Nurse Midwife Joins Emanuel Clinic Deepa Upadhyaya Deepa U padhyaya, a certified nurse m idw ife, has jo in ed the s t a f f at th e L e g a c y C lin ic Emanuel. U padhyaya w as b o m in In­ dia, but raised in M innesota. She com pleted her m a ster’s o f science in nurse m idw ifery at Oregon H ealth Sciences U niver­ sity and her b achelo r’s o f sci­ ence in nursing at M etropolitan State U niversity in St. Paul, M inn. She also com pleted a bachelor’s degree in political sci­ ence and philosophy at St. O la f C ollege in N orthfield, M inn. Her hobbies include running, hiking, cam ping, playing chess and reading. C are p rovided by L egacy m idw ives is covered by a vari­ ety o f insurance plans. For appointm ents or infor­ m a tio n , ca ll L eg a cy C lin ic Em anuel at 503-413-4500. The clinic is located at 2800 N. V ancouver A ve., Suite 255 in Portland. “We must not put revenge over remedy,” says Rev. Jackson “President Bush is right to m ar­ shal our resources to seek to end ‘ the scourge o f terrorism . But on this jo u rn ey , w e m ust define w hat w e m ean by the w ord “terrorism ” 1 - all o f our allies m ust agree on this - and then apply one set o f rules around the w orld. “ W e m ust resist terrorism and th e forces th a t feed it, e v e ry ­ w h ere. In o u r an g e r, b e c a u se o f o u r lo sses, w e m u st n o t p u t re ­ v e n g e o v e r rem ed y . W e m u st ch o o se p re c ise in te llig e n c e and stro n g d ip lo m a c y o v e r in d is ­ crim in ate bom bing. W e m u sta p - p re c ia te the p o w e r o f th e clerg y in this reg io n o f the w orld. T h eir sta te m e n t w as a ray o f hope. T h ey d id n o t tu rn th e ir b ac k s on us w ith a n ti-A m erica n slo g an s, but ra th e r th ey raise d an A m eri­ can p rin cip le: ev id en c e an d ac­ tion m u st go han d in hand. "In the com m itm ent to long­ term alliances in our struggle to end terrorism , religious leaders in A fghanistan can be strategic al­ lies. A s our foreign policy shifts from isolationism to coalition build­ ing, w e m ust rem em ber four prin­ ciples: (1) a strong m ilitary, (2) precise intelligence, (3) strong diplom atic allies - the keys to good intelligence, and (4) econom ic security for the poorest and m ost desperate. W e can w in this battle if w e hold to our dem ocratic prin­ ciples, and m ake them central in our dealings w ith the w orld " City Reduces Flood Risk T heP ortlandC ityC ouncilhas a won praise from the Federal Emer­ gency M anagem ent A gency for taking steps to reduce the risk o f property dam age from flooding. P ortland earned a high Class 6 rating because o f the c ity ’s w ork restoring natural flood- p lains, m anaging storm w ater ru n o ff, u p d a tin g flo o d p la in building codes and establishing environm ental zones. “T hese efforts have m ultiple Page A5 ^Jortlanb ©hseruer October 03, 2001 b en efits,” said P o rtland C ity C om m issioner D an Saltzm an. “The sam e program s that earned us this rating are also im proving fish and wi ldlife habitat and help­ ing us keep rivers and stream s clean.” T he rating m eans that about 1,300-floodplain property ow n­ ers in P ortland w ill now qualify for a 20 percent break on flood insurance prem ium , a credit o f about $120 a year. Cops in School Program Funded Portland area public schools will receive $ 1.8 m illion in federal m onies for a C ops in School Pro­ gram , Senators G ordon Sm ith, R- Ore. and Ron W yden, D-Ore. an­ nounced last week. “O ur schools should be safe- havens for children. These funds will help local law enforcem ent to establish a presence on school cam puses and not only enforce our laws but serve as m entors and counselors to young people as well,” said Smith. “Through COPS and other program s like it, w e can reduce the risks faced by students so that they can focus on learn­ ing.” “C ops in schools com bat the violence, drugs and guns that threaten students and teachers, and that stand in the w ay o f learn­ ing,” said W yden. Wise Giving Recommended It’s