Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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Septem ber 12,2001__________________________________ J J o r t l a n b © h s e r u e r
Meet Disney’s Proud Family
D isney C h an n el’s “T he Proud
Fam ily” is an all-new , original ani­
m ated com edy designed especially
for tw eens and teens.
T he sitco m fo llo w s the a d v e n ­
tu r e s a n d m is a d v e n tu r e s o f
P e n n y , a 1 4 -y ea r-o ld A fric an
A m erican g irl w h o ’s d o in g h er
Broadway's smash hit
“Cats" will premiere at the
Keller Auditorium from Oct.
2 - 7 . See Below
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Kyla Pratt as "Penny Proud"
__ B
Field of Dreams Corn Maze
The “Proud Family"
centers on the
growing pains of
Penny Proud and
the antics o f her
loving family. It
premieres on the
Disney Channel on
Friday, Sept. 21 at
6 p.m.
.......... .. .
Paula Jai Parker as "Trudy Proud"
Tommy Davidson as "Oscar Proud
E hl T I 15 I A I S U I M
i ------------- ----------------------
Through Oct. 31
Famous Operatic Arias
T he M etropolitan C om m unity C hurch o f Portland is celebrating its
25th anniversary w ith a cam paign to replace its 7 5-yearo ld piano with
a new 9 foot concert grand. T he public is invited to their classical
concert as a benefit for the piano cam paign. Fam ous arias from
M ozart, V erdi, Puccini as w ell as classical piano pieces w ill be
featured. A raffle will be offered to w in special prizes and a reception
will follow . T he event will be at the C hurch, located at 2400 N.E.
Broadway on Sept. 14.7:30 p.m. Call 503-281 -8868.
Destiny’s Child
Friday, Sept. 14
H ailing from H ouston, Texas, D estiny’s C hild is one o f the best­
selling fem ale groups in the w orld. They w ill be at the Rose G arden
on Friday, Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. T ickets are now on sale at 503/224-4400
o r b y g o in g o n th e w e b a t w w w .r o s e q u a r te r .c o m o r
www.ticketm aster.com.
Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe
Thursday, Sept. 20
The history o f ja zz exhibits a strong connection betw een m usic and
dance, from the big-band sw ing era o f the ‘30s and ‘40s w hen it was
the popular m usic o f the day to the soul-jazz m ovem ent o f the ‘60s.
Jazz historian Karl D enson w ill prem iere his show called T iny U ni­
verse at the C rystal Ballroom on T hursday, Sept. 2 0 ,9 p.m. C all 503/
Sha Na Na’s Rock n' Roll Party
Kervin Edward & a band from Seattle Washington
A N ig h t W ith The Blues
See you at the Elk
4 P M T if f 2 A M
S e p te m b e r 1 5 r 2 © © f
N Tillamook Street
(Contact: Noble Jean
$10 Single
$15 Couples^
Tickets available at Unique Boutique
1323 NE Fremont
ir f
a* S»6
WeMenamins vt
For more info contact Lula or Hattie * (503) 281-1613
Sept. 21 & 22
Sha N a N a will be having a rockin’ party at C hinook W inds C asino on
Sept. 21 & 22. For three decades, this m arvelous group o f greasers has
been dispensing rock n ’ roll w ith such fervor and style that every song
they perform has virtually becom e theirs. Sha N a N a has released 40
album s and sold m ore than 20 m illion copies w orldw ide. F o r tickets,
call l/888-M A IN -A CT(624-6228)orFastixx l/800-992-TlX X (8499).
Urban Fair & llluminata
Saturday, September 29, 2001
Through Oct 27
Friday, Sept. 14
Jo Marie Payton as "Suga Mama"
Fashion Extravaganza
“If you build it, they will com e.” K ruger’s Farm M arket invites visitors
to travel the twists and turns o f a com m aze that includes a fully
functional, little league baseball field. On Sept. 15, celebrate the season
at the C om Maze Country Concert. There will be live music from 5 p.m.
— 8 p.m., a big bonfire and a baseball game at K ruger’s Field. T our the
farm and select some o f the season’s best produce. Call 503-621 -3489.
Swimming Free
w*»------------------------- ---------------------
L iv e
OMNI gallery will have an exhibit called “Swim m ing Free,” from Sept.
6 - Oct. 27. T he celebrated artists w ill be Susan T rueblood Stuart,
Reiko K ageyam a and Terry Lym an. T he show w ill run from Sept. 6
through Oct. 27. For more inform ation, call 503-224-2754.
P enny’s q uest to balance her
hom e, school and social lives are
further com plicated by friends like
the sassy D ijonay, P en n y ’s n em ­
esis L aC ienega B oulevardez, her
loving, if now over-protective p ar­
ents and her h ip -to -th e-g ro o v e-
granny, Suga M am a.
b est to n av ig ate th ro u g h th o se
d iffic u lt early y ears o f teen -d o m .
F u eled by a n ev e r-e n d in g p a s­
sion fo r g ro w in g up. P e n n y ’s
ev ery e n c o u n te r in e v ita b ly s p i­
rals in to b ig g e r th an life s itu a ­
tio n s fille d w ith h i-jin k s, h ila rity
and heart.
Sept. 22 & 23
C om e to th e E astbank Esplanade U rban F airto ex p erien ce P o rtlan d 's
new est w aterfront am enity and learn m ore about our city on the river
from a variety o f perspectives! In addition, there w ill be roving m usic,
dance and theatrical perform ances, arts and crafts and food vendors.
On Saturday evening, the Esplanade will glow with the lights from
Portland’s first lllum inata Parade. The event will be on Saturday, Sept.
22, from 10 a. m. - 9 p.m. and on Sunday, Sept. 23 (TB A j. For more info..
Art Auction for Homeless Artists
Sept. 22,23,26 & 30
M ore than 50 fine art works from estates o f tw o Portland artists will help
homeless people improve their artistic talents. The artworks are from the
private collections o f two deceased artists, Connie Stanton and Rita
Jasper. The works will be offered for sale in a week-long silent auction.
Viewing and silent bidding begin on Saturday, Sept. 22 at 5 p.m. at St.
M ary' s Cathedral Center, N. W . 17,h and Davis. Later auctions will be on
Sept. 2 3 ,2 6 and 30. Call Charles Lehman a t503-224-2770.
Oct. 2 -7
C ats, A m erica’s favorite m usical is back. T he show that revolution­
ized musical theater is com ing to Keller A uditorium for one w eek only,
from Oct. 2-7. N ow more than 8,250,000 audience m em bers have
experienced the m agic, it’s tim e to introduce “C ats" to a new genera­
tion. For tickets, call 503-790-ARTS, the Portland O pera Box O ffice at
503-241-1802 or go online to w w w .broadw ayseries.com .
Angelique Kidjo
Wednesday, Oct 3
Afro-funk, reggae, samba, salsa, gospel, jazz, Zairean rum ba, zouk and
m akossa are com bined through the m usic o f soulful. Benin-born and
Paris-based, vocalist, A ngelique Kidjo. K idjo has been em braced by
the international press - hailed for her “grow ls and sw oops that link
A frican tradition to A m erican soul m usic. A ngelique K idjo w ill be at
the Roseland T heatre on W ednesday, O ct. 3 at 8 p.m. C all the
Roseland Grill at 503-224-8499 or go online to ffiffia ,fasUXA.C0m
Monday through Saturday: 7am to 10:30am
Sunday: 7am to 1 1:30am
»756 NT. 33rd • Portland, Oregon
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