Committed to Cultural Diversity> “Siiidping, W a ltra u d s C om m unities' n tn m n n i t g a I c n b a r Steps to Teen Success Dr. John Oda, N L P will be providing a free w orkshop fo r parents only. The program w ill give parents enhance­ m ent tips o f dealing with their teen. The program is called "The Seven Steps for T een S uccess.” The program will be held at the W ells Fargo Center, 1300 S. W. 5lh A ve., Sept. 18, from 7 - 9 p.m. For reservations, call 503-471 -2954. A Living History Event F ort V ancouver N ational H istoric Site, located in the V ancouver National H istoric R eserve, w ill be having their 2001 Fort V ancouverCandlelightTour. This is a historical reenactm ent o f the fo rt's history when O regon Trail im m i­ grants first arrived during the m id- 1800’s. T he C andlelight T our will be held on Sept. H a n d 1 5 ,fro m 7 -1 0 p .m . Job Opportunity Fair The N orth P ortland O ffice o f the T he O regon State E m ploym ent Dept. w ill hold its 12,h Job O pportunity Fair on T hursday, Sept. 13, from 1 0 a .m .- 1 p.m. T he N orth Portland Em ploym ent office is located at 30 N . W ebster St. in Portland. T here is no charge fo r the public to attend. Elders in Action Commission T he E lders in A ction C om m ission invited interested citizens to jo in them at their m onthly m eeting. H ot topics on the agenda include: S enior Forum h o s te d by E ld e rs in A c tio n and M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty C o m m isio n e r M aria Rojo de Steffey. T he event will be on W ednesday, Sept. 19, from 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503-823-5269. Women of Achievement T he A nnual W om en o f A chieve­ m ent A w ard is a sem i-form al gala at­ tended by politicians, corporate prin­ c ip le s a n d c itiz e n s w h o su p p o rt w o m en ’s rights. T heir dinner recep­ tion and silent auction will be held on Saturday, O ct. 13, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the D oubleT ree H otel Lloyd C enter in the L loyd C enter B allroom , located at 1000N.E. M ultnomah. Call 503-725- 5889. Health and Fitness Classes G et in shape for fall with Providence H ealth S y ste m ’s w est-side fitness classes. O n T uesdays and T hursdays this m onth, a class on "A lternative exercise: for those w ith joint m obility lim itations" will be held at the M ercan­ tile M edical P laza in Lake O sw ego, from 12:45p.m .-l:45p.m . Call503-216- 6595. Music, Dance Usher New Era at PDX Strike up the band and put on your dancing shoes. “PD X to the M A X ” is an official w eekend long celebration for the com pletion o f three m ajor public w orks projects at Portland International Airport. T his free com m unity open house will feature m usic and dance on Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. T ri-M et is offering free rides hom e on M A X light rail for those w ho take M A X to the celebration. H ighlighting the w eekend is P en d u ­ lum D ance, a dazzling aerial ballet with Suzanne K enney and her Portland dance troupe perform ing at 2 p.m. both days. O ther acts range from Chinese and Native A m erican dance to steel drum s, sam ba, blues and jazz. T he locally renow ned Hot Shot T ap D ancers w ill perform on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. C low ns, ch ild ren ’s activities and avia­ tion displays will be on hand throughout the w eekend, as w ell as special offers by airport retailers. A full perform ance schedule is avail­ able at w w w . The event celebrates three projects that com bine to im prove airport co n v e­ nience, com fort and capacity. A ttendees will see the new PDX South Lobby, w hich hosts the main stage for the event, and opens fully in O ctober. The new T ri-M et A irport M A X Red Line opened Sept. 10, and the new PD X C o n ­ course C opened A ug. 13. "T hese im provem ents position PDX to w ell serve our P ortland/V ancouver re­ gion into the next tw o decades,” said Steve Schreiber. Port o f Portland aviation director. “W e hope everyone will bring the w hole fam ily out to celebrate.” C oncourse C replaces the oldest 13 gates in the airport w ith w ider passage­ w ays and w aiting areas. It features O r­ egon native Larry K irkland’s artistic te r­ razzo inlaid floor depiction o f the C olum ­ bia R iver and unique benches and art poles m arking key industry and activities along the river. T he new A irport M A X Red Line runs every 15 m inutes, traveling directly to The Hot Shot Tap Dancers, the Ambassadors o f Tap, are one of the many entertainment groups scheduled to perform this weekend at Portland International Airport in a public party to celebrate the new Airport Max light rail, a revamped terminal lobby and new concourse. dow ntow n Portland in ju st 38 m inutes. Trains nin every day from about 5 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. and cost ju st $ 1*.55. The A irport Station is ju st 150 feet from the baggage claim area. The expansive new PDX South Lobby is framed by hundreds o f panes o f glass offering an open, inviting atmosphere. It includes space for the ne w Columbia River interpretive center that opens later thi s fall. K irkland’s artw ork is on hand in the form o f a circular, terrazzo and bronze inlaid floor m ap o f the Pacific N orthw est, and a 25-foot, futuristic, rocket-like col­ umn containing a large-scale flight infor­ m ation display m onitor. Phil Reynolds Scholars Head to College Memory Walk T he O regon -G reater Idaho C hapter o f the A lzh eim er's A ssociation will be having their T enth A nnual M em ory W alk - a 5K pledge-driven w alk and run starting at the W orldT rade Center, located at S.W . Salm on and First on Oct. 7. T he C om petitive R un starts at 8:25 a.m. and the w alk at 8:30 a.m. Call 