Page A6 ïljv ^Portland (Jßhseruer August 22,2001 O Q R T L AN C Washington Mutual + Portland Tff C*r r*4t * * " * • * FredMeyer *CHASI — W ______ _ ® T « Í M £ O Mr, And Mrs. Edward Johnson celebrated their 6 9 " wedding anniversary Aug. 6. E d w a rd J o h n so n Jan. 1!, 1913-Aug. 18,2001 Edw ard Johnson, a Portland | resident since 1943, died on Sat­ urday, Aug. 18,2001, o f natural causes. He w as 88 years o f age. Funeral services will be held at Mt. Sinai Baptist C hurch, N orth- | east 6,h and Prescott Street, at 11 a.m., T hursday, Aug. 23. Inter­ ment in W illamette National Cem- I etery. Mr. Johnson w as bom in C o­ lumbia, La, to Mr. And Mrs. Willie I J. Johnson on Jan. 11, 1913. He met his wife, M rs. U.V. I Johnson 72 years ago. As child- | hood sw eethearts, they courted and w ere later m arried on Aug. 6, 1932, in Clarks, La. From that blessed union, 12 children were I bom : 7 girls and 5 boys. During the summer o f 1943, the | fam ily m oved from L ouisiana to V anport in Portland. D uring the fall o f that year, Mr. Johnson en- I listed in the N avy and fought in W orld W ar II in the South Pacific. He was honorably discharged as a S tew ard’s M ate First C lass in O ctober 1945. On April 6, 1975, Mr. Johnson accepted Christ as his savioi and was b ap tized in M t. Sinai Baptist Church by Rev. Ranson andreceivedaCertificateofBaptism. Mr. Johnson was well know n, loved and respected by his fam ily I and friends. H e w as a s u p e r v is o r at Willamette Iron & Steel Co. (Ship­ yard). He was a great achiever and strong believer in doing all jo b s well. He cared so m uch for others and was alw ays w illing to give a helping hand. He was highly respected as an excellent supervisor and team player. D ur ing the 1970s, he was auditor for L aborer’s Local 296 in Portland. D uring 1948, Mr. Johnson joined the Laborer’s International Union o f North America. In 1998, he received his 50-Year M em ber­ ship C ertificate for his valued support o f the u nio n ’s goals and purposes, w hich represent ju s ­ tice, honor and strength. Survivors include his wife, two sons, Charles of Seattle and Walter of Portland; four daughters, Audrey Black. Dorothy Harnsjuamta Lomax and Gwendolyn Roundtree, all of Portland; son-in-law Ernest Lomax; daughter-in-law Pat Johnson; bmther-in-lawE.C. Bums; 35 grand­ children, 70great grandchildren and 16 great-great grandchildren; a sis­ ter, Mrs. Mary Howard, Alexandria, La.; six step-sisters and two step­ brothers and a host of relatives and friends. Three sons,EdwaidJr., Willie B .and John Lewis, and three daugh­ ters, Gloria Golden, Betty Martin and astillbomdaughter.precededhimin death. P hoto by S herena ---------- S mith /T O bserver . . he . . . . P ortland vznor.ntr. M e n to r s L en d H elp to Y ou n g E n tr e p r e n e u r s ^ Z e n tre p re n e u rs g a th e rw ith their adult mentors during Saturday's first annual Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs Business YouthWalk. The kids are benefiting from OAME’s Youth Entrepreneurship Program that provides training and experience to minority youth with the support and mentorship of corporations in Oregon. r y Social Club Worship with ns at the: Hosts Labor Day Affair Christian Life Center Dance with D.J. Mr. Chuck Hinton The Jack and Jill Social Club invites area residents to a dance and raffle during its “ L abor Day A ffair,” Saturday, Sept. 1, from 9 p.m. until closing at the Elks Club, 6 N. T illam ook St. (at the co m er o f T illam ook and W illiam s A venue). The entertainm ent w ill feature m usic by Mr. C huck H inton - D.J. The cost is $7 for the dance and $2 for the raffle. N orth Portland Bible College Cordially Invites You To Our j â '1 r*ari*ï Ttatetay CaN f^ 2p.m. to 6p.m. J 2 A rea M inim um 1 Sm all Hall Free P re-S pray Traffic A reas • S tairs $ 1 . 5 0 each t 905 I U P H O L S T E R Y C LEAN IN G • • • • • Sofa (un der 6 ft.) $69 Sofa (over 6 ft.) $79 Sectional $79 L oveseat $49 R eclin er $39 [CARPET * 503 283-1635 * AFFORDABLE I UPHOLSTERY « Refreshments JJ LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 /hl % FULLLOCKSMTTH-SERVIC î Î re - key and install locks , • D ining C hairs • O ttom an house , officeorcar $20 $20 J o h n ’s H ot and Tasty D ogs ^ D D m o ^ F s E R \T « ^ | A re Here! !4 lb. Hot Dog K osher B eef Dog Polish Dog C hili Dogs H ot Links Pop and C hips • A uto*B oat*R V C leaning • D eodorizing • D irt R esistant (Teflon) Protection • Pet O dor Treatm ent • Spot & Stain R em oval G lad to be W orking in M y Community. C om er ofN .E . Shaver and M artin Luther King, from N EW SER V IC E • L eather C leaning 10:30a.m. - 3:30p.m. COUPON S te p p in g O u t M e n s w e a r $25 Suits • Shirts • Neckwear • Footwear • Accessories . wa . . _ a io r e o o u r v io n - Frl 11 a - 7p Sat 11 a - 6p Each Area t o Pre-Spray Traffic Area COUPON Sofa (under 6 ft) Loveseat or Chair Live Music it " ’’.JJ. < etth-r „J I ' w r Miaisiries 3Ú2RSt. C (Mi nuver, H ushingtiw Puliin I t w i t f Jt. Irving il» "CfcrittMlay* •Owl»««. fc»r< owl «M» CluO. 1 Small Hall Free M eet the Facility & Boar// Members i ocnlkut '■ ■ i; *TavHb «M M aK aif 2 A rea M inim um kit ! O th e i f h m e h < \ l \ 5522 Portland, Oregon MARTIN CLEANING 1 I The unfolding ug oí your word goes light m a •«nur t t t t 2001 CARPET CLEAN UP Open House J teteat: CARPET CLEANING I \ . Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon 503-288-2919 C huck w fC o i fChreiané toneme) * le n t* L 10 % OfTTotal Purchase with this ad TU? > 7618 N. Interstate A venue O ne block north o f the Lom bard Fred M eyer 503-285-9500 www5TEPPINGOUTMENSWEARxom $69 $49 H CLEANING C a rp e t & U p h o ls te ry C lea n in g Commercial and Residential Services t Of % ( Al l FOR APPOINTMENTS 503-281 -3949 IJ o U f H o TTJP const REMODEL1N6 A REPAIRS. TOOL A 6 ARDEN SHEDS. FENCES. DECKS. PORCHES DRY ROT. CERAMIC TILE. RON BECK 0301 ShataapMra Late Orovw. OR 97OS6 4 sas CCB# USAOS Fn«-80O4D44XJ22 Pgr-903-204-900B i