September 05, 2001 Page B5 fiorila nò (ßbsseruer Il Classifieds/Bids Educihon Secretary of State Notice o f Proposed Rulemaking Hearing* W ork w ith the best and brightest muida in education, and make a raa! difference in education as w e know it. Join us in one o f the follow ing roles: A Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact accompanies this form / V i i n i t Manager Position #58, M a th e m atics and Science Education Center Lead m the designing and implementing of plena for technical Department of Agriculture _ Animal Health and Identification Agency and Division 603 Administrative Rules Chapter Number assistance, dissem ination end evaluation of activities for the Northwest Eisenhower Regional Consortium Supervise staff responsible for designing and conducting projects, workshops end network building activities Represent the Northwest Eisenhower Regional » ' • " P e d u l O c V a I n t i o y n Consortium and the Mathem atics and Science Education Center at state, local and national conferences and m eetings. M a n a g e contracts and grants ro ensure requirements are met for on-time completion of deliverables budgeting and quality assurance of products and services. Doctorate in Education or related field is preferred; M aster's, or specialist degree with exceptional experience may be considered, ten years' experience in protect m anagem ent, including the supervision of personnel, product development, and designing and implementing related professional devel­ opment; five years' e xperience as a K-12 m athematics and/or science educator or administrator; knowledge of current research, issues Sherry Kudna Rules Coordinator and trends in curncuium , instruction and assessment; and excellent communication skills. Occasional travel is also necessary. Starting Telephone salary $52.213163,456. A 6351 Address Senior Associate Position #59, M a th e m atics and Science Education Center. Oversee the design of effective technical assistance and training on m athe­ m atics and science curncuium , instruction and assessm ent Provides on-site assistance and training to regional and national clients. 1 0 :0 0 am Time 9 /2 6 /2 0 0 1 Hearing Date Lead developm ent activities to expand and enhance the NW REl. M athem atics Problem Solving Model and the Science Inquiry Oevelop Jim Cramer Hearings Officer n e w services, projects and proposal developm ent efforts. Doctorate in Education or related field is preferred. M aster's or specialist degree, with exceptional related experience may be considered; five years experience as a K-12 m athematics and/or science educator; and five years' designing and conducting related professional developm ent activities; knowledge of current research, issues and trends in curriculum , instruction and assessment; and excellent communication skills. O ccasional travel is also necessary. Starting salary 635J Location $43,911-$53,367 Resource Development Associate Hearing Date Time agencies for grants and contracts. Assist staff and centers in developing proposals end grants, maintaining databases of funded pro­ Location Bachelor's may be coneidered w ith extensive resource developm ent expenence: five years' similar experience: background in educa­ tion, preferably K-12; know ledge of education and school improvem ent issues, excellent communication, organizational end interperson­ Time al skills; and the ability to use various software programs including M S W ord, PowerPoint, Access. Outlook and Excel. Frequent travel. Hearings Officer Location Starting salary 638,377-649,395. A Research & Evaluation Specialist II Position # 52, Technology in Education Center Assist with preparing and conducting research programs and developing and delivering Hearing Date Time Hearings Officer training to local school or school district research teams Design and conduct evaluations on the implementation and use of technology in schools and prepare reports. Develop or adapt instruments and methods to assess teacher and student perform ance. Use databases and the W e b to post surveys and assessm ent measures and collect data. Requires a M aster's degree in educational research or relevant Location field. Bachelor's may be considered; and experience in educational research and/or research synthesis including designing and imple­ menting evaluations, developing assessment tools, conducting classroom evaluations and writing evaluation reports. Experience with sta Are auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities available upon advance request? Yes No tistical analysis, background in K-12 education or non-profit agency, and experience developing databases and W eb tools to collect infor­ mation desired. Teaching experience preferred. Must have good communication, team w ork and PC skills. Starting salary $32,386-$37,035. Customer Servica/Ordar Processing Technical Assistant RULEMAKING ACTION Portion #57, Development and Communicebons Unit Provide technical support and prioritize marketing activities and tasks to ensure timely completion of ADOPT: Secure approval of rule numbers with the Administra­ order processing Monitor sales revenues and product inventory and a k a Telephone orders for publications. Use database and other software to assist with preparing invoices, product sales reports and other correspondence Requires a High School diploma or equivalent two years' post-secondary education; tive rules Unit prior to filing. end tour years' demonstrated