August 22,2001 MMM hmmmmnmm Dock Workers Join Italian Protest (AP) - Union workers refused to unload an Italian-managed cargo ship at the Port o f Portland last week, protesting the death o f an Italian activist during last m onth’s riots in Genoa, Italy. About 150 longshoremen and 20 iron workers left the Port o f Portland and would not unload the Cielo Di San Frisco, said Elisa Dozono, spokeswoman for the Port ofPortland. The vessel was supposed to unload Italian oil and wine in Port­ land and pick up northwest prod­ ucts, Dozono said. About 20 local activists were at the port to protest Italian police handling o f demonstrations last month at the Group o f Eight sum­ mit in Genoa. Dozens o f activists, including 23-year-old Sherman Sparks, o f Salem, and 20-year-old Morgan Hager, o f Portland, say they were physically and mentally abused by police in Genoa after being ar­ rested at the summit protests. On Tuesday, Sparks and other detained Americans filed formal complaints against the Italian au­ thorities after a judge ordered their release. Hopes Rise For Keiko’s Freedom ( AP) - Keiko frolicked for sev­ eral hours T hursday am id fellow- killer w hales in the N orth A tlan­ tic, raising hopes that he may finally m ay be ready to jo in his own species for good. K eepers for the star o f the m ovie “ Free W illy” say it’s po s­ sible that the w hale w ill leave w ith the p od this year. O cean Futures, a nonprofit o rg an iza­ tion. brought K eiko to Iceland from the O regon Coast Aquarium to try to reintroduce the long- captive show w hale to the wild. I f K eik o ’s going to go this sum m er, h e ’ll have to do jt soon. By the last w eek o f A ugust, the Keiko, the whale made famous by Hollywood and the attempts to set him free, swims with his handlers off the coast of Iceland. killer whale migration is expected to m ove aw ay from Iceland’s W estm ann Islands for the w in­ ter. T hat’s not much time for keep­ ers to determine if a pod o f wild whales has accepted Keiko and if he could survive with them at sea. Meanwhile, divers are prepar­ ing Keiko’s floatingpen forwinter, although they’re hoping not to need it. No Quick Fix for Leaking Chinese Garden (AP) — Less than a year after it opened, the city’s Classical Chi­ nese Garden needs a major improve­ ment. iThe garden’s pond has been leaking w ater — lots o f it — since the attraction opened last Septem­ ber. Gloria Lee, garden executive director, knew there was a problem when the first water bill came in at $7,000. “The findings mean we will prob­ ably have to do some major retro­ fitting,” she said. The $ 12.8 million Suzhou-styled classical garden, created with pub­ lic money and private fund-rais­ ing, is a nonprofit, self-sustained PG E’s New Policy Director Portland General Electric has promoted Robin Tompkins to the position o f director o f federal and regional policy affairs. Tompkins will oversee the util­ ity interaction with the federal gov­ ernment and federal regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Regu­ latory Commission. She will be responsible for mak­ ing sure the interests o f PGE cus­ tomers are represented at the local, regional and federal levels, com­ pany officials said. Tompkins has served nine years as an attorney in the PGE legal v «epartment. She is a former deputy in the M ultnomah County District A ttorney’s Office. Tompkins holds a Doctor o f Jurisprudence from Pace Univer­ sity School ofLaw in W hite Plains, N. Y. and a B achelorof Arts degree from the University o f Southern California, where she was a Na­ tional Merit Scholarship recipient. An active member o f the com ­ munity, Tompkins had been in­ volved with a variety o f organiza­ tions including the United Way, the Colum bia W illam ette Girl Scouts Council, Boys & Girls Aid Society, the Oregon Epilepsy Foun­ dation, Equity Foundation and the Juvenile Rights Project. Give a Sister the Joy of Parenthood Be an Egg Donor and help an infertile African American couple start a family • We need healthy, non-smoking, African American women between the ages o f 21-32 • Limited Time Commitment Compensation Provided: $2,500 Please call Terri Lynn at OHStl: 503-418-3727 I Page A5 'Jßortlanh OObseruer corporation that leases the city block it covers. It has been suc­ cessful in its first year, earning net revenue o f $570,000, according to the Portland Development Com­ mission. The water has been seeping into the ground and flowing to the Willamette River. Surviving High Fuel Prices Is a Gas, Gas, Gas (NUE) - Americans have a real love affair with their cars. For that reason, it’s important to save gas any way you can - prices seem to be going up every day. The expertsatY ouW can help you do ju st that by giving you lots o f great tips for saving gas and money. Fortu­ nately, the surest way to improve your fuel cost problem isn ’t by buying expensive add-on equip­ ment -it’s by changing your mo­ toring habits. It’s easier than you might think. Start with engine warm-up. Avoid prolonging this process, even on the coldest mornings - 30 to 45 seconds is re­ ally all you need. Avoid reving the engine, espe­ cially just before you switch it off, because this w astes fuel and washes oil down from the insidecylinderwalls. Another good idea is to eliminate jack-rabbit sta rts. A c c e le ra te slowly when starting from a dead stop, and do n ’t push the pedal down more than a quar­ ter o f the way. This will help your carburetor operate at peak effi­ ciency. The gaso lin e you buy -and where and when - can also help you save gas. Buy it during the coolest tune of day. either early in the morn­ ing or late in the evening. Gas is most dense at these times, and because gas pum ps measure volum e o f gasoline, not density o f fuel concentration. The way you drive also can help you be more economical. Exceed­ ing 40 miles per hour makes your car work harder to overcome wind resistance. Obeying speed limits also gives you better efficiency. For example, driving at 55 mph gives you up to 21 percent better mileage, compared with former le­ gal speed limits of 65 and 75 mph. Manual shift driven cars allow you to shift to the highest gear quickly, which saves gas. Auto­ matic transmissions should be al­ lowed to cool down when your car is idling. Put the gear into the neu­ tral position, which reduces the strain on your transmission and allows it to cool off. Driving steadily is another good idea, because slowing down and speeding up waste fuel. And don ’ t overlook carpooling, which helps reduce gas expense in addition to other benefits - it helps keep the driver alert and reduces traffic congestion. k £NHEDYSCH o O, WcIWenamins vt Vt/CTTLE of 5UÏ BANOi , AND BARBECUE Rural Freeway Limit Holds at 65 (AP) - A bill to raise the speed limit to 70 miles per hour on rural Oregon freew ays was vetoed Friday by Governor John Kitzhaber, who cited safety reasons. The freeway speed limit now is 65 miles per hour, the lowest o f any Western state. Kitzhaber has long opposed raising speed limits. He says there aren’t enough state troopers on the highways to adequately enforce the laws. And legislators refused his request for two $2 million for more patrols. Kitzhaber also vetoed a capital gains tax cut sought by business, saying it mainly would help higher-income households “without a demonstrated benefit to Oregon’s economy.” Friday was the deadline for vetoing or signing mea­ sures passed by the Legislature during the session that ended July 7. Kitzhaber vetoed 17 bills and portions of two others. Thursday, August 30 X Angels us. S te v e S ia d lle q , SasuS, N o concert cover • 7pm • All ages • Kennedy School Gym McMenamins Kennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland (503) 249-3983 • H. & B. Too Now Open Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N. E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks South of Alberta Weekdays till 5:30pm - Saturdays tin 4:00pm Free Parking — State Controlled Rates — Se Habla Espanol Oregon Family Business for over 50 years. <