October 03, 2001 Page A4-----------------------------—--------- ^ o rtla n h (fHwruer Security, survival and the search for justice xEIje ^ o rtía n h (Observer USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Established 1970 s TA FF E d it o r C P in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington El) I T O R Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M an ag er Gary Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher M ichael Leighton C E o pt d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Paul Neufeldt 4 7 4 7 N E M a r tin L u th e r K in g , J r. B lv d . P o r tla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 E N T The following is a statement by M ayor Vera Katz regarding an upcoming visit she and a delegation from Oregon will make to New York City: that responds rationally and m or­ a lly to th e te rr o r is t th re a t. Forming and sustaining an effec­ tive alliance against terrorism will ultimately require us to offer the Islamic peoples an alternative to bin Laden’s hatred - changes in W estern policies that give them peaceful options for achieving their legitimate aspirations. If we fail to do so, those w ho threaten our fam ilies will gain strength from a never-ending line o f fanatical soldiers w ho are willing todiefortheirhatred. Ifw efail.our adversaries will eventually obtain weapons o f mass destruction - and use them. We must succeed, or many more innocent people will die. The great American poet, M aya A ngelo, has observ ed that “if Americans can discern between our inclination toward revenge and our search for justice, we will pre­ vail.” W hat M aya A ngelo was saying to us, I believe, is that humanity has a choice that is both clear and com ­ pelling. W hichever o f the w orld’s great faith traditions we choose to follow , only a shared search for justice will preserve the lives o f those w e love. W e are no longer engaged in a cold w ar confrontation in which the nations o f the world must either be “with Am erica” or against us. W e have reached a point in human history w here everyone’s survival depends upon our collective ef­ forts to achieve a universal and ju st peace. R ep . E lijah E. C ummings b in L a d e n a b o u t chilling reports that The Congress authorized he was trying to ac­ the President to use force to quire chemical and deal with the terrorists who n u clea r w eapons. attacked our people on Sep­ “Acquiring weapons tem ber 11. W e did not grant for the defense of the President’s request for Muslims is a religious broader, open-ended author­ duty,” bin Laden re­ ity. plied. “If I have in­ Protecting the A merican Rep. Elijah E. deed acquired these Cummings people requires that w e be w e a p o n s , th e n I just.asw ellasdeterm ined. In thank G od for enabling me to do this moment o f ournational sorrow, so.” we must do everything within our The knowledge that bin Laden power to prevent further, far-more- is seeking to obtain - and is fully deadly terrorist attacks. prepared to use - nuclear and chemi­ O ur intelligence services now cal weapons o f mass destruction believe that an international terror­ persuaded me to join my colleagues ist netw ork — trained and funded in the Congress in giving the Presi­ by a man named O sam a bin Laden dent reasonable authority to re­ - played a major role in the attacks spond. O ur first duty is to protect upon New York City and W ashing­ the lives o f the A merican people. ton, D.C. All Americans must realize, how­ In 1998, bin Laden declared pub­ ever, that the difficult challenge o f licly that the overriding mission of bringing a single terrorist to justice his terrorist organization is “to kill will only reduce - not eliminate - Am ericans and their allies - civil­ the deadly threat that we face. ians and military.” This, he said, O ur intelligence services tell us clearly and without apology, “is an that bin Laden now provides fi­ individual duty for every Muslim nancing and training for terrorist w ho can do it in any country in groups around the world. Even w hich it is possible to do it." without bin L aden's leadership and 1 am Convinced that no sane fol­ financial support, these terrorists lower o f the Islamic religious tradi­ would continue to threaten us. tion w ould plot and carry out the That is why the President and deaths o f thousands o f innocent those o f us w ho serve in the C on­ civilians for any reason. By the gress