Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 22, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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    August 22,2001
ïh e
Back to School
Items Needed
P a r tic ip a tin g m e rc h a n ts at
Jantzen Beach Super C enter will be
g a th e rin g n ew b a c k p a c k and
school supplies for students re­
turning to school this fall.
Fam ilies are encouraged to d o ­
nate new backpacks and supplies
at participating stores.
The school item s w ill be given
to ‘h e T ouchstone Program , part
o fth e M ultnom ah C ounty D epart­
m ent o f C om m unity and Fam ily
Services, and to several program s
in C lark County.
S chool b ac k p ac k s an d su p ­
Page A3
JJ ü rt lañó OObseruer
Congresswoman Gets Lesson in Medical Lasers
O rego n M edical L a ser C en ter
re sea rc h sc ie n tis t Dr. H ua Xie
w a tc h e s a s C o n g ressw o m a n
D arlene Hooley, D-Ore.,
p erfo rm s la se r tis s u e fu sio n to
a co w liver. H ooley to u re d th e
Oregon M edical L a ser C enter,
b a s e d a t P ro vid en ce St.
V incent M edical C enter, o n e o f
th e c o u n try ’s lea d in g facilities
th a t h a r n e s s e s th e p o w e r o f
la sers for m ed icin e, su rg ery
a n d research.
p lies are im p o rtan t fo r stu d e n ts
b ec au se it en h a n ce s se lf-e stee m
and a d esire to p u rsu e e d u c a ­
tional goals.
“ I w ould like to see ev ery ch ild
b eg in the schoo l y ea r w ith a new
b a c k p a c k ,” said Ja c k ie H arris,
m a r k e tin g d i r e c t o r a t th e
S uperC enter.
Item s can be dropped o ff at
Kmart, Staples and the custom er
service counter in the cen ter food
court area through Sept.9.
For more information, call Harris
at 360-699-4644 o r503-286-9103.
New Bike Racks
T ri-M et has decided to install
bike racks in all its low -floor M AX
light rail cars next month.
T he racks w ill allo w rid ers to
h an g th eir b ik e s from the ceiling.
E ach ca r w ill be able to h o ld four
T ra n sp o rta tio n o ffic ia ls d e­
cid ed to put the rack s in w hen
o th e r rid ers co m p lain ed th ey g ot
bike g rease on th eir c lo th e s from
stan d in g n ear b ik e s p ark e d n ear
the doorw ay.
The current policy allow s bikes
on trains if riders hold them in the
open space near the doors.
Exercise to County Moves Into Blanchard Building
the Body
M ultnom ah County has m oved
into a portion o f the Blanchard
Building, located at 501 N. Dixon
Street, from the Portland School
County officials say this part­
nership dem onstrates the co u n ty ’s
support for the schools by provid­
ing m uch-needed financial assis­
tance and is a creative w ay to fill
Portland Public S ch o o ls’ excess
A n a d v iso ry g ro u p , led by
Multnomah County Chair Linn, rec­
om mended to the PPS Board that
th e B la n c h a rd B u ild in g w as
underutilized and excess space
should be leased to outside tenants.
In early spring, the county and
PPS negotiated a 99-year, $3.5 m il­
lion lease for approxim ately46,000
square feet o f the Blanchard Build­
“This is a prim e exam ple o f the
type o f creative, revenue generat­
in g p a r tn e r s h ip s th e c o u n ty
should be entering into. It enabled
us to continue to provide financial
support for the schools w hile m eet­
ing the physical space needs o f
departm ents,” states C hair Linn.
T he school d istrict has also
transferred its fleet m aintenance to
the county w ith the acquisition o f
the fleet m aintenance shop at the
Blanchard facility.
Tuition-free Classes for Seniors at PSU
Registration for fall quarter
will officially begin Sept. 17 for
Oregon seniors who are taking
advantage o f tuition-free classes
at Portland State University.
The program is open to any
Oregon resident, aged 65 or
F a n g N ing u s e s slo w h a n d
m o v e m e n ts to d raw from th e
e n e rg ie s o f nature.
A rea residents can leam how
to use an inner visualization
technique, com bined w ith slow
hand m ovem ents, to draw from
the energies o f nature and cre­
ate a self-healing in a popular
C h in ese exercise called the
H eaven, Earth, Sun and M oon
over. Seniors may audit any o f
the university’s regular classes
at no tuition on a space-avail­
able basis.
The Senior Adult Learning
Center is a part of the Institute
on Aging at the College o f Ur-
ban and Public Affairs, and is
located in the Urban Center
Building at Southwest 6th and
For more information, call
503-725-4739 or visit the cam­
pus center.
Patients Sought in Research Study
A n are a re se a rc h e r is seek in g
peo p le w ho su ffe r from u lc e r­
a tiv e c o litis to p a rtic ip a te in a
clin ic al rese arch trial to test a
new delayed-release anti-inflam -
m ato ry drug.
T he study w ill include free lab
w o rk , stu d y -rela ted p h y sical e x ­
am s, stu d y -rela ted m ed icatio n
an d sig m o id o sco p y .
P ro sp e ctiv e m en an d w om en,
ag e 18 to 75, w h o m ig h t be e li­
g ib le for the stu d y , sh o u ld co n ­
tact Dr. G eorge K oval at 503-292-
Legal Sendees
Preventive Legal
Help & Assistance
Defensive Driving
Comprehensive Wills & Yearly Updates
Debts, Dispute Decisions, Divorce
And more
$26.00 or less per month
For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll
Norman Ross
(503) 757-8409
Classes on this dynam ic tech­
nique will be given by M aster
O u W en W ei, an internation­
ally renow n author and lecturer
fro m C h in a a t N a tu r e ’ s
‘W ellness C enter’, located at
3535 N.E. 15'*’and Fremont, Fri­
day through Sunday, Aug. 24 -
26. For m ore inform ation, call
503-675-9809 o r go online to
w w w .pangushengong.o rg .
Blood Test to
Detect Early
Breast Cancer
W hile m am m ogram s rem ain the
best defense in detecting breast
cancer, a new type o f b lood test
m ight soon com plem ent the role o f
m am m ography in finding breast
cancer early.
P rovidence Portland M edical
C enter is one o f only six m edical
research cen ters in the U nited
States that is enrolling patients in
aclinical trial to exam ine the effec­
tiveness o f the blood test.
C alled the N M P66 blood test,
this new diagnostic tool developed
b y M atritech, Inc., uses a tech­
nique called “m ass spectrom etry”
to m easure the elevation o f spe­
cific proteins in the blood.
In earlier trials, elevated protein
levels w ere found in all sam ples
from w om en w ith invasive breast
cancer. T he protein levels w ere
norm al for w om en w ho did not
have breast cancer.
For m ore info., call Jon Siegal at
508-647-9782,extension 15.