Page A2 September 12, 2001 Man Wanted for Burglary, Lottery Theft The Beaverton Police D e­ partm ent, in cooperation with C rim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the suspect in a burglary. About 5 o ’clock in the m orn­ ing o f June 23, a burglary took place at M aguffy’s Pub at 3805 Southw est M urray Boulevard in Beaverton. A m ong the item s taken were a large num ber o f lottery tick­ ets. A short w hile later, the same suspect redeem ed some o f the tickets at a convenience store at N orth L om bard and D enver Street in Portland. T he suspect is described as a w hite m ale in his late 20’s to early 30’s, 6 '0 ” tall, weighing 175 pounds, w ith short light or m edium colored hair, a goatee with a thin m ustache, wearing a black leather jacket. A sketch o f the suspect was suspect. m ade from surveillance photos. C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation, reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an ar­ rest in this case, or any unsolved felony crim e, and you can re­ main anonym ous. Call C rim e Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. Police Deaths Blamed on Sleepy Driver (A P) — A 19-year-old driver w hose pickup ran over three po­ lice officers and killed tw o o f them w as asleep at the w heel at the tim e o f the accident on Interstate 5, the teen ’s attorney said Thursday. Jacob T odoriko, a student at O regon State U niversity, has not been charged in the crash. “ It’s sim ply a m atter o f he fell asleep behind the w heel,” said S alem atto rn ey W alter T odd. "T h ere’s no indications at all o f alcohol, o f drugs, reckless d riv ­ ing, o r speeding.” Flags were lowered to half staff at the Capitol and other state build­ ings as law enforcem ent officials m ourned the loss o f tw o officers w ho were struck and killed as they cam e to the aid o f people in a disabled van along Interstate 5. A third officer rem ained hospi­ talized in critical condition after being hit by the pickup truck that veered onto the freew ay shoulder’ eight m iles south o f Salem. Police continued to investigate the cause o f the accident and there was no official confirm ation Sheriff’s Office Honored T h e M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty S h e riff s Office has been honored for outstanding leadership in po­ licing because o f its professional standards that require a four-year college degree for enforcem ent deputies. T he aw ard w as presented by the Police A ssociation for Col- lege E ducation at a press co n fer­ ence last w eek. Tw o m ajor national organiza­ tions, involved in policing, have passed reso lu tio n s ad v o catin g four-college degree standards for law enforcement officers. In addi­ tion, studies have established that officers with college degrees have C o m m u n ity ro o m fo r p ro ce ssin g by y outh o u trea ch w orkers. C o m m u n ity v o lu n te ers from N ew A v en u es fo r Y outh, U rban L eague o f P ortland, Y outh G ang O u trea ch , as w ell as c o u n selo rs and ju v e n ile p ro b atio n o ffic ers from the D o n ald E. L ong Ju v e ­ nile D ete n tio n C e n te r assiste d in the m issio n . T he p re c in c t assig n ed four Maria Mignano John Burright that T odorik^ had fallen asleep. “W e’re looking at oth er sce­ narios that the M arion County district attorney has asked us not to discuss” until the investiga­ tion is com pleted, said O regon State Police Lt. G regg Hastings. T odoriko was driving on a li­ cense that had been suspended last N ovem ber for failing to report his involvem ent in a crash. His driving record also included a speeding ticket in 1999, according to the state officials. O SP S enior T ro o p er M aria M ignano, 39, and off-duty Albany policem an Jason Hoerauf. 29, died at the scene o f the Aug. 4 acci­ dent. M ignano’s death marked the first time a female trooper has been killed in the line o f duty. The third officer, O SP Sgt. John Burright, 41, underwent five hours o f em ergency surgery at Legacy Em anuel Hospital. He w as listed in critical condition with head and chest injuries and m ultiple broken b ones. T o h o n o r th e ir fallen c o l­ leagues, O S P m em bers tied black ribbons around the gold stars they w ear on th eir uniform s. A ccording to the state police, 27 troopers have died w hile on duty since 1931, including three w ho w ere struck and killed by m otorists w hile standing outside their vehicles as they provided roadside assistance. Nichols to Face State Charges much lower rates o f