Volume XXXI Number 36 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Established in 1970 Wednesday September 05, 2001 50c ■ ■ A Racial Profiling Panel Hears Report New Brochure Helps Answer the Question: Why Was I Stopped By The Police? Colleges Levy Energy Fee SEATTLE — Already facing higher tuition bills, students at public univer­ sities from Maine to W ashington state are returning this fall to find energy surcharges added to student fees. At least two dozen universities are levying energy fees to cope with the skyrocket­ ing cost o f power. Second Shark Attack Kills 1 MANTEO, N .C.— A Russian man was killed by a shark as he and his girlfriend swam in shallow waters near the North Carolina shore, the latest in a rising tide o f shark attacks and the second deadly one o f the weekend. Reno Takes Formal Step to Run MIAMI — Former Attorney General Janet Reno set up a campaign fund to begin a high-profile bid to oust the president’s brother, Jeb Bush, from the Florida governor’s mansion. Man Gets $1 Million in McDonald's Giveaway HOLLY HILL, F la.— A former home­ less day laborer had a happy meal at a M cDonald’s. M cDonald’s managers awarded Patrick Collierw itha$l million prize they said was randomly given out as part o f the chain’s effort to restore consumerconfidence in its sweepstakes promotions. Manufacturing Decline Slows NEW YORK— Manufacturing activity < declined for the 13th consecutive month i in August, but at a significantly slower rate, an industry group said. Suicide Bomber Killed in Jerusalem JERUSALEM— A suicide bomberblew himself up in central Jerusalem, injuring several passers-by, police said. The condition o f those injured was not im ­ mediately known but no bystanders were killed. Condifs Kids Resign Jobs SACRAMENTO— Rep. Gary Condit’s two children, Chad, 33, and Cadee, 26, resigned from Gov. Gray Davis’ office, one day after the governor joined those criticizing their father for his response to the vanishing of Chandra Levy. Manufacturing Job Losses Brighten W ASHINGTON — The loss o f manu­ facturing jobs that has helped fuel the nation’s rising unem ploym ent rate should begin to stabilize at the end of the year, and new hiring could pick up in 2002, a report says. Retirements are likely to create 61.1 million jo b vacan­ cies in the next 30 years. Rodney King Arrest, Drug Charges CLAREMONT, Calif.— Rodney King, whose beating by police officers led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, faces mis­ demeanor drug charges in his latest run-in with the law. King was arrested for suspicion o f being under the influ­ ence of the drug PCP. I A new brochure entitled “Understand­ ing Police Procedures : If You Are Stopped By Police” was presented to a B lue Ribbon Panel on Racial Profiling Thursday by Portland Police Chief Kroeker at Bethel AME Church. The panel, convened by Kroeker last year, called on police to “improve police communication with community members at the time of the stop or arrest.” The brochure, created in both English and Spanish, covers situations where people are stopped while driving or are stopped while on the street. It includes information on driver re­ sponsibilities, curfew times and how to make a complaint. It also includes language from the law enforcement non-discrimination resolution against racial profiling. “This brochure, and the dialogue we will have with the community are impor­ tant to the bureau and to the communities we serve,” said Kroeker. Kroeker also released a summary of the first six months of a police survey on race. The figures show that Portland po­ lice are more than tw ice as likely to pull P o r t la n d P o lic e B u r e a u Understanding Police Procedures SGB If You A re Stopped by Pblice Portland Police Chief Mark Kroeker meets with members o f the Blue Ribbon Panel on Racial Profiling to discuss a new brochure (right) that explains police procedures and the police bureau's policies against discrimination, real or perceived. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver over black m otorists com pared to w hite people. The difference is more pronounced in the downtown area where blacks were five times more likely than whites to be pulled over. The study also showed that once a motorist was pulled over, the rate of issu­ ing tickets or citations was about the same for whites and blacks. Open Schools Bring Traffic Concerns W ith the fall opening o f schools this week, transportation officials are remind­ ing m otorists to be alert for children w alking and riding bikes to and from schools and bus stops. D rivers can expect to see children in places where they did not see them during the summer. “As an adult, you have the responsi­ bility to be alert and avoid injuring chil­ dren,” said Rick W aring o f the O DOT T ransportation Safety Division. “Im ag­ ine seeing a child in the street uncon­ scious and bleeding in front o f your car. You d o n ’t w ant that to happen.” The best way to avoid such a tragedy is sim ple: slow dow n and be alert. Obey the posted speed in school zones w hen­ ever children m ight be present. E xtracurricular activities mean that children will be traveling in school zones from early m orning to w ell into the evening hours. “T his is not about avoiding a ticket. This is about avoiding a tragedy. As