adnxnattattvo assistant expenence handling customer orders and reconciling accounts; ability to use a venaty of computer applications including M S Word, and keyboard SOwpm; excellent teleplxxie. customer relations and matti skills Stamng salary SI 174-S1344 per hour AMEND: Applications w ill be a ccep ted unbl the positions are filled Send resume referencing Posidon # to NWREL Hum an Resources Office; 101 REPEAL: S W M a in S tre e t S uite #500, Portland. OR 57204; fax: (5031275-0600; E-m ail: parsonnal@ nw Please submit resume in text format within the body of the e-m ail. NW REL is an Equal Opportunity Employer. RENUMBER: Secure approval of rule numbers with the Admin­ Z-. istrative Rules Unit prior to filing ó /I U '-C f / u n n . n u r e I . o r g Amend and Renumber: Secure approval of rule numbers with Customer Service Representative the Administrative Rules Unit prior to filing. 561 Stat. Auth.: 0RS ORS 6 10 and HB 2158 Other Authority 561 and 61 0 Stats. Implemented: ORS Rule Summary This rule defines what a "feral swine’ is, as it applies to the legislation passed and signed by the governor, May 9, 2001. HB 2158 requires that Oregon Department o f Agriculture de­ fine a “feral swine’ before the legislation can be implemented. This rule differentiates between swine as “ livestock” versus swine as "w ildlife” for administration purposes. 9 /2 6 /2 0 0 1 Last Day for Public Comment Authorized Signer and Date *The Oregon Bulletin is published on the 1 * o f each month and updates the rule text found in the Oregon Administrative Rules Compilation. Notice forms must be submitted to the Ad­ m inistrative Rules Unit, Oregon State Archives, 8 00 Summer Street NE, Salem, Oregon 9 7 3 1 0 by 5 :pm on the 15th day of the preceding month unless this deadline falls on a Saturday or legal holiday when Notice forms are accepted until 5:00 pm on the preceding work day. RFP #937 Tobacco Awareness and Education Campaign Request For Proposals The Department of Human Services (DHS) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) #937 through the Tobacco prevention and Education Program (TPEP) for the continuation, on-going devel opment and implementation of the comprehensive statewide public awareness and education campaign. DHS seeks propos als from communications firms for this contract. The purpose of the contract will be to maintain high visibility for tobacco pre­ vention in Oregon through a combination of earned and paid media. A single contract will be awarded with payments not to exceed $6 million for a two-year period beginning approximately October 5, 2001. The contract may be extended for up to three additional years and will not exceed $ 1 5 ,00 0,000 over a 5 year period. Interested parties may request further information or copies of RFP #937 by calling or writing: K. Renee Shippey, Department of Human Services, 500 Summer Street NE E03, Salem, OR 97301-1080. Phone: Salem: (503) 945-5821. The RFP contains specific details, requirements and timelines for Proposal submissions. Proposal submission deadline is 3:00 p.m. PDT, August 30, 2001. In compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, the RFP is available in alternative formats. JAY’S MOWER & CHAINSAW S m a l l C m A m M M N ia iA V C R S T . FC*TlAM DOft.«7)U R C FA4R a. so t o s. »o m t h m w f • SOTO S OO S a t HO Portland State University seeks candidates for the position of Office & Information Systems Manager/Commencement Co­ ordinator. Portland State University is a comprehensive public university with more than 1 9 ,0 0 0 stu­ dents. The University is located in Portland’s cultural district and enjoys access to excellent parks, tra n s p o rta tio n and cityscape. . . Position #56, Developm ent end Communications Unit. Provide leadership in developing proposals to apply to federal, state and local Hearings Officer grams and projects and identifying grant end contract opportunities Requires a M aster's degree in Education or Communications. Hearing Date Portland State University Office & Information Systems Manager/ Commencement Coordinator Salem Area Mass Transit is seeking both a full-time Cus­ tomer Service Representative who will perform routine cus­ tomer service tasks, primarily related to providing route and schedule information to custom­ ers and selling bus passes. Bilingual applicants with Span- ish/English skills are preferred. Starting wage $11.18 per hour. Come in or call 503-588-2424 to obtain official application form and detailed recruitment announcement. Visit our web site at: Send completed application form to Salem Area Mass Transit Dis­ trict, Human Resources Divi­ sion, 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5 2 3 0 , S alem , OR 9 7 3 0 1 - 3736. Official District applica­ tion form must be completed and received at District by 4:30 p.m . O ctober 5, 2 0 0 1 . An Equal Opportunity Employer. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Consider this exceptional oppor­ tunity with The Entrepreneurial Community Collaborative (ECC), a newly established non-profit o rg a n iza tio n c o m m itte d to building entrepreneurial capac­ ity in redeveloping areas of the Portland Metro region. Executive Director Responsibilities include estab­ lishing, implementing and man­ aging the organization; facilitat­ ing the work of the Board and Advisory Council; and manage­ ment of high-level volunteer activities. May include providing program design and direction, and administering and monitor­ ing specific projects for quality control to ensure deliverables are met. E-mail or fax a cover letter and re s u m e to For an application and complete posi­ tio n d e s c rip tio n e-m ail or call (503) 464-8115. Closing date: 9 /2 1 /2 0 0 1 . EOE. Advertise in ^Jortlanò (©bserüer Call 503-288-0033 In The Superior Court O f The State O f Washington For The County O f Lewis Juvenile Court Division In Re The Dependency O f Jennifer Shirley DOB: 10-17-91 No. 01-7-00296-8 Notice And Summons Parental Rights TO: GEORGE SHIRLEY, Presumed Father, and Unknown Fa­ ther and anyone else claiming a parental Interest in the child: I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition for Termination of your Parental Rights has been filed in this court by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, on May 31, 2001, in which it is alleges that your parental rights should be terminated as to the above-named child. A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS HEARING WILL BE HELD on this matter on: Date: Thursday, September 27, 2001 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Lewis County Courthouse, Department 4 351 NW North Street, Chehalis, Washington 98532. IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may enter an order in your absence which: may terminate your parental rights as to the above-named child who is in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the hearing on the date, time and place indicated. The purpose of the hearing is to hear and consider evidence on the petition. You Have The Right to be represented by an attorney at any hearings on the petition regarding the above-named child, to introdqpe evidence, to be heard on your own behalf, to examine witnesses, to receive a decision based solely on the evidence adduced at the hearing, and to an unbiased fact-finder. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indigent and cannot afford an attorney, to have an attorney appointed for you by the court. In order to apply for a court-appointed attorney, contact Lewis County Juvenile Court by telephone at (360) 740-1178 or in person at the Lewis County Juvenile Courthouse at 1255 S.W. Pacific Avenue, Chehalis, Washington, 98532. An attorney can look at the social and legal files in this case, talk to the social worker, tell you about the law, help you understand your rights, and help you at trial. YOU MAY BE responsible for the financial support of the above- named child if the child is placed in out-of-home care. YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS HEARING If you do not come, the judge will not hear what you have to say. If you desire additional information about your child, you should contact the Department o f Social and Health Services at (360) 807-7081. DATED this 14th day of June, 2001. NETTIE JUNQERS, County Clerk Sherry L. Gilkey, Deputy Clerk ii/rci'tise Your Home In LLbc P o rtla n ò (Ohsrrviir ( oil (503) 288-0033 Position Description: The Of­ fice & Inform ation System s Manager / Com m encem ent Coordinator reports to the Di­ re c to r o f A d m is s io n s and Records. The primary respon­ sibilities of this position involve the daily management of the Information Center, departmen­ tal accounting, technical sup­ port at the departm ental level and outreach e ffo rts to aca­ demic and administrative de­ partments for participation in commencement ceremonies. This position will work closely with other offices and academic departments to support direct recruitment activities and the planning and management of the two annual commencement exercises. The position super­ vises four classified support sta ff and several student em­ ployees. This position is reney*-. able and based on a full time, fixed term, twelve-month ap­ pointment. J » V V Qualifications: Bachelor's De­ gree and three years o f suj> \ cessful and progressively ne- sponslble college. The suc­ cessful candidate w ill have strong verbal and excellent writ­ ten and communication skiHs. good organizational and pro­ gram planning skills, and ana-; lytical skills with both quantita­ tive and qualitative data. The ideal candidate will be highly creative, analytical, energetic, and goal oriented; and will work effectively as a team member. Sensitivity to the unique char­ acter of an urban university with a diverse student population is highly desirable. Application Procedure: Send applications including a letter of interest, resume, and a list o f three professional references. The position will remain open until filled. The search commit-' - tee will begin reviewing com­ plete file s on O ctober 1 * . ; 2001. Send applications and ; nominations to: f Gwen Wolfram, Chair Search Committee Office of Admissions and Records PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 Portland State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Oppor­ tunity Institution. Homeless Family Advocate @ RP FT 100% . Resp fo r a s s is t homeless fam in overcoming barriers to attaining econ self- sufficiency, educa success and fam well-being. Prim respon to provide SW sves incl sves ac­ cess and coordntn, advocacy, sup and encouragement. Req'd Bach deg or equiv in SW or re­ lated; Min two yrs exp in human sves, pref wrkg w /hom eless fam in residential setting; etc. $10.82-12.36 hourly. Apply in person at Portland Im pact, 47 0 7 SE Hawthorne. Ques­ tio n s c a ll 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -6 0 0 0 . EOA/AA