Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 29, 2001, Page 8, Image 8

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August 29,2001
Mexico Becomes Obstacle to China
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m anufactures T-shirts for $1.
China can make them for 20 cents.
Mexico produces tennis shoes for
$38. China beats the price again,
selling a pair for $13.
Mexican manufacturers feel
they can’t win against China’s
bargain basement prices. Now, as
China nears the end of a 15-year
fight to join the World Trade O r­
ganization, they seem to have the
upper hand.
Mexico has emerged as one of
China’s biggest and most unlikely
obstacles to joining the organiza­
tion that sets rules on interna­
tional trade. It is the only WTO
member that hasn’t reached a bi­
lateral trade pact with China, pos­
sibly h o ld in g up the A sian
country's W TO entry.
B oth M e x ic o and C h in a
strongly disagree about tariffs on
Chinese products like footwear
and textiles. The Mexican govern­
ment wants them extended foreight
years; China has reportedly sug­
gested three. China began liberal­
izing prices in the 1980s as it gradu-
ally shif ted from central planning
to a market-driven economy, and
its economy has greatly expanded
in the past two decades. The coun­
try began sending goods to
Mexico in the early 1990s, M exi­
can manufacturers say.
They claim they can’t compete
with the low wages and lack of
environmental and social regula­
tions that Chinese producers en­
joy. And they want to maintain
tariffs, some more than 1,000 per­
cent, for 15 years to give them­
selves time to find ways to be­
come more competitive.
Although Mexico originally
said it would not block China’s
membership even ifabilateral deal
fell through, other WTO members
will likely want to know the details
of the deal with Mexico before
approving Beijing’s WTO entry.
Under the WTO system, a deal
reached with one nation has to be
offered to all 141 members.
Glosario Glossary
daños - damages
El tifón Pabuk - The Pabuk typhoon
la isla - the island
las costas del Pacífico - the Pacific coasts
Los heridos - The injured
treinta y nueve heridas - thirty nine injuries
una velocidad de 13 kilómetros por hora - a velocity o f 13
kilometers per hour
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Reading The News
The Portland Observer’s commitment to cultural
diversity includes the encouragement of a multi­
lingual society. Readers can learn Spanish on
this page by reading the words and phrases in
bold print and gaining understanding o f its
meaning with this companion glossary.
f o r t h e lo v e o f ja z z
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Tifón Pabuk deja siete
muertos y unos 39 heridos
Tokio/México (Efe) - El tifón
P abuk abandonó la región de
Kanto, al este de Japón, y se dirige
hacia el norte después de haber
provocado la muerte de siete per­
sonas y dejado a tre in ta y nueve
heridas, informó ayer la Agencia
de Meteorología.
Las víctimas mortales del tifón,
un frente de bajas presio n es
procedente del sureste de Asia
que llegó a Japón el martes, se
localizaron en las regiones de
Kanagawa, Aichi, M ié, Shiga,
Osaka, Tokushima y Ehime.
Los h e rid o s causados por el
huracán, que lleva una presión
atm osférica de 985 m ilibares y
alcanza velocidades de más de
82 k iló m e tro s p o r h o ra , se
registraron en once prefecturas.
El balance de incidentes incluye
29 deslizamientos de tierra y daños
en c a rre te ra s en 16 lu g ares
diferentes y 539 casas inundadas
en re g io n e s co m o E him e,
W akayama y Mié.
En la isla septentrional de
H o k k a id o
e s p e ra n
p re c ip ita c io n e s de unos 200
litr o s p o r m e tro c u a d ra d o ,
m ientras que en las costas del
P acífico del este, al norte del
país, se prevén olas de hasta seis
m etros de altura.
Chantal avanza a ú n a velocidad
de 13 kilóm etros p o r hora con
vientos máximos sostenidos de 45
kilómetros por hora y rachas de 65 ’
kilómetros por hora.
cW Jtvte to. S&uw
W e “M W
ÏJeu* JVoik
Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates
Sofa (under 6 ft)
The World Dance Office at Port­ ists from Portland’s favorite samba
land State University is proud to band. Lions o f Batucada, will also
present a two-day Afro-Brazilian be featured.
song and dance workshop taught
The w orkshops will be held
by Tania Santiago. Tania was bom S aturday, Septem ber 8th and
and raised in Salvador, Bahia, Sunday, September 9th. They will
where she received a degree in focus on many elem ents of Afro-
dance. She was a principal dancer Brazilian culture: Samba Reggae,
and choreographer for Olodum, the M aculele, Sam ba Roda, Coco de
most successful Bloco Afro in Bra­ roda, and Orixa song and dance.
zil. She is the founder of the Califor­ Class times on both days: 11:00
nia based dance company: Aguas a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Class location is
Da Bahia. She is an artist in resi­ the Peter Stott Center, Room 207
dence and featured choreographer at PSU (located on the park
at Universities and festivals all over blocks betw een H all street and
the world.
H arrison street).
Tania holds generations o f
In addition, on Saturday, Tania,
knowledge of the traditions and Jorge, Wagner, Josh and Lions of
folklore embedded in Afro-Brazil­ Batucada will make a special guest
ian song and dance. This Septem­ appearance at Festival Latino in
ber, she will bring to PSU her unique Cathedral Park. This performance
perspective on the collision of will start at approximately 5:00 p.m.
cultures that these art form s The entire festival runs from 1:00
emerge from. Live musical accom­ p.m. to 6:00p.m.; it includes many
paniment for both workshops will performances and activities and is
be provided by the renown Brazil­ free to the public.
ian master percussionists Jorge
For more information call 503-
Alabe and W agner Bezerra. Brian 7 2 5 -5 6 7 0
em ail
Davis, Josh Harris and guest art- wdo@mail.pdx.edu.
Classy Nails
2 Area Minimum
The dance troupe ofAguas Da Bahia move to the Afro-Brazilian
beat. A workshop by the dance company's founder, Tania
Santiago for the general public, will be held at Portland State
University on Sept. 8 and 9.
Jueo. — Sat. 1C a m — 4 p m
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