos were
taken by M asumi Hayashi. The opening reception will be on Thursday,
Oct. 4, from 6-8 p in. and a lecture by Hayashi on Sunday, Oct. 7, from
2-4 p.m. The free exhibition can be seen up until Jan. 12.
The Temptations to
Perform at the Schnitz
by E dwardo J ackson
V illard ; 2001
In this funny and heartwarming
debut, newcom er Edwardo Jack-
son gives us a fresh new take on the
male broken he;irt in "Ever After.”
N ick and Jasm ine are young
and in love - tru ly . madly, deeply.
A fter tw o years o f dating, Nick
asks Jasmine to marry him, but she
d e c lin e s . H e a rtb ro k e n , N ic k
m oves to a new city to start over.
A s N ick w inds his way through
the various w om en C hicago has
to offer, he becom es more and
m ore disenchanted with his love
life. A long the way, he tests many
o f his cardinal rules o f dating,
often with tragicom ic results.
Jackson has a great ear for dia­
logue and a knack for truthful,
uncom prom ising storytelling. So,
be ready to laugh out loud as you
follow N ick ’s rom antic m isfor­
tunes and m ishaps.
by H arriet L erner , P h .D.
H arper C ollins P ublishers ;
I n te r n a tio n a lly re n o w n e d
p sy c h o lo g ist and “N ew Y ork
T im e s” b estsellin g au th o r, Dr.
H arriet L erner, does indeed re s­
cue us from the “ sw am ps and
q u ick san d s o f d ifficu lt re la tio n ­
sh ip s" in her new book, “T he
D ance o f C o n n e c tio n .”
In th is h ig h ly o rig in a l w o rk ,
L ern er sh o w s us how to use o u r
v o ice to sp eak th e tru th to fa m ­
ily m e m b e r s , p a r tn e r s a n d
frie n d s w ho have hurt o r b e ­
tray ed us.
We learn how to use w ords to
set things right and heal the m ost
p ain fu l d isc o n n ec tio n s - and
w hen to lighten up and let som e­
thing go.
She gives us the tools for talk­
ing to the m ost difficult people in
the m ost painful circum stances.
The legendary Temptations will sing at the Arlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall on Oct. 10. covering 40 years o f their chart­
topping musical hits.
O ne o f history’s m ost b e­
loved group o f R&B performers.
The Temptations, will perform at
the Arlene SchnitzerConcert Hall
on Oct. 10 in a Special Event
presentation by the Oregon Sym ­
phony. A lso on the program will
be Portland's famed blues singer,
songwriter and harmonica player,
C urtis Salgado.
The Tem ptions have enjoyed
a four-decade legacy with hits
like "M y G irl,” "Papa W as a
Rolling Stone,” ‘T re at Her Like a
L ady" and "S tay." Their current
album s, “Phoenix R ising” and
2001 G ram m y w inner “Ear R e­
sistible,” are international best
Local favorite Curtis Salgado
will be perform ing during the
first half o f theconcert. “R ockin’
soul" singer Salgado was the
voice for blues guitarists Robert
Cray and Carlos Santana as well
as the front man for Room ful o f
Blues and the inspiration for
John B elushi's Blues Brothers
character, Jake. Southland Blues
calls S algado's m usic “an eclec­
tic blend o f styles, classic R&B
and funk, rockabilly and, o f
course, M em phis soul.”
T he T e m p ta tio n s' p e rfo r­
mance is scheduled for W ednes­
day, O ct. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in
the Portland C enter for the P er­
form ing Arts. For tickets, call
503-228-1353,800-228-7343, or
o n lin e
w w w .orsym phony.org.
The Violent
Rise and Fall
of Death Row
Saturday, Oct. 6
Concordia U niversity's Made for Kids Program is pleased to announce
its fourth annual Arts Carnival. Kids aged 5 - 1 2 and their parents are
encouraged to come to the Concordia campus Oct. 6, from 11 a.m .-4 p .m .
for a day o f creative play. The free event features music, art and drama
w orkshops and perf ormances. A dm ission is free. The Concordia C am ­
pus is located at 2811 N.E. H olman St. Call 503-280-8614.
r«ll^ «liaiK
Mt. Hood Salmon and Mushroom Festival Oct. 6 & 7
T he C ascade G eographic Society invites all to their M ount Hood
Salm on & M ushroom Festival. T his free event w ill feature ac h ili and
barbecue com petition, great m usic from the N orthw est, exhibits and
ch ildren's activities. Fun for the w hole family. T he festival will be held
at the Mt. Hood V illage, 65000East U.S. H w y. 26, V illage o f Brightwood,
from N oon to 5 p.m.
