Page A6_____________________________________________ QCIfC J J o r t l a i t h © b e e r u e r ________________________________ September 12, 2001 Heavy Load Benefits Area Kids Personal Stories of Recovery O reg o n ian s from all w alk s o f life are telling th eir p erso n al sto ­ ries o f ad d ictio n an d reco v ery th is m onth to in c re ase p u b lic u n d ersta n d in g o f th is d ise ase an d su p p o rt fo r trea tm e n t. “ A lco h o l and d ru g a d d ictio n c o n trib u tes to c o u n tle ss so cial p ro b lem s, from ch ild ab u se to p o o r p u b lic h e a lth ,” say s B ar­ b ara C im ag lio , w h o h ead s a lc o ­ hol and d ru g p rev e n tio n and tre a tm e n t fo r the O re g o n D e ­ p artm en t o f H um an S erv ices. “W ith o u t th ese ad d ic tio n s, o u r ag en cy , O re g o n ’s larg est, co uld p ro b ab ly cu t its $ 4.2 b illio n a n ­ nual b u d g et in h a lf.” S ep te m b er is d e sig n a te d n a ­ tio n a lly as "re c o v e ry m o n th ,” an o p p o rtu n ity to learn from th o se w h o o v erc o m e th e ir a d ­ d ic tio n an d to re c o g n iz e th o se w h o h elp them . “ W e ’ve a sk ed a g ro u p o f O r­ eg o n ian s w h o h av e u n d erg o n e su ccessfu l trea tm e n t to step fo r­ w ard an d sh are th e ir sto rie s,” C im ag lio says. S p ecial a c tiv itie s d u rin g the m onth in clu d e a c a m p a ig n o f b illb o a rd s an d rad io ad s to p ro ­ m ote a h elp line run by th e O r­ eg o n P artn ersh ip , and o u treach to m in o rity , re lig io u s and o th e r com m unities. Oregon Tribes Share Diversity Lawrence Brown o f Kaiser Permanente and Stevie Dwyer o f Beach Elementary School, 1710 N. Humboldt, unload boxes o f donated school supply items, everything from colored pencils to crayons, backpacks, brushes and rules. Children attending school at four north Portland elementary schools received help with needed school supplies thanks to the generosity of Kaiser Permanente employees and members. About 95 boxes of the supplies, including many backpacks, were donated at several Kaiser Permanente buildings. The materials were distributed Thursday at Ball, Beach, Clarendon and Humboldt elementary schools. photo B v M ark W ashington /T he P ortl and O bserver •The staff is so loving and interested in each child that it's like leaving them with fam ily.' Jenna Mason-Steinberg, parent Childcare Center Ü. Ä Ages: 6 weeks to 6 years Hours: 6:30 am to 6 pm Fees: Based on a sliding scale according to your income, and starting as low as $400/month (full-time only) Û ' °0 & ^ 9 3 -^ Your child will enjoy. . An individualized curriculum designed to develop age- appropriate social, motor, language and emotional skills ./^Organized daily recreation in our on-site gymnasium, padded playground and fenced ball field XSwimming lessons taught by certified instructors in our heated pool Z M o n th ly field trips Bright Beginnings The Salvation Army Moore Street Corps and Community Center 5325 N Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97217 Do th e Right Thing... and Read!