September 12, 2001__________________________________ (Eìjt? ^ J o r t l a t t ò © b s e t t i e r __________________________ ___________________ Hage A3 Women’s Group Honors Clariner Boston C lariner Boston is being recog­ bringing C atholic school back to nized by the O regon C om m ission the m inority com m unity; the P o rt­ for W om en for her w ork at Better land C hief o f Police African Ameri- People, a program in northeast Port­ c a n A d v iso ry B o a rd a n d th e land that assists people w ith prior M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff s A d ­ crim inal records becom e produc­ visory Board. She is also very active in D elta tive m em bers o f society. She is one o f three w om en to be Sigm a T heta Sorority, a historically honored at the com m ission’s 17th A frican A m erican sorority that A nnual W om en o f A chievem ent am o n g o th e r th in g s , p ro v id e s A w ards D inner, to be held on Oct. scholarships fo r young A frican 13 at the Lloyd D oubleT ree Hotel. Am erican women. C lariner is m arried to Lou B os­ T he keynote speaker for the aw ards dinner will be E lizabeth ton, and together they are the p ar­ H archenko, D irector o f the O regon ents o f four adult children. T his y ear’s dinner, them ed “F i­ D epartm ent o f Revenue. Boston is a recruitm ent special­ nancial W ellness, Today and T o ­ ist w ith Better People, a program m orrow ," serves as a kick-off event that assists people w ith prior crim i­ for our upcom ing series on w om en nal records to gain and retain per­ and finance. “W hen w om en have control of m anent living w age em ploym ent. The com m ission is presenting the their finances, they have the ability award based on her leadership, suc­ to co n tro l th e ir fu tu re s,” says cess in an area o f expertise, prom o­ R o sly n H ill, 2 0 0 0 W o m en o f tion of the status of women, and A chievem ent aw ardee, and ow ner com m itm ent to equity and diversity. and operator o f R o sly n 's Coffee Boston is an A djunct A ssistant G arden and Shades o f Color Gallery Professor in Admi ni stration o f Ju s­ and G ifts on N ortheast A lberta tice in M ark H atfield School o f Street. Since 1964 the O regon C om m is­ Government. She is particularly aw are o f the sion for W om en has w orked on issues affecting w om en in the crim i­ behalf o f the state to advance the nal justice system , and w orks w ith status o f w om en in O regon. The them to rely on their positive skills w ork includes advocacy, outreach, and relationships to transition o f­ education and inform ation and re­ fenders back into the com m unity. ferrals. T ic k e ts to th e W o m e n o f B oston’s com m unity involve­ A chievem ent D inner are available m ent is extensive. She is a m em ber for $50 by calling 503-725-5889. o f St. A ndrew N ativity School, in com pensatory and punitive d am ­ ages under the C ivil Rights A ct o f 1991. The em ployees, Barbara G am ez and O felia C ortinas, continue to w ork in Q w est’s office in dow n­ tow n Portland. G am ez has w orked for Q w est and US W est in O regon since 1981. C ortinas has w orked at the com pany since 1976, w hen it w as Pacific N orthw est Bell. They filed a com plaint w ith the Sept. 11th through Sept. 25th, 2001 PRINT SALE Clariner Boston is a leader in a northeast Portland program that helps people break a cycle o f criminal behavior, and gain meaningful employment. com m ission in O ctober 1999. “For both B arbara and O felia, th ey w ere co n tin u o u sly p assed o ver for prom otions, despite their long tenure w ith the com pany and q ualifications, and they believe lesser-qualified non-Latinos w ere prom oted,” said W es K atahira, se­ n io r tr ia l a tto r n e y fo r th e com m ission's Seattle office, w hich filed the suit July 24. Steven H am m ack, a D enver- based Q w est spokesm an, said: “T he charges are absolutely w ith­ out m erit, and w e’ re sure the court will agree.” A lth o u g h th e w o m en o rig i­ nally filed the co m m issio n co m ­ p lain t a g a in st US W est, th ey say Q w est has c o n tin u e d to d is ­ crim in ate against them and other H isp an ics in the P o rtlan d o ffice, said R ichard Y ugler, one o f th eir a tto rn e y s. Community Energy Project Open House: Get Ready for Winter Com m unity Energy Project, a lo­ cal nonprofit, will be holding an Open Houseon Saturday, Sept. 15,from 11 a.m .to4p.m . The open house serves as a kick­ off event to the senior w eatheriza­ tion program, water conservation