August 22,2001 Oregon State Fair Page B3 ïfyv Jlortlanò (ftbeeruer Aug. 23 - Sept. 3 T he O regon State F air w ill begin its 139* year w ith a special $1 adm ission price, a parade, a flag raising cerem ony and a huge firew orks show. For the first time since 1967, the fair and W est C oast B ank are offering $1 adm ission w ith one can o f food for everyone betw een 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. All food donations will go to the O regon Food Bank. F or m ore info., call 503/974- 3247,1-800-833-0011 or visit Alberta S tr e e t Fair: A Neighborhood Celebration Mt. Hood Huckleberry Festival Aug. 24-26 H uckleberries are now in season. M arking this event is the annual Mt. Hood H uckleberry Festival & Barlow T rail D ays at the Mt. H ood V illage, located at 65000 East U.S. H ighw ay 26 in Brightw ood. T here will be plenty o f huckleberry foods, w aterm elon contest. N ative A m erican cerem onies and m ore for the w hole family. A dm ission and parking is free. For m ore infor­ mation, call 503/622-4798. Run for the Wind II Aug. 24 - 2 6 C hinook W inds C asino & C onvention C enter is host­ ing “Run for the W ind 11,” A ugust 24-26. Saddle up and cruise to the coast for sum m er’s coolest bike event at C hinook W inds C asino, R un for the W ind II, a benefit for the O regon V eterans M otorcycle A ssociation. H elp O re g o n 's veteran com m unity w hile enjoying three days o f fun, excitem ent and good tim e s... plus a chance to w in an Indian M otorcycle. For m ore infor­ mation, call Les Eisenbaith at 1 -888-244-6665, ext. 5839. Homowo Fest. of African Arts Aug. 25-26 T he tw elfth annual H om ow o Festival o f A frican A rts will be held at Portland State U niversity’s South Park Blocks on Aug. 25 and 26, from 1 -8 p.m. T he event is expected to attract m ore than 10,000 people over the tw o days. T here w ill be A frican m usic and dance presentations, A frican food, ch ild ren 's activities and folk art dem onstrations throughout the w eekend. Call 503/288-3025 o rg o o n lin e to w w w .hom ow African sights and sounds will fill the South Park Blocks for the 12th annual Homowo Festival - a traditional Ghana harvest celebration on Aug. 25 and 26. Fenix TX Sunday, Aug. 26 A lso know n as R iverfenix, this H ouston-based group consists o f singer/guitarists W illie and D am on, bass­ ist A dam and drum m er D onnie. Fenix T X will be perform ing, plus other guest perform ers Lefty and Ten Tim es a Day on Sunday, Aug. 26,8 p.m. at the Roseland Theatre. Call 503/224-8499. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra A Broadway B it on Love D uring the last year, any visitor to N ew Y ork has seen her. She peers out from the side o f buses and adorns posters all over he city. S h e’s a fixture on c o f f e e m u g s, m o u se p ad s and e v e n in f lo a ty pens. S h e ’s the T o n y w in n in g B e s t M u s ic a l “ C o n ta c t’s ” “Girl In the Y el­ low D ress.” As “ LesM iserables” h a d its y o u n g C o sette and “ the Phantom o f the O p­ era” its m ask, a dancing figure o f a m ysterious and beautiful w om an in a shim ­ m ering, sexy yellow dress has becom e the iconic em blem for the hit show w hich arrives at Portland ’ s K eller A uditorium on Sept. 4-9. The m usical is directed and choreographed by Susan Strom an and w ritten by John W eidm an. “C ontact”, a trio o f one-act sensual stories told entirely through dance about people in the wild pursuit oflove, is perform ed to a w ide range o f music by a cast o f 24 dancer/actors w ho captivate and seduce the audience. A ccording to the director, all three pieces have to do w ith contact -- the ability to connect. A nd all three pieces