Page A4 August 22,2001 (Eipr JJortlanò (fibecruer i? Opinion {.lurtlanò • • Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f Œlje flortlan h ©boeruer Q líje Chinese Olympics a Setback For Human Rights “¡ j î a r t l a n i t Congress’ failure to object is reminiscent of Nazi Olympics of 1936 (© b s e r tie r USPS 959-680 Established 1970 STAFF E d it o r C P h i e in f , u b l is h e r C h a rle s H . W a sh in g to n • E d it o r L a r r y J . J a c k s o n , S r. B M u s in e s s anager G a ry A nn T ay lo r A sst . P ublisher M ichael L eig h to n C I o p y E d it o r Jo y R am os C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r R o b e rt P a r k e r 4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mal adtoo^ltariSptittandQfasenerjoam P ostmaster : Send address changes ‘ to Portland Observer PO Box 3137 Bv W alt B rown F or the P ortland O bserver T he R epublican leaders in C on­ gress have again dem onstrated the d ish o n esty o f th eir p a rty ’s so- called “com passionate conserva­ tism .” Last m onth, as the International O lym pics C om m ittee prepared to m eet in M oscow to decide w hether to site the 2008 gam es in C anada, France or C hina, G O P leaders re­ fused to allow a vote on a resolu­ tio n c o n d e m n in g th e B e ijin g selection. H ouse C oncurrent Resolution 73 w as introduced in A pril by C on­ gressman Tom Lantos, D-Calif. The m easure stipulated that C h in a's selection as host site be contin­ gent on the P eo p le’s R epublic o f China releasing all political prison­ ers, ratifying the International Cov­ enant on C ivil and Political Rights and observing internationally rec­ ognized hum an rights. Supporters quoted from official state departm ent findings that said C hina continues to restrict free­ dom ofreligion. For example, Falun G ong practitioners w ere said to be subject to police beatings, deten­ tion u nder extrem ely harsh condi­ tions, and torture. C hina w as also accused o f vio­ lence against w om en. an d o fb ein g coercive in its family planningprac- tices - w hich som etim es included forced abortion and forced steril­ ization. T he C hinese governm ent w as also said to restrict w orker rights and use forced labor in prison fa­ cilities. T he Inform ation C enter for Hu­ man Rights and Democracy, a Hong K ong-based group, alleges that at least 10,000 m em bers o f the Falun G ong are beging held in m ore than 300 labor cam ps and that 98 have been killed. T he O lym pic co m m ittee’s rea­ soning for aw arding the gam es to China, in short, w as that this w ould e n c o u r a g e th e “ B u tc h e rs o f T iananm en S quare’’ to clean up their act. B ut ju st a w eek after leading the com m ittee dow n the prim rose path, C hinese leaders show ed their true c o lo r s , a g a in a t B e i j i n g ’s T iananm en Square, by subduing a handful o f Falun G ong protestors. Holding the 1936SummerOlym- pics in N azi G erm any d id n ’t lead H itler to clean up his act either. C oncentration cam ps w ere “ in b u sin ess” w ell before the opening cerem ony on Aug. 1 o f that year. M ore than a year earlier, trade unionists rallied in N ew Y ork C ity to bo y co tt the 1936 gam es. A rally p o ste r u rg ed “ trad e unionists” to help “liberate the race, religious, labor and other anti-N azi prisoners held in N azi co n cen tra­ tion cam ps!” A nd ju st tw o w eeks before the opening cerem ony, there w as a “clean up” by B erlin p o lice w ith som e 800 G ypsies im prisoned in a “cam p” w ithin the city. T h a t A u g u s t, w h ile J e s s e O w ens, the leg en d ary A frican- A merican athlete w as w inning four (Above) A photograph from a Nazi Party lecture on genetics and race, two years before the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, focuses on one o f 500 children in Germany viewed by the Nazis as racially inferior to their Germanic classmates. (Left) Jesse Owens, the legendary African-American athlete, won four gold medals in the Berlin Olympics o f 1936 under the cloud o f Nazi Germany and Adolph Hitler's racist regime. O lym pic gold m edals, a huge co n ­ centration cam p w as u n d er co n ­ struction o utside Berlin. W hen the cam p opened in the fall, the p riso n ers co n sisted o f political o pponents o f the N azi re­ gim e, including liberals, socialists, and com m unists, as wel 1 as several hundred Je h o v ah ’s W itnesses. O ne o f the m ost p o ig n an t pho­ tos o f this era w as o f an A frican- G erm an g irl stan d in g w ith her “A ryan” classmates. Nazi Germany used this photo in a lecture on genetics and race and to ju stify a policy o f forced sterilization o f people the N azis view ed as racially inferior. T his girl was one o f about 500 teenagers referred to as “Rhineland b astards,” w hose m others w ere G erm ans and fathers w ere A frican soldiers o f F rench colonial troops sta tio n e d in the R h in elan d , in so u th w estern G erm an y , in the years after W orld W ar I. I w onder how m any o f the m ore than 300 C hinese “ labor cam ps" today will still be in operation in the su m m erof2008? I w onder how m any o f these “ labor cam ps” w ill be m anufactur­ ing products for sale in the U nited States in violation o f federal law banning the im portation o f goods produced by slave labor? I w onder how m any o fth e thou­ sands o f reporters in B eijing dur­ ing the 2008 O lym pics w ill bother o r even b e perm itted to leave their a ir- c o n d itio n e d a n d sa n itiz e d O lym pic V illage hotels to find out the an sw er to these tw o questions? Former State Sen. Walt Brown, a retired U.S. Navy JAG Com­ mander. served in China during WWIt. A lifetime civil libertarian, he joined the NAACP in 1949 while in law school. Later he stud­ ied constitutional law at Harvard. In 1983 Brown received a special ACLU award fo r his work in Sa­ lem against the death penalty. He currently is Chair Emeritus fo r th* Socialist Party o f Oregon. Portlarid, OR 97208 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Change is good. Subscriptions are $60.00 per year And it’s not as hard as you may think. D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: A lot of things, from th e gro w th in high-tech in d u strie s to increased p o p u latio n , tell u s th e energy cru n ch o u r region is facing rig h t now will co n tin u e for aw hile. D ealing w ith it m ean s th at each of u s has to change th e w ay w e u se energy. A nd w e h av e to sta rt now. Hero are som e changes an d tips that will m ake a difference now an d in the future: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon T he Portland O bserver w el­ com es freelance subm issions. M anuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned i f accom panied by a self addressed envelope. All cre­ ated design display ads becom e the sole property o f the new spa­ per and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent ofthe general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 TH E PO R T­ LAND OBSERV ER A LL rk ; htsrlservt . d , repro - D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T W m iO C T P E R M B SIO N »P R O H IB IT E D . T h e P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r - O regon’s O ldest M ulticultural PuMtcaDon-LsamemberoftheNa- honal Newspaper A ssociation- Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amai- gamaled Publishers. Inc. New Yotk, NY, and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver.< I ■ Sw itch to com pact fluorescent bulbs in lights th at rem ain on th ree o r m ore h o u rs p er day. T h ey u se o n ly o n e q u a rte r th e en erg y o f re g u la r b u lb s. ■ C lean lightbulbs a n d fixtures. 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