September 05,2001 Page A3 sportianh (DbserUer Shuttle Brings Area Residents to the Coast Students Do Better on State Tests (AP)— Oregon high school sophomores have turned in what is believed to be their best performance in the 10-year history of state-mandated tests. Despite the performance, only a third of 1 Oth-graders met all the requirements of the Certificate of Initial Mastery, which all stu- Many senior citizens do not get a chance to travel and see the things that they normally would due to old age, frailness, poor health and lack o f transportation. But there ’ s help, thanks to R. Lee Dean, the former coordinator o f the Safeway Senior Shuttle. Dean was involved in the cooperative ef­ fort this spring and summer to bus seniors to the Safeway on Martin Luther King Jr. Bou­ le v a rd and R e n a issa n c e G ro c e ry on Killingsworth. But on Aug. 15, Dean started shuttling seniors on other trips, not associated with Safeway. Dean transported a group o f seniors to the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport. Some of them had never been before and others had not even seen the coast for over three de­ cades. The trip was co-sponsored by D ean’s event and meeting planning company. Con­ cepts Unlimited and Bethel AME Church. Concepts Unlimited reserves charter buses with bathroom accessibility and which are accessible for people with disabilities. Dean said the trips are scheduled monthly Local residents Kathy Lavery (from left), Birdie Nipper. Louis Bills, with future destinations that include a guided Raymond Eaglin and Lee Dean enjoy a day on the Oregon Coast tour o f the beautiful new Oregon Garden in thanks to Dean's senior shuttle. Silverton and Sea Lion Caves in Florence. photo by M arie J udge For more information, call Dean at 503-993- 2952. dents were supposed to pass when O regon approved its school reforms last decade. The Oregon Department of Education re­ ported that 57 percentof sophomores passed the math problem-solving test, but also estimated that just 33 percent of sophomores passed all five tests. Looking fo r a GREA T learning environment fo r your child? C om m unity L earning C en ter 4212 NE Prescott, Portland, OR • . • • • Small Class Sizes Christian Values Caring Teachers Reasonable Rates Convenient Location w** Now enrolling 2Zi years to 3 rd grade. Call 503.281.8596 PHONES BY N O K I A Safeway, Yoplait Support Race for the Cure talk all night all d a y get up to 3400 minutes _ ___ .................................. ' " .................................................. ..................... .......... T Sign up now for the AT&T Digital Advantage $39.99 monthly plan and get: Cancer survivor Susan Latham o f Portland. 400 Anytime Minutes 2000 Night and Weekend Minutes Area residents are invited to support the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation’s Race for the Cure by participating in a Safeway promotion to raise money for breast cancer research and prevention. Safeway and Yoplait yogurt will donate $1 for every ten, 6-ounce Yoplait yogurt containers sold in Portland-area Safeway stores, up to$10,000. S afew ay is sa lu tin g Susan Latham, 57, a local Portland survi­ vor, who has agreed to share her experience as part of the effort to raise breast cancer awareness. Her photo and personal message will appear within Safeway stores as she urges her local community to remember that no one is immune from this disease. The in-store promotion will run from Sept. 2 through Sept. 16 in all local Portland Safeway stores. The race itself will take place downtown on Sept. 16. Belmont Arts Festival1 Saturday The Belm ont Arts Festival, hosted by the Belmont Art Center, 916 S.E. 34*, will take place Satur­ day, Sept. 8, from 11 a.m.to7:30pm. Look for booths and stages, fea­ turing artist demonstrations, an array o f arts and crafts vendors, area non-profits, social action agen­ cies and continuous entertainment. Budding young artists can ex­ press themselves with clay, chalk, paint, costume making and face painting. Highlights in the Kids Area include a “Joy Jump” and a sidewalk