workshops, and poisoning preven­ tion workshops. The self-help weatherization work­ shop will begin on the last w eek o f September. All services are pro­ vided free to the public. Portland residents are encouraged to register, especially with the weath­ erization w orkshops, so they can get their homes ready before winter. Other activities at the Open House (A P) - Bill W yatt, ch ief o f staff for G ov. John K itzhaber, was selected last w eek as the Port o f P ortland’s new executive director follow ing a unanim ous vote from port com m issioners. W yatt, 51, was one o f tw o finalists for the position and will replace M ike T hom e. T hom e resigned M ay 9 to m n for governor, but later dropped out o f the race. He had been port director since 1991. C om m issioners said they w ere looking for som eone w ith political experience and an environm ental bent. T hey also said they w anted som eone with an open m anagem ent style. THE LARGEST. MOST CO MPU TE RE TAIL FABRIC STORE /.V THE WEST Discrimination Suit Charges Qwest (AP) — T he U .S. Equal E m ­ ploym ent O pportunity C om m is­ sion filed a discrim ination lawsuit against Q w est C om m unications International, alleging that tw o H ispanic em ployees were denied prom otions and faced retaliation for com plaining. I f th e c o u r t r u le s in th e com m ission’s favor, the phone service provider m ight have to pay up to $300,000 per em ployee Wyatt Named Port Director will include a free blood lead screen­ ing, free food and drinks, a Jeopardy gam e with door prizes, and a water conservation workshop. The free blood lead screening is provided by the Physicians for So­ cial Responsibility and the Oregon Health Division and will be available from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to detect blood lead levels. The Jeopardy gam e will test par­ ticipants’ knowledge in energy and w ater conservation, and also lead poisoning prevention. For more information, please con­ tact Joanne Lau at 503-284-6827 or by e -m a il at ALL PRINTS 30% OFF Sale includes: Calicos, Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics, Special Occasion, Silkies, Rayons, Children's Wear, Animal Fake Fur, Outerwear Fleece 3 0 % OFF Sp ecialty F oods, Yam and Ultrasuede® WATCH FOR OUR COLUMBUS DAY SALE OCTOBER 8TH B e s u r e t o c h e c k w w w .f e b r ic d e p o t .c o m •Discounts do nol ¡ipph lo ¡xv'iotish durounlcdor marked doun ¡ m ils ‘I 1101 thru 9 2SUI R E T A IL H O U R S : MON-FRI. 9:00am-9:00pm SATURDAY 9 00am-7 00pm SUNDAY 10 0Qam 7 00pm WHOLESALE HOURS: MON -FRI 9 OOam-9 00pm SATURDAY 9 00am-7 00pm SUNDAY 10 00am-7:00pm RETAIL -WHOLESALE 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 503-252-9530 Visit our website at www. 1-8OO-392-3376 D eer Virus S im iliar to M ad C ow A p p e a r s in O re g o n (A P) - Seven cases o f a deadly deer vim s closely related to mad cow disease have been detected by O regon State U niversity scientists in recent m onths, and hunters are being w arned about sick or dying anim als they may com e across. T h e a d e n o v iru s , k n o w n as chronic w asting disease, is deadly to deer and elk but has not been proven to be transm ittable to h u ­ m ans, said Rob Bildfell, a patholo­ gist at O S U ’s V eterinary D iagnos­ tic Laboratory. Still, Bildfell said he w ould “be against eating a deer that appears to be s ic k .... If a cow w as running a fever w hen it w as killed at the slaughterhouse, they d o n ’t use it.” The disease attacks cells that line b lood vessels, cau sin g internal bleeding and death. Sym ptom s o f the disease are a fluid buildup in the lungs, making it difficult for animals to breathe, mouth lesions, and bkxxly diarrhea. Chronic wasting disease has been detected in Colorado, Wyo- ming, Nebraska and Canada. Jack M ortenson, wildlife veteri­ narian for the Oregon Department of Fish and W ildlife said deer suffering from the adenovirus may appear le­ thargic, w alk in circles, stum ble and have balance problems. “T he anim als will appear w eak looking and may have a b lood­ stained area around their rear,” Bildwell said. M ortenson encouraged anyone w ho sees deer or elk exhibiting sym ptom s o f adenovirus to call the ODFW. H. & B. Too Now Open Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N. E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks South of Alberta Weekdays tin 5:30pm - Saturdays tin 4:00pm Free Parking — State Controlled Rates — Se Habla Espanol Oregon Family Business for over 50 years, u..,«