know that, acting alone, the witness o f their peaceful lives, the United States cannot successfully M uslims w hom I know and admire m eet the threat o f terrorism. Only make it clear that Islam does not an international alliance that in­ permit Muslims to kill or harm any­ cludes many o f the Islamic nations one — except to pfotect them ­ can provide the intelligence and selves, their families and their coun­ other support necessary to iden­ tries. tify, find and defend us against the In both their actions and their w orld-wide terrorist network. w ords, how ever, the terrorists T o preserve the lives o f our within bin Laden’s netw ork reject people, the United States must lead Islam ’s standard o f justice. the world in creating a new kind of During a 1999 interview with international security sy stem -o n e Tim e M agazine, a reporter asked by S T A T E M "It is fitting that the pioneering spirit o f O regon jo in s the nation on restoring the path to econom ic health. "A s a form er N ew Y orker, I am looking forw ard to leading this delegation, as Portland dem onstrates their support for N ew York, not ju st financially, but in a hum an sense. “N ew Y ork took care o f me 60 years ago, w hen the citizens o f the city em braced me and my fam ily as w e em igrated from Europe “Ironically, it w ill be alm ost to the day that I w ill return to the city to offer my support in return, this tim e as a m ayor - p ro o f that the A m erican dream does happen. “M ayor G iu lian i’s asked for people to com e back, to help the city m ove on econom ically and em otionally. I am proud to be a part o f w hat I hope w ill becom e a national m ovem ent.” Vera Katz, Mayor of Portland University Hails Knight Gift U niversity o f O regon leaders are heralding the announcem ent by U O alu m n u s an d N IK E founder Phil Knight that he and his wife Penny are renewing their longstanding com m itm ent to the university. In m ak in g this a n n o u n c e ­ m en t, K n ig h t rec alle d th e re ­ sp e ctiv e leg acies o f h is alu m ­ nus fa th e r and h is N IK E c o ­ f o u n d e r a n d c o a c h , B ill B o w erm an , say in g , “F o r m e alm a m ater b ecam e m o re than ju s t an e x p re ssio n .” “W e are gratified that tw o o f o u r m ost generous and com m it­ ted supporters are back am ong our ranks,” said U O President D ave Frohnm ayer. “ T his is an im portant m om ent for the U ni­ versity o f O regon as w e prepare to celebrate 125 years o f ex cel­ lence. W e have alw ays consid­ ered Phil and Penny to be im por­ tant m em bers o f the UO fam ily, and this gesture is yet another exam ple o f their selfless com m it­ m ent to the university and the people o f Oregon. They are m ak­ The H onorable E lijah E. Cummings represents Maryland's Seventh Congressional District in the United States House o f Repre­ sentatives. He currently serves as First Vice Chairman o f the Con­ gressional Black Caucus. ing a very real difference in the lives o f our students.” As part o f their renew ed com ­ m itm ent, the K nights will per­ sonally contribute to the A utzen Stadium expansion in a w ay that allow s the project to m ove for­ w ard . T h e d o n o rs h av e r e ­ quested that the size o f the gift be kept confidential. "This com m itm ent represents an investm ent, not only in the U niversity o f O regon, but in O r­ egon itself. T his gift com es at a tim e w hen O regon’ s econom y is facing significant challenges, and this project w ill provide an econom ic stim ulus to our state and region and w ill bring im por­ tant jo b s to our com m unity,” says Frohnm ayer. The K n ig h ts have a longstanding history o f support for the UO, including the largest single private gift to the univer­ sity. The donation o f $25 million in M ay 1996 helped fund the W illiam W. K night Law C enter as w ell as an endow m ent fund to recruit and retain top faculty. e - m a il news@portlandobserer.com subschption@poTtlandobseiyer.com ads@portlandobsener.com P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL S U BM IT TED M ETERIALS: ARTICLES: M onday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The Portland O bserver w el­ comes freelance submissions. M anu­ scripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accom panied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads becom e the sole property o f the new spaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general