abuse o f power. Yet, according to the police association, less than 50 state and local police agencies in the co u n ­ try require a four-year degree for th eir o fficers.T h e M u ltnom ah County S h eriff s Office is the only police agency in O regon know n to require the degree. Northeast Precinct Enforces Curfew A stepped u p e ffo rt at c u r­ few en fo rce m en t has led to 47 cita tio n s in the N o rth east P re ­ c in c t o v e r the p ast tw o w ee k ­ en d s. P o lic e o ffic ers a lso stepped up enforcem ent o f traffic law s in the p recinct, resu ltin g in 13 c ita ­ tio n s an d 5 w arn in g s o v er the sam e perio d . T he curfew v io la to rs w ere ta k en to the N o rth ea st P recin ct Jason Hoerauf o ffic ers to sp e cific ally lo cate ch ild ren w ho w ere in v io latio n o f th e city cu rfew o rd in an c e on fo u r d iffe ren t d ay s. O fficers said th ey m o n ito red ju v e n ile parties and oth er places w here young peo p le co n g reg ate b etw een the h o u rs o f m id n ig h t and 5 a.m ., arrestin g ju v e n ile s w ho w ere v io la tin g curfew . P o lice said a d d itio n a l m is­ sio n s are p lan n ed fo r the future. (A P ) — T he new d istric t attorney in O klahom a City said he w ill p ro sec u te b o m b in g co n sp ira to r T erry N ich o ls on sta te m u rd e r c h a r g e s th a t co u ld bring the d ea th p en ­ alty. D istrict A ttorney W es Lane had h in te d in rec en t m onths th at he m ig h t n ot p u rsu e the first-d e g ree m u rd er and o th er state c h a rg es filed by his p re ­ d e c e sso r ag a in st N ich o ls, 46. H e said he w an ted to e n ­ sure th a t N ich o ls is held a c ­ c o u n tab le fo r th e b o m b in g , no m a tte r w hat h ap p en s to N ic h o ls’ ap p eal o f his fed eral co n v ictio n . S om e b o m b in g su rv iv o rs and m em bers o f v ictim s' fam i­ lies h av e ex p re ssed co n c ern th at N ich o ls m ig h t w in his appeal and escape p u nishm ent fo r h is ro le in the b o m b in g Bombing suspect Terry Nichols that k illed 168 p eo p le and in ­ ju re d h u n d red s o f o th ers. N ic h o ls w o rk e d w ith h is fo rm e r A rm y b u d d y , T im o th y M cV eig h , to ste al an d p u rch ase b o m b in g red ien ts and pack the b o m b in sid e a R y d e r tru ck the day b efo re th e A p ril 19, 1995, b o m b in g o f th e A lfre d P. M u rrah F ed eral B uilding. He w as convicted at a fed­ eral trial in Denver of conspiracy and involuntary m anslaughter in the deaths o f eight federal agents. M cV eigh w asexecuted June 11 in T erre H aute, Ind. D oubts w ere raised about N ich o ls’ conviction in M ay after the FBI adm itted it had not turned o ver thousands o f pages o f docum ents to defense attor­ neys before the bom bing trials. Lane, w ho took o ver w hen form er D istrict A ttorney Bob M acy retired in June, had been c o n s id e rin g d ism issin g the m urder charges that M acy filed against N ichols in 1999. He said federal law barred him from d ro p p in g the state ch arg es, then refilling them should the federal co n v ictio n be o v er­ turned. Couple Charged in Robbery Of Elderly T w o p e o p le h a v e b e e n charged in an arm ed robbery against a local elderly couple. The incident took place in late June, w hen Benjam in and H azel C urrin w ere returning to Portland after a trip to the East Coast. T h e ir ca r b ro k e do w n on th e f r e e w a y a n d T h o m a s F re d erick B row er, 30, and Ina M ichelle H endrix, 19, stopped to help. B ro w er and H endrix th e n a g r e e d to d r iv e th e C u rrin s to th e ir hom e. In turn, the C urrins invited B row er and H en drix to stay w ith them for a few days. In the early m o rn in g hours o f July 4, the C u rrin s’ reported th a t th e y w o k e u p to fin d B ro w er p o in tin g a sh o tg u n at them . T he C u rrin s ' say they w ere restra in ed and th e ir lives w ere th rea ten e d . T h ey also r e p o r t e d th a t th e y w e re ro b b ed o f th e ir v eh icle and som e property. On Aug 7, police in North C arolina arrested B row er and Hendrix in th e C u m n 's vehicle. T he case involved an incred­ ible am ount o f team w ork and investigation by Portland D e­ tectives. Increasingly, the elderly, the m ore trusting m em bers o f our com m unity, are finding them ­ selves the victim s o f crim e, po­ lice said. I SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG Attention SENIORS N E W FO R seniors only ... 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