Page B4 August 29,2001 (The |Jnrtla«ò CPbseruer Grammy-Nominee Releases New CD ion Piedmont Place Blends In continued O ne m an called for m ore varia­ tion in the ro o f line. “ T he ro o f shape d o esn ’t do it for m e,” he said. “ It still looks like a tw o and a h a lf story w all." Radigan said that the size o f the buildings to the east, and the den ­ sity o f the project, w as an issue. “ W e 'll be seeing 60 units w here w e ' re used to seeing 60 ju n k cars." she said. She thanked Jeffries for lim iting the height to four stories. R eferring to n earb y A lb erta S im m ons P laza she said, “ W e w atched it go up. A t three stories Jefferson G rad D ies at 90 Ruby M. Siler A m em orial service was held Friday, Aug. 24, in C rossroads C hurch o f C hrist in Portland for R uby M. Siler, w ho died Aug. 17 at age 90. M rs Siler w as bom R uby M. Pittm an on Nov. 2 3 ,1 9 1 0 , in Beaver, Okia. She m oved to Portland and graduated from Jef ferson H igh School and the Uni v ersity ofO regon She was a secretary until retiring in 1966. In 1968, she m arried Zell Siler; he died in 1984. Survivors include her nephew , Larry Bjorem. Interment in Skyline M em orial G ardens. Rem em brances to Kem Park Christian Church. A rrangements by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chim es. N urse, C hurch M em b er R em em bered Stella Marie Perry Funeral services w ere held June 26 for S tella M arie Perry who died June 21 at age 89. Mrs. Perry w as b om Stella M arie W illiam s onA ug. 15,191 I,in M aurice, La. She m oved in 1955 toPortland and was a surgical nursing assistant in Physicians and Surgeons and H olladay Park hospitals, retiring in 1976. Survivors include her daughters, Jo A nn B row n, A nn L. Barnes and G loria H am es; sons, W ilson Jr., Robert I... G ilbert andC arroll; sisters. R ose Evans and A ntoinette Chagois; 26 grandchildren; and 23 great-grandchildren. Interm ent in Lincoln M em orial Park. R em em brances to her church. A rrangem ents by Killingsworth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. B everly C rawford P opular G ospel artist Beverly Craw fo rd ’s has a new album . “ Beverly” is the G ram m y-nom i­ nated p erfo rm er's first release in m ore than 4 years, m arking her debut on EM I G ospel/D exterity Sounds, the record label co-ow ned by EM I G o sp el and w o rld -re­ now ned pastor, author and entre­ preneur B ishop T.D. Jakes. I he 11 -song album features a blend oftrad itio n al andcontem po- rary G ospel infused with jazz-p o p andC aribbean influences and capi­ talizes on C raw fo rd ’s tradem ark pow er vocals in both the studio and live settings. continued ’ T fc• r * * 5522 N. Albina Portland, Oregon C Mher O i arch wf God 97217 raarity Tnteta« trfffF F if# V r Ca« tor: * 503 283-1635 L tf/h o triV Y , H dsMngUut •ChriW»«« from Metro S cherzinger said that m ost o f the problem s stem from drinking w ater faucets, also called “b u b ­ blers.” H e noted that there are prob­ ably som e problem pipes as well. The district w ill im m ediately begin to replace all problem b u b ­ blers, add in-line w ater filters and, w here needed, replace pipes. R e­ pairs will be paid for w ith facility bond funds, and w ill not affect m oney designated for instruction. In high enough quantities, lead can cause d evelopm ental p ro b ­ lems, particularly in children under tw o years o f age. A ccording to the EPA , lead in w ater is alm ost never the sole cause o f serious p ro b ­ lem s. D ete rio ra tin g lead -b ased paint, usually in the hom e, is by far the m ost im portant w ay young children are exposed to lead. “N ational data tells us that lead in w ater is a m inor co n tributor to elevated lead levels, said G ary O xm an, M . D ., M ul tnom ah County H ealth O fficer. “ In dozens o f in­ vestigations o f children w ith el­ evated blood levels in M ultnom ah C