are about fan­ ta sie s. W ith “ C o n ­ tact," it is a dance play. N o one sings on stage. M u sic a l n u m ­ b e rs ra n g e from S te p h a n e G r a p ­ p e lli’s rendition o f Rodgers and H art’s M y H e a rt S to o d Still,” to pieces by Grieg, T chaikovsky and Bizet, to Robert Palm er, D ean M ar­ tin, the B each B oys and The Squirrel N ut Zippers. Im m ediately upon open­ ing, “C ontact” becam e the hottest ticket in N ew Y ork and soon m oved to Lincoln C e n te r T h e a te r’s la rg e r, Broadway house, the Vivian Beaumont Theater, where it continues to play to sold-out houses, night after night. For ticket inform ation, call the Portland O pera Box O ffice at 503-241-1802 or T icketm aster at 503-790- ARTS. kmhd for the love of jazz 89.1 Aug. 29 A s a bon u s to all m em b ers o f the co m m u n ity , the V ancouver S ym phony O rch estra w ill p erform a free c o n c ert on W ed n esd ay , A ug. 29, at 7 p.m . in E sth er S h o rt P ark. T he p erfo rm an ce , so p n so red by the C ity o f V an c o u v er, is an ad d itio n to the S um m er C o n c e rt s e rie s an d fe a tu re s G e o rg e s B iz e t’s “L ’ A rlesienne: S uite # 2" and A ram K h ac h atu ria n 's “M a sq u e ra d e .” Community Music Center Concert < paper lantern w orkshop, a ““ H andkerchief B rigade Parade,” “Trashion Show ” (a public participatory fashion show spoof), to an actual w edding are ju st some o f the activities planned for that day. Fair goers will be eligible for prizes from the Alberta Street m erchants w ith an interactive activity in the form o f “The A lberta Street Passport.” Passports are available from local m erchants the day o f the fair. Form ore info, call 503-972-2206 or visit them online at w w w . such groups as B lack A ngel (soul), G ypsy Caravan (M iddle Eastern m usic and dance), and Lions o f Batucada (B razilian M arching Band) will perform . But the entertainm ent isn ’t lim ited to a stage. The street will com e alive w ith street theatre, street per­ form ers from the neighborhood and entertainm ent offered by the m any businesses along the street. A n eclectic variety o f activities and entertainm ent w ill be available from the street that has hosted the “ Last Thursday A rtw alk” for the last 4 years. A free N ortheast P ortland’s prem ier street fair is co m ­ ing again to the A Iberta neighborhood. T he Alberta StreetFair2001 is scheduled forSaturday, Sept. 15, from 11 a.m .to 6 p .m . N ow in its fourth year, the fair will stretch along A lberta Street from 14lh to 31s'. A s in the past, the street will be filled with m ulti-cultural dance, m u­ sic, art, street theatre, food, k id ’s activities, com ­ m unity services and ju st plain iun as the street celebrates its cultural diversity. O n the m ain stage, FREE CONCERTS IN YOUR PARKS! B R IN O Y O U R F A M IL Y . F R IE N D S & A P IC N I C BASKET F O R F U N -F IL L E D A F T E R N O O N S O F M U S IC A N D A R T KNO TT PARK NE 112TH A SACRAMENTO, SUNDAY. AUGUST 1 9th (Rain location: Partuose High School Gym. 12003 NE Shaver, same date and time) Aug. 31 P erry R o b in so n w ith K in g s on S traw M a ts w ill be in c o n c e rt o n F rid a y , A u g . 