not unusual for charity pitches to be m ade in the w ake o f disasters, according to the B et­ ter B usiness Bureau. T h e Sept. 11 attacks on the W orld Trade Center in New York and at the Pentagon near W ash­ ington, D.C. are triggering an outpouring o f public support and concern. H ow ever, donors are advised to fully evaluate requests from new, unfamiliar organizations, no m atter how heart- felt the plea for contributions," said Robert W.G. A ndrew , president and CE O o f the Better Business Bureau serv­ ing O regon and W estern W ash­ ington. “ The public should not let th eir g u ard d ow n w h en ap ­ proached w ith pleas for help originating from either on-line or o ff-lin e sources,” added A n­ drew. The bureau advises individu­ als against providing their credit card or checking account num ber to unknow n organizations. Do­ nors interested in contributing to any non-profit organization with which they are not fam iliar should check first w ith the local BBB or the Philanthropic A dvisory S er­ vice for inform ation and advice,” A ndrew said. The BBB offers the follow ing tips for donors to consider before responding to disaster appeals: • Exam ine your options instead o f giving to the first charity from w hich you receive an appeal. There will be a variety o f relief efforts responding to the diverse needs o f disaster victims. • Be wary ofappeals that are long on em otion but short on w hat the charity will do to address the spe­ cific disaster. • A sk how m uch o fy o u r gift will b y 90 p erc en t th e v o lu m e o f the d riest y e a r sin ce 1938. T h e N atio n al W e a th e r S er­ vice statio n at P o rtlan d In ter­ n atio n al A irp o rt re c o rd e d 23 in ch es o f rain an d sn o w from O ct. 1, 2 0 0 0 , th ro u g h Sept. 30, 2 0 0 1 , th e p erio d referre d w a te r n o rm ally d iv erted o ver th e d a m s ’ sp illw ay s to help fish to as th e w ate r year. T h e total w a s 38 p erc en t lo w er th an the an n u al av e rag e 70 p ercen t. T h in g s c o u ld h a v e b e e n w o rse. S tead y flow s in the Bull R un w ate rsh ed , th e so u rce o f d r in k in g w a te r fo r 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 p e o p le , alo n g w ith in creased w a te r co n se rv a tio n an d re la ­ tiv ely little h ot w eath er this su m ­ m e r m e an t th e city w as n ever fo rced to tap u n d erg ro u n d a q u i­ fers in ea st M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty fo r em erg en c y w ate r supplies. o f 37.3 in ch es. R egionally, the precipitation total has not been com pleted, but officials expect it w ill not b e as low as the level recorded in the 1976-77 w ater year, the w orst since records have been kept. T h e B o n n ev ille P o w er A d ­ m in istratio n , w h ich m a rk e ts electricity g en e rate d at fed eral d am s, d ec lared a p o w er e m e r­ g en cy last sp rin g a n d red u c ed av o id sp in n in g tu rb in es. A cc o rd in g to state b io lo g ists, th e su rv iv al rate o f so m e young sp rin g steelhead p o pulations fell to 17 p erc en t from th e norm al T h ere w ere fears that pow er sh o rta g e s th at ca u se d ro llin g blackouts in C alifornia last spring m ight spread to the N orthw est, b ut m ilder w eather, decreased energy dem and and increased p o w er supplies eased the threat. O fficials n o w ex p ect to get th ro u g h th e fall an d w in te r w ith o u t p o w er shortages. “W e h av e su fficien t w ater in sto rag e,” said E d M osey, a sp o k esm an for the B o n n ev ille P o w er A d m in istratio n . “ W e d o n ’t expect an y tro u b le m e e t­ ing peak d em an d s th is w in ­ te r.” R eservoirs in the W illam ette V alley are n o t in such good shape, said K athy H leb ech u k , a h y d ro lo g ic e n g in ee r at the U .S . A rm y C o rp s o f E n g i­ n e e rs’ reserv o ir co n tro l c e n ­ ter in P ortland. N in e o f the c o r p s ’ 11 re se rv o irs in th e W illam ette V alley are sig n ifi­ can tly b elo w norm al fo r this tim e o f year, sh e said. Expectations