O c to b er 0 3 ,2 0 0 1 _______________________________________ ( £ j j C - j j j o r t l a u ò © b e e r t t e r ________________________________________________ Page B5 SPORTS b r i e f s Drexler Lands NBA Office Job Jefferson High Hosts Golf Challenge Jordan Ready for Challenge W ASHINGTON-Michael Jor­ dan finally explained his come­ back decision in detail, saying his desire to play again was too strong to ignore. “It’s an itch that still needs to be scratched here,” said Jordan, who will return with the N B A ’s W ash­ ington Wizards. Pumpkin Ridge Golf Course, home o f Tiger Woods' 3rd and final Amateur Golf Championship will play host to Jefferson High's School o f Champions Golf Challenge on Friday, Oct. 12th at 9 a.m. Finish your season o ff with “braggin' rights. ’ There will be 18-holes o f golf, including a continental breakfast, lunch and a Nike package for $120 per person. There's still room for a sponsor's package. Pak Coasts to Five-Stroke LPGA Victory MOBILE, Ala. - Se Ri Pak shot a 1-under 71 to record a five- stroke victory at the AFLAC Champions. The win was Pak’s fifth this season on the LPGA Tour. Lorie Kand finished sec­ ond at 11-under 277, two strokes ahead o f third-place Grace Park. Hopkins is Undisputed Middleweight Champ NEW YORK-Bernard Hopkins stopped previously unbeaten Felix Trinidad in the 12th round at Madison Square Garden to claim the undisputed middle­ weight crown. The defeat had to be a bitter one for Trinidad, who won his first 40 fights, 33 by knockout, and at tim es seemed invincible. H opkins’ victory was a bit one-sided as the 36-year-old dominated the last final six rounds. Iverson to Miss 4-6 Weeks PH IL A D E L P H IA - A llen Iverson, the N B A ’s MVP, and A aron M cKie, the league’s Sixth Man o f the Y ear, both had surgery and will be out at least a month. Iverson is expected to m iss 4 -6 w eek s a fte r an arthroscopic procedure on his right elbow, while McKie had a similar procedure on his right shoulder, and will be out 6-8 weeks. A&T Renamed to Jordan University GREENSBORO,N.C.-Officials from North Carolina Agricul­ tural and Technical State Uni­ versity announced that the university is changing its name to Jordan University. The name change is a result o f an undis­ closed financial and in-kind contribution from Jordan Brand, Michael Jordan’s line o f sports inspired footwear and apparel. Clyde Drexler DENVER- Former PortlandTrail Blazers starClyde Drexler has been hired as an aide to Denver Nug­ g ets g e n e ra l m a n a g e r K iki Vandeweghe. Team officials say Drexler will perform various front office du­ ties and help with player develop- ment. Drexler and Vandeweghe were teammates on the Trail Blaz­ ers from 1984 to 1989. Drexlerretiredasaplayerin 1998 before coaching the University o f Houston for two seasons. He has no previous coaching or front of­ fice experience in the N-B-A. Peninsula Little League Sets Agenda Peninsula Little League is seeking parent and community volunteers to help with the 2002 Little League season. Board positions and team coaching positions are available. Those interested are asked to submit a statement o f interest, expressing your qualifications, no later than Friday, Oct. 19 to Peninsula Little League, PO. Box 11581; Portland, OR 97211. Applications are available at the Peninsula Community Center, 700 N. Portland Blvd. The club also invites interested parties to its annual board meeting on Monday, Oct. 29, 6 p.m. at the Northeast Precinct, 449 N.E. Emerson. Let UPS pay for your education. SUBSIDIZED Subsidized Housing may be available for persons who are 62 years of age or older, or disabled, or handicapped regardless of age. If not, qualified applicants may be placed on a waiting list. We are committed to “ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY" 333 Oak Apartments 333 SW Oak Street Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 227-2358 UPS has always believed in three powerful forces: Its employees. The community. And, education. Guardian Management Corporation T h a t’s why UPS is proud to introduce Legal Sen ices the EARN and LEARN program . Now, not only do part-tim e UPS jobs pay $ 8 .5 0 per hour to Drug Report on Tour de France Riders PARIS - Though nearly one- third o f this year’s Tour de France riders failed drug tests, all but one cyclist had medical reasons to use the substances. The government said 44 o f the 128 riders tested positive. The findings were published by the Council to Prevent and Fight Doping. One case involved EPO, a banned performance- enhancer. The other riders will be asked to show they had approval. If they cannot pro­ vide medical documents to the drug council or the French Cycling Federation, they could be banned from competing in France. For more information, call Marshall Haskins, Athletic Director o f Jefferson High School at 503-916- 5180, ext. 511. s tart plus full m edical benefits, they qualify you for up to $ 3 ,0 0 0 per yea r in education assistance.* Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce Are you going to college? Don’t pay fo r it. Let UPS pick up the ta b . And more $26 00 or less per month C a ll th e UPS J o b I i n e 2 8 6 -7 2 9 8 o r ch e c k us o u t For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll Norman Ross at (5 0 3 ) on th e w e b a t www.upsjobs.com 7 5 7 -8 4 0 9 • Pr^Ttm lit Int rity eop e p p o r tu n ity •• Swtn IllnnJ. A,rf . r , . n J Tn.U t,n f in b lin . An £ ,« « / O » .r tn n ,t, E n , f l .^