children's parade sched­ uled for 3 p.m., sponsored by Ameri­ can Family Insurance. For more information contact T. Oliver at Blue Catfish Studios at 503-872-8793 plus choose one of these: 1000 Mobile-to-Mobile Minutes or Nationwide Long Distance included Sign up fo r 1000 M obile-to-M obile Minutes o r N ationw ide Long Distance and w ^ ’ll waive th e m onthly fee fo r one year M obile-to-M obile Minutes apply to calls placed to and fro m o th e r A T & T Wireless subsenbers w hile you are in the M obile-to-M obile Calling Area and on the AT&T W ireless network. N ight and W eekend Minutes, Anytim e Minutes and N ationw ide Long Distance available on calls placed fro m yo ur H om e Calling A re a 2000 N ight and W eekend Minutes are available at no additional m onthly charge fo r one year ______ A n d g e t up to $8 0 cash back It's lik e g e ttin g a F R E E p h o n e Nokia 5 165 purchase price $79 99 mail-in phone rebate -$40.00 mail-in service rebate -$40.00 final cost $ 0.00 Sales tax applies to ongmal purchase pnce. YOUR WORLD. CLOSE AT H A N D sa fe * 1800-IMAGINE® afe AT&T Wireless AT&T Wireless Stores f t CITY CENTER H 743 SW 3rd Ave. MCMINNVILLE 2640 N Hwy. 99W 503-435-1400 1 WARRENTON/ASTORIA 17 N. Hwy. 101 503-861-9359 n WILSONVILLE '» 8599 SW Mam St. M AT&T Wireless Authorized Dealers MCMINNVILLE pacific c m SEASIDE TILLAMOOK Cellular Plus 503-472-0590 WARRENTON Nestucca Country 503-965-6419 AirCall Northwest 503-738-5710 Boll's Office Supply 503-842-5566 Activât« P Costco 503-791-5471 North Coast Phono Contar 503-738-3683 Video Audio Connection 503-842-9200 Sound Waves Car Starso 503-861-1875 Important Information W l J/01 4h e arw lre leM .co m I © 2001 A T A T W lretea. Rapurres credh approvai » w v------- ■■ w w u i x m w x u asm i arwng p w v. wenurw i uy nos oa ivaescxe wstn OCTSW $ 9 0 M eR In S e rvice Rebata.- O ne rebata par actfcretfon an • queNfym< ATRT Wlreteaa . Am * S ta p le t w odolivorcollolar com on tee. annual contract. a canceteooo tee and a Og»wl mutonetwor* phone no« ba avadabte tor purrheae or uaa m aft areas Ph on e evadaMrty and price may very at A T 1 T Wtretea« A u th o re d Dealer location« Nate« i rounded « to the n a n M l minute Monthly «eluded and promotional mmutea cannot ba carried over to any « h e r month Ro •m a « , additional minute t hergeB. other reatrtcoona. charge«, «urtherge* and tu e « apply o t e t M eh ta $4 0 MaM-to R eb a te : O ne rebate per new N u b a S ltS phone purrheae M utt be on A T * T W tretea. «erviea ter at teeat W d « t and whan rebate •« p ro tatta d Saa rebate coupon ter M l dated« Expire« ilhnf pten $29 99 monthly or above M utt ba an A T $T Wtretea« aervice ter at beat >0 dan *" 4 whan rebate n procaaaed Saa rt •bate coupon tor M l dated« N o t avadabte if you racaivad a aervice credit at activation yma Cater« Area Applicable long ¿ nonce charge. additional N « h t and weafcand airtime M bam • < » p m to 1 59 a m Monday Friday and Frida, » 0 0 p m through Monday t 59 a m Limnad-nma a t e N a tio n w id e M l Advantage $J9 99 -nonthly and above) we wsN w an e the monthly tea of $ 4 99 for the brat 12 month« N o wiralaei ter« d in nee charge« apply to cate placed b o m you . H om e C a te « Area to anywhere m tea U . l or 1000 A T$T W rote«« Mohite-to M o te l. Mteuoa lavwtebte on A T 1T D «ital Advantage $J9 99 monthly and above) we w « wawa ha monthly to e o f $ 9 9 9 f a r t h e f t r M l 2 month« Mobile-to Motete Mmutea apply to cate b fM rw 9 /1 5A)I M4fM and W o abaud M b w ta a R ra tn a O te t: Avadabte on cate placed b tjm tea I to » » t D te a a c a : W han yeu Mr «te «w Nationwide L ar« Dtatanca o t e (amdabte on A TR T D SavMtard abtena chargaa Limitad-tena o t e R a b i a te M a t e a M b w te ec W hen you t « n up I ) pteced to o r recebad Rom anoteer ATRT W tr t e w tubecrtberV « » a te » phone. 2) pteced o r rao wad team your Mobde to-MobNt CaNteg Area: and 1) on the A T 1T W bateta network whan c a t e IO la received Long dtetance < orgea may apply M ea t. saa tee A T *T Wtretea« Mobde-to-Mobda Minute« brochure ter ARRIVE 1 tA F C L v l