Page A6 September 05, 2001 l'ti* Îtîrt V-t I Vt VTiS í O l’I tX 0t*ll 0Î* - e u iD f Collector Brings Unusual Cargo From Heart of Africa P ortland w ill see the arrival - w ithin a w eek or so - o f a m ost interesting consignm ent o f trea­ s u r e s th a t h a v e c o m e to A m erica from the heart o f Africa. Al J. V enter, who lives at the m outh o f the C olum bia River and w ho spends half th is y ear abroad as a fo re ig n c o rre ­ spondent, spent a m o n th -lo n g a s ­ signm ent to C en­ tral Africa collect­ ing A frican art. H e b ro u g h t a container load o f the art in Zam bia, wltich a spokesperson for the A m erican Embassy in L usaka said, was re­ garded as am ong the best crafted w orkm anship in all o f black Africa. V enter bought m ore than a thousand pieces. He is eager that the people o f O regon share this discovery w ith him. “W hat m akes this lot different, is that so m uch o f it is good old- fashioned A frican art. V ery few tourists go to Zam bia in any event, so w hat these people produce, they tend to m ake for them selves,’ he explained. T here are som e ‘touristy’ pro­ ductions, like large carved tables, chairs and other item s, all o f solid M eet Designer Misook Thursday, Sept. 6 M isook Doolittle, designer o fh er nam esake collection w ill m ake a p erso n al a p p e aran c e at N ordstrom W ashington Square on Thursday, Sept. 6, from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. in the Studio 121, Encore an d P e tite s d e p a rtm e n ts on TW O. Ms. Doolittle will be intro­ ducing her new k nitw ear co llec­ tion pieces with color blocking in olive, raspberry and anim al print as w ell as assist custom ers with their selections. C all 503-620- 0555. Portland Bridge Exhibit Thursday, Sept. 6 “ R e d is c o v e r in g P o r t l a n d ’s W illamette River Bridges,” an ex­ hibit o f contem porary and his­ toric photographs and architec­ tu ral d raw in g s o f P o rtla n d ’s W illam ette River bridges, opens w ith a First T hursday reception on Sept. 6 at the R egion 1 O ffice o f the O regon D epartm ent o f T ra n sp o rta tio n in P o rtla n d ’s O ldtow n. T he reception w ill be from 5:30 p.m . - 8:30 p.m ., in O D O T ’s public m eeting room lobby, 123 N.W . Flanders St. Some o f the best- crafted workmanship o f black Africa is part o f an Oregon man's new collection. “The people go from the cities into the forest and there they have all the w ood they need. I t's fo rth e taking. So w hile m ost o f the art­ w orks are m odest, you have som e very large, solid pieces. N o w ood veneers here. It’s not necessary,” he said. A nother part o f the collection includes a copper frieze th at’s A frican teak, ebony or m ukw a w ood, but the bulk o f the carvings are a sheer, natural delight. A fri­ can h a rd w o o d s p re d o m in a te . H ighly polished, you can see the grain o f the w ood, deep inside. O ne o f the advantages o f buy­ ing art in Zam bia, Venter said, was that the w ood n eeded by the craftsm en w as readily available. about six feet across. V enter m ain­ tains that it is as beautifully crafted as anything produced by a French master. Is he likely to go back to A frica and do it again? H e is not so sure. “T here are w ars or unrest in three o f the four countries that border on Zam bia: A ngola to the w est, the C ongo w ith a terrible bloody conflagration to the north an d Z im b a b w e w h ich , sad ly , seem s to be unraveling in the south. T his sort o f things has a tendency o f overflow ing its bor­ d ers,’ he observes. Still, he reckons that Zam bia is one o f A frica’s loveliest countries. The A frican sale occurs on Sept 7th-9th. Call 360-777-8131 for info. Jadakiss, Hip Hop’s Young Kingpin -5 BejZ/X "The staff is so loving and interested in each child that it's like leaving them w ith fam ily." c? ÛQ Jenna Mason-Steinberg, parent Childcare Center Ag«*: 6 weeks to 3 years Hour«: 6:30 am to 6 pm F ou : Based on a sliding scale according to your income, and starting as low as $400/month (full-time only) Your child will enjoy. . An individualized curriculum designed to develop age- appropriate social, motor, language and emotional skills • Organized daily recreation in our on-site gymnasium, padded playground and fenced ball field • Swimming lessons taught by certified instructors in our heated pool • M onthly field trips Bright Beginnings • The Salvation Army Moore Street Corps and Community ( enter 5325 N Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97217 Jadakiss has attracted the attention o f acclaimed megastars Sean "Puffy" Combs, and Notorious B.I.G. W hen Jadakiss hit the rap scene w ith his deafening group, the Lox, all hell broke loose. W hy, you may ask, w ell, prim arily because there had never been a hip-hop group w ho revolutionized the sound o f hip-hop m usic as fast as they did. N ow , as one o f the toughest and tightest em cees to ev er grip the m ic, Jadakiss, the L o x ’s front m an, is on the m ove to jum p-start his solo career w ith his unprec­ edented album - “ K iss T he G am e G oodbye.” Swimming Free Sepl. 6 - Oct. 27 O M N I gallery w ill have an ex ­ hibit called “Sw im m ing Free,” from Sept. 6 - Oct. 27. T he cel­ ebrated artists w ill be Susan T r u e b lo o d S tu a r t, R e ik o Kageyaina and Terry Lyman. The show will run from Sept. 6 through Oct. 27. For m ore inform ation,- call503-224-2754. Conference for Women Playwrights Sept. 6 - 9 The Regional C onference o f The International C entre for W om en Playwrights, with registration and readings to all. “D ow n to Earth: P ra c tic a l S essio n s fo r P la y ­ w rights,” a N orthw est R egional C onference for the International C entre for W om en Playw rights, will be held in cooperation w ith Portland State U niversity and T ygres H eart T heatre. T he co n ­ ference includes w orkshops on playw riting, m arketing, d r a m a - tu rg y , and production. For m ore info., call 503/590-6916, or go * online to their w eb address at wwwJrtonJititJWaiMiFtiywngttvJK. 1 Gospel Event of the Year Saturday, Sept. 8 Change is good. D& G M inistries presents the gospel event o f the year with G erutha Favorel in concert at the N ew Song C om m unity C hurch, located at N.E. M L K & Russell St. on Saturday, Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. T he concert is free and open to the public. Favorel, one o f P o rtland’s prem ier gospel per­ form ers, will be jo in ed by pianist Paul G reenidge w ho has played for n ational reco rd in g artists Patty A ustin and Jam es Ingram . Favorel w as a form er Rose Festi­ val princess and has perform ed onstage in the US and Europe. Call503-287-0042or503-872-2Q26. And it’s not as hard as you may think. A lot of things, from the growth in high-tech industries to increased population, tell us the energy crunch our region is facing right now will continue for awhile. Dealing with it means that each of us has to change the way we use energy. And we have to start now. Here are some changes and tips that will make a difference now and in the future: ■ Switch to compact fluorescent bulbs in lights that remain on three or more hours per day. They use only one quarter the energy of regular bulbs. ■ Clean lightbulbs and fixtures. Dust can reduce light output by as much as 10 percent! ■ Turn off one 60-watt light that would normally be on during the peak summer hours of 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. If every one of our 1.5 million customers did, the energy saved could power about 45,000 homes. Festival Latino ■ Install dimmers. The amount you dim equals your energy saved. For example, lights dimm ed 15 percent reduces energy consumption up to 15 percent. ■ Install motion sensors or timers to automatically turn lights on and off. Motion sensor lighting is great for outdoors and in your work­ shop or laundry room. Timers are the right choice if you'd like an indoor light switched on and off at specific times. Rose City Chamber Orchestra Sunday, Sept. 9 O n Sunday, Sept. 9 at 3 p.m. at C entral Lutheran C hurch in N.E. Portland, Rose City Cham ber O r­ chestra will kick o ff a new season w ith a c la s s ic a l m ix tu re o f B e e th o v e n , M o zart an d M yslivecek. This special perfor­ m ance will be conducted by guest conductor M ark Perlm an. For more info., call 503-921 -2785, or visit w w w ■ Make saving energy a habit. Do the bright thing. Call us a t 1-800-222-4335, and ask for a copy of our Bright Ideas booklet. Sept. 8 Portland Parks and Recreation is sponsoring the event. Festival Latino will be having Latin music and dance from M exico, Central and South A m erica, and the C ar­ ibbean, including Los Palm eros M ariachi, Ballet Folklórico Ollin, The Lions o f Batucada and more. For m ore inform ation, call 503/ 8 2 3 -P L A Y o r g o o n lin e to > PACIFIC POWER 02001 PadflCorp I f t I 4 * r I I