Page B4 ^Jortlanh 0f)bseruer September 05, 2001 W illp o w e r . O n Safety in the Nail Salon sale R IG H T N O W AT W e ig h t W atchers . S tock u p to day A N D START L O S IN G . A memorial service will be held at the Oregon Convention Center on Tuesday, Septem ber 5th, at 11:00am for Sandi Burket Hansen, who passed away on August 26,,, at the age o f 53. Sandi was bom October 20,1947, in Topeka, KAN., but spent most ofherlife in Portland. She attended C h ie f Jo se p h G rade S chool. Roosevelt High School, Lewis & Clark College and the University o f Portland. Sandi m arried Gary Hansen in 1966. Sandi Hansen dedicated her life to community service. She worked to improve the lives o f children, to ensure that the environment was UJlNNINÇ POINTS Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41* Ave. MON TUF WED 930am 5:00pm THUR 930am 5:00pm FRI 930am SAT 930am Sandi Burket Hansen 7:00pm 7:00pm 12Noon 7:00pm 7 00pm Joinwiy meeting! For more information Call weekdays 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (5 0 3 )2 9 7 -1 0 2 1 (or toll tree 1 -8 7 7 2 9 7 1 0 2 1 ) www. weightwatchers. com CM01 VM^tfea Classy Nails Homemaker Dies at 72 protected, to promote the rights o f women, and to enhance the quality o f life in her community. Sandi taught middle school for 25 years, at Humboldt and Ockley Green Schools. She also worked at the Albina Community Bank as a DepositOfficer, was the Executive DirectorofOregon N ARA L, Com­ munity Giving Director for Jubitz Corporation, and most recently worked for Multnomah County with the SLIN Schools Program. Sandi was elected at the Metro Council in 1990 and served until 1995. She was instrumental in the Multnomah County transfer o f Parks and Expo to Metro, and laid the groundw ork for successful Greenspaces measure in 1995. Remembrance may be made to the Theodore Roosevelt W om en’s Scholarship Fund. Lizzie L. Rutherford A memorial service was held Saturday, Aug. 18, 2001, in the Kingdom Hall o f the Woodlawn Congregation o f Jehovah’s W it­ nesses for Lizzie L. Rutherford, who died Aug. 11 at age 72. Mrs. Rutherford was bom Lizzie L. Banks on Sept. 6, 1928, in Celina, Texas. She was married to Jesse Rutherford in 1946. They moved to Portland m 1952. She was a homemaker who loved spending time with her family and baking, especially cooking peach cobbler. Survivors include her husband; daughter, Brenda Brenning; son, Clyde Mitchell; sister, Ruth Harris; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Her son Jesse “Butch” Rutherford Jr. died in 1997. Interment in Willamette National Cemetery. Arrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. 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Free C elular Phone, Free Long Distance, W e Offer Affordable Packages V xK . Fre# Anytime Minutes, No Roaming, The Fastest Service— 3 Io 5 days No Activation Fees, No Credit Req'd. You Can Keep Your Old Number Rates as Low as 05 Cents Per Minute Get Free Call Waning, 3-W ay, *69 A More Order By Phone C a l For Details Some Restrictions Apply A vailab le O nly A t: Simply C ellular A Telephone 503-774-1413 d. I. co hen inform ation srvs. Donna L Cohen, MLIS. MEd Instructor 2 1 3 N .E Hancock 6 e t Connected!! ' Want Your Old Phone Number Back’’ Bean’s barter & fieautp Shop Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 282-2920 At Portland Conference Center 300 NE Multnomah [across from convention center] Announcing the continuation of the “Y- we C are ” Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd,, Suite 100B Portland, OR 97213 A fter -S chool P rogram 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 Serving Grades 3, 4, 5 AFFORDABLE JJ LOCK&KEY 503-284-9582 & FULLLOCKSM1TH-SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS IX X K ED O U T7-W EM A K E KEYS FROMSCRATCH H O USE,OFFICEORCAR John’s Hot and Tasty Dogs A re Here! '/.lb. Hot Dog K osher Beef Dog Polish Dog C hill Dogs H ot L inks Pop and Chips Glad to be Working in My Community. Comer ofN.E. Shaver and Martin Luther King, from 10:30 a.m.-3:30p.m. ( 7 ( ) r Q J o u r ( J i o m e const. CCD f I 1 M 0 3 REMODELING & REPAIRS. TOOL A GARDEN SHEDS. FENCES, DECKS. PORCHES. DRY ROT. CERJUilC TILE. 8301 LetoQrowa, 87038 PM O M 8450B8 Fa*-5Q3-®M-0322 P B r-a » 2 0 4 8 0 0 3 brought to you by the Northside YMCA in cooporation with: We’re Here... We Care For information please contact the Northside YMCA 503.288.3355) Ê7 \ \|< \ \ \ e b u ild stron g kids., stroiv» ta u iilie s. sirun»» com m unities. 4 continued fro m M etro alleging violations o f sanitation standards. The office has also developed two brochures to educate the pub­ lic about salon safety, one for con­ sumers and one for nail techni­ cians. I f you are seeking out a particu­ lar salon based on a very low price, or ‘discount’ price compared to other salons, buyer beware. P rofessional cosm etologists need to charge a rate that reflects their cost o f doing business, which includes necessary supplies, dis­ posable tools and sanitation equip­ ment. A quick product survey by the Health Licensing Office indi­ cates that at low-end minimum, a nail technician uses at least $2 worth o f disposable products on a single client during one session, based on June 2001 market prices. Use common sense: If you are paying not much more than that product consumption figure for a nail service, chances are that short­ cuts are being taken, and products intended for disposal following use on a client might be re-used. Demand that the technician use a clean instrument if there is any question in your m ind about whether the instrument is used or unclean. All nail services must be per­ formed in a state-licensed facility with state-licensed practitioners. Look for a clean work area. The salon and workstations should be clean and free o f debris and dirt. Instruments that can be disinfected should be washed and disinfected after each use, and a new set o f unused disposable files should be used on each client. Look for an organized work area. Clean towels and a container of Environmental Protection Agency- registered, hospital-grade disinfec­ tant (for storing metal tools) should be on every nail technician ’ s table. Instruments and supplies that cannot be disinfected, such as or­ ange sticks and the sponges placed between the toes, should be thrown away immediately after initial use. If you have questions about enforcement o f state regulations, or to request the brochure ‘What to Look For in a Nail Salon,’ con­ tact the Health Licensing Office Enforcement Section at 503-378- 8667 extension 4310 or by e-mail to hlo.mfo@ Festival Latino Celebrates Cultures On Saturday, Sept. 8, bring the whole family to beautiful Cathe­ dral Park under the St. Johns Bridge to enjoy an afternoon o f Latino music, art, culture, and food. From 1 p.m. until dusk, there will be mu­ sic and dance from Mexico to Bra­ zil, with booths and activities for all ages, including children and teens. Festival Latino, now in its fourth year, has expanded to present in­ ternational artists, including the first-ever appearance in Portland ofBrazilian dancer Tania Santiago w ith m aster m usicians, Jorge A labe’ and the Lions o f Batucada. Mariachi music, Mexican tradi­ tional dance, storytelling, and Para­ guayan harp are just a few o f the features o f this diverse afternoon, produced by Portland Parks and Recreation in cooperation with several neighborhood groups and sponsora. Tradinonal Latino foods will be on sale in the park. For more information call Port­ land Parks and Recreation at 503- 823-2223, or para informactionen cspanol, llame al Comité Latino Siglo21 ,enel numéro 503-823-4529.