503-413-6471. Leach Botanical Plant Sale Prepare now for a lovely garden next spring. O ur Northwest fall rains present optim um conditions for the planting of perennial sp e cim en s th a t p ro d u ce b lo o m s in ea rly sp rin g and the s e a ­ so n s b e y o n d . T he L each G ard en P lan t S ale w ill be o n S atu rd ay , Sept. 22, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Floyd Light M iddle School, 10800 S.E. W ashing­ ton. The New Leadership Challenge O n Nov. 7, learn how to face new challenges at the W orldw ide Lessons in L eadership Series at the H oliday Inn Portland Airport, from 7:45 a.m. - 2 :3 0 p.m .T 1-800-689-9771. f, Tulu Abe T hree young w om en from local high schools are entering the official world of academ ia this fall with the help o f the Phil R eynolds M em orial Scholarship. A hquoya B rooks, Sunni Sivadel and T ulu Abe were recently honored with $500 scholarships each by the Reynolds fam ily for their dedication to learning and outstanding achievem ent as young citizens in the com m unity. “Each one o f these college bound freshm en will prove to the w orld that they can reach for and achieve their goals. O ur best to all the students as they pursue their dream s,” said Phyllis R. Sm ith, coordinator for the scholar­ ship. Ahquoya Brooks A be, an outstanding student at St. M ary’s A cadem y, will be attending the U niversity o f San D iego studying en g i­ neering to follow her interest in why things work. Sivadel, an honor student from W ilson High School, plans to attend Howard U niversity to fulfill her dream in sports medicine. Brooks, an honor student and Rose Festival A m bassador at Jefferson High School, heads for the University of W ash­ ington in Seattle to further her interest in biology and a pre-m edicine. Reynolds worked in the railroad indus­ try at the Term inal C om pany in Portland as a Redcap for 35 years. In 1935, he was Sunni Sivadel appointed supervisor o f Redcaps and held that position until his retirem ent in 1957. He w as well know n for his years of public service to the N A A C P, Urban League and m any oth er civic groups for the overall betterm ent o f the com m u­ nity. His w ork in establishing contact in the O regon Legislature as a lobbyist for civil rights legislation clearly affected the course o f the now current Equal Em ploym ent Act for the State o f O r­ egon. It w as in honor o f his dedication to­ w ards youth and their education that the scholarship fund w as established. Saturday Walk to Benefit College Bound Area residents are invited to celebrate the 12th annual United Negro College Fund “Walk-A-Mile-to-Save-A-Mind,” Saturday, Sept. 15, at Peninsula Park on North Portland Boulevard. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the walk starts at 10a.m. Ronald McDonald, a friend to children of all ages, will lead the walkers through North and Northeast Portland neighbor­ hoods. There will be food, music and prizes for individuals and teams. Registration and pledge forms are avail­ able at Peninsula Park Community Center, Matt Dishman Community Center. Retlec - tions Coffee and Bookstore, and Mrs. C ’s or by calling the United Negro College Fund at503-223-8890. Organizers encourage people to bring their entire family, friends, and neighbors to join hundreds of walkers of all ages representing the community, churches, schools, and civic organizations. Together they expect to raise $50,000in scholarship funds for Oregon students. Every year, more students from Oregon attend UNCF colleges and universities, which increase the need for scholarships. These students come from various eth­ nic backgrounds, but the common de­ nominator is that each has chosen to at­ tend a historically black college or univer­ sity. The job of volunteers is to raise the funds needed to ensure that these young students receive the quality education they deserve. The UNCF has been providing stu­ dents with funds to assist with tuition, books, and laboratory expenses for over fifty years. Oregon is home to scores of students and alumni of UNCF schools. This year's walk will be sponsored by Portland Parks and Recreation, NW Natu­ ral Oregon Lottery, Safeway: Wells Fargo, Oregon's 12 KPTV, Sheraton Portland A irport and W inCo Foods. Superintendent Search Widens Portland Public Schools is holding two public meetings to gather input on the qualities people w ould like to see in its next superintendent. The meetings will take place Tuesday, Sept. 18 at the M adison High School caf­ eteria, 2735 N.E. 82nd and W ednesday, Sept. 19 at the W ilson High School cafeteria, 1151 S.W. Vermont. M eetings will be led by the Leadership Advisory represen­ tatives appointed by the Portland Public Schools Board o f Education to learn the com m unity’s views on the qualifications, background and leadership style o f the next superintendent. District officials pre­ sented the following questions to ponder: Should the next PPS superintendent have experience improving student achieve­ ment, motivating teachers, adm inistrators and other staff, and have a strong track record in hiring high-quality staff? Should the top executive have financial management experience and abiIity.experi- ence working with employee unions, and the ability to advocate for school funding? Should the superintendent have a w ork­ ing knowledge o f Portland issues, experi­ ence turning aro u n d lo w -p erfo rm in g schools, and experience developing lead­ ership among school principals? Does the district need a superintendent with the ability to inspire public confi­ dence, a background as an educator, strong communication skills, a strong track record o f working with culturally diverse popula­ tions and a strong track record in building partnerships? 1