September 12, 2ÜÖ1 (Elje |Lìnrtlanb (0bsemrr Page B4 ion Huge Multi-Church Garage Sale Slated A multi-church garage sale to benefit the East Portland In­ terfaith Hospitality Network will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 14 & 15, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m , both days at St. Timothy Lutheran Church, 14500 S.E. Powell. volunteer coalition o f 26 con­ gregations from various spiri­ tual traditions, with support from several com m unity ser­ vice organizations. The pro­ gram began in O ctober 1999, to provide tem porary shelter, food, transportation and pro- Proceeds will fund the con­ tinuation o f the hospitality net­ work, a successful shelter/ counseling program for fami­ lies that are temporarily home­ less in E ast P ortland and Gresham. The netw ork is a growing Union Gospel Mission Needs Winter Clothes Union Gospel M ission is launching “Operation O ver­ coat” this month to collect coats, umbrellas and w inter clothing for the needy and homeless. “ Everyone in Oregon un­ derstands how essential an um ­ brella and coat are when fall rolls around,” said Union Gos­ pel Mission Executive Director Bill Russell. “ Every day we have people coming to the Mis­ sion seeking th^se basics. W e're hoping people in our community will meet this need and send a message o f caring.” “O peration Overcoat” will conclude on Saturday, Sept. 29 with service o f a hot lunch and a w inter clothing distribu­ tio n to an e stim a te d 500 people at the mission at 15 N.W. T hird Ave. Themission will also provide a mobile dental van for the homeless. Donations can be made at the mission. Individuals seek­ ing to make a monetary dona­ tion to support “O peration Overcoat” may call the mission at 503-274-4483 or donate o n lin e at fessional counseling support to hom eless fam ilies as they look for housing and em ploy­ ment. For directions or information, call Karen Burger-Kimber at 503-491-0578 or Vi Spielman 503-659-8653. Spiritual Invasion Coming to Daniel Memorial Heaven Bound D eliverance C enter presents Spiritual Invasion 2001... The Next Level, Mon­ day through Friday, Sept. 17-21 at 7 p.m. nightly at D aniels M em orial Church, 1224 N.E. Killingsworth. The event is- free with seating on a first come, first served basis. Men and women, young and old alike are encour­ aged to attend this conference, where you are sure to be uplifted and gain insight fo r your life. Conference speakers include Dr. Iona Locke, na­ tional evangelist and founder/pastor o f Abyssinia Church in Detroit; evangelist Joyce Rodgers, in­ ternational chair fo r the COGIC Youth Depart­ ment in Denton, Texas; and evangelist Rita Twiggs, overseer o f pastoral affairs fo r bishop T.D. Jakes Ministries in Dallas, Texas. For more information call 503-727-2677. Treasurer: Manager - Director Rev James Coleman WHY ARE YOU RENTING? Secretar)': Rev Waller Pritchett Mrs Louise Pritchett Own Your Home The American Dream PROVE GOD NOW MIRACLE CRUSADE, INC. Media Evangelistic Missionary Outreach P.O. Box 12423 Portland. Oregon 97212 BAD CREDIT. NO CREDIT BANKRVTTCY ONE DAY BIBLICAL FAITH MIRACLE AND DELIVERANCE SEMINAR Trusting in God’s Promises Beyond the Instant Tangible Miracle (T777/ E v a n g e lis t W . P r itc h e tt YOU ARE APPROVED! ONE GREAT SEMINAR ON HOW TO TRUST GOD’S PROMISES We Have Owner Financing Credit Problems O Ii In this seminar, you will learn from God’s Word How to exercise S a tu rd a y —""S ep tem b er 2 2 , 2001 Call: Cayman Investments Toll Free 1-888-787-3452 Red Lion Inn Coliseum 1225 North Interstate Portland, Oregon 97227 1p.m.-5p.m. Classy Nails faith in God so that he will fulfill His promises for your miracle. Everyone is invited!!! LaQuisha’s Beauty Supply Close Out Sale Everything Must Go! o b it u a r ie s In Loving Memory of Brenda J.Johnson Sunrise - April 4, 1943 Sunset - September 4, 2001 Brenda J. Johnson was bom in Crossett, Ark. on April 4, 1943. She was a homemaker and a mem­ ber o f B eth el AM E Church. Brenda came to Portland in 1957. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Sept. 11, at C aldw ell's Colonial Chapel. The burial was at Rose City Cemetery. Brenda was preceded in death by her mother, M ary-Lee Bridges; her father, W alter Bridges (who was a very popular jazz musician); son, Robby Carious Johnson Sr.; and Brenda J. Johnson brothers, Donald L. Brides and Terry Carious Bridges. Brenda leaves to cherish her memory, a son, Curtis Johnson o f Portland, a daughter, ShaylaLynetteTaylorofSm ym a, Ga.; two brothers, Gil Bridges and William Bridges, both o f Port­ land; and a sister, Sandra Bridges. Michael Ray Hutson A m em orial service was held Thursday, Sept. 6, in Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes for Michael Ray Hutson, who died Aug. 29 at age 47. Mr. Hutson was bom Nov. 4, 1954, in Seattle. He moved to Portland in 1978 and was a casual laborer. In 1991, he married Vikki Peterson. Survivors include his wife; daughter, Chametta; stepsons, Jakavis Paschal, DeAngelo Paschal, Charles Paschal and lyshun Paschal; sisters, Dorothy Blowe, Rose Mary Hutson, Charlene Hutson and Debbie Hutson; brother, Danny; and two grandchildren. Louis Henry Pace A funeral was held Friday, Aug. 31, in Walker Temple Church o f God in Christ in Portland for Louis Henry Pace, who died Aug. 27 at age 73. Mr. Pace was bom Dec. 25, 1927, in Camden, Ark. During World W ar 11, he served in the U.S. Army. He was a hotel staff supervisor in.Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas before retiring in 1987 when he moved to Portland. Survivors include his daughters, Marilyn Johnson and Gwen Johnson; godchildren, Adolph Spears Jr. and Earlene Spears; niece, Jeanette Hampton; and one grandniece. Interment was in Skyline Memorial Gardens. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. Flossie Mae Cabbie A funeral was held Friday, Aug. 31, in Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes for Flossie Mae Cabbie, who died Aug. 26 at age 79. Mrs. Cabbie was bom Flossie Mae Bruner on June 30,1922, in Seminole, Okla. She moved in 1947 to Portland, where she was a line auditor at Owens Illinois Glass for about 18 years, retiring in 1989. In the early 1950s, she married Banks Cabbie; he died in 1969. Survivors include five nieces and four nephews. u’w R ete te Scute We ÏJeu* JVaih WHILE YOU SAVE! L eading E dge H ealthcare S avings P rogram N eeds R eps to O pen D oors 30% off Entire Store :7uex — Sat. 1C tun - 4 ptn 309 NE Wygant St. (503) 249-7329 9:30-6:30 M-Sat I I 4 C all to d a y fo t yow i appointment! 5C3-288-179C 1439 NE. Alberta Street Portland, OR 97211 1 I • Save up to 80% on Doctors & Hospitals • • • • • • Savings on Dental and Vision Up to 40% on prescriptions Includes Legal Services & Veterinary 60% Payout With Incentives and BonusosI Company Profit Sharing for Top Producers No License Required All Training Provided ********* Unlimited Growth Potential, Simple Compensation & Bonus Programs Call (503) 288-1140 for information 7 4