31 at T h e C o m m u n ity M u sic C e n te r, lo c a te d at 3 3 5 0 S .E . F ra n c is S t., 8 p .m . T h e ir s o u n d is a m ix o f a to n a l Ja z z , A fric a n rh y th m , an d a m b ie n t m u s ic w ith a to u c h o f D J th ro w n in. A F T E R N O O N E V E N T S B E G IN A T 3 : 0 0 PM Performances and art activities for all ages O REG O N S Y M P H O N Y C O N C E R T AT 7 : 0 0 P M Murry SldlIn, conductor The orchestra will perform a selection of light classics and popular favorites. Food and beverages available for purchase. KENTON PARK N BRANDON AVE. BETWEEN N. KILPATRICK & ARGYLE ST., SUN.. AUG. 26th (Rain location: Roosevelt High School, 6 9 4 1 N Central, same date and time) A F T E R N O O N E V E N T S B E O IN A T 3 : 0 0 PM Performances and art activities for all ages O REG O N S Y M P H O N Y C O N C E R T AT 7 : 0 0 P M In Print lb \ L. K k \ \ m Tot ( iim o m ; 2000 i \ Healing the Rift Between Black Couples The current divorce rate for black couples has quadrupled since 1960 and is now double that o f the general population, rates o f dom estic violence in black m arriages are skyrocketing, and nearly half o f married black m en adm it to having been unfaithful. C learly, all is not w ell w ith black couples. In “W hat’s Love G ot to Do w ith It?,” D onna Franklin, one o f the country’s leading A frican-A m erican sociologists, speaks out on these painful, com plex issues, providing an incisive and riveting analysis o f the gender tensions that are the legacy o f slavery and its afterm ath. Franklin breaks new ground in explaining why black m en and w om en have trouble relating to each other and exam ines their profoundly different starting points, w hich are influenced by generations o f racism and injustice. She show s how black w om en’s strength and self-sufficiency can be used tri nurture relationships. Likew ise, she teaches black m en how to support one another and their relationships with w om en w ithout excluding w om en, as has happened w ith the M illion M an March. The challenge o f m ending the rift betw een black men and w om en is form idable, but can be m ade easier. U nderstanding is the first step on the path to healing. I Murry Sldlln, conductor The orchestra will perform a selection of light classics and popular favorites. Food and beverages available for purchase. TO M M cC A LL W ATERFRONT PARK BOWL AREA SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE BRIDGE: THURS., AUG. 30TH (Rain date: Friday, Aug. 31st) Portland Youth Philharmonic. Huw Edwards, conductor, at 5 :0 0 pm AUGUST EVENTS Tuesday, August 7, 14, 21 and 28 LIVE IRISH OPEN SESSION Courtyard Restaurant • 7pm to 10pm • No cover • All ages James DePrelst, conductor The Oregon Symphony performs classical and popular works including Tchaikovsky's 1 8 i 2 Overture, complete with fireworks & cannons! Sunday, August 19 CRAIG CAROTHERS' SONGWRITERS IN THE ROUND Food and beverages available for purchase Kennedy School Gym • 7:30pm • $7 • All ages D O N A T E Y O U R U S E D M U S I C A L I N S T R U M E N T S : All of the Oregon Symphony In the Neighborhoods concert locations will serve as drop s ie s for VH1 Save the Music In partnership with AT&T Broadband and K IN K fm lO 2. the Symphony encourages donations of used band or orchestral Instruments to be used in various school music programs in the Portland area. Tai receipts will be available Thursday, August 30 BATTLE OF THE BANDS AND BARBECUE X Angels vs. Steve Bradley Band O R EG O N S Y M P H O N Y C O N C E R T AT 7 : 0 0 P M Kennedy School Gym • No concert cover • 7pm • All ages MOVIES ON THE BIG SCREEN Kennedy School Theater IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS Special support for the Oregon Symphony in the Neigh bo rtwnrts senes provided by | AT&T Broadband NW N a t u r a l d Washington M utual Showing great movies every evening with afternoon matinées on Saturday and Sunday. Pizza and our own wines, ales and cocktails are available. M c M e n a m in s K e n n e d y S c h o o l 5736 N F 3 3 rd • P o rtla n d , O r e g o n (503) 249-3983 • w w w .m c n ie n a m in s .c o m Education activities supported Itv the Panv Verner Education Fund z I