Page A5 September 12, 2001 Homeless Camp Moved to Northeast Site OHSU To Study Drug Addiction and Treatment ‘Dignity Village’ puts down roots on a city-approved site X O regon H ealth and Science University will receive $4 million from the Office o f National Drug C ontrol P olicy’s Counterdrug T echnology A ssessm ent C en­ ter to purchase a high-pow er m agnetic resonance im aging or MR1 system and other equip­ m ent to investigate the neuro­ logical effects o f dnig abuse. "OHSU researchers are impor­ tant players in a national effort to use advanced technology to find better ways to prevent and treat d ru g a b u s e ,” sa id A lb e rt Brandenstein, center director. M RI is a noninvasive tech­ nology that can be used to study anatom y, function and neuro­ chem istry in hum an and anim al subjects, M RI creates three-di­ m ensional. high-resolution pic­ tures o f the body through the use o f a m agnetic field. O H SU currently has tw o M R ls that it uses for clinical and research applications. The new m achine is tw ice as pow erful. O H SU w ill use the high-tech im aging system to further re­ search into how drug use a f­ fects the brain. Specific projects include the effects o f chronic m etham phet­ am ine and cocaine abuse, the effects o f anabolic steroids on the brain and looking at how genes can affect an individual’s s e n s itiv ity to a b u s e d s u b ­ stances. The new M RI system will be the centerpiece o f the O H SU A dvanced Im aging R esearch Center, a new facility that will be split between O H SU ’s main cam ­ pus in Portland and its W est C am pus in H illsboro. C om ple­ tion is slated for 2003. Regal Cinemas Files For Bankruptcy (A P) — R egal C inem as, the nation’s largest m ovie theater chain and the Portland area’s la rg e st th e a te r o w n e r, said Thursday it w ill file for C hapter 11 bankruptcy protection as part o f a restructuring plan that will shift ow nership to a group led by billionaire P hilip A nschutz. Regal, like several other m a­ jo r m ovie chains, aggressively expanded in the late 1990s and People lacking a place to live are putting up this tent city on the outskirts of northeast Portland. City officials approved the site as a temporary location for the homeless and as an alternative to a former homeless camp under the Fremont Bridge, downtown. ended up w ith too many th e­ aters. It closed 98 theaters w ith 646 screens this year but re ­ m ains tops in North A m erica w ith 3,898 screens in 338 loca­ tions. U nder the reorg an izatio n . R e g a l’s u n secu red cred ito rs stand to recover up to 100 per­ cent o f their claim s through a $75 m illion pool set up by the new ow ners, the com pany said. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver ( A P )— A fter w eeks o f tension betw een them and the city o f P ort­ land, several dozen hom eless resi­ dents said they are m ostly pleased with a new location provided by the city on a leaf com posting lot near N ortheast 33rd A venue and the Portland A irport. T ^ a t has co m e as a su rp rise ev en fo r m any o f th e h o m eless w h o liv e d in D ig n ity V illag e h o le ” — b u t h e lik e s it. A nd 37-year-old Jam es Johnson said he appreciates the quiet sur­ roundings, after m onths under the Frem ont Bridge. Som e residents are calling the suburban location “D ignity 2.” The city ’s order that the 75 or so people living in D ignity Village relocate to a com posting field near the airport has resulted in the clo se to d o w n to w n , an d w ho h ad p ro tested th at the new site is far from se rv ic es an d g ro cery sto re s. By last Thursday afternoon, less than h alf o f the 75 people who lived in the old cam p had moved out to the site near the airport. O ne resident, H ow ard Henry, originally o f Phoenix, Arizona, said they m ade it sound like a "hell group splitting up. Some w anted to stay because the dow ntow n site is clo se to stores and public services. O th ­ ers were w illing to m ove to the new site chosen by the city. A third group said it is w as moving to a place they called “The R anch," land in a Portland suburb that w as offered to them by a private landow ner. Housing Group Hires New Deputy A northeast P ortland housing agency has hired as its deputy director a successful local developer w ho has a passion for neighbor­ hood revitalization and com m unity develop­ ment. The Portland C om m unity Reinvestm ent Ini­ tiatives, Inc. hired M artin Solow ay to assist the nonprofit agency in fulfilling its m ission o f providing quality affordable rental housing to residents in north and northeast Portland. S o lo w ay ’s develo p m en t-related acco m ­ plishm ents include helping to develop more than $13 m illion o f housing in the m etro area, including the pioneering loft concept. “W ith the addition o f M artin S olow ay to P C R I’s staff, we have expanded our capacity and affirm ed our long term com m itm ent to I affordable housing,” said M axine Fitzpatrick, executive director o f PCRI. "H e brings the right balance o f com passion and business acum en needed to m ake a non-profit like PCRI operate successfully.” O ne o f S olow ay’s m ost successful projects is the creation o f the E verett Station Lofts and G alleries in O ld Town. PCRI was form ed in 1991 w hen an investor /banker know n as D om inion C apital filed for bankruptcy, putting 350 fam ilies at risk o f los­ ing their homes. T hrough a com m unity effort, PCRI acquired those properties in partnership w ithU .S. Bank. PCRI offered hom eow ners the opportunity to purchase their hom es with the rem aining hom es preserved as long-term af­ fordable rental housing. uppose a tree fell through your garage to n ig h t... WHO WOULD COME THROUGH FOR YOU TOMORROW? Shark Attacks Lead to Feeding Ban the sharks could be conditioned to associate (A P) - A fter a sum m er o f highly publicized hum ans w ith food. shark attacks, Florida officials voted to ban all “Y ou d o n ’t feed any o f them . T h ey 're wild shark-feeding, saying it could be teaching sharks anim als,” said Robert D im ond, president o f the to seek out people. M arine Safety G roup o f D eerfield Beach, a pro­ T he target o f the ban is “interactive” shark ponent o f a ban. "W e are talking about preda­ tours that use cut-up fish to lure sharks so tors with teeth that can tear o ff people’s arm s.” scuba-diving tourists can sw im w ith them. T he F lorida Fish and W ildlife C onser­ • Tri-M et is hiring bus drivers. ■ v atio n C o m m issio n had been considering rules to regulate such shark-feeding dives, but instead voted 7-1 T hursday for a total ban. It could becom e law after a final vote in November. T o u r o p e r a to r s w ere o u tra g e d and threatened legal ac­ tion if the ban goes through. T hey argued that officials had no ev i­ -'u.. d ence to prove the Fully paid medical, dental and vision benefits after only one m onth o f employment. sh ark -feed in g dives Start w ith part-time and progress to a fu ll-tim e career. $10.50/hour to start, w eren't safe and said $12.38 in 6 months, $19.08 in three years. none o f their tourists Requirements: had ever been bitten. • Two yean strong customer service skills But several com m is­ • Five years good driving record sioners expressed fear • Solid w ork record that by feeding sharks. COME FOR THE BENEFITS STAY FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES You're inside your house, safe from the big storm. When, boom'. Lightning strikes. Next thing you know, there’s a tree all the way through your garage roof. Taking care of claims like this is what American Family Insurance is all about. Over 70 years of experience means fast, efficient service and home protection you can trust. Life is unpredictable. 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