m anager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad. © 19 9 6 TH E PO RTLAN D OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RE­ SERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH­ OUT PERMISSION IS PRO­ HIBITED. T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r— O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Pub- lication-is a m em ber of the N ational N ewspaper A ssociation-Pounded in 1885. and The National Advertis­ ing Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York. NY, and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. Letter to the Editor Oppression Gives Rise to Hatred Even as we grieve for the appalling loss o f life at the W orld T rade C enter and feel dism ay at the targeting o f innocent people by terrorists, it is im perative that w e recog­ nize the underlying cause o f such attacks. It is the hatred that U.S. governm ent policies engen d er in the M ideast and around the world. At the sam e tim e that we denounce terrorism , w e need to acknow l­ edge that it w ould have no soil to grow in w ere it not for the oppressive foreign policies o f our ow n governm ent: • U ncritical support o f Israel, to the tune o f $2 billion in annual aid, even w hile it is exterm inating and dispossessing the P al­ estinians. • O ngoing bom bing o f Iraq and em bar­ goes against the entire populations o f Iraq and C uba because o f opposition to their leaders. T he actions against Iraq have caused the deaths o f m ore than 1.5 m illion people — w hich I can only call terrorism . • F inan cial an d m ilitary su p p o rt o f rightw ing dictatorial regim es that torture and im poverish th eiro w n people through­ out the M id e ast, S o u th an d C e n tral A m erica, A sia and A frica. • R uthless prom otion o f corporate glo­ balization, which is impoverishing the Third W orld at an astonishing rate, through institutions like the W orld Bank and W orld T rade O rganization, and escalating bru­ tality against the anti-corporate m ove­ ment. • C ontem pt for the im perative o f ending racism by US officials w ho w alked out o f the recent W orld C onference A gainst Racism. M artin L uther King Jr. once said, “riot is the language o f the unheard." So too, terrorism arises w hen people see no means o r hope o f gaining basic hum an rights or necessities o f life by dem ocratic, peaceful m eans. If we are unable to learn this simple and oft repeated lesson o f history, we are doom ed to w itness tragedies like that o f S eptem ber 11 again. Jnrdana Sardo Northeast Portland WEST COAST BLACK PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION I C O CTO BER 1 0 - 1 3 , 2 0 0 1 MONTE CARLO HOTEL • LAS V E G A S , N E V A D A “ T he L egacy of the B lack P ress : C hallenging the S tatus Q uo " Wednesday, October 10th Welcome Dinner 6:30 p . m . Thursday, October 11th 8:30 a . m . 10:00 a . m . - 10:00 a . m . - 11:45 10:00 a . m . - N oon 12:00 p . m . 1:30 p . m . - A.M. 2:30 p . m . • 2:30 3:30 6:00 p . m . • 7:30 p . m . 1:30 p . m . - P.M. P.M. Youth Day Breakfast Youth Day Summit Politico! Workshop Youth Day Luncheon Technology Workshop Workshop: Minority Health Issues Awards Reception Friday, October 12th 10:00 a . m . 8:30 a . m . - N oon 10:00 a . m . - - 2:00 p . m . 6:00 p . m . • 7:00 p . m . 7:00 p . m . - 9:30 N oon 9.30 P.M. P.M. Corporate Diversity Breokfost Business and Finance Workshop Block Church/Block Press Luncheon WCBPA President's Reception WCBPA Publisher Awards Dinner Dessert Party The West Coast Black Publishers Association, estab­ lished in 1971, has 22 member newspapers and 34 editions that are published in 18 markets encompass­ ing the states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon Saturday, October 13th 9:00 a . m . - 10:30 a . m . 10:30 a . m . and Washington. Farewell Breakfast Golf Outing, WildHorse Golf Club M onte C arlo H otel accommodations - 80 0-311-8999 Room code: XWCBPAO F or FURTHER INFO RM ATIO N CALL 8 1 8 - 9 9 5 - 6 5 4 5 C0HFÍRÉÑ¥ e ~ REGISTRATION FORM: fax to 818-995-6530 N a m e ______________________ __ _________ Company--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address City Stale Zip Telephone * Registration fee includes admission to all conference activities and food functions. CORPORATE REGISTRATION GENERAL REGISTRATION SPOUSE /GUEST Event tickets may be purchased. Coll t U - 9 9 5 - 6 5 4 5 for registration and general information.