High for Urban League Dinner M argaret Carter, president and chief executive officer o f the Urban League o f Port­ land, will host the league’s annual dinner on W ednes­ day, Oct. 3. The annual celebration, a longtime fundraising staple for the league, will be held at the Portland Hilton Hotel and start at 6 p.m. Last year’s annual dinner w as the m ost su c ce ssfu l fundraiser the league ever held and expectations are that this year will be even better. The night will feature local jazz and blues m usicians as You can request a free copy o f the BBB's Wise Giving Guide available by calling the BBB Consumer Hotline at 503-226- 3981. NW Natural Gas Prices Soar Portland Rain Falls Way Short (A P , — P o rtlan d h as had be used for the disaster m en­ tioned in the appeal, and how m uch w ould go tow ards adm in­ istrative and fund raising costs. • Find out what the charity in­ tends to do with any excess con­ tributions remaining after the vic­ tim s’ needs are addressed. • R em em ber there will be op­ portunities to give in the future. • The problem s caused by d i­ sasters do not disappear after the headlines do. • Com plaints: Consum ers w ho feel they have been victim ized can file a com plaint w ith the Better Business Bureau to try to recover their m oney and to warn others about the individual or company. well as honor some o f the league’s strongest support­ ers. Sponsors include W ells Fargo Bank, Oregon Health Sciences University, Provi­ dence Health Systems, O r­ egon Lottery and the Port­ land Trail Blazers. (A P ) - For the second tim e in as m any years, Portland area custom ers will see a double­ digit increase in natural gas prices this month. R esidential custom ers o f Northwest Natural G as will see monthly bills increase by about 18.7 percent, reflecting rising w holesale energy costs. Bills for com m ercial custom ers will go up 22.5 percent and for in ­ dustrial custom ers 28.3 per­ cent. U tilitie s th ro u g h o u t the N orthw est have been raising rates to cover the increase in prices they pay for power. T he steep rise in utility rates com es at a difficult tim e, as the econom y teeters on the brink o f a recession. R egulators and utility officials said they are c o n c ern ed about th e econom y’s fragility but were obligated to adjust retail rates to accurately reflect costs. “I know it’s hard on custom ­ ers,” said Susan A ckerm an, m anager o f regulatory affairs for N W N atural. "H onestly, if this w as som ething w e d id n ’t have to do, we w o u ld n ’t.” Natural gas utilities buy their fuel on w holesale markets. The ad ju stm en ts, w h ich require reg u lato ry approval, reflect only the cost o f the gas. W holesale prices have fal len since NW Natural locked in its purchases. If prices stay down, the utility will be able to lower rates next year, Ackerm an said. W h a t do you expect, a quick response when you call? Okay. That’s what you’ll get. W e ’ve set some pretty high standards for our performance. W hen we say w e're going to give you a certain level of service, we m ean it. And w e're so serious about holding ourselves accountable, that if, for some reason, we can't live u p to our comm itm ent, w e'll pay you. Why? First, to com pensate you for any inconvenience, but m ore importantly, as a rem inder to us not to let it happen again. Say you have a question about our bill that we can't answ er w hen you call us. (We answ er 80 percent of our calls within 20 seconds or less!) We'll investigate and get back to you by letter or phone as soon as possible. But if it takes longer than ten w orking days, we ll credit $50 to your account. For everything from responding to a pow er outage to helping you determ ine paym ent options, w e're here and ready to help when you call. To learn more about our Customer Service Guarantees, call us. You can reach us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just call 1-888-221-7070. # PACIFIC POWER Making it happen. SALT LAKE 2002 0*0« MIX CW t « t l I*. W ww» C-nw ©2001 P a d fiC o rp