ounty, drinking w ater has never been im plicated as an im portant source o f exposure.” (ChtriaM Townee) Iw to l M eet » U *R ■•nlM M U I n «nW Giri» Clwfca M|>ii’itu a l In v a s io n C o m in g Io D a n ie l M e m o r ia l Heaven Bound Deliverance Center presents Spiri­ tual Invasion 2001... The Next Level, Sept. 17-21 at 7 p.m. nightly at Daniels Memorial Church, 1234 N.E. Killingsworth. T he event is free w ith seating on a first com e, first served basis. M en and w om en, young and old alike are encouraged to attend this conference, w here you are sure to be uplifted and gain insight for your life. C onference speakers include Dr. Iona Locke, national evange­ list and founder/pastor o f A byssinia C hurch in D etroit; evangelist Joyce R odgers, international chair for the C O G IC Y outh D epart­ m ent in D enton, Texas; and evangelist R ita Tw iggs, overseer o f pastoral affairs for bishop T.D . Jakes M inistries in D allas, Texas. F orm ore inform ation call 503-727-2677. O LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 % gestion. People gru d g in g ly said they could live w ith four-story build­ ings. “ I’d like to see them low ered another ten feet, but I d o n ’t think that will happen,” one m an said. Radigan w arned, “ T hese are design concepts, not blueprints, and they could be altered.” She asked w hat features should be retained at all costs. Residents cited the design o f the row houses and the m aterials used in the larger buildings. “B ecause o f your participation, w e ’ll get a project o f the quality we w ant and deserv e,” Radigan said. Dr. O xm an further advised par­ ents that because lead has been found in Portland Public Schools water, they do not need to rush out to get their child tested. “ I f y o u ’re w orried about y o u r child and lead, y o u r re a l c o n c e rn sh o u ld be w hether they are exposed to dete­ riorating lead-paint,” he said. S ch erzin g er em phasized that lead from all sources needs to be kept as tow as possible, and that the district is being very aggres­ sive in d oing that. T he district has not used lead paint since 1974. “W e had a com plaint-driven system before to address prob­ lems such as peeling paint; now we are proactively inspecting and re­ pairing all buildings. W e urge all parents to look for and reduce potential sources o f lead at hom e as w ell,” he said. T he Portland district first tested its w ater in 1991, and was one o f the first in the state to do so. Tw enty- three schools had one or m ore sam ples over the E PA action level at that time. B ecause flushing i» one o f E PA ’s recom m ended in­ terim opt ions for low ering lead, the district continued w ith its w ater- flushing program . “ It’s now tim e for perm anent changes,” S cherzinger said. Individual school results are available on the d istrict’s W eb site at w w w .p p s.k l2 .o r.u s. 2 Real Records Presents Guilty til proven Innocent W il l p o w e r 2 Real Records will becelebrating the release oftheir new album Guilty til proven Innocent with a Celebrity Softball G am e Sat Sept. 1 from 1 - 6 at Farragut Park located on N. Kerby. This record release BBQ will include special guest 3xCrazy, G O TM , Lil Gee, Mister Spence, Cool Nutz, Bully wit Fullys, Bosko, and Tyrone Lue o f W orld Cham pions LA Lakers. This event wi 11 be fun for the whole community. DART will be present to bring awareness about drug abuse and com m unity relations. The Cas­ cade Aids Project will be present with their booth to giveaway infor­ m ation about HIV and AIDS. This will be a star gazing event you won ’ t w anttom iss. Guilty til proven Inno­ cent in STORES N O W ! T here w ill be an after party at SUKJS located at 2401 SW 4lh A ve o ffB arb erB lv d . 