Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 29, 2001, Page 9, Image 9

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    August 29, 2001
Page B3
(T h e 'J j j o r t l a t t ò © b » e r u e r
r i e
f s
Woods Ends Drought in
Seven-Hole Playoff
A K R O N , O hio - O n the sev­
enth hole o f a playoff with Jim
Furyk, T iger W oods birdied
the 18'h hole to win his third
consecutive N EC Invitational
at Firestone Country Club. The
victory is W oods’ first in three
m onths on the PG A T our.
W oods shot a 1 -under-par 69
to finish regulation at 12-un-
der-par 268. Furyk shot a 1-
over-par 71 to force a playoff
that reached seven holes b e ­
fo re ra in s u sp e n d e d p la y
Sosa Hits Nos. 50, 51 as
Cubs Win
C H IC A G O - Sam m y Sosa
jo in e d M ark M cG w ire and
Babe Ruth as the only m ajor
leaguers w ith four 50-hom er
seasons, hitting his 50lh and
5 f as the C hicago C ubs beat
the St. Louis C ardinals 6-1.
Sosa’s ninth m ultihom er game
o f the season helped rookie
Juan C ruz get his first m ajor
league w in as the C ubs stayed
three gam es behind first-place
H ouston in the N L Central.
Haas Ousts Sampras for
Hamlet Cup Crown
C O M A C K , N Y. - Tom m y
Haas beat Pete Sampras 6-3,2-
6,6-2 in the finals o f the Hamlet
C u p , e x te n d in g S a m p ra s ’
w inless streak to 16 tourna­
ments. The sixth-seeded Haas,
w ho finished with 15 aces, beat
S am pras for the first tim e in
five matches on hardcourt. The
victory' w as the second o f the
y ear and third in the career o f
the 23-year-old-Germ an.
Sting Stay Alive, Beat
Liberty in Game 2
NEW Y O R K -A ndreaStinson
took over the gam e in the sec­
ond half, scoring 16 o f her
team ’s final 22 points as the
C harlotte Sting, facing play­
o ff elim ination, defeated the
N ew Y ork L ib erty 62-53.
Evening their W N B A Eastern
C onference finals series at one
gam e apiece, the Sting forced
a deciding G am e 3 to be played
at M adison Square G arden.
S tin so n fin is h e d w ith 18
points, eight assists and eight
rebounds for the Sting.
Leslie Named WNBA MVP
LOS A N G ELES - Lisa Leslie
o f the Los A ngeles Sparks
w as chosen as the W N B A ’s
m ost valuable player, m aking
her the first to capture A ll-Star
and regular-season M V P hon­
ors in the sam e season.
Williams Keeps Pilot Pen Title
N EW H A V EN , Conn. (A P )—
Tuning up to defend her U. S . Open
title, V enus W illiam s beat L ind­
say D avenport 7-6 (8-6), 6-4 to win
the Pilot Pen tournam ent for the
third straight year.
She is the first w om an with
three consecutive titles at this 34-
year-old tournam en t, form erly
know n as the U .S. H ardcourt
C ham pionships.
W illiam s also beat D avenport
in straight sets in the 1999 Pilot
Pen final.
T hey traded breaks to open the
m atch then held serve into the
W illiam s, seeded third, battled
back from 1-3 in the tiebreaker,
closing it by hitting back-to-back
D avenport had her chances in
the second set, leading 4-3 and
holding tw o break points. But
W illiam s won the next four points,
including a 102 mph ace, to tie the
set 4-4.
W illiam s broke D avenport in
the next gam e, w inning it at the net
w ith a backhander o ff a D aven­
port drop shot.
W illiam s served out for the
m atch and ran dow n w hat ap-
Venus Williams
holds up her Pilot
1 Pen championship
trophy. The
experience, she
explained, helped
her prepare for the
U.S. Open in New
York that’s being
held this week.
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peared to be passing shot from D avenport, hitting a fore­
hand w inner to close out the 85-m inute match.
W illiam s was com ing o ff a m arathon day o f tennis,
playing a total o f 52 gam es in the quarterfinals and
Beavers Break Into Top 10
C O R V A L L IS , Ore. (AP) — For the first
tim e since 1968, the O regon State football
team w ill begin the season ranked in the
T op 10.
T he B eavers m oved up one spot to No. 10
in the A ssociated Press rankings released
M onday. T hey sw apped spots w ith G eorgia
Tech, w hich fell from 1 Oth to 11 th after strug­
gling past S yracuse 13-7 Sunday.
O regon State, w hich opens at Fresno
State this Sunday, h asn ’t started the season
in the T op 10 since it w as ranked No. 8 in the
preseason poll 33 years ago. The Beavers
prom ptly lost at Iow a 21 -20, and they d id n 't
clim b that high in the polls again until reach­
ing No. 8 on Nov. 13,2000.
A fter defeating No. 5 O regon in the Civil
W ar and No. 10 N otre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl to
com plete a rem arkable 11-1 season, the Beavers
were No. 4 in the final A P poll, the highest ranking
in school history.
Oregon, which begins its season at hom e against
No. 22 W isconsin on Saturday, rem ained No. 7 in
the m edia poll. T he D ucks did m ove up a spot to
No. 7 in the
U SA T oday/
ra n k in g s .
Oregon State
re m a in e d
No. 12 in the
Japan Wins Big in Little League
Brandon Brewer,
o f Apopka, Fla., is
tagged out in a
rundown by Tokyo,
Japan, catcher
Tatsuya Suzuki in
the fifth inning o f
the Little League
world Series
Japan scored tw ice in the bottom o f the last inning to beat
A popka, Fla., 2-1 and w in the Little League W orld Series
before a crow d o f 44,800, including President Bush. Japan’s
N obuhisa Baba singled to drive in Y uusuke N om ura with the
w inning run. Japan, w hich also w on the international cham ­
pionship over the N etherlands Antilles 2-1 with a last-inning
two-run hom er, had not won a game all year in the sixth inning.
It was J a p a n ’s fifth W orld Series title.
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