An International Symphony Concert
Oct. 6 & 7
As an introduction to the season, the O pening Celebration Concert of
the V ancouver Sym phony O rchestra prom ises a w hirlwind expedition
w ith an international flavor. The perform ances will be held on Saturday,
Oct. 6at 2:30p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 7 at 6 p.m. at the Sky view High School
Auditorium, 1300N.E. 139*’St., Vancouver. Call 360-735-7278.
Too Short at Roseland, Sunday, Oct. 7
For the past ten years, T odd Shaw (A K A T oo Short), the m an w ho
was quite literally “bom to m ack,” has been rap 's original pim p lyricist
o f the year - selling his unique blend o f laid-back folk poetry to
m illions o f die-hard fans around the globe. T oo Short will be at the
Roseland Theater on Sunday, O ct. 7 at 8 p.m. For tickets, call 503-224-
8499, toll free 800-992-8499, o r go online to w w w .fastixx.com .
East-West Art Symposium Oct. 10 -13
An international sym posium called Crossing Boundaries: East-W est
Sym posium in Print Art will take place at Portland State U niversity, Oct.
10-13. It offers many opportunities to see art and hear speakers address-
ing the role o f prints and printing techniques in today' s art environment.
The event will be held at O nda G allery, located at 2215 N.E. Alberta St.
O nda is one of forty-plus area galleries showing a wide range o f print
art during the month o f October. For more info., call 503-493-1909.
Ben Folds to Rock Roseland, Thursday, Oct. 11
In support o f his latest Epic release, “Rockin' the Suburbs," Ben Folds
is com ing to rock Roseland. Folds cam e into prom inence in 1995 as
the leader o f Ben Folds Five. Their freew heeling live show, spiked with
jo y o us contem pt and dazzling m usicanship, put Mr. Folds and the
Five on the map of the alternative nation. Ben Folds with special guest
C itizen C ope will be perform ing at the R oseland on O ct. 11 at 8 p.m.
For tickets, call 503-224-T IX X or go online to w w w .fastixx.com or
w w w .hobconcerts.com .
Big Bird in Concert at Memorial Coliseum, Oct. 11 - 14
Children and their fam ilies are invited to go on a m usical cam ping trip
with Big Bird. Elm o, C ookie M onster and the rest o f their friends on
“Sesam e Street." T h ey 're setting off a toe-tapping, eye-popping,
im agination-grabbing excursion in a Sesam e Street Live m usical
extravaganza at the M em orial C oliseum , from T hursday, Oct. 11 -
Sunday, Oct. 14. For ticket info., call 503-224 440 or go online to
In 1993, Death Row
Records exploded onto the
music scene with their
“Gangsta Rap." The label
made superstars out o f Dr.
Dre, Tupac Shakur and
Snoop Doggy Dogg -
releasing an unprecedented
six consecutive m ulti­
platinum albums.
A controversial film, “W el­
com e to Death Row ” docum ent­
ing the dizzying rise and equally
d ram atic fall o f D eath Row
Records, the label w hich effec­
tively launched the “gangsta
rap" music genre, is now avail­
able in video stores nationw ide.
The feature length docum en­
tary by X enon Pictures takes an
unblinking look a, D eath Row
Records, the label that captured
the anger and energy o f rap so
effectively in the m id -1990s that
its first six C D releases w ent
double platinum. That extraordi­
nary success unraveled with al­
legations that the label had been
founded with drug m oney (trig­
gering an FBI investigation); the
m urder o f its biggest star, T upac
Shakur: and revelations o f ag ­
gressive and som etim es violent
business practices.
T he C E O o f D eath Row
Records, a 315 pound ex-body­
guard nam ed M airon “Suge"
Knight, w as released from an
O regon federal prison on Aug. 7
after serving 5 years for proba­
tion follow ing a series o f assault
ng back to school
never been this much fun
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