21 & O v er ID required. O n sale R IG H T N O W AT W e ig h t W a t c h e r s S to c k u p t o d a y A N D ST A R T L O S IN G . C j J iwntmç P oints Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. MON TUE WED 9:30am 5:00pm THUR 9:30am 5:00pm FRI 9:30am SAT 9:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 12Noon 7:00pm 7:00pm J o in a n y m e e tin g ! F o r m o re in fo r m a tio n C a ll w e e k d a y s 8 : 3 0 a m t o 5 :0 0 p m (5 0 3 )2 9 7 -1 0 2 1 (or toll free 1 -8 7 7 -2 9 7 -1 0 2 1 ) C 7001 »•»*•» watotten ha. • MJ7OI7»»1«O1 1 ft M m WClOKf WAICHf«( tr THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST August 28 through Septem ber 11, 2001 MAILER SALE! ’ OFF AFFORDABLE JJ it w as perfect. At four it w as bear­ able. A t five - it d o esn ’t it fo rm e .” She added that unlike Alberta Sim m ons, w hich has “such a flat facade,” the proposed buildings have a variety o f m aterials and details. G reene agreed and com pared it f a v o r a b ly w ith th e F re m o n t N a tu re ’s sto re, w hich he said looked like "a chicken coop from G eorgia.” T he biggest critical com m ent was that because o f street patterns and restrictions im posed by the city, traffic access to thesite will be difficult and likely to cause con­ Lead in Schools’ Drinking Water Worship with as at the: JUbina Christian Life Center Church *f God from Metro * Everything in th e store 2 DAYS ONLY - SEPT. 7th & 8th Get Connected!! Need « T elep h o n e a t Hom e? Tim e To G et « Cell Phone? Want Your OW Phone Number Back’ Confused? Too much Information? Need Features? We Offer Affordable Packages The Fastest Service— 3 to 5 days OR You Can Keep Your Old Number Get Free Call Waiting. 3-Way, *69 & More Call For Details Free Cellular Phone. Free Long Distance. Free Anytime Minutes. No Roaming. No Activation Fees, No Credit Req'd Rates as Low as 05 Cents Per Minute Order By Phone Some Restrictions Apply A v a ila b le O n ly A t : Simply Cellular A Telephone Reconnections 8040 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 100B Portland, OR 97213 ^Q%OFF FULLLOCKSMITH-SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKEDOUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE.OFFICEORCAR Why Choose?—Have it all! Can't Wait 10 days? 5 0 3 -2 8 0 -8 0 0 0 ALL FABRIC e xtende d hours S ultirthn - «•pen til 9 p m J o h n ’s H ot and Tasty D ogs Are Here! % lb. Hot Dog Kosher Beef Dog Polish Dog Chili Dogs Hot Links Pop and Chips FABRIC D E P O T C O U PO N ! S im p lic ity > P a ttern s $1 QQ JL» x x - • L im it 6 p e r c o u p o n « V a lid 9 /6 /0 1 - 9 /1 0 4 )1 • 4 days o n ly OUTDOOR WAREHOUSE SALE!! B ean's (Barter & jBeautp á>hop FINAL BLOWOUT 2 WEEKS! G lad to be W orking in M y Com m unity. C o m erofN .E . Shaver and M artin Luther King, from 10:30a.m .- 3:30p.m. ' All Fabric By The Yard <111(1 P I JL S Sale a l e . i en u h d s 9 9 n 11(11 ot IO-" Daily IO -" D a ily yd. Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 213 N.E Hancock Portland, OR 97211 282-2920 Monday. September 3, 2001 ( f o r ' / / o ur f i f omo comi ccb « 11 &603 REMODELING A REPAIRS. TOOL 4 GARDEN SHEDS FENCES. DECKS. PORCHES. DRY ROT. CERAMIC TILE. RON RECK 0301 Shakaapeare Lata» Orova. OR 07006 1 IA B O R DAY ONLY 4 0 % OFF A IL CRAFTS OPEN 9AM - 6PM Be su re t o ch eck w w w .fa b ricd ep o m Discounts (in not apph Io p m to u s h discounted o r m arked d n » n RETAIL NOI RS: Ph-60M24GOB9 F «x-533-624-0322 Pgr-eoo-axeooo I Â / / STARK S tR E fet A- MON -FRI 9 OOam-9 00pm SATURDAY 9 OOam-7 00pm SUNDAY 10 00am 7 00pm WHOLESALE HOI RS: MON -FRI 9 00am 9 00pm SATUROAY9 00am-700pm SUNDAY 10 00am 7 00pm STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES' BLOOMINGTON. ILLI Mans. K 2K T) 1 th ru 9 1 11)1 RETAIL - WHOLESALE ERNEST J. HILL, JR. “DOSE 122ntl Ave Portland, OR Agent (5 0 3 )2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 Visit our website at 1-8OO-392-3376 Off.: (503) 286-1103 Pax: (503) 286-1146 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 1