drivers we need to rem em ber that we are the adults driving the 3,000-pound steel m achines. We are responsible,” W aring said. “The vulnerable ones are the ch il­ dren w ho are not protected by a vehicle and w ho often cannot understand a com plex traffic situation.” W aring added that m otorists should expect children to occasionally w alk or Jean Santos of Laidlaw transportation gets behind the wheel o f a school bus to help remind people about traffic safety with the fall opening o f schools. P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver pedal into unsafe areas. “C hildren are not little adults. They are still develop­ ing their sensory and cognitive skills so adults need to be especially cautious when driving in areas frequented by kids,” he added. Fareless Square Expands to Lloyd Center by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserv er Tri-Met began its new extended Fareless Square to the eastside blocks around the Rose Quarter and Lloyd Center Saturday. Community and business leaders re­ quested the free bus and light rail service as a tool to lure conventioneers and trav­ elers downtown and to link both the down­ town and Lloyd business districts. Tri-M et officials have historically re­ sisted efforts to expand Fareless Square. There was a long debate over how much the change would cost the agency in lost revenue. Tri-Met now estimates it will be about $900,000 a year. Ultimately Tri-Met agreed to absorb a third o f the cost; the rest will come from parking meter revenues, part of the hotel- motel and car rental surtax that’s financing the Oregon Convention Center expansion. kW and a Business Improvement District as­ sessment on property owners in the Lloyd Center area. “I think it’s great. It’s something the district has been seeking since 1991,” said Rick Williams, director o f the Lloyd Dis­ trict Transportation Management Asso­ ciation, a non-profit agency that promotes non-auto transit use in the area. An ongoing concern is that people will drive to the area and park there all day in order to take advantage of the new free service. Parking meters were installed in the Lloyd District in 1997 largely to prevent their being used as free long-term parking lots. City officials hope that riders w on’t park north of Broadway to use Fareless Square, but they will monitor conditions to be sure. The adjacent Sullivan's Gulch neighborhood has considered adopting a permit parking system such as those in effect in Goose Hollow and Northwest, but neighborhood leaders feel they must first see what the effect will be. The managers o f the Lloyd Center Mal 1 and Lloyd Cinemas fear that their free parking lots will be exploited. Some specu­ late that people will park at the area’s long­ term meters, which at 35 cents per hour are a bargain compared to downtown meter and garage rates. The new fareless zone includes four Max light rail eastside stations: Rose Q uarter, Oregon Convention C enter, Seventh A venue, and Lloyd C enter- Holladay Park. The free fare also covers buses 8,10,70 and 95X within the area bounded by the Willamette River, the Banfield Freeway, Northeast 13th Avenue, and North and Northeast Multnomah Street. Kroeker cautioned that these reports do not include data from the traffic motor­ cycle officers and data collection from officers without mobile computers started July 1. Dignity Village Rejects Northeast Site (AP) — Homeless people living in a tent city under the Fremont bridge down­ town have broken an agreement to move from their campsite to an old composting site in northeast Portland near the Port­ land airport. W ith the th reat o f po lice sw eeps and a public backlash loom ing, re si­ dents said they w o u ld n 't m ove to the city -o w n ed site b ecause o f a barbed w ire fence and its d ista n c e from a grocery sto re and o th e r s e r ­ vices. Ibrahim M ubarak, a re sid e n t and spokesm an for the cam p o f about 75 h o m e le ss p e o p le , sa id v illa g e rs voted M onday to rem ain at the c u r ­ rent lo catio n and hoped to stay fo r a n o th e r 60 days o r “ fin d a m ore re a so n a b le site for th at p e rio d .” Dignity Village was created last year by homeless people who dislike the city’s shelter system. Many complain that the shelters are overcrowded or dirty, have antiquated rules, split up families and don't allow pets. City leaders have tried to help, but finding a place for the village has been frustrating. The campers have called a stretch of grass under the Frem ont Bridge home for the past few months. But the state Department of Transpor­ tation owns that land and ordered the village off by Sept. 1. T he c ity o ffe re d a te m p o ra ry so ­ lution: an old co m p o stin g site n e a r the a irp o rt, ro u g h ly six m iles from dow ntow n. D ignity V illa g e r e s i­ d en ts arg u ed fo r m ore th an tw o hours last W ednesday ab o u t th a t pro p o sal before v o tin g to a c c e p t a m ove to the leaf-collection yard near the airport, called S underland Y ard. Marshall Runkel, a spokesman for City Commissioner Erik Sten, called Monday’s decision to stay “disappoint­ ing." Mubarak and Runkel said separately they hoped talks could continue on where the camp can move to set up an experimental, resident-run tent city over the next year.