S e p te m b e r 0 5 , 2 0 0 1 ïb t' Page B 3 rt lattò ffibeeruer B METBO/SPORIS PSU H osts Vanport C lassic Football Portland State U niversity and G ram bling State U niversity have announced an agree­ m ent to m eet in the inaugural V anport Classic Football G am e on Sept. 22 at new ly-renovated PGE Park. The game will honor the legacy o f the city o f V anport and the early days o f V anport C ollege (now PSU ) as w ell as the historically black colleges o f the Southeast. Both schools bring strong program s to the 2001 V anport Classic that Portland State hopes to becom e an annual event. G ram bling State finished the 2000 season w ith a 10-2 record and ranked 12th in the nation, w hile Portland State was ranked 15th at the seaso n ’s conclusion with an 8-4 record, following a first-everNCAA 1-AA p la y o ff appearance. T he gam e w ill be ju st a part o f a w eek-long, city-wide event honoring the historical signifi­ cance o f V anport in the A frican-A m erican com m unity o f the N orthw est. D uring the 1940’s, V anport, located ju st north o f Portland in the C olum bia slough area, was the state o f O re g o n ’s second-largest city and the largest public housing project o f the tim e in the U nited States. M ore than 25,000 o fth e city ’s residents w ere A frican-A m eri­ cans. V an p o rt C o lleg e w as fo u n d ed in 1946 a n d so m e o f its first stu d e n ts w ere V a n p o rt resid e n ts. A m a jo r flo o d w iped o u t m uch o f the city and co lle g e o f V a n p o rtin 1948 Som e o f the events planned to accom ­ pany the V anport C lassic Football G ame: * T he nationally-recognized G ram bling State M arching Band will perform in a Friday concert at Pioneer C ourthouse Square as w ell as during the V anport C lassic game. * A luncheon featuring G ram bling State C oach and Form er Super Bow l M V P, Doug Williams, and Portland State Coach Tjip W alsh * A pregam e T ailgate Party at PGE Park. * Several other events featuring the d e­ velopm ent o f V anport - the city and university - and the A frican-A m erican C om m unity in Portland. Bulldogs Stun No. 12 Beavers FRESN O , Calif. (A P )— In the biggest gam e o f his career, D avid Care had one o f the m ost relaxing evenings h e ’s ever spent on a football field. Care threw for 340 yards and four touchdow ns as Fresno State repeatedly struck w ith its big-play o ffense to upset No. 12 O regon State — the high­ est-ranked team ever to visit B ull­ dog Stadium — 44-24. C arr w as 21 -for-34 as he torm ented O regon S tate’s secondary in w hat he said w as Fresno S tate’s biggest hom e gam e ever. T he senior quarter­ back was playing in front o f doz­ ens o f family m em bers against one o f the natio n ’s top defenses, and yet he never w as w orried. Care and his fleet- footed corps o f receivers delighted a frenzied sellout crow d and overw helm ed O regon S tate’s defense, w hich was the P a c -10 ’s best last season. Fresno State, w hich opened the season last w eek w ith a w in at C olorado, posted its 16th straight hom e victory and m ade a strong case for its first national ranking since 1993. B ulldogs coach P at . u iA lih . C m c ana Religious Leader« Taxrrrrwwo/« Entertainment Heading Place your maximum or three r i e message here For impact, use two sentences Forced Displacement J ftasoyrcaj for Renters A Displacement Prevention Survey Monday, September 10 Refreshments 4:00 pm— 6:00 pm ■’’I F ’ Reflections Coffee & Bookstore Walnut Park Plaza 446 N t KiHmgswodh I ® MLK) Grambling State Coach Doug Williams For information, call Rev Renee Ward. 503-282-6774 L egal Services Preventive Legal Help & Assistance Defensive Driving Violations Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates Fresno State's Nick Burley (90) and Jake Probst (59) stop Oregon State's Jonathan Smith (9) from gaining a first down. H ill w as aw are o f the w atershed effects o f such a convincing vic­ tory in front o f a national televi­ sion audience. Extra bleacher seats and a giant video replay screen were installed at B ulldog Stadium for w hat Can- said w as Fresno S tate’s biggest hom e gam e ever. Firew orks flew across the sky w ith each Fresno State score, and a party atm o­ sphere developed w hen the B ull­ d o g s’ victory seem ed assured. Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce And more $26.00 or less per month For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll Norman Ross at (503) 757-8409 f s 309 NE Wygant St. (503) 249-7329 9:30 - 6:30 M-Sat Sampras Routs Rafter at U.S. Open NEW Y O R K — D on’tdism iss Pete Sampras from the U.S. O pen ju st yet. T he G rand Slam record-holder w ith 13 victories, returned to the quarterfinals o f the O pen with a 6 -3 ,6 -2 ,6 -7 (7-5), 6-4 victory over Patrick Rafter. N ext for Sam pras is tw o-tim e O pen cham pion A ndre A gassi, who battered Roger F ederer 6 -1,6-2,6-4. A lso advancing to the quarters for the first tim e in 10 years w as Jennifer Capriati, w ho continued her straight-sets m arch w ith a 6- 3 ,6 -3 victory over N o. 19 B arbara Schett. Bond’s 58”* Homer SA N FR A N C ISC O - B arry Bonds hit his 58lh hom er against the R ockies, but the G iants w ere unable to beat C olorado. Bonds is tw o gam es behind the record pace set in 1999by S am m y Sosa, w ho did it in 136gam es. ‘Long John’ Back in Golfs Winner’s Circle M U N IC H , G erm any - John D aly w on the BM W Interna­ tional O pen in M unich, G erm any, w here Daly w on for the first tim e in six years. D aly had played 151 events on the PG A and E uropean tours w ithout w inning. WNBA MVP Award Lisa Leslie holds up her WNBA Most Valuable Player trophy prior to Game 2 o f the Western Conference finals in Los Angeles. U.S. Men’s Hoops Wins by 74 B R ISB A N E , A ustralia — It w as S how tim e for the U.S. m e n ’s basketball team a u h e G oodw ill G am es. For the A m erican w o m en ’s sw im m ing team , it w as a dow n time. The men, heavily favored to defend their title, opened the round-robin basketball tournam ent w ith an entertaining and lopsided victory ov er M exico, 132-58. The w om en, com peting w ithout m any o f their top sw im m ers, w ere beaten by A ustralia 89-60 in the gold m edal matchup. LaQuisha’s Beauty Supply Close Out Sale Everything Must Go! 30% off Entire Store SPORTS b Featuring: In N/ NE Portland SEPTEMBER EVENTS Thursday, September 6 THF3 JIMMY ROBB BAND i Blues BOB T-Shirts OPEN and More Thursday, September 13 OBO ADDY Master drummer from Ghana Benefit night for HOMOWO African Arts & Cultures in the Courtyard Restaurant Sunday, September 16 • 6pm TALL JAZZ CD RELEASE PARTY Ode to a Vibes Generation Kennedy School Theater $10 cover Thursday, September 20 JOHN COLTRANE BIRTHDAY TRIBUTE featuring B R Y A N D IC K E R S O N & F R IE N D S Thursday, September 27 JACKSTRAW Bluegrass Unless otherwise noted, shows begin at 7pm in the Gymnasium, and all ages are welcome at no cover charge. 5736 N E 33rd • P o rtla n d , O re g o n (50.3) 249-398.3 • w w w .m c m e n a m in s .c o m 11 - j -1 ™ I I V V JV-fi, V fl 1 n J .i, Reunions. Stlioufc. Tèam Uniforms NAMES Sizes W t o ’VWW BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALSIH $ 5 .0 0 407 NE Mason # 6 (MLK. Jr.) (503) 284-1810 DeJnvrv AvaÜable